How are files validated when opened? - file-io

Suppose a user selects a file in a dialogue box, and the app then opens the file for reading, etc. Users can open "incorrect" files--they can select a binary file, for example, even if the file they're supposed to be selecting is a text file.
I recognize that sometimes improper file types generate exceptions, which can be handled. But sometimes the files don't create exceptions; instead, they just cause the application to work improperly.
What's the standard way to code for these kinds of situations?

Put a unique identifier into the file (usually the first line or some tag)
Restrict the file extension
Do a check on the file whether it's OK
Use 1. if possible or use both 2. and 3.

A lot of operating systems help you out with this by providing filesystem APIs that are at least somewhat file-type-aware (in Cocoa for Mac OS X, there's a setAllowedFileTypes: method on NSOpenPanel, for example). Aside from that, you should make sure to define your file format in a way that's easy for you to identify when your program opens a file. A few well-known bytes at the start of your file is probably enough to protect you from most random-file problems.


custom file open with custom application only

I am working on application where I wanted to create and read a file. File will have specific extension for ex. .abcb the way I want my application to work is:
can create a file with .abcd extension
should read .abcd files only(and also application created files only so altered extension shouldn't be working)
.abcd files should show some garbage data when open in any other application(ex. word, notepad any image viewer etc.)
Now my application does 1,2(partly) step, i.e. it creates a file and load data also, it reads .abcd files only(not the altered files)
but created file can be read by other software's also.I tried searching a lot but have not found anything and don't know where to start.
Any help is appreciated!
if you don't want other programs to be able to read the content of your file then your going to have to mask it in some way, which is usually done with encryption.
assuming your not too worried about the key being compromised, the easiest way to accomplish this would be to generate a key with something like System.Security.Cryptography and use that key to encyrpt everything you send to the file and everything you read from it.
as for making your own file extension, you can make the extension of a file whatever you want when you make it:
Dim fs As FileStream = File.Create("/path/to/file/filename" & ".abcd")
the only thing that the extension does is tell the OS what progam to use when opening a file by default, which will probably be notepad since your making your own extension

Preventing other application from opening custom file

I have a text file. Now I have changed its file type from .txt to .abc. My VB.NET program loads the text into textboxes from that file. After changing the file type, however, other apps like NotePad and Word are able to open and read my .abc file.
Is there any way that only my application will be able to open/read from the file and no other app would be able to do so? What I mean is, suppose I have a PhotoShop document .psd file, no other app, rather that photoshop itself, can open it. How do I make my file unreadable by other apps?
There is no way to prevent an app that you don't develop from opening any file. The extensions are just there for helping us humans, and maybe a bit for the computer to know the default app you select for an extension.
Like you said, a .txt file can be opened by many many apps. You can open a .txt file with Notepad, Firefox, VSCode, and many others.
Same way, a .psd file can be opened by many many apps. You can open that .psd file with Photoshop, but also Notepad, Firefox, and VSCode, and probably the same apps as above.
The difference is which apps can read and understand the file.
In order to make a file not understandable by other apps, you need to make it into a format that cannot recognize, because you planned it "in secret".
Like Visual Vincent said above, you could encrypt the file in a way, or you can have a binary file, that basically only your app knows know to understand.
Since you dont own the app you want the file to be understood by, then you either have to accept that it can be opened by any app that can open files, or you can try to encrypt the file outside the app, or like zipping it with a password, and then decrypting or unzipping when you want to use it.
Firstly, any file can be read unless it is still open by a particular process or service. Even PhotoShop files can be 'read' by NotePad - try it!
So, an attempt at my first answer...
You can try a couple of methods to prevent opening the file, for instance, applying a file lock. As an example, SQL Server .mdf files are locked by the SQL Server service. This happens because the files are maintained in an open state, however; your application would have to remain running to keep these files open. Technically, though, the files can still be copied.
Another way is to set the hidden attribute for the file. This hides the file from the less savvy users, but it will be displayed if the user show's hidden files.
And my second answer: You refer to the format of files by saying only PhotoShop can read or write its own files (not true, but I know what you're saying).
The format of the file must be decided by yourself. You must determine how you are going to store the data that you output from your application. It looks like you have been attempting to write your application data into a text file. Perhaps you should try writing to binary files instead. Binary files, while not encrypted, as suggested by Visual Vincent in the comments to your question, still provide a more tailored approach to storing your data.
Binary files write raw binary data instead of humanised text. For instance, if you write an integer to the file it will appear as a string of four bytes, not your usual 123456789 textual format.
So, you really need to clarify what data you want to write to the file, decide on a set structure to your file (as you also have to be able to read it back in to your application) and then be able to write the information.

Process.Start does not always work

I created a protocol generation tool that reads some data from a websource, allows the user to filter some of the fields an generate a protocol based on given filterdata. The protocol is generated as a word document that is edited multiple times, on multiple layers, before shown to the user.
For some users the line:
does not open Word, for others it works fine.
Even more strange: if the useres try to generate the protocol the first time it opens. if they change one of the filters and generate again, the file does not open. But it is generated correctly, you are able to open it manually.
We are using Windows 7 on all machines and, in general, the User has no administrativ privileges on the machine.
Are there any alternatives to
Not sure how the code can sometimes work, but the critical bit I think would be to make sure you set UseShellExecute=true when you are trying to Process.Start a file that is not an executable.
I haven't looked into it in quite awhile, but last I checked shell execute relies on the Word application to be properly registered with DDE so Windows knows what to do with a .doc(x) file. Word may not be installed "properly".
after trying varios things, including Wonko's hint, I dicided to use the interop.Word.Wordapplication to display the document. It doesn't explain why process.start not does the job but anyway, now everybody of the users is happy^^

Watch folder for files being Read

I am trying to watch files in a directory to determine when files are opened/accessed. I thought FileSystemWatcher would do the trick using the event Changed.
Problem is that some applications do not create a lock on the file they open/access or change either the date modified or date accessed (even after fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 0). Notepad for example. Apparently is makes a copy of the file in memory and plays with it there until you save it. Nor does it update the Date Accessed.
How can I monitor a directory of files and be notified when a file is simply opened/accessed by any program (e.g. Notepad)? Files may be opened from another computer, not necessarily on the computer running the "watcher".
I found lots of similar questions but did not see one focusing on file "access".
This is quite normal. Updating an existing file is quite dangerous since it can cause irretrievable data loss. A disk error (like disk full) while writing is very bad news. The common algorithm used:
rename the original file
write a new file using the original name
no error: delete the renamed file
error: delete the new file, rename original file back
Clearly this doesn't cause a Changed event to be raised, no file was changed.
Sorry, I didn't read the question well enough. There is no notification whatsoever for an app just opening a file for reading. FSW can only detect changes to the file system. There is no ready alternative either, this requires a custom file system filter driver that snoops on driver requests. Like the kind that SysInternals' ProcMon utility uses. I'm not aware of such a driver ready for use in a C# program, you can't write them in C# either. This just isn't a common requirement.

From Xcode, how do I read data from a text file that is constantly being updated?

I'm working with a GPS module that is transferring data to my mac over a serial RS232-to-USB interface. I've written a objC program that takes the raw data and converts it into meaningful information.
Using a program called goSerial, I'm able to log all incoming data into a text file. I have been able to make my program read the text file and process data line by line.
I would like this procedure to happen in real time i.e. as soon as the data is received, it gets logged into the text file and my program reads it. The first part of this happens automatically that is the text file is being constantly appended (when not open). Is it possible to monitor a text file for appended data and only read new lines? Also, will doing this affect the ability of new incoming data to be saved?
(Also, if anyone knows how I may send serial data directly to Xcode, please let me know!)
I'm not sure how the serial-to-USB affects things but traditionally, unix accesses serial devices using the Device-File Mechanism which treats the input from the device as a file to be read. You would use NSFileHandle to read the file from Cocoa/Foundation. You probably want to checkout the IORegistryExplorer app to see how your device shows up.
You can use a kqueue (perhaps with a wrapper such as UKKQueue) to watch the file for changes.
You should be able to create a unix domain socket, which you can then have your goSerial application open (as it looks like a normal file on the fs)
And then read from the other end, linewise in your application. This is probably the easiest way, or alternately have a look at the source of tail in GNU's coreutils, specifically it's -f function (although thinking more you'll probably want to look at how the FreeBSD implementation works, as I believe that the GNU version uses some linux specific callback)