API error when testing Win Phone 8 App for the Store - api

I get this error when testing my Win Phone 8 app for the store.
I can't find much information about solving it or even what it means. The app runs perfectly in debug and release.
Any ideas?

You or some subroutine is calling CreateMutexExA() somewhere, which you can't use on WP. If it's in your code, you can call CreateMutexExW() instead. If not, you're stuck looking for another library for that functionality. See this link for more information on which calls can be made on WP.


Windows phone store app can't be found

I just developed my first app for windows phone and put it into the windows phone app store. Everything worked fine, I got the message the app was accepted, so I started looking for it in the app store. Many searches later I still couldn't find it.
The other strange part was, that I can't even find it with the direct link which I get under "Link zum Store" (German, stands for: link to store) When I click the link, I 404 page.
Any reason why this is the case, I made the app available in all countries, regions and windows phones 8.1 . The link to the app is: http://www.windowsphone.com/s?appid=f383f584-a864-4f07-a4bc-5c709f750865
Depending on when the app got published, it might take some time for it to propagate and become available through direct links or search.
For example, I can already see your app through direct link, I can also see it in Windows Phone Store through that link and install it.
it takes a couple of days... MS makes it seem like it will be instantaneous...
My first app took 3 days to "show up"... hurry up and wait :-)

How do I find a certain application on the user's PC and transfer data to it? (VB)

I'm developing an app on the Windows desktop so Win7 users have the app, but for Win8 users I'm also developing a Metro app.
My problems are,
if a user opens a file (e.g. "Blue.xyz"), I want an app to come up that asks which environment to open it in, but first it has to find all the apps that can open the file and display them.
Then I need to pass the data as a parameter to the app Chosen.
In the .NET framework 4.5.1, I can't find the System.GetEnvironmentVariable command so I can create a common location for both environments to access. These are my options:
Comment for clarification.
Regarding your 3rd question, the function is there, just now showing on MSDN page:
After having an inspiration, I found some code that can get pretty close to what I want.
Dim filepicker As New Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileOpenPicker
CommonFolder = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary
I should just be able to tack this on the end after that:
and it should give me "C:\Users\someuser" and then I can add "\MyAppStorage"
Thanks for all the help though! This code isn't very clean, so feel free to edit and make it better!

Return Lync presence with VB.net

I am working on a solution to a problem at work where we can't tell if someone is on the phone or just sitting there. We use Microsoft Lync to place our calls and I was hoping to be able to add a bit of code to an existing .net application to show the presence of the person logged into the machine. That info will send that out via USB to an indicator light I previously built.
So basically I am trying to create a .net version of those 'ON AIR' lights you see at radio stations.
I have been searching for the last few days and haven't found a solution. I also downloaded the Microsoft Lync Controls SDK, but no luck with that either.
The following site provides a couple of ways of getting the user availability: http://rcosic.wordpress.com/2011/11/17/availability-presence-in-lync-client/
You may also be interested in the BusyLight if you still haven't implemented this solution. It's a USB light which shows your presence, as you describe.
There's a video demo of it in action here.

iOS Crash Reporter Service / Alternative to MacDevCrashReports.com

I'm looking for a iOS crash reporter web service. I know MacDevCrashReports but they currently do not accept new sign ups.
I know there is a open source crash reporter framework on GitHub, but I don't want to put that stuff on a server, configure it and so on. A nice web service would be much nicer.
I've been using Crittercism for my iOS and Android apps. It's saved me a LOT of time. It has a few more features than BugSense and Hoptoad.
MacDevCrashReports is running out, since I am not able to continue providing the service for free, the amount of data is just too huge. 100.000 crash reports e.g. require about 2GB of storage. BUT I am working on a new service with some friends to provide enhanced functionality for managing crash reports and other developer related data. You might want to check for HockeyApp for news about that.
Until then, you can also use the source MacDevCrashReports is based on, on your own web server. It is completely open source and available at GitHub.
The process of collecting crashes is using PLCrashReporter. Which is more reliable and is async-safe. There are also cases of crashes, like crashes in objc runtime, where it will result in a deadlock (Information by Landon Fuller, creator of PLCrashReporter).
Symbolication of PLCrashReporter created crash log files, can be done with the dSYM bundles, check this description.
Regarding the AppStore argument from Peter. As Patrick points out, this is not working for Ad-Hoc builds, which is one big issue, since you want to find and fix the crashes while testing. On the other side, the crash reports in iTunes Connect are very inaccurate:
The data set only updates once a day
The data is only available after users sync their devices with iTunes and only IF they agreed sending that data. Since most users don't understand the dialog, they deny
You only get a subset of crashes, the top 5
You don't get instant reports, as opposed using an in-app reporter
You don't get grouping of similar crashes as the web service does
You don't get a web interface to work with the crashes, make notes, mark as fixed, etc.
iTunes connect reports for my app to have 0 (zero) crashes, but in my database there are about 200! Check this blog post by futuretap about their experience and findings of using an in-app crash reporter.
There is a new service called BugSense . Give it a shot!
For ad-hoc crash reports you can use TestFlight. It has TestFlights SDK, using which you can collect crash reports and additional data, checkpoints, feedbacks.
If you're distributing through the App Store, you should get crash reports in iTunes Connect.
We're playing around with Hoptoad for some apps. Looks to work pretty well.
I've used HockeyApp and Crashlytics with great success. HockeyApp is nice in that once you've added your IPA file to their service they even provide a download page for you to distribute your build to your testers.
Crashlytics is a little cleaner from a UX perspective but it's still in beta and has a bit of a wait period whereas HockeyApp you can use immediately and it's a bit more mature. It also seems Crashlytics gives preference to apps that are already in the app store when you sign up for the program.
You can also check out BugHD,support iOS,Mac & Android Crash Report
For tracking crashes, I really like Appsee for iOS (although also great for Android apps). It gives detailed crash reports, and also session recordings that let you visually monitor all crashes within your app.
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
return true

Is it possible to access text message information through iPhone SDK

I am developing an application where in i want to alert the user if he receives a message from a contact.
I have been struggling for the same yet haven't found any solution to this.
I also wanted to know if the sdk 3.0 allows access to the call history..
There is no access to SMS messages from the application sandbox, and there is no access to call logs from the application sandbox. You can file a feature request with Apple, but I doubt you will see changes to this any time soon. You will not be able to provide any functionality in your app that depends on this information.
Similar question here regarding call history:
Reading call history in iPhone OS
Short answer is, not possible. I do not believe this has changed in 3.0.