I tried to download fckeditor but there was no bin file containing any dll's after extracting the zip from: http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=75348&filename=FCKeditor_2.6.4.zip
Am I being dense? Where is the bin file?
FCKEditor is just Javascript and CSS files, the .NET integration is in another package.
Note you need the one you downloaded too.
You're probably looking for the FCKeditor.Net WebControl. There is a separate download for this. See http://www.fckeditor.net/download.
I need to send my app to others and am using the iText.sharp library to merge PDF files.
What DLL's do I need to include in my distribution package?
I found the 2 DLL's that were needed out of the dozen or so from the package that made this work, itextsharp.dll and BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll.
I downloaded Velocity 2.0 (Engine-Core-2.0 JAR) from the Apache Velocity website, http://velocity.apache.org/download.cgi#engine , and am unable to use it:
The JAR is unreadable in ZIP Viewers like PeaZip, is there something special about this JAR?
velocity-engine-core-2.0.jar Archive is not readable.
Also in Eclipse,
Archive for required library: velocity-engine-core-2.0.jar' in project '..' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file
Also, another question: Velocity used to be packaged as a single JAR, like velocity-1.6.jar or velocity-1.7.jar. Why is 2.0 different?
The download links don't take into account the selected mirror (the fix is underway). Meanwhile, replace "http://velocity.apache.org" in the jars URLs with the mirror URL.
EDIT: the fix went through, the links should now work.
The file is required to use the Flash player in SoundJS (see here), but is not included in any of their downloadable builds.
The latest file is in the zipped source code, in src\soundjs\flashaudio\FlashAudioPlugin.swf. You can also get the latest version here.
FlashAudioPlugin content is considered an extra and is not included in the cdn builds, but you can find versioned builds on the github repo in the lib folder. The swf file can be found in the src/soundjs/flashaudio folder.
If you need older copies of the swf, then can be found in the releases on github.
Hope that helps.
I need to add the apache poi to my project (I need hssf, ss and xssf). I downloaded a jar file from the internet but it does not contain xssf. I went to http://poi.apache.org/ and I downloaded this: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/poi/release/src/poi-src-3.9-20121203.zip, I extract it..and got stucked. I tried Part 1 but that was only for JavaDoc.
How should I proceed from here?
Download The latest stable release: Apache POI 3.16-FINAL distribution,
open your eclipse project properties,
Java Built Path > Libraries > Add external JARs,
then extract the zip file you downloaded and navigate the extracted folder,
select all the JARs under the sub folders (docs, lib, ooxml-lib),
then finally in the Order and Export section put marks to jar libs you just added,
and click OK.
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You should head to the Apache POI Download Page, and then download the binary release. The binary releases have -bin- in their file names. The binary releases contain the POI jars, and their dependencies.
What you've downloaded with -src- in the name is the source package, which contains everything you need to build Apache POI yourself, but if you just want to get started you're much better off with the pre-compiled binary package.
My PackageMaker project was generating a .mpkg file, but then, all of the sudden, when I go to build, it only generates .pkg files. The .mpkg files are actually directories into which I place my custom installer bundle along with an InstallerSections.plist file to specify the order in which my custom view should display. The .pkg files are not directories and I have no way to add my custom installer bundle to it.
Anyhow, something is awry as PackageMaker no longer lets me generate a .mpkg file. Any idea why that might be? Is there some other way I should be approaching this?
p.s. If you are thinking of suggesting I ought to check out this tutorial, please don't bother. It's way out of date. Thanks.
Your pmdoc is a distribution project, and you've set the pmdoc's minimum system version to 10.5. PackageMaker always generates flat packages in this case.
There are three solutions:
Choose “Install Properties…” from the Project menu, and set the pmdoc's minimum system version to 10.4. This is the go-back-to-.mpkg solution.
Use the Flat Package Editor (hidden inside the PackageMaker bundle) to add the custom installer bundle. The contents of a .pkg file are the same as, and lain out similarly to, those of a .mpkg bundle.
Since flat packages are xar archives, use xar to extract the contents of the .pkg file to a temporary directory, add the custom installer bundle in that directory, then use xar to re-assemble the .pkg file from the temporary directory.