Acessing DLLs in VB.NET [closed] -

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm not that good with VB.NET yet and I'd like to learn about API's and external DLL files.
Perhaps someone can post some sample code with explanation/comments or point me to some tutorials.

This should get you started:

What kind of DLLs? For native DLLs, you have to P/Invoke (assuming the entry is public and non-decorated). For managed, just add a reference and use it.


generating a bar code using [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi friends developers,
I'm stuck in these problem since many days, there is any developer here, who knew how to generates a bar code with, and if possible generat it as image.
Please have a look at Free Barcode API for .NET, which i think can point you to many possible solutions

where can I find FXTestConstructor (recording tool) for Jemmy [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Shura presents a test recorder called FXTestConstructor (Jemmy Constructor) for Jemmy in his talk at
Where can I download this tool ?
Is it available to the public already ?
No, sorry. I have not completed it.
I should just push it to open in the state it is.

How to create MVC application and need good website to learn more about this? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Anyone suggest me to good source to learn more about MVC4. I Need to learn this from the scratch.Thanks in Advance !!.
Please do have a look here. it starts from scratch (a very basic start)

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Objective C [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was looking into Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and thought to try it myself.
I have already gone through the below link:
iOS: Open Source VoIP/SIP Objective-C Code
I need to try sample or demo application with code so that can understand the concept behind. Thanks.
Try Linphone and Siphone with pjsip. Linphone works great out of the box, siphone need a litle tweaking.

Find lock-unlock mismatch in code [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does someone know if there is some software around which can quickly find any non-symmetrical call to functions that must always be called together, such as lock() / unlock(), or even C++ new / delete ?
Sure I could write my own piece of code to do so, but if I can avoid the pain...
Thank you !