how to obtain code from repository using WinCvs - wincvs

I got a CVS connection string, here it is :
How can I get project code using WinCvs, I've just installed it and I can't find howto online, maybe some help, thank you

In WinCVS 2.1, Click the Remote menu item, and select Checkout code.
On this screen click the ... next to CVSROOT, and you should bring up a dialog allowing you to enter the parameters you mention in your question (this is a bit easier to do than trying to enter the string manually).
You'll also need to enter a module name on the server, and a directory to check our the code into, but once you do this and click OK you should start checking out the code.

You have to use WinCVS with the PuTTY SSH tools to be able to connect securely. Check out the description here
The site covers the following steps
Download the required materials (WinCvs, PuTTY).
Install the PuTTY SSH suite.
Install WinCvs.
Generate a SSH key pair.
Upload your SSH key pair.
Configure Pageant (a component of PuTTY).
Test your automated authentication.
Configure WinCvs.
Start using WinCvs


VS code can't ssh to server: failed to create hard link

I have a windows 10 PC connecting to my linux server (ubuntu 18.04.2). I run/edit code on my powerful server by remotely accessing the server through VS code's ssh ability. It is super convenient to edit my code on the server with VS code...
Visual Studio code won't connect to my Linux server. What is weird is that I am able to ssh into the server from the terminal within VScode by just literally typing ssh <username>#<server-hostname>
However, when I do the Remote-SSH option within VScode then it does not want to connect to the server...strange...
Here is how I remotely SSH into server with VScode built in functionality (marked with red rectangle). Also part of this screenshot is my config file, which I have triple checked as correct (IP address and .ssh/id_rsa_gpu_1_solarpv_ssh location)
I have made sure that the config file is setup correctly and that the IP address is correct.
I have ensured that the server's IP address is also in the 'known_hosts' file located at /Users/.ssh/
I even generated my own private key for SSH connection as advised by the great documentation here:
Still getting the error of failed to create hard link...
With all of my back-end stuff done right, I am absolutely clueless regarding why this is an issue.
After spending literally 9 hours on this is the answer:
When you launch VScode and remotely access the linux server, the linux server is instructed to download and install a vscode server so that you (on the other side) can remotely connect to the server.
If the server does not have internet just make sure the following setting is ticked
This allows the remote server (without or with internet connection) to get the vscode server running.
To eliminate the "failed to create hard link error" go to the directory mentioned by the error, which in this case on linux server is
navigate to /home/<username>/.vscode-server/bin/0ba0ca.../
then remove/delete the hardlink file and target file which also has
the same name as the directory.
Then just attempt to remotely access your server again through
vscode and all should be fine
Here is also a discussion regarding the issue...if you still have problems
I solved this by enabling the option Lockfiles in Tmp:
i just deleted the whole library and it works, i don't see anything wrong with doing that.
rm -r /path_to_project/.vscode-server/
if i'm wrong feel free to correct me :)
Try this
Just in case others need to try the same here is the detail
ctrl-shift-p and choose:
Remote-SSH: kill VS Code Server on Host...
Chose the host name
Selected the platform type (linux)
worked for me.

Cannot ssh into GCP instance

I cannot ssh into Google compute engine instance. Here is scenario.
I tried to ssh into an instance from ubuntu ssh client, so generated a private & public key in my local and added pubkey to metadata.
But got Permission denied (publickey) error message and the instance console was saying No space left on device
I then increased the size of the instance by 100GB more and then restart the instance.
After few mins later, tried to ssh into the instance again and getting the Permission denied (publickey) error again and the console said No usable temporary directory found in ['/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/usr/tmp', '/']
Now I can't connect to the instance by any tool such as browser console, ssh client etc.
Is there any solution to address this problem?
Thanks in advance.
I faced the same problem during these days, and I solved it using winSCP to access the storage and delete a lot of heavy files created by my scripts, also because the the instructions here have been not so useful.
If you do not know how to configure winSCP and GCP, follow my steps or this video.
winSCP - Create Keys
While creating a new site in winSCP
go to advanced --> ssh --> Authentication
click on Tools and open the Putty gen
generate public and private key
save them
copy the public key and open GCP
Setting your GCP instance
Click on your instance to edit its settings
scroll down until you reach ssh keys
paste your key
Done, now you can access your instance storage and remove some files; after that, your instance will be able to boot correctly creating the temporary files needed.
As Dan mentioned, you need to connect on serial console to expand the filesystem making use of the additional disk space allocated. You can also attempt to free up some space etc.
A complete tutorial is linked:
In this video, I talked about how to SSH into GCP using Windows Terminal. There are three methods to do so:
Access via Chrome
Access via Command Prompt
Access via a custom Windows Terminal tab (best!!)
Process for Chrome:
Open Google Chrome
Type ""
And you can access it!!
Process for Installing Google Cloud SDK:
Install Google Cloud SDK (
Click "Next"
Click "I Agree"
It's installed!!
Process for Command Prompt (via PuTTy):
Open Windows Terminal
Then, open Command Prompt
Type "gcloud cloud-shell ssh"
And you can access it!!
Process for a custom Windows Terminal tab:
Open Windows Terminal
Go to Settings and click "Open JSON file"
Then add the following:
"backgroundImage": "C:/Users/user/Downloads/Pictures/gcp.png",
"backgroundImageOpacity": 0.2,
"commandline": "wsl ~/ [email] [project_id]",
"hidden": false,
"icon": "C:/Users/user/Downloads/Pictures/gcp.png",
"name": "SSH into GCP"
Then, open your wsl2 Ubuntu VM, and in your /home/user/ directory make a file named "". And type in the following commands:
gcloud auth login $1
gcloud config set project $2
gcloud cloud-shell ssh
Save the file and type the following: "chmod +x"
Finally, go to your Windows Terminal and open the custom tab.
Yay! We did it

ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) Could not fetch resource: - Insufficient Permission

I am having trouble working through the Compute Engine Quickstart: Build a to-do app with a MongoDB tutorial. (edit: I am running the tutorial from within the compute engine console; i.e.
I SSH into the backend instance. I enter the "gcloud compute" command as copied from the tutorial. I am prompted to enter a passphrase. The following is returned:
WARNING: The public SSH key file for gcloud does not exist.
WARNING: The private SSH key file for gcloud does not exist.
WARNING: You do not have an SSH key for gcloud.
WARNING: SSH keygen will be executed to generate a key.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in
<< Identifying detail ommitted >>
**ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) Could not fetch resource:
- Insufficient Permission**
I had run through this stage of the tutorial on a previous occasion with no problems.
I am working from a Windows 10 PC with the google-cloud-sdk installed. I am using google chrome. I have tried in both regular and incognito modes.
Any help or advice greatfully received!
It looks like the attempt to SSH is recognising the instance in your project, but the user doesn't have the required permissions to access the machine.
Have you tried running:
gcloud auth login
and completing the web-based authorization to ensure you are attempting to access the machine as the correct (authenticated) user? This process ensures the Cloud SDK you are running inherits the permissions of the user specified in the web-based authorisation. See here for more information on this.
It's also worth adding the link to the tutorial you are following to your question.
Besides the accepted answer, be sure you are in the correct gcloud project
gcloud projects list
gcloud config set project <your-project>
I just ran into this for yet another reason. Google has always had poor handling of multi-user auth conflicts with their business products. Whatever you sign into a clean chrome session with 'first' gets a 'special', invisible role. I've noticed with gsuite that I get 'forced' into that first user when I try to access the admin panel, and the only way to escape is to make sure that whatever google user I use for the gsuite admin is 'first', or open an incognito window. I've seen this bug for years, can't believe it still exists.
Anyways, I ran into a similar issue. Somehow I was the wrong google user, so the link I got when copy/pasting out of 'connect with gcloud command' was implying wrong google user. Only noticed later when I just gave up and used the terminal that I was not my normal user... So, might look into that.

GitKraken Unrecognized allowed types:8

I'm using GitKraken 1.8.0 on windows 10 machine to connect TFS 2015 and when I try to do (Push, Pull, Fetch) I always get toast message error says
Unrecognized allowed types:8
however, I can do these operations successfully using the CLI or Source Tree.
What is the cause of this issue!? and how to overcome that!?
First disconnected and reconnected your TFS account and try again. Also try to clear TFS cache.
Try to directly use Visual Studio with GIT when connecting TFS2015. If this also can work and since you can do the operations successfully using the CLI or Source Tree ,then the issue should related to GitKraken.
To use Gitkraken connect other remote Git repo such as the one hosted on GitHub. If you still got the same error. You may need to give a try with reinstall GitKraken.
It turned out that TFS on a different domain and connecting my computer to this domain solved the problem and everything is working fine now.
The error message doesn't say much but I guess that Unrecognized allowed types:8 error message is some sort of authentication error using the username in [domain\username] format isn't working in this case
Generate GitKraken key, the step is Preference -> Authentication, choose General tab, and press Generate new Private/Public key "Generate" button.
Copy your key by press copy icon button. (SSH Public key item)
Paste your key into TFS server.
Copy your project SSH path from TFS to your Gitkraken Remote push/pull path and be careful there is no unnecessary ".git" word behind your path, if there is, delete it.
Try to Git Fetch/Pull/Push by GitKraken!
I know this is very old thread, but in case any of the mentioned solutions doesn't work for future readers, especially if you are NOT using any kind of integrations inside GitKraken, go to Credential Manager (Windows users) and under "Windows Credentials" -> "Generic Credentials" try to find your "git:" that is causing this issue and update the password to correct one for your git credentials.

How to ignore the certificate warning on remote desktop connection

I am trying to ignore the certificate warning on remote desktop connection - the one in the image:
So far I have found that when I check the "don't ask again" checkbox it is generating registry key over here:
HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Servers
A new record is generated with the name of the server and key name CertHash that contains a value that is specific for a machine. The key is the same for a machine - if I delete it and check the checkbox the same value is again generated. There is a new value in case I recreate the virtual machine so I think it is something machine specific.
Can someone tell me how is this hash generated so I can populate the key from command line? Adding certificate is not an option and the machines will be frequently regenerated so I need an option to ignore this automatically as I need to connect a user to the machine and run some programs in it.
I know this is an old question. But this may help someone who is looking for the same solution.
Method 1
You may over ride the certificate check for ALL RDP connections (use it at your own risk)
Just add a new registry key as below.
reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client" /v "AuthenticationLevelOverride" /t "REG_DWORD" /d 0 /f
Method 2
Considering if you have admin rights on the remote machine, you could actually get the crethash value from the remote machine using the below wmic command. So you could make a small batch file to get this value before you launch the mstsc and add this value in registry. I haven't included the complete batch file but thats the idea.
wmic /node:Testserver /namespace:\\root\CIMV2\TerminalServices PATH Win32_TSGeneralSetting get SSLCertificateSHA1Hash
See this link.
Run Microsoft Management Console (mmc) and add the Certificates snap-in if you don't already have it for the computer you would like to connect to. In the Certificates, find the Remote Desktop folder, and open the certificate in that folder. On the Details tab, scroll down to find the Thumbprint value - this is the value you should copy to the registry.