I've inherited some code that has a Public Module for data access:
Code looks like:
Public Module Foo
Dim ds As New DataSet
Public Function GetDataSet(ByVal sqlQuery As String) As DataSet
return ds
End Function
End Module
And all the pages call GetDataSet(sql). Am I correct is assuming that this is a bad idea? Worst case is that concurrent callers could get each others data?
Your concerns about concurrent callers is well founded. The solution is to just move the "Dim ds.." from the module into the GetDataSet routine. Then its local, on the stack, and theres no chance of stepping on each other.
A larger problem is that composing SQL queries as string in client code is not good application design, it can be OK for SQL utilities, but nothing else. This approach will keep you from using Linq to SQL, Linq to Entities, Stored Procedures, most of the more desirable DB-access security models and probably exposes you to SQL Injection attacks.
Very bad. With that architecture there is absolutely no way to use a parameterized query or stored procedure to protect yourself from SQL Injection...and that's just a start.
You're also going to be missing out on any kind of strongly typed data sets (which make life a whole lot easier).
i use something similar to this and have never had any problems. makes data access sooo easy. i don't mind writing SQL and in fact it kind of helps me understand exactly what data i'm getting. so long as data access is clearly separated (ie, you pull data consistently from the same location), and you sanitize all data in the SQL string, i don't see anything wrong w/this. i do agree that public variable is bad, though.
sigh... or maybe i'm a bad programmer :\ let the downvoting begin...
I am asked to display some sort of data in my Rails App view with pure SQL query without help of ActiveRecord. This is done for the Application owner to be able to implement some third-party reporting tool (Pentaho or something).
I am bad in SQL and I am not really sure if that is even possible to do something similar. Does anyone have any suggestions?
If you must drop down to pure SQL, you can make life more pleasant by using 'find by sql':
bundy = MyModel.find_by_sql("SELECT my_models.id as id, my_articles.title as title from my_models, my_articles WHERE foo = 3 AND ... ...")
or similar. This will give you familiar objects which you can access using dot notation as you'd expect. The elements in the SELECT clause are available, as long as you use 'as' with compound parameters to give them a handle:
puts bundy.id
puts bundy.title
To find out what all the results are for a row, you can use 'attributes':
Also you can construct your queries using ActiveRecord, then call 'to_sql' to give you the raw SQL you're using.
sql = MyModel.joins(:my_article).where(id: [1,2,3,4,5]).to_sql
for example.
Then you could call:
Better, though, may be to just use ActiveRecord, then pass the result of 'to_sql' into whatever the reporting tool is that you need to use with it. Then your code maintains its portability and maintainability.
Lets say I have a string that contains stored procedure names, their parameters, and values, like this:
Dim sprocs As String = "Procedure: NameOfProcedure, Parameters: #Param1(int), #Param2(varchar) Values: Something, SomethingElse ; Procedure: NameOfProcedure, Parameters: #Param1(int), #Param2(varchar) Values: Something, Something Else"
My point of the above is I need to be able to take a user defined string that can store multiple procedures separated by... something. In this case I used a ; semicolon.
What I need to be able to do is a FOR EACH on these in vb.net.
I know how to used stored procedures and set parameters... I'm just not sure of the best way to go about this as far as how to split up that string to match parameters and values, etc.
So a bad example:
Dim ConnectionString As String = "String...removed"
Dim conn As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
' So I need a for each here
Dim cmd As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(ProcedureName)
With cmd
.Connection = conn
.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
' and a for each here on the parameters, datatypes, and their values
.Parameters.Add(ParamName, DataType).Value = TheValue
End With
So the splitting and parsing out the string is my biggest roadblock on this. I'm not sure how to separate it out at this level, match parameters, datatypes and their values all together. If there's a better way to have the end-user organize the string to make parsing and splitting easier, please share.
Any suggestions or examples are greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much.
There's a temptation here to use String.Split() or a regular expression. Neither solution is actually very good for this. To understand what I mean, take a quick moment to search Google for the many thousands of posts of programmers working with CSV running into edge cases where their regex didn't quite cut it. For this purpose, your semi-colon delimiter is not significantly different than a fancy comma.
Depending on the regex engine, it may actually be possible to build an expression that does this, especially if you can put certain constraints on the data. However, such expressions tend to be very tough to build and maintain, and they tend to require backtracking, which hurts performance.
The next alternative to examine is a dedicated parser. For CSV data, this is the panacea. There a number of good ones available for most any platform that you can just plug in, and they're typically pretty easy to work with. However, what you have, while similar, goes a bit beyond the level of what these parsers are written to handle.
One related solution is write your own csv-like parser. This may be your best option, and if you choose this route all I can do is recommend that you build a state machine to go character by character through the input string.
The next rung up the ladder is to use a generic parser/interpretter that relies on something like ANTLR. I'm haven't personally dug very deep into that well, but I know the tools are out there.
One related option, that I think is probably your best option here overall, is a Domain Specific Language (DSL). This is something that may be a little easier to get started with than a tool like ANTLR, especially because it's already built into Visual Studio. However, this option requires that you be able to control your input format.
If all this sounds like more work than it should be, you're right. The good news is that is possible to skip all this. The trick is that you must first impose artificial constraints on your data. For example, a constraint that parameter values are not allowed to contain ; characters means you can get back to a String.Split() solution to divide out each separate procedure call. Now your function is no longer generally applicable, but then maybe is doesn't need to be. When you create these constraints, make sure they are documented, so that when something violates them and code explodes you'll have clear definitions for why.
I recently came across a program which is developed using sql statements in a table with a code for each statement. rather than having specific sql statements in the program itself.
So, rather than having code like this:
string query = "SELECT id, name from [Users]";
They use code like this: (simplified)
string firstQuery = "SELECT queryText from [Queries] where queryCode = 'SELECT_ALL_USERS'";
string userQuery = cmd.ExecuteQuery(firstQuery);//pretend this directly returns the result of the first query
The logic behind this as far as I've heard is that it makes the program easier to maintain as the developer is free to change the "user sql" without having to actually change the program.
However, this struck me as maybe a little counterproductive. Would this kind of code be considered a good idea?
EDIT: I'm not looking for suggestions like "use an ORM". Assume that sql queries are the only option.
In my opinion, this approach is ridiculous. There is value (maintainability, modularity) in separating as much SQL from the middle tier as possible, but to accomplish this end, I would recommend using stored procedures.
No i really dont think its a good idea to proceed further with design.
As a test or learning activity is a differetn part, but going foward with such implementations is definately not advisable.
1. We get complete modularity. The Real Business Schema can change at any time, and we do not need to modify the Running application to get the results from Different schema (Considering result Format dont change).
1. With this implementation we are firing 2 SQLs to Database each time when we want to execute 1. I/O call including DB calls are always performnace hit, and with this implementation we are doubling the performance which is definately not advisable.
Since most of the projects I work on are exclusively SQL Server 2005/2008 database driver, I was wondering about the implications of using System.Data.SqlTypes classes as data types in my VB.Net Framework 4.0 code. For example currently I define integer variables as
Dim X as Integer
Using System.Data.SqlType classes I would define my intege variables as
Dim X as System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32
Please comment on the implications for performance, serialization and databinding. One difference would be that all variables would default to Null.
I don't think there's a lot of problems with the idea, serialization and databindinding should work, and I wouldn't worry about performance unitl it's an issue.
But while it would work, I don't think it's a good design. You will end up using sqltypes in areas that have nothing to do with sql. Other than as parameters to sql commands, sqltypes have no advantage over nullables, which are more generic.
Its a bad idea because if someday you need to migrate from sql server to another database you will have to change all the vars in your code to the right type. (And all the castings, etc...)
Also, if you need null variables you can always use
Dim x As Nullable(Of Integer)
Also, for exaple integers are inmutable value types iso reference types like SqlInt32 and are much more optimized.
Value types vs reference:
What is the difference between a reference type and value type in c#?
So probably SqlTypes will be slower and also will force you to stay forever on sqlserver.
Also consider that these types are not available for all the framework versions, and your code could be in some situations not very reusable, just for using these data types.
I would like to build a safe dynamic select statement that can handle multiple WHERE clauses.
For example the base SQL would look like:
SELECT * FROM Books Where Type='Novel'
I would pass the function something like:
SafeDynamicSQL("author,=,Herman Melville","pages,>,1000");
Which would sanitize inputs and concatenate like:
SELECT * FROM Books Where Type='Novel' AND author=#author AND pages>#pages
The function would sanitize the column name by checking against an array of predefined column names. The operator would only be allowed to be >,<,=. The value would be added as a normal paramater.
Would this still be vulnerable to SQL injection?
There will be some string manipulation and small loops which will affect performance but my thoughts are that this will only take a few milliseconds compared to the request which on average take 200ms. Would this tax the server more than I am thinking if these requests are made about once a second?
I know this isn't best practice by any means, but it will greatly speed up development. Please give me any other reasons why this could be a bad idea.
It looks like you're reinventing any number of existing ORM solutions which offer a similar API for creating WHERE clauses.
The answer to your question hinges on what you mean by "The value would be added as a normal paramater." If by that you mean performing string concatenation to produce the string you showed then yes, that would still be subject to SQL injection attack. If you mean using an actual parameterized query then you would be safe. In the later case, you would produce something like
SELECT * FROM Books Where Type='Novel' AND author=? AND pages > ?
and then bind that to a list of values like ['Herman Melville', 1000]. Exactly what it would look like depends on what programming language you're using.
Finally, if you pursue this path I would strongly recommend changing from comma-delimited arguments to three separate arguments, you'd save yourself a lot of programming time.
Pretty much any code that appends together (or interpolates) strings to create SQL is bad form from a security point of view, and is probably subject to some SQLi attack vector. Just use bound parameters and avoid the entire problem; avoiding SQL injection is super-easy.