Limiting a match in vim to certain filetypes? - highlighting

I have the following in my .vimrc to highlight lines longer than 80 chars:
highlight OverLength ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=#592929
match OverLength /\%81v.*/
This works quite well. However, the problem is that I would prefer it if it only worked on certain file types. Basically, any programming language should be highlighted and things like html, xml, and txt files should not be. I'm pretty sure I could do this easily with an autocmd, but I'm not sure if that is the best way to accomplish that goal. Anybody have any opinions?

Sounds like you might want something like:
autocmd FileType html,xml highlight OverLength ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=#592929
autocmd FileType html,xml match OverLength /\%81v.*/
Seems to work for me anyway :-)

The issue with using match for a task like this is that it is local to the active window, not to the buffer being edited. I'd try something along the following lines:
highlight OverLength ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=#592929
fun! UpdateMatch()
if &ft !~ '^\%(html\|xml\)$'
match OverLength /\%81v.*/
match NONE
autocmd BufEnter,BufWinEnter * call UpdateMatch()
Basically, you want to trigger whenever the buffer in the current window changes. At that point, you evaluate what filetype the buffer has and adjust whether the match should be active or not.
If you also want to support editing an unnamed buffer and then setting its filetype (either via saving or manually setting &ft), the FileType even should be added to the list.


Multi-line text in a .env file

In vue, is there a way to have a value span multiple lines in an .env file. Ex:
Instead of:
someValue=[{"someValue":"Here is a really really long piece which should be split into multiple lines"}]
I want to do something like:
someValue=`[{"someValue":"Here is a really
really long piece which
should be split into multiple lines"}]`
Doing the latter gives me a JSON parsing error if I try to do JSON.parse(someValue) in my code
I don't know if this will work, but I can't format a comment appropriately enough to get the point across so see if this will work:
someValue=[{"someValue":"Here is a really\
really long piece which\
should be split into multiple lines"}]
Where "\" should escape the newline similar to how you can write long bash commands while escaping the newline. I'm not certain the .env interpreter will support it though.
Looks like this won't work. This syntax was actually proposed, but I don't think it was incorporated. See motdotla/dotenv#333 (which is what Vue uses to parse .env).
Like #zero298 said, this isn't possible. Likely you could delimit the entry with a character that wouldn't show up normally in the text (^ is a good candidate), then parse it within the application using string.replace('^', '\n');

AIX: remove the last symbols (CRLF) from a file

There is a large file where the last symbols are \r\n. I need to remove them. It seems to be equivalent to removing the last line(?).
UPD: no, it's not: a file have only one line, which ends with \r\n.
I know two ways, but both don't work for AIX:
sed 's/\r\n$//' file # I don't why it doesn't work
head -c-2 # head doesn't work with negative numbers
Is there any solution for AIX? A lot of large files must be processed, so performance is important.
Usually, if you need to edit a file via a script in place, I use ed due to historical reasons. For example:
ed - /tmp/foo.txt <<EOF
ed is more than a bit cantankerous. Note also that you did not really remove the empty lines at the bottom of the file but rather all of the empty lines. With ed and some practice you can probably achieve deleting only the empty lines at the bottom of the file. e.g. go to the bottom of the file, search up for a non-empty line, then move down a line and delete from that point to the end of the file. ed command scripts act (pretty much) as you would expect.
Also, if they really do have \r\n, then those are not going to be considered empty lines but rather lines with a control-M (\r) in them. You may need to adjust your pattern if that is the case.
My answer to the duplicate question should work here too. Another solution is using
awk ' (NR>1) { print s }
END { printf("%s",substr($2, 1, length($2)-1) ) }
' inputfile

VFP diacritic removal

I am having a problem with a code responsible for removing (replacing) diacritic in a file, using VPF 9.0.
I am using this command for uppercasing and removing the diacritic:
The problem is that the first set of characters looks different upon saving. First line is how it should look like, the second is how it actually looks after saving:
It removes some of the diacritic marks and I can't make it save in the wanted format.
Would you be able to help me with this, please?
Can you please right click the file in project manager and check 'Code page'? By default it should be windows ANSI (1252) and work right.
To do from command line.
MODIFY COMMAND myDiacratics.prg AS 1252
when the file comes up, make a change (any change so it would be forced to save) and save. It should save just as you want to.

Inconsistent line endings in SSIS Flat File import

I have a large, pipe delineated text file with no text qualifiers, and it looks like whatever spit out this file accidentally spit out false "LF" markers in the last column every few hundred rows.
The last column is a descriptive column, and It is not text qualified in any way like it should be.
file looks similar to this:
I'm pretty new to SSIS and SQL in general, Does anyone have any advice on how to fix this?
I did actually find a way to fix it in Notepad++, because I don't know C# and I don't know SSIS well enough..
The ID was 8 Digits long, and followed by 7 Blank spaces. That was absolutely unique to this file.
In notepad++ I used (Find Extended) to search and replace "\n"(LF) with nothing
then I used the this expression for find:
to find all 8 digit numbers with 7 trailing spaces, and for replace, used this:
to put a [CR][LF] in front of those 8 digit numbers.
Lo and behold it worked!
But either way.. My boss contacted the client and is requesting a better file. Now I get kudos, and we get proper data. Thanks for the advice all!
If I had to take a guess, I would say that this is occurring because of how the file is created... you are probably having data that just happens to include certain special characters which are being incorrectly interpreted as a Line Feed.
Check this site to see if the data within your problem lines match any of these encodings. If this is the case then ultimately you have two options available:
1) Create some elaborate and complicated ETL process to detect and correct the file data before you process it. This is inadvisable as it will be a major pain to create and maintain.
2) Try changing the way this file is produced. Most text export wizards will allow you to place quotes (") around text items so that your import process can quickly detect something as a text block as opposed to a series of encoded characters to interpret.

Tool to format lines of text into array

I frequently come across this problem. I have a file:
which I want output as:
any quick tool for this, preferably online?
If its just a one off thing, it'd be pretty easy to just do it with a search & replace in any advanced-ish text editor...
For example in notepad++:
Do a Replace (CTRL+H)
Set "Search Mode" to "Extended"
Find: \r\n
Replace with: ","
(of course you'll need an extra quote at the very start & very end of the file).
If you need to do it more than once, writing a small script/program that did a regular expression replace over the file would be fairly straight forward too.
Edit: If you really wanted to do it online, you could use an online regular expression tester (in this case you want to use \n as the regex and "," as your replace pattern, leaving the other settings alone).
A quick Python hack?
lines = open('input.txt').xreadlines()
txt = ','.join(['"%s"' % x for x in lines])
open('output.txt', 'w').write(txt)