Where is the best place to download FlashAudioPlugin.swf when using SoundJS? - soundjs

The file is required to use the Flash player in SoundJS (see here), but is not included in any of their downloadable builds.

The latest file is in the zipped source code, in src\soundjs\flashaudio\FlashAudioPlugin.swf. You can also get the latest version here.

FlashAudioPlugin content is considered an extra and is not included in the cdn builds, but you can find versioned builds on the github repo in the lib folder. The swf file can be found in the src/soundjs/flashaudio folder.
If you need older copies of the swf, then can be found in the releases on github.
Hope that helps.


Metaplex-master on github only has Readme file

I am trying to set up a Solana candy machine. I am using the Hasplips Metaplex-master but it only has one readme file. Its supposed to have a js folder, some .JSON files and more. Can any send me a link to the correct Metaplex-master for the candy machine? I can only find the Metaplex contain a readme file.
When I extracted the files all I found was a read me file. I created a js folder myself and tried to run some yarn commands in the Visual Studio code terminal but I need the other .json files that were supposed to be there to execute the commands.
You are using a very old guide. The js sdk has been deprecated and removed from that repo for months now.
It is way easier to create a candy machine with sugar, e.g. following this guide https://docs.metaplex.com/programs/candy-machine/how-to-guides/my-first-candy-machine-part1

How to check version of AFNetworking?

I am thinking about upgrading my current project, but I don't know which version I have. Is there a way to tell?
You can always check Podfile.lock it will show you the last version and all its dependencies.
No, you can't.
AFNetworking saves its version to the CHANGES file, you do can't find any version mark in any source files.
If the version number is very important to your project, you can scan the UIKit+AFNetworking folder and AFNetworking folder in the source code hosting on Github. According to commit log, to diff some specific code snippet for checking if it exists in a specific version.
If there's a "CHANGES" file found somewhere within your AFNetworking directory, that should contain the version number.

What is the difference between 7zip's 7z.sfx and 7zsd.sfx?

I can't figure out what the difference is between the 7z.sfx file available with 7zip and the downloadable 7zsd.sfx from the developer's site, which is not bundled with 7zip. The 7z.sfx appears not to honor my request to include the config.txt file I created for it, but the 7zsd.sfx inclusion method works perfectly.
7zip comes with 7z.sfx bundled. The application history.txt in the program files directory shows that 7zsd.sfx used to be bundled with 7zip back in 2005. 7z.sfx is referred to as "uncompressed SFX" in the history.txt file as well.
This is the config used:
This is the syntax I'm using and the responding behavior:
C:\Users\<me>\Desktop\Updater\Recorder>copy /b 7z.sfx + config.txt + "RecorderVer0.0.0.4".7z "RecorderVer0.0.0.4".exe
1 file(s) copied.
The same response occurs with the use of 7zsd.sfx indicating that indeed the config file included is being utilized. However, when executing the 7z.sfx created RecorderVer0.0.0.4".exe the prompt for where to install the contents of the 7z archive is prompted for. Using the 7zsd.sfx created RecorderVer0.0.0.4.exe version directs files to the config set location without any prompting as desired.
To my knowledge 7z.sfx is not downloadable via the developer's site, but I may be wrong. His official page is no longer available, but the information provided from the Internet Archive should be adequate.
I had this previously posted as a comment to my own question.
I found the answer to my question in 7-Zip documentation of all places! :) Looks like there are a total of 4 sfx modules and these are the differences:
SFX_Module : Description
7z.sfx : Windows version.
7zCon.sfx : Console version.
7zS.sfx : Windows version for installers.
7zSD.sfx : Windows version for installers (uses MSVCRT.dll).
Source: http://sevenzip.sourceforge.jp/chm/cmdline/switches/sfx.htm
Acquiring the 7zS.sfx and/or 7zSD.sfx stuffs is easy:
The installers are on the official download page. Just look for keyword 7-Zip Extra. Version 9.20 for example is https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z920_extra.7z
Just in case anybody stumbles across this post looking for the 7zS.sfx and 7zSD.sfx, you can find the 7z_extra files for the (currently) latest version at http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/files/7-Zip/9.22/7z922_extra.7z/download.
I was also looking for the other sfx modules and managed to find them in the related LZMA SDK archive on the actual 7-zip website:
Download the latest version of the LZMA SDK and look in the bin folder.

cannot see bin folder in fckeditor download

I tried to download fckeditor but there was no bin file containing any dll's after extracting the zip from: http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=75348&filename=FCKeditor_2.6.4.zip
Am I being dense? Where is the bin file?
FCKEditor is just Javascript and CSS files, the .NET integration is in another package.
Note you need the one you downloaded too.
You're probably looking for the FCKeditor.Net WebControl. There is a separate download for this. See http://www.fckeditor.net/download.

How to keep synchronized, per-version documentation?

I am working on a small toy project who is getting more and more releases. Until now, the documentation was just a set of pages in the wordpress blog I setup for the project. However, as time passes, new releases are out and I should update the online documentation to match the most recent release.
Unfortunately, if I do so, the docs for the previous releases will "disappear" as my doc pages are updated to the most recent version, therefore I decided to include the documentation in the release package and to keep the most recent documentation available online as a web page as well.
A trivial idea would be to wget the current docs from the wordpress pages, save them into the svn and therefore into the release package, repeating the procedure at every new release. Unfortunately, the HTML I get must be hacked by hand to fix the links (or I should hack wordpress to use BASE so that the HTML code is easily relocatable, something I don't want to do).
How should I handle the requirements of having at the same time:
user-browsable documentation for the proper version included in the downloadable package
most recent documentation available online (and properly styled with my web theme)
keep synchronized between the svn and the actual online contents (in wordpress, or something else that fits nicely with my wordpress setup)
easy to use
Edit: started a bounty to see if I can lure more answers. I think this is a quite important issue, and it would be nice to have multiple hints and opinions for future readers.
I would check your pages into SVN, and then have your webserver update from its local SVN working copy when you're ready to release. Put everything into SVN--wordpress, CSS, HTML, etc.
WGet can convert all the links in the document for you. See the convert-links option:
Using this in conjuction with the other methods could yield a solution.
I think there are two problems to be solved here
how and where to keep the documentation aligned with the code
where to publish the documentation
For 1 i think it's best to:
keep the documentation in a repository (SVN or git or whatever you already use for the code) as a set of files, instead of in a db as it is easier to keep a history of changes (an possibly to stay in par with the code releases
use an approach where the documentation is generated from a set of source files (you'd keep the sources in the repository) from which the html files for the distribution package or for publishing on the web are generated. The two could possibly differ, as on the web you'd need to keep some version information (in the URL) that you don't need when packaging a single release.
To do "2" there are several tools that may generate a static site. One of them is Jekyll it's in ruby and looks quite complete and customizable.
Assuming that you use a tool like jekyll and keep the files and source in SVN you might setup your repo in this way:
That is:
You keep the current documentation beside the source in the trunk
When you do a release you create a tag for the release
you configure your documentation generator to generate documentation for each of the repo/tags//documentation directory such that the documentation for each release is put in documentation_site/ directory
So to publish the documentation (point 2 above):
you copy on the server the contents of the documentation_site directory, putting it in the same base dir of your wordpress install or linking from that, such that each release doc can be accessed as: http://yoursite/project/docs/relXX/
you create a link to the current release documentation such that it can always be reached as http://yoursite/project/docs/current
The trick here is to publish the documentation always under a proper release identifier (in the URL, on the filesystem) and use a link (or a redirect) to make sure that the "current documentation" on the web server points to the current release.
I have seen some programs use help & manual. But I am a Mac user and I have no experience with it to know if it's any good. I'm looking for a solution myself for Mac.
For my own projects, if that were a need, I would create a sub-dir for the documentation, and have all the files refer from the known-base of there relatively. For example,
index.html -- refers to images/example.jpg
-- subdirs....
section/index.html -- links back to '../index.html',
-- refers to ../images/example.jpg
If the docs are included in the SVN/tarball download, then they are readable as-is. If they are generated from some original files, they would be pre-generated for a downloadable version.
Archive versions of the documentation can be unpacked/generated and placed into named directorys (eg docs/v1.05/)
Its a simple PHP script that can be written to get a list the subdirs of the /docs/ directory from the local disk and display a list, and highlighting the most recent, for example.