Does Mono have the equivalent of ILDASM? - mono

Is there an equivalent of ILDASM for Mono?

Yes, monodis is Mono's equivalent for ildasm.
$ cat a.cs
public class Foo
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello world");
$ monodis a.exe
.assembly extern mscorlib
.ver 1:0:5000:0
.publickeytoken = (B7 7A 5C 56 19 34 E0 89 ) // .z\V.4..
.assembly 'a'
.hash algorithm 0x00008004
.ver 0:0:0:0
.module a.exe // GUID = {034ADE1A-22D2-4B2B-960B-AE9DBFB2FCE7}
.class public auto ansi beforefieldinit Foo
extends [mscorlib]System.Object
// method line 1
.method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname
instance default void '.ctor' () cil managed
// Method begins at RVA 0x20ec
// Code size 7 (0x7)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: call instance void object::'.ctor'()
IL_0006: ret
} // end of method Foo::.ctor
// method line 2
.method public static hidebysig
default void Main () cil managed
// Method begins at RVA 0x20f4
// Code size 11 (0xb)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: ldstr "Hello world"
IL_0005: call void class [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
IL_000a: ret
} // end of method Foo::Main
} // end of class Foo


Singleton getinstance() method with void as return type

I wrote the singleton class as shown below.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Singleton
static bool inst;
static Singleton * ptr;
cout<<"Singleton Private Constructor is called"<<endl;
static Singleton * Create_Instance()
ptr = new Singleton();
inst = true;
cout<<"New instance is created"<<endl;
return ptr;
bool Singleton::inst = false;
Singleton * Singleton::ptr = NULL;
int main()
Singleton * point = Singleton::Create_Instance();
return 0;
Here the Singleton instance is returned to main from Create_Instance() method.
Here my is what if the return value of Create_Instance() is void ? Meaning if the signature is going to be "static void Create_Instance()", then how we will get the instance of Singleton in main.
Please help me in this regard.

When attaching agent to running process, bytebuddy transformer doesn't seem to take effect

The code of my program to be attached is as below.
public class Foo {
public class TestEntry {
public TestEntry() {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println(new Foo().toString());
catch(Exception e)
What I attempt to do is to make Foo.toString() returns 'test' by using the following agent.
public class InjectionAgent {
public InjectionAgent() {
public static void agentmain(String args, Instrumentation inst) throws Exception
System.out.println("agentmain Args:" + args);
new AgentBuilder.Default()
.transform(new AgentBuilder.Transformer() {
public Builder<?> transform(Builder<?> arg0, TypeDescription arg1,
ClassLoader arg2, JavaModule arg3) {
return arg0.method(ElementMatchers.named("toString"))
public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) throws Exception
System.out.println("premain Args:" + args);
new AgentBuilder.Default()
.transform(new AgentBuilder.Transformer() {
public Builder<?> transform(Builder<?> arg0, TypeDescription arg1,
ClassLoader arg2, JavaModule arg3) {
return arg0.method(ElementMatchers.named("toString"))
I notice that, it was successful when I using -javaagent way, whereas attach way failed, here is code for attach.
public class Injection {
public Injection() {
public static void main(String[] args) throws AttachNotSupportedException, IOException, AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, InterruptedException {
VirtualMachine vm = null;
String agentjarpath = args[0];
vm = VirtualMachine.attach(args[1]);
vm.loadAgent(agentjarpath, "This is Args to the Agent.");
I tried to add AgentBuilder.Listener.StreamWriting.toSystemOut() to the agent, after attaching, the output of TestEntry shows
[Byte Buddy] DISCOVERY Foo [sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader#33909752, null, loaded=true]
[Byte Buddy] TRANSFORM Foo [sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader#33909752, null, loaded=true]
[Byte Buddy] COMPLETE Foo [sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader#33909752, null, loaded=true]
I defined a public method 'Bar' in Foo like this
public class Foo {
public String Bar()
return "Bar";
and then I was trying to make Foo.Bar() returns "modified" in the following way:
public static void agentmain(String args, Instrumentation inst) throws Exception
System.out.println("agentmain Args:" + args);
premain(args, inst);
new AgentBuilder.Default()
.transform(new AgentBuilder.Transformer() {
public Builder<?> transform(Builder<?> arg0, TypeDescription arg1,
ClassLoader arg2, JavaModule arg3) {
return arg0.visit("Bar")));
static class InjectionTemplate {
static void exit(#Advice.Return String self) {
System.out.println(self.toString() + " " + self.getClass().toString());
self = new String("modified");
but I got this error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot write to read-only parameter class java.lang.String at 1
any suggestions?
It does not seem like you are using redefinition for your agent. You can activate it using:
new AgentBuilder.Default()
The last part is required on most JVMs (with the notable exception of the dynamic code evolution VM, a custom build of HotSpot). It tells Byte Buddy to not add fields or methods, what most VMs do not support.
In this case, it is no longer possible to invoke the original implementation of a method what is however not required for your FixedValue. Typically, users of Byte Buddy take advantage of Advice when creating an agent that applies dynamic transformations of classes.

How to use JMockit MockUp for default interface method

Trying to apply a MockUp on a Java 8 default interface method, and JMockit tells me that method cannot be found. This has been tried with JMockit 1.15, 1.19, and 1.25. Here's a very simple use case:
public class TestTest {
public interface MyInterface {
default void foo(int f) {
void bar(String s);
public class MyClass implements MyInterface {
public void bar(String s) {
public void testtest() throws Exception {
new MockUp<MyClass>() {
void foo(int i) {
System.out.println("MOCKMOCK " + (i*2));
void bar(String s) {
System.out.println("MOCK " + s);
MyClass baz = new MyClass();;"Hello world");
This gets me the error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Matching real methods not found for the following mocks:
at com.example.dcsohl.TestTest$1.<init>(
at com.example.dcsohl.TestTest.testtest(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
How can we #Mock this method?
Slightly modifying your use case to return strings instead of printing to standard out the following solution will work.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
import mockit.Expectations;
public class TestTest {
public interface MyInterface {
default String foo(int f) {
return bar(String.valueOf(f));
String bar(String s);
public class MyClass implements MyInterface {
public String bar(String s) {
return s;
public void testtest() throws Exception {
MyClass baz = new MyClass();
new Expectations(MyClass.class) {{; result = "FOOMOCK";; result = "BARMOCK";
assertEquals(, "FOOMOCK");
assertEquals("Hello world"), "BARMOCK");
There are many useful examples of how to mock out interfaces with method bodies (ie default or static methods) outlined in the examples section on the jmockit github repository.
Use #Mocked instead of a MockUp, it supports default methods.

Return string from c++ function pointer invoked from c#

I need to call a c++ callback function from c# that returns a String. When I try with the code below the application crashes hard (with a message saying that it may be due to a corruption of the heap).
Here's the c++ code:
static String^ CppFunctionThatReturnsString()
return gcnew String("From C++");
void main()
And here's the c# code:
public class CSharp
private delegate string CppFuncDelegate();
public static void CSharpFunction(IntPtr cppFunc)
var func = (CppFuncDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(cppFunc, typeof(CppFuncDelegate));
func(); // Crash
Do I have to do some kind of marshaling magic with the string before returning it?
Why are you using function pointers in the first place? Just pass an instance of the delegate to the C# code:
static String^ CppFunctionThatReturnsString()
return gcnew String("From C++");
void main()
CSharp::CSharpFunction(new CSharp::CppFuncDelegate(CppFuncThatReturnsString));
public class CSharp
private delegate string CppFuncDelegate();
public static void CSharpFunction(CppFuncDelegate d)
I think you may need to put CppFuncThatReturnsString inside a class.
I found the answer on this ten year old page.
static const char* __stdcall CppFunctionThatReturnsString()
return "From C++";
void main()
public class CSharp
private delegate IntPtr CppFuncDelegate();
public static void CSharpFunction(IntPtr cppFunc)
var func = (CppFuncDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(cppFunc, typeof(CppFuncDelegate));
That is, pass it as an IntPtr and marshal it into a string on the C# side.

MSIL : Superfluous branch

Consider this C# snippet:
static string input = null;
static string output = null;
static void Main(string[] args)
input = "input";
output = CallMe(input);
public static string CallMe(string input)
output = "output";
return output;
Dissassembling using Reflector shows:
.method private hidebysig static void Main(string[] args) cil managed
.maxstack 8
L_0000: nop
L_0001: ldstr "input"
L_0006: stsfld string Reflector_Test.Program::input
L_000b: ldsfld string Reflector_Test.Program::input
L_0010: call string Reflector_Test.Program::CallMe(string)
L_0015: stsfld string Reflector_Test.Program::output
L_001a: ret
.method public hidebysig static string CallMe(string input) cil managed
.maxstack 1
.locals init (
[0] string CS$1$0000)
L_0000: nop
L_0001: ldstr "output"
L_0006: stsfld string Reflector_Test.Program::output
L_000b: ldsfld string Reflector_Test.Program::output
L_0010: stloc.0
L_0011: br.s L_0013
L_0013: ldloc.0
L_0014: ret
The piece that puzzles me is:
L_0010: stloc.0
L_0011: br.s L_0013
L_0013: ldloc.0
It stores the item, branches to the next line (which would have been executed anyway) and then loads it again.
Is there a reason for this?
This only happens in Debug, not in Release. I suspect its to assist during debugging. It perhaps allows you to chuck breakpoints mid statement and see the return value.
Note the release version has much more concise IL:
.method private hidebysig static void Main(string[] args) cil managed
.maxstack 8
L_0000: ldstr "input"
L_0005: stsfld string Reflector_Test.Program::input
L_000a: ldsfld string Reflector_Test.Program::input
L_000f: call string Reflector_Test.Program::CallMe(string)
L_0014: stsfld string Reflector_Test.Program::output
L_0019: ret
.method public hidebysig static string CallMe(string input) cil managed
.maxstack 8
L_0000: ldstr "output"
L_0005: stsfld string Reflector_Test.Program::output
L_000a: ldsfld string Reflector_Test.Program::output
L_000f: ret
My guess is that this is boilerplate code for executing a return statement, the compiler executes an unconditional jump to the last line, and loads the return value into a register before executing the ret. The JIT will optimise it better, I think the compiler doesn't bother doing any optimisations.