nhibernate: simple template project - nhibernate

I have been using NHibernate for a few years, but whenever I have a question I find myself in the situation of "it would take me 8h to build a sample app/adapt my business-code before I can ask a question".
Is there a simple Visual Studio project out there (maybe even including something like "AbstractDomainObject") to download which one can reference?
Cheers, Patrick

Sharp Architecture is a good place to start as it "provides a solid architectural foundation for rapidly building maintainable web applications leveraging the ASP.NET MVC framework with NHibernate." The Sharp Architecture zip files can be found at GitHub.
Another possibility would be use to the .NET Reference App which is used in Headspring's Agile Boot Camp training.
Finally, the example source code provided with ASP.NET MVC in Action could also be useful.


Boilerplate catalog skeleton

I have to make a simple catalog with products image upload with boilerplate.
Has anyone done something like this? Are there public examples of catalogs source code made with AspnetBoilerplate on the internet?
checkout the below websites.
But AspnetBoilerplate is a developer friendly framework and fully open to customizations. On the other hand, you need to write code and get your hands dirty with it. For the long-term benefits, I would go with AspnetBoilerplate.
Ready to use solution? Unlikely. AspnetBoilerPlate is for coders. So start coding. It should be fairly straightforward to hook up existing .NET Core e-commerce solution with AspNetBoilerplate features using starter template as a reference. Alternatively, you can start with AspNetBoilerplate starter template and add necessary e-commerce features like catalog listing using existing e-commerce source code as a reference.
SimplCommerce is a good simple ecommerce solution also built with .NET Core and EntityFrameworkCore.

Should someone programming using VB Forms use MVC pattern

I am refactoring some code and am working with another programmer. I suggested refactoring the code to follow the MVC pattern to remove all the plumbing from the forms code and put them into seperate classes such as a controller and model class for database. He disagreed with me saying that VB is not meant for MVC and that we should put the code into DLL's. I agree with DLL's but put the MVC into the DLL's is my opinion. Have I got the wrong idea ?
It is a desktop application? because in that case it would be more useful a pattern of MVVC. In any case, I recommend that you seek information from Domain Driven Development (DDD). Here's an article from a practical example =>http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/768664/Introduction-to-ASP-NET-Boilerplate

Different frameworks, different costs [duplicate]

i am right now exploring the capabilities of Monotouch (by Xamarin) with other solution such as
So can any one explain when to use Monotouch and when to Monocross.
What is the advantage & disadvantage of these framework w.r.t native app development?
Just to try to add visually to Stephane's answer, here's a diagram slightly adapted from one of my presentations:
Note that you don't have to use a shared library like MonoCross, MvvmCross, etc. You can always write your own architecture. This is like in web apps - you don't have to use WebForms, ASP.Net Mvx, FubuMvc, etc - you can just use Request and Response and talk more directly with the web server.
So, you can just write your own code to adapt your app to each platform like:
Which approach you should take - depends on the requirements of you and your app... and on personal opinion too.
Monocross is a cross platform MVC framework. As a framework, it's open source. But you need either monotouch or mono for android in order to deploy on the devices.
Those 2 stuffs doesn't compare. They sum up.
With tools like Monocross or MvvmCross, you really get a crossplatform code sharing framework, and that's your advantage over coding in native languages.

Fluent Nhibernate and MVC

I am trying to do a MVC project where i want to use fluent nhibernate. gonna use sql. unfortunately i am confused about how to even start it. i found no tutorials in the net. i need help in organizing my project.thanks in advance
I have a series on my blog where I build a forum application using asp.net mvc and fluent nhibernate. You can check out one of the earlier posts and download the source code. Here is the link to the series: http://mattias-jakobsson.net/archive.aspx#Jakobsson-forum.
Sharp architecture can be helpful. You can base your application on it. It contains MVC and nHibernate and handles many problems that you will have during application development. It is solid base for every MVC app.
You should look at Who Can Help Me?, which is an example site put together by EMC that uses many of the big OSS projects out there today. Specifically of interest: MVC + Sharp Architecture + Fluent NHibernate.
James Broome has also written plenty of stuff about using all the technologies used in the above on his EMC blog.

Have Microsoft rewritten Windows Workflow Foundation in .NET 4.0?

I heard from a friend that Microsoft rewrote all the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) again and changed everything was in .Net 3.5.
Is that true?
And what about what we learned about WF in 3.0 and 3.5?
According to this article:
Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0 is a "bottom-up rewrite with entirely new thinking...WF 3.0/3.5 will remain part of the framework and will run side by side with WF 4.0. This lets you manage the transition at a time that fits your organization's broader goals."
...which is code for, "We know we just screwed up your programming model, but we have a long term strategy, so we hope you will forgive us."
The article goes on to say that
The gains are enormous: custom
activities take center stage, and
authoring them is much simpler;
workflows are entirely declarative;
and there are three workflow flow
styles that you can combine
seamlessly. It's possible that you
could see a 10-fold improvement in the
time required to create and debug
workflows, in addition to 10- to
100-fold runtime performance
The change is not without its detractors. In this article at DotNetKicks, the author states that "Microsoft is seriously damaging the Dot Net developer community and adoption in the industry with these half baked product releases and abrupt about-faces after shipping."
Which is why I generally wait for the 2.0 or 3.0 version of Microsoft technologies, although I made an exception for ASP.NET MVC.
We found the workflow product to be difficult to wrap your head around when it came time to pass data in and out. Scott Allen had a series of articles that did a good job describing the process, but still this was not at an easy task.
That's what the word on the street is. And on the internet. 3.0 and 3.5 will be deprecated, but still available.
Is this change not in Visual Studio 2010 beta 1? Download it, find out, and tell Microsoft what you think of it.