It just occur to me that following command can print output in text file.
./a.out < infile.txt > actualoutput.txt
But i still wondering what < infile.txt > is for?
And what other arguments i can give when executing this object file?
this is the file that will be used as the standard input ( aka stdin ).
Your command is the same as
cat infile.txt | a.out > output.txt
The < infile.txt means take standard input from infile.txt.
Similarly > actualoutput.txt means to send standard output to actualoutput.txt.
For more information on redirection take a look here.
What is wrong with this file please? I owuld like to print all lines from file01, file02, file03 ... file11.
awk '{print}' file[01-11].txt > file
Assuming you are running this in BASH, the [01-11] second is not in the correct format. Instead, consider the following:
awk '{print}' file{01..11}.txt > file
This is again, assuming a specific shell. If you are running this awk command in a shell that does not support the {##..##} nomenclature, consider testing how your file[01-11].txt is expanding first -- I imagine it's not expanding out to the files you think.
How about using cat itself for it like(since you are only printing and not doing any other operation):
cat Input_file{01..11}.txt > file
In case you really want to do only in awk then try:
awk '1' Input_file{01..11}.txt > file
Is it possible for AWK to call an external program during processing - passing it arguments and getting information returned - only to continue processing after the execution of the external program is complete ?
yes, there are two ways to call external commands, system() and getline. you can get the returned text by using getline, system() will give you the return code of the external cmd. see this example:
kent$ awk 'BEGIN{"wc -l /etc/passwd"|getline var; print var}'
20 /etc/passwd
this example called the external cmd wc -l /etc/passwd, and assigned the returned value to awk variable: var.
Yes, here is an example:
awk '
"date +%Y" | getline
print "The year is "$0
The year is 2014
The system function can call an external command but only returns the exit code. You will have to redirect the output of the program you are calling and then read in that file.
retcode = system("command > file.out")
while(( getline line < file ) > 0 ) {
print line
I'm using the below line perfectly fine on the console, but when i use it in a makefile i get the below error. I have tried different things for last hour, nothing helps me. Also i have to use '#' before the command in makefile, that is normal only. Any help is greatly welcome.
Command on console
cpio -itv < rootfs.cpio | awk '!/^d/{$8="";print}' | sort -k8 > rootfs.layout.trim
awk: !/^d/{="";print}
awk: ^ syntax error
In makefile
# copy the layout dump with all the modification needed to sync with stb output
# get the file list from cpio file => remove the lines with directory name => sort the output and store the same in layout file
cpio -itv < $(ROOTFS_CPIO_FILE) | awk '!/^d/{$8="";print}' | sort -k8 > $(ROOTFS_LAYOUT)
#echo $(ROOTFS_LAYOUT) is created
make is looking for a variable/macro named $8. In general, $ needs to be escaped in the makefile, and if you want to pass a literal $ to the shell, you should use $$ in the makefile. In other words, try:
... awk '!/^d/{$$8="";print}' ...
How to get the first few lines from a gziped file ?
I tried zcat, but its throwing an error
zcat CONN.20111109.0057.gz|head
CONN.20111109.0057.gz.Z: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
zcat(1) can be supplied by either compress(1) or by gzip(1). On your system, it appears to be compress(1) -- it is looking for a file with a .Z extension.
Switch to gzip -cd in place of zcat and your command should work fine:
gzip -cd CONN.20111109.0057.gz | head
-c --stdout --to-stdout
Write output on standard output; keep original files unchanged. If there are several input files, the output consists of a sequence of independently compressed members. To obtain better compression, concatenate all input files before compressing
-d --decompress --uncompress
On some systems (e.g., Mac), you need to use gzcat.
On a mac you need to use the < with zcat:
zcat < CONN.20111109.0057.gz|head
If a continuous range of lines needs be, one option might be:
gunzip -c file.gz | sed -n '5,10p;11q' > subFile
where the lines between 5th and 10th lines (both inclusive) of file.gz are extracted into a new subFile. For sed options, refer to the manual.
If every, say, 5th line is required:
gunzip -c file.gz | sed -n '1~5p;6q' > subFile
which extracts the 1st line and jumps over 4 lines and picks the 5th line and so on.
If you want to use zcat, this will show the first 10 rows
zcat your_filename.gz | head
Let's say you want the 16 first row
zcat your_filename.gz | head -n 16
This awk snippet will let you show not only the first few lines - but a range you can specify. It will also add line numbers which i needed for debugging an error message pointing to a certain line way down in a gzipped file.
gunzip -c file.gz | awk -v from=10 -v to=20 'NR>=from { print NR,$0; if (NR>=to) exit 1}'
Here is the awk snippet used in the one liner above. In awk NR is a built-in variable (Number of records found so far) which usually is equivalent to a line number. the from and to variable are picked up from the command line via the -v options.
NR>=from {
print NR,$0;
if (NR>=to)
exit 1
For example, I have a perl script that writes "5" to stdout. I'd like to assign that output to a variable like so:
$ x = perl ! not working code
$ ! now x would be 5
The PIPE command allows you to do Unix-ish pipelining, but DCL is not bash. Getting the output assigned to a symbol is tricky. Each PIPE segment runs in a separate subprocess (like Unix) and there's no way to return a symbol from a subprocess. AFAIK, there's no bash equivalent of assigning stdout to a variable.
The typical approach is to write (redirect) the output to a file and then read it back:
$ PIPE perl > temp.txt
$ open t temp.txt
$ read t x
$ close t
Another approach is to assign the return value as a JOB logical which is shared by all subprocesses. This can be done as a one-liner using PIPE:
$ x = f$logical("RET_VALUE")
Since the "RET_VALUE" is shared by all processes in the job, you have to be careful of side-effects.
Look up the PIPE command. It lets you do unix like things.
I wanted to identify a particular ACE from a file's ACL and then assign the value to a variable I could refer to later in the script. I wanted to avoid the overhead of writing to/reading from a file as I had 1000s of files to iterate over. This method worked for me.
$ PIPE DIR/SEC filename | SEARCH SYS$PIPE variable | (READ SYS$PIPE variable && DEFINE/JOB/NOLOG variable &variable)
$ SHOW LOGICAL variable