Timeout Question about Invoking a Remote WCF Service - wcf

When I invoke a remote WCF service I get the following timeout:
The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:00:59.2810338. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.
Please note that I am sending a single object which is LOADED with a LOT of data.
Any ideas how to fix this issue and is this a problem on the client (ME) or the Server.

Given the size, have you tried increasing your maxBufferSize/maxReceivedMessageSize in your binding?

Chunk your data into smaller pieces if possible and try again. This is a server setting that you will need to work around or request that the service provider increase it.

Without a stack trace I'm can't be 100% sure, but I'm relatively certain this is a client side exception. If you know it's going to take more than a minute to send the data all you need to do is change the sendTimeout on your binding to be whatever amount of time you need it to be.


What is the purpose of the MaxReceivedMessageSize on the client-side?

I did a test against a WCF server where the response from the server exceeds the MaxRecievedMessageSize property defined in the client-side binding object, resulting in a CommunicationException. I examined request and response using Fiddler. Despite exceeding the MaxRecievedMessageSize, the entirety of the response is sent to the client.
I believe I am missing the point of this behavior. As I see it, no bandwidth is saved as the data has already been received. The client application could have processed the data but the client binding has discarded before it is given to the application.
If saving bandwidth is not the purpose of the MaxReceivedMessageSize on the client-side, what is it for?
The answer is simple: security.
It would indeed be better for the bandwidth if your client could say to the server: "oh, by the way, don't bother sending me replies bigger than X bytes", but that is something they didn't implement :-)
And even if it was, what if the server has a bug, or is intentionally misbehaving...
What if the server returned a 2 TB string? Your client would then try to allocate a 2TB buffer to receive the request and will probably get a OutOfMemoryException. That would bring your client down.

The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:01:00 error for autocompleteextender

I get this error.
The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:01:00. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.
I am using an automcompleteextender which calls a [webmethod] which in turn calls a WCF service. The problem is when i enter 3 letters at a time the service call freezes. The extender never works. No other autocompleteextender works on the page later.
I have already tried setting sendTimeout and maxReceivedMessageSize. It doesnt help.
Please provide a word around.
Well i solved the issue. It was really strange on how it got solved.
I had to change the binding from WsHttpBinding to BasicHttpBinding
Everything else remained the same. It was just the Binding

Determine WCF client timeout setting on server

Is it possible to determine the client timeout values on the server? I am in the unfortunate position that I have a long running WCF service (about 90 seconds) and I would like to know beforehand if the client is going to time out.
Any ideas?
Unless you force the client to tell you what his timeout is, you have no way of knowing that.
You could kindly ask for the information, adding a method parameter, or header.
You could also try to break your long running call into smaller parts, forcing the client to make subsequent calls if your business allows.
You could use asynchronous calls with a callback, one way method / duplex channels.
There are other possibilities, but we need to know more about your environment.

How to limit a request execution time of WCF service?

Is there something in WCF configuration that defines a timeout for executing a request at service side? E.g. WCF service will stop executing request after some time period. I have a service which make some work depending on client input. In some cases a such call may take too much time. I want to limit the execution time of such requests on service side, not client one using SendTimeout. I know about OperationTimeout property, but it doesn't abort the service request, it just tells a client that the request is timed out.
In general terms, there's nothing that will totally enforce this. Unfortunately, it's one of those things that the runtime can't really enforce nicely without possibly leaving state messed up (pretty much the only alternative for it would be to abort the running thread, and that has a bunch of undesirable consequences).
So, basically, if this is something you want to actively enforce, it's a lot better to design your service to deal with this so that your operation execution has safe interruption points where the operation can be terminated if the maximum execution time has been exceeded.
Though it's a lot more work, you'll likely be more satisfied with it in the long run.

Reliable session faulting for unknown reason

I am trying to achieve the following - one client-side proxy instance (kept open) accessed by multiple threads using a reliable session. What I have managed so far is to have either A) a reliable session with a client-side proxy which is created and disposed per call or B) what I aim for, but without a reliable session.
When I enable reliable sessions on my binding however, the following behaviour is exhibited:
Upon application startup everything appears to work fine until roughly 18 messages in to the WCF session. I firstly get the proxy.InnerChannel.Faulted event raised, then an exception is caught at the point where I am calling the method on the proxy. The exception is a System.TimeoutException, with message:
"The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after
00:00:59.9062512. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to
Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time
allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer
The inner exception has a similar message:
"The request operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of
00:01:00. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion
of a longer timeout."
With the method at the top of the inner stack trace being:
System.ServiceModel.Channels.ReliableRequestSessionChannel.SyncRequest.WaitForReply(TimeSpan timeout)
I then call proxy.Close followed by proxy.Abort (catching and ignoring exceptions). If I utilize the default settings (i.e. have simply <reliableSession/>), then calling proxy. Close results in another System.Timeout exception (although this time the allotted timeout is 00:00:00), however if I override the defaults as specified above no exception is thrown.
Utilizing WCF tracing I get a System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException, with message:
"The sequence has been terminated by the remote endpoint. The session
has stopped waiting for a particular reply. Because of this the
reliable session cannot continue. The reliable session was faulted."
And a stack trace ending at:
System.ServiceModel.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
When remotely attaching to the server I get the same message, which occurs when code execution steps over the return statement of my service in the service call which causes the error.
The puzzling thing to me is that the service is stable and runs with options A) or B) as decribed at the beginning of my post, and occurs after a varying number of messages (around 18). The former fact points to there being nothing wrong with the code (indeed I have checked that no exceptions are thrown), and the latter just serves to confuse me and is why I modified the settings on the reliable session binding.
I am quite stuck on this. Can anyone suggest why the reliable session would fault in such a way?
You need to overide the default ,and set your timeout higher or lower depends on cause,it seems the timout is causing an exception just after some other program has started or stopped just a millisecond before the exception
OR most likely cause
your alloted timeouts may be added as a continous single timeout of 18 min or 18 calls ..plus other usage times are added together as one complete time out .which may be why it asking for more time.
in any case ,you have to staticly set your own settings because automatic default will always over ride any changes you made..
type in your local host http binding name and set your closetimeout at maybe 5.00 min
and maybe even change the request time as well . Requesttimeout 2.00 min