setting timeout on a SSIS 2005 script task - sql-server-2005

I am using a script task in ssis 2005 which takes some time and getting a problems timing out with "The operation has timed out". Where abouts is the setting to change the timeout period? I cant seem to find it in the properties in task and I do not wish to make a global change to timeout.

Probably the problems with timeout is in the databases. You should define a new timeout in the connection managers you have in your SSIS package


SQL Agent Job - exceptions handling in ETL package

I have a question on the SSIS below.
I have created an ETL package using SSIS.
I uses SQL Agent Job with the steps below.
i. DB backup - Pre-ETL
ii. Call the ETL package for execution.
iii. DB backup - Post ETL
Due to connectivity issue, I would like to set the retry attempts in the Job step. However, as i know, the retry attempt will restart the step from the beginning instead of continue from the point it failed.
My question: Is it possible to set the SQL Agent job to continue from where the point it failed?
- ETL is configured to load data into 100 tables.
- When it load until 51th table, connection issue happen caused the ETL process to failed.
- I want to set it to retry and continue to load the data at 51th table.
Any advice are welcome.

SSAS - Communication link failure : Shared Memory Provider Timeout when trying to process a Big Dimension

The processing of one dimension in the SSAS environment or in SSIS failed with the following error :
Communication link failure; 08S01; Shared Memory Provider: Timeout error [258]. ; 08S01.
Operation canceled; HY008.
I use the following Processing Options:
-Parallel (All objects will be processed in a single transaction)
-Maximum parallel tasks : Let the server decide
-Storage mode of dimension: MOLAP
I know that this is a timeout message and I already searched for a resolution or an workaround and I couldn't find something useful.
Could anyone advice for an workaround?
Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect Object Explorer to SSAS. Right click on the server node and choose Properties. Go to the General tab and check the "Show Advanced (All) Properties". The ExternalCommandTimeout property defaults to 3600 seconds which is 1 hour. If you think processing will complete in 10 hours then change that property to 36000 and click OK. Then try processing again.

LOCK_MODE_WAIT Configuration in Geronimo Datasource for Informix DB

The application which we are currently working on with Informix DB and Geronimo app server, is throwing Lock Timeout expired exception since one of the "READ" operations is taking a long to time to complete the transaction and there is another UPDATE operation changing the record.
The approach was to increase the lock wait time out value, so that the transactions can wait for existing transactions to be completed.
The following configuration was made in the datasource definition for the informix database under the geronimo console.
However we are still getting the lock wait timeout exception.
Is there any other solution to increase the lock wait timeout value?

Increase Sql timeout in .net

I am gettting SQL time out error in my .net service.
As the service is already installed on the production, is there any way I can increase the timeout for the service from App.Config file.
At present, I am getting this exception after one minute, I have to make it to around 10 hours because the stored procedure we are using takes 2-2 hours to execute.
You could try setting the CommandTimeout property on your SqlCommand. I hope you are not doing this in an ASP.NET application.
You can set the timeout in your connection string with "connect Timeout = 100000000;" or whatever you want your timeout to be
The time out setting is up to database server.
In SQL Server Manager open the SQL Server Properties and pick the connection tab and set time out as big as You need.
zero goes for no timeout.

ssms script trigger timeout

Using the SSMS (Sql server management studio) 2008 ide, I frequently get timeouts asking it to script a trigger (or table) to a new query editor window.
This particular time, the error message is Script failed for Trigger 'spbldrom_update'.
Additional information:
- An exception occurred while executing a Trasact-SQL statement or batch.
- Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. (Microsoft SQL Server)
It takes about 5 minutes for the timeout to occur.
It happened on my prior computer. It happens on my new Windows XP computer, and my new Windows 7 computer.
I have searched for other people reporting this, but have not found many reports, and no answers, other than increasing the timeout. But since it takes about 5 minutes to get the timeout, I don't think increasing the timeout will help.