Have Microsoft rewritten Windows Workflow Foundation in .NET 4.0? - .net-4.0

I heard from a friend that Microsoft rewrote all the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) again and changed everything was in .Net 3.5.
Is that true?
And what about what we learned about WF in 3.0 and 3.5?

According to this article:
Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0 is a "bottom-up rewrite with entirely new thinking...WF 3.0/3.5 will remain part of the framework and will run side by side with WF 4.0. This lets you manage the transition at a time that fits your organization's broader goals."
...which is code for, "We know we just screwed up your programming model, but we have a long term strategy, so we hope you will forgive us."
The article goes on to say that
The gains are enormous: custom
activities take center stage, and
authoring them is much simpler;
workflows are entirely declarative;
and there are three workflow flow
styles that you can combine
seamlessly. It's possible that you
could see a 10-fold improvement in the
time required to create and debug
workflows, in addition to 10- to
100-fold runtime performance
The change is not without its detractors. In this article at DotNetKicks, the author states that "Microsoft is seriously damaging the Dot Net developer community and adoption in the industry with these half baked product releases and abrupt about-faces after shipping."
Which is why I generally wait for the 2.0 or 3.0 version of Microsoft technologies, although I made an exception for ASP.NET MVC.

We found the workflow product to be difficult to wrap your head around when it came time to pass data in and out. Scott Allen had a series of articles that did a good job describing the process, but still this was not at an easy task.

That's what the word on the street is. And on the internet. 3.0 and 3.5 will be deprecated, but still available.

Is this change not in Visual Studio 2010 beta 1? Download it, find out, and tell Microsoft what you think of it.


nhibernate: simple template project

I have been using NHibernate for a few years, but whenever I have a question I find myself in the situation of "it would take me 8h to build a sample app/adapt my business-code before I can ask a question".
Is there a simple Visual Studio project out there (maybe even including something like "AbstractDomainObject") to download which one can reference?
Cheers, Patrick
Sharp Architecture is a good place to start as it "provides a solid architectural foundation for rapidly building maintainable web applications leveraging the ASP.NET MVC framework with NHibernate." The Sharp Architecture zip files can be found at GitHub.
Another possibility would be use to the .NET Reference App which is used in Headspring's Agile Boot Camp training.
Finally, the example source code provided with ASP.NET MVC in Action could also be useful.

Differences between migrating from vb6 to vb2005, vb2008, vb2010

I own a copy of vb2005 professional.
I need to migrate a vb6 project to vb.net
Is there any difference in terms of effort to migrating to these
editions of vb.net
I think it's slightly easier to target the later versions. I believe the PowerPack 3.0 was added for Visual Studio 2005: it included extra support for emulating the VB6 Printer object and shape controls.
Anyone who's read my other answers about VB6 migration should stop reading now because I've said this before... but I think it's relevant, so I'll say it again anyway.
Check out the Microsoft UK advice with a screencast explaining the 5 basic options for .Net migration. Decide which is best. People may advise you to just rewrite from scratch in .Net. Be cautious about this - you say your codebase is big, which is a danger sign for rewriting. Microsoft UK say
Performing a complete rewrite to .NET is far more costly and difficult to do well [than converting] ... we would only recommend this approach for a small number of situations.
I'm rewriting a lot of VB6 currently and what I've found so far is that the previous developers had to use a lot of third party and custom modules to implement what they need when a lot of it has been included in the base class library for .Net since then.
From what I've seen there's no easy way to migrate from one to another. A lot of effort goes into these migrations. The best thing to consider is whether you want to try to go line by line or examine the code, document core functionality, evaluate how well the software has worked over it's lifetime and then engineer a new design.
That's what I've ended up doing because a line for line rewrite is nearly impossible and a large pain. Compiling libraries and modules into COM to bring the functionality into .Net applications is a lot of effort and kind of a "McGyver" approach. That's why I just documented everything well, understood the process, then wrote as .Net software.
Specifically, what functionality are you trying to maintain? Have you written in .Net before?
In my experience the "migrate" is really a rewrite so it doesn't make any difference what version of Visual Studio you use. I'd use the latest.

TFS 2010 API Resources

Does anyone have any good resources for working with the TFS 2010 API? I specifically looking at how to create, read, update and delete work items.
Please see the Team Foundation Server 2010 SDK on MSDN Code Gallery. More content will be coming on-line for the RTM release, but you should find enough there to get you started. Contact me know if you have any questions.
Shai Ratan's blog has a huge wealth of examples. They're 2008 but 99% still relevant.
www.tfsexamples.com has 2008 examples, but still relevant
WorkItemManager class from a TFS OS project I'm currently working on called Spruce, which is ASP.NET MVC 3 front end for TFS workitems. The class illustrates a large portion of what you need, although no deleting examples. WorkItemSummary in that class is simply a scaled down WorkItem object.
BacklogItemHandler from the Scrum Dashboard project on codeplex also has a lot of good examples of how to use the API.

Is it 'acceptable' to release .NET 4 based software yet (Nov 2009)?

I'm writing a small free tool. It's currently in Beta testing using .NET 3.5 but there's at least one aspect from .NET 4 I'd like to incorporate.
So, is it jumping the gun a bit to release .NET 4 based software?
Wait till atleast the public release of .NET 4.0 before releasing anything other than early beta software with it.
I'm excited about alot of the new stuff too, but beta software built on a framework that is itself in beta is a recipe for disaster if you ask me.
Writing code for 4.0 might make sense. Releasing for general consumption prior to its official release seems foolish to me. Minor changes in 4.0 between now and the official release could cause your code to break. It would likely be easy to fix, but until you do your users are mad at you for putting out (what appears to them to be) a buggy program.
I read somewhere that VS2010 comes with a go-live license, meaning you can. Not sure I would, though. (See other answers...)
Well, you'd be forcing people to download and install Beta software. People may be reluctant or even unable to do this so, if nothing else, you're limiting your audience.
Also anything built with the Beta software isn't guaranteed to be compatible with the final released version.
I wouldn't go for the full framework, but including libraries like the CTP for the Task Parallel Library if your application is heavily multithreaded would be OK since you can just ship the .dll with you application and your users won't have to download anything. However, even with the TPL I would watch out, it's quirky and can slow your algorithms by an order of magnitude on things that should seemingly run just fine. The CTP is already over a year old though.

How to debug into system.servicemodel classes?

How can i debug system.sevicemodel classes in my application?
It sounds like your interested in debugging the .NET framework code itself? If so, Microsoft has released source code to the public for much of the .NET framework.
However, to the best of my knowledge this does not include additions such WF, WPF and WCF (system.servicemodel), so you may be out of luck just yet. I could be wrong though, so it might worthwhile to review the following articles and see about setting up for debugging into .NET source to verify that these additions have not been added in the last year or so.
Check out ScottGu's announcement on releasing .NET source code to the public and how to get started. Be sure to follow some of the links in the announcement, specifically Shawn Burkes Configuring Visual Studio to Debug .NET Framework Source Code.
If you decide to head down this road, it might be worthwhile to read these two posts by John Robbins, Additional .NET Framework Source Code Debugging Tricks and an overview of the .NET Mass Downloader Utility.
If you had a more specific question in mind, please let us know!
Good Luck!