Changing a Windows CE machines IP address programatically? - compact-framework

How do I change the IP address of a Windows CE machine?
I want to do it from .NET Compact Framework!

You can alter the current IP address by writing a new value out to the registry at HKLM\comm[adaptername]\Parms\Tcpip. Keep in mind that this is a multi-sz value and that for the change to take affect, you must call the NDIS driver with the IOCTL_NDIS_REBIND_ADAPTER IOCTL.
As Shaihi points out, the Smart Device Framework already ahs all of this wrapped up in the NetworkInterface.CurrentIpAddress property.


Reset IP on an Avocent DSR2035

Got this legacy Avocent DSR2035 KVM over IP. Works! Anyone knows how I edit the TCPIP setting on this machine? I have access to the console, it works, but there is no IP settings in any of the menu!
It took some time to figure this out. I had to upgrade firmware first and that was done through the setup port in the back and using a special cable that I built. After the fw update, there were network settings in the standard interface.

Is it possible to get ip address of VM's without installing ESXI tools?

I am using vSphere client to get informations from the installed VM.
I have gone through the following link :
and managed to get which ip's are up/down. I need the IP address.There is no tools installed. Is it possible to get IP address without installing Esxi tool?
You need to install the VMware tools if you would like to fetch the IP address. But without installing the VMware Tools there is an another way to fetch the IP address by using VM Name
In VirtualMachineConfigInfo class, getName() will return the VM Name or by using will return VM name and then pass the VM name to the below code
String ipAddress = InetAddress.getByName(<<VIRTUALMACHINENAME>>).getHostAddress();
Note: This code will works only if the host name is resolvable.
In short, it isn't. If it was, that'd break the whole illusion of virtualization.
There is another way, though, but it requires instrumenting the VMs. If you can install an agent inside the VM that broadcasts/pings it's IP to the outside world through some mechanism, that'd be a solution. Can't think of any other way you can get the IP of a machine. Not through the vsphere sdk definitely.

How to detect an Arduino Yún / Yún shield IP address on a LAN

I'm writing code on a server to interact with an Arduino Yún shield via SSH. Is there a way for the server to detect the Yún shield LAN IP address automatically just like the IDE?
I ran into this and found out that the Yún runs a Bonjour compatible daemon called Avahi which sets a domain of arduino.local in your local network which makes the IDE aware of the board existence. I know because I have a Yún shield (not Yún) which by default gets assigned a different Bonjour name so the IDE can't recognize it.
So, if you need to access the Yún by name locally check the Avahi daemon configuration to see what name is used. If you need to access it from outside it's still possible by using a service like noip and opening the port on your router.
Please mark the answer as correct if this answers your question.
It is not possible as your device may get an IP address from the ISP dynamically. Your device has to connect to your server and tell its IP address.
You can try something like, TCP/IP.

VB 2010: Connect Application To an IP address

I am trying to modify a program I have built in using VB 2010.
It is a Race Manager for Car Races.
I would like to connect my application to an IP address where the time and scoring sends out laptimes for each car and driver and the position of every car on track.
I know the IP address and the Port.
Any idea about the path i need to follow to be able to show the data from Time and scoring on my software correctly?
Thank you
I'm not sure of your question, but to connect to another computer you can try using sockets and I suppose this app you are doing is a client side (in Networking terms) because if its a server it would only listen for incoming connection requests so here is what I have used on my project.
I've installed Visual Basic 5.0 because I also use it to create unInstalled programs. So it came with a very nice tool called Winsock which I used to make my apps communicate with one another over network so it you have it on your computer I think your life will be a bit easier so you need to load it to VB 2010 as a tool and add it to your project then depending on how you want your app to connect to remote pc but I made mine connect on form load meaning on startup. So here is how you connect it using Winsock:
' Connecting
AxWinsock1.RemoteHost = "The IP address you want to connect to here"
AxWinsock1.RemotePort = "The Port you planing to use here"
' Send data
AxWinsock1.SendData("Your data here")
There you are connecting and sending data.
Hope this answered your question.

VB app needs Windows TS thin client unique ID

I have a custom bar code app running on .Net 2.0 framework and installed on a Windows Terminal Server. I’m using HP type thin clients and they are pulling their desktop from the TS that has my barcode app installed on it.
For the most part, the barcode app runs with no problem. The only issue I have, is that my barcode app needs to print labels to a specific printer based on the work center that the thin client is located in. The barcode app was designed to route the labels based on the device name (Windows name) of the system that the barcode transaction originated from.
I have a full blown Windows XP Pro system also running the barcode app and I have no problem with the label routing because each of those type systems has a unique name that I can use for routing. Where I’m running into a problem is that the barcode app running from the thin clients, appears (from the barcode app’s point of view) to running from the Terminal Server not the individual thin clients.
Does anyone have any idea how I can pull some type of unique identifier from these thin clients to use within the barcode app to use for routing of the labels?
That is a tricky problem. If your thin clients have set IP addresses though, I think I have a solution for you. I found an article that explains how to get the RDP client IP address (not the server's address). This will have a problem if you are going through a NAT but if you are connecting directly using RDP, it should work: