Database design: implement worker->superior relationship - sql

I'm currently developing a website for a hotel. And one of the things I'm about to implement is worker->superior relationship. What is the best way to do so in MySQL?
Here is what I mean: a chef's superior is a head chef, head chef's superior is shift manager, shift manager's superior is general manager. In the employee table, I could make a field superior with ID of superior employee but then I'm only able to get one superior/upper role; more importantly I wouldn't be able to retrieve list of all employees that manager manages at the particular hotel.
I'd need advice on this.

Well, with a simple adjacency graph (supervisor_id pointing back at the employees table), you could certainly do what you want, but it won't be very efficient, and will not scale to large numbers of people.
What you probably want is to implement a nested set model. This allows you to very easily grab everyone who reports to some arbitrary person in the organization.
If you're early enough in development, you might consider looking at the Doctrine ORM system, which provides a nestedset behavior for models, so you don't need to implement your own.
Edit: Richard Knop has a post about nested sets with php example code which you might find more helpful than Celko's 100%-sql examples..

You could get a list of all of the employees a manager manages by doing this on your tabs:
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE `superior`='id goes here'
But if you or bout making more than one superior just make a new table with columns like this
superior, person
or if you wanted to show it like a tree just do it in a loop of queries

Maybe you would be better off creating an additional table or list with roles / functions and assigning levels to each function, so a level 4 would be the direct boss of a level 3 etc.

I suggest a nested set model. However said it will only allow 1 person to have 1 manager directly above them...
I wrote a blog on this a couple of years ago. OK its in MSSQL but it should convert to MySQL ok.
Link here
This shows how to insert/move/retrieve full lists etc.

If you are dealing with shifts, then the shift manager will vary separately from the staff working on the shift. That is, this week, a chef might be working the lunch-time shift under one shift manager; next week, he might be working the evening shift under another manager. Be sure you keep such complexities in mind.

You can do this with three fields, an "ID" and a "managed IDs" range (two values). These IDs are not based in anything real, they are simply to describe the hierarchy.
Then to find all the managed employees you select every ID in the manager's "managed IDs" range. The top managers ID range covers everybody, the managers under him cover a smaller range, etc, down to the people who don't manage anybody and have a range containing just themselves.
One problem with this design is that when you shuffle people around or add new people you sometimes have to renumber everybody in order to keep the hierarchy straight. If you use nice big spacing of IDs for this then you don't have to renumber the entire thing too often. Or you can use floating point ID fields.
Edit: After reading other responses I notice that this is the nested set model, or a variant of it.


Polymorphic Associations in SQL

I'm creating a project with big database of Movies and Series, both in seperate tables. Now I have other tables like Country for specifying production country of movie or/and serie. If I want to do this in many to many relation it requires connection table one for movie and one for serie. It would look like this:
DB with separate connection tables.
It is many tables, so I was searching for other solutions and I found this article and the "Using one data entity per class" method seems to be best for me. I implemented it like that: DB with combined connection table.
The second implementation seems to be good, but there's a one problem I'm facing and that's a complicated inserts. To insert new Movie, I need first to add new Production and second to insert Movie and pick just created Production ID.
My question is could it be fixed in some way ? Can't it be auto incremented from Movie table ?
I'm using 10.1.36-MariaDB and I'm realy sorry for my poor english :c
Since Movies and Series have only one column that is different (boxoffice), it makes sense to put the two tables together and let boxoffice be NULL for series. I don't understand the need for Production, but it seems to add as much complexity as it saves. Try to get rid of it.
I suggest that the id for Country be the standard 2-letter codes. This will be more compact and eliminate some stuff.
The is no good reason to have an id for a connection table. See many-to-many tips . Those tips will speed up many of your queries, and save space.
"Polymorphic" and many other neat-things-in-a-textbook don't necessarily work well in Relational Databases.

It is ok to have duplicated values in SQL

I'm not a DBA so I'm not familiar with the proper lingo, so maybe the title of the question could be a little misleading.
So, the thing. I have Members for a certain system, these members can be part of a demographic segment (any kind of segment: favorite color, gender, job, etc)
These are the tables
ID, Name, Description
SegmentID, SegmentCategoryID
ID, Name, Description
ID, MemberID, SegmentID
So the guy that designed the DB decided to go uber normalizing everything so he put the member's gender on a segment and not in the Member's table.
Is this ok? According to my logic, gender it's a property of the Member so it must be on its entity. But by doing this then there must be duplicated data (The gender on the Member and Gender as a segment) But a trigger on the Member table could just fix this (Update the segment on a gender change)
Having to crawl 4 tables just to get a property from the member seems like over engineering to me.
My question is whether I'm right or not? If so, how could I propose the change to the DBA?
There isn't a blanket rule you can apply to database decisions like this. It depends on what applications/processes it is supporting. A database for reporting is much easier to work with when it is more de-normalized (in a well thought out way) than it is a more transactional database.
You can have a customer record spread across 2 tables, for instance, if some data is accessed or updated more often than other parts. Say you only need one half of the data 90% of your queries, but don't want to drag around the the varchar(max) fields you have there for whatever reason.
Having said that, having a table with just a gender/memberid is on the far side of extreme. From my naive understanding of your situation I feel you just need a members table with views over top for your segments.
As for the DBA, ultimately I imagine it will be them who will be needing to maintain the integrity of the data, so I would just approach them and say "hey, what do you think of this?" Hopefully they'll either see the merit or be able to give you reasons to their design decisions.

Table structure for Scheduling App in SQL DB

I'm working on a database to hold information for an on-call schedule. Currently I have a structure that looks about like this:
Table - Person: (key)ID, LName, FName, Phone, Email
Table - PersonTeam: (from Person)ID, (from Team)ID
Table - Team: (key)ID, TeamName
Table - Calendar: (key dateTime)dt, year, month, day, etc...
Table - Schedule: (from Calendar)dt, (id of Person)OnCall_NY, (id of Person)OnCall_MA, (id of Person)OnCall_CA
My question is: With the Schedule table, should I leave it structured as is, where the dt is a unique key, or should I rearrange it so that dt is non-unique and the table looks like this:
Table - Schedule: (from Calendar)dt, (from Team)ID, (from Person)ID
and have multiple entries for each day, OR would it make sense to just use:
Table - Schedule: (from Calendar)dt, (from PersonTeam)KeyID - [make a key ID on each of the person/team pairings]
A team will always have someone on call, but a person can be on call for more than one team at a time (if they are on multiple teams).
If a completely different setup would work better let me know too!
Thanks for any help! I apologize if my question is unclear. I'm learning fast but nevertheless still fairly new to using SQL daily, so I want to make sure I'm using best practices when I learn so I don't develop bad habits.
The current version, one column per team, is probably not a good idea. Since you're representing teams as a table (and not as an enum or equivalent), it means you expect to add/remove teams over time. That would force you to add/remove columns to the table, which is always a much larger task than adding/removing a few rows.
The 2nd option is the usual solution to a problem like this. A safe choice. You can always define an additional foreign key constraint from Schedule(teamID, personID) to PersonTeam to ensure you don't mistakenly assign schedule duty to a person not belonging to the team.
The 3rd option is pretty much equivalent to the 2nd, only you're swapping a composite natural key for PersonTeam for a surrogate simple key. Since the two components of said composite key are already surrogate, there is no advantage (in terms of immutability, etc.) to adding this additional one. Plus it would turn a very simple N-M relationship (PersonTeam) which most DB managers / ORMs will handle nicely into a more complex object which will need management on its own.
By Occam's razor, I'd do away with the additional surrogate key and use your 2nd option.
In my view, the answer may depend on whether the number of teams is fixed and fairly small. Of course, whether the names of the teams are fixed or not, may also matter, but that would probably have more to do with column naming.
More specifically, my view is this:
If the business requirement is to always have a small and fixed number of people (say, three) on call, then it may well be more convenient to allocate three columns in Schedule, one for every team to hold the ID of the appointed person, i.e. like your current structure:
dt OnCall_NY OnCall_MA OnCall_CA
--- --------- --------- ---------
with dt as the primary key.
If the number of teams (in the Team table) is fixed too, you could include teams' names/designators in the column names like you are doing now, but if the number of teams is more than three and it's just the number of teams in Schedule that is limited to three, then you could just use names like OnCallID1, OnCallID2, OnCallID3.
But even if that requirement is fixed, it may only turn out fixed today, and tomorrow your boss says, "We no longer work with a fixed number of teams (on call)", or "We need to extend the number of teams supported to four, and we may need to extend it further in the future". So, a more universal approach would be the one you are considering switching to in your question, that is
dt Team Person
--- ---- ------
where the primary key would now be dt, Team.
That way you could easily extend/reduce the number of people on call on the database level without having to change anything in the schema.
I forgot to address your third option in my original answer (sorry). Here goes.
Your first option (the one actually implemented at the moment) seems to imply that every team can be presented by (no more than) one person only. If you assign surrogate IDs to the Person/Team pairs and use those keys in Schedule instead of separate IDs for Person and Team, you will probably be unable to enforce the mentioned "one person per team in Schedule" requirement (or, at least, that might prove somewhat troublesome) at the database level, while, using separate keys, it would be just enough to set Team to be part of a composite key (dt, Team) and you are done, no more than one team per day now.
Also, you may have difficulties letting a person change the team over time if their presence in the team was fixated in this way, i.e. with a Schedule reference to the Person/Team pair. You would probably have to change the Team reference in the PersonTeam table, which would result in misrepresentation of historical info: when looking at the people on call back on certain day, the person's Team shown would be the one they belong to now, not the one they did then.
Using separate IDs for people and teams in Schedule, on the other hand, would allow you to let people change teams freely, provided you do not make (Schedule.Team, Schedule.Person) a reference to (PersonTeam.Team, PersonTeam.Person), of course.

Survey Data Model - How to avoid EAV and excessive denormalization?

My database skills are mediocre at best and I have to design a data model for survey data. I have spent some thoughts on this and right now I feel that I am stuck between some kind of EAV model and a design involving hundreds of tables, each with hundreds of columns (and thousands of records). There must be a better way to do this and I hope that the wise folks on this forum can help me.
My question is: how should I model the answers to survey questions in an RDBMS? Using SQL Server is mandatory. So alternative data storage systems should be excluded from this discussion. (Sure, some should and will be evaluated, but not here please.) I don't need a solution for the entire data model, for now I'm only interested in the Answers part.
I have already searched various forums, but I couldn't really find a solution. If it has already been given elsewhere, please excuse me and provide me with a link so I can read it up.
Some assumptions about the data I have to deal with:
Each survey consists of 1 to n questionnaires
Each questionnaire consists of 100-2,000 questions (please ignore that 2,000 questions really sound like a lot to answer...)
Questions can be of various types: multiple-choice, free text, a number (like age, income, percentages, ...)
Each survey involves 10-200 countries (These are not the respondents. The respondents are actually people in the countries.)
Depending on the type of questionnaire, each questionnaire is answered by 100-20,000 respondents per country.
A country can adapt the questionnaires for a survey, i.e. add, remove or edit questions
The data for one country is gathered in a separate database in that country. There is no possibility for online integration from the start.
The data for all countries has to be integrated later. This means for example, if a country has deleted a question, that data must somehow be derived from what they sent in order to achieve a uniform design across all countries
I will have to write the integration and cleaning software, which will need to work with every country's data
In the end the data needs to be exported to flat files, one rectangular grid per country and questionnaire.
I have already discussed this topic with people from various backgrounds and have not come to a good solution yet. I mainly got two kinds of opinions.
The domain experts, who are used to working with flat files (spreadsheet-style) for data processing and analysis vote for a denormalized structure with loads of tables and columns as I described above (1 table per country and questionnaire). This sounds terrible to me, because I learned that wide tables are to be avoided, it will be annoying to determine which columns are actually in a table when working with it, the database will become cluttered with hundreds of tables (or I even need to set up multiple databases, each with a similar yet a bit differetn design), etc.
O-O-programmers vote for a strongly "normalized" design, which would effectively lead to a central table containing all the answers from all respondents to all questions. This table would either need to contain a column of type sql_variant type or multiple answer columns with different types to store answers of different types (multiple choice, free text, ..). The former would essentially be a EAV model. I tend to follow Joe Celko here, who strongly discourages its use (he calls it OTLT or "One True Lookup Table"). The latter would imply that each row would contain null cells for the not applicable types by design.
Another alternative I could think of would be to create one table per answer type, i.e., one for multiple-choice questions, one for free text questions, etc.. That's not so generic, it would lead to a lot of union joins, I think and I would have to add a table if a new answer type is invented.
Sorry for boring you with all this text and thank you for your input!
PS: I asked the same question here:
Well imgur is down so i'll post the pic later.
I think this is completely feasible within a relational model. I've built a CDM to show how I would do this.
It takes 4 entities to define a Country's Survey. Some Parent Survey, the country and a list of questions. Your questions have an internal relationship so when one country "edits" a question, you can track both the question asked by the country and the question it came from. The other thing you need is a Possible Answer entity/table. Each question may have an associated list of possible answers (multiple choice or ranges etc). Those 4 should completely define the "OUTBOUND" side of this.
The "INBOUND" side is just 2 new entities, The Respondent and the answer. The respondent is straightforward, just the demographics of that person if you know them and here you can include a relationship back to country. Each respondent answered the survey in a given country. (Person may be 1:n with Respondent if the person travels or has dual citizenship)
The answer is basic; either it is one of the choices listed in the list of Possible Answers or it is provided. Don't get all caught up in the fact that the answer may be a number, date, etc just yet. Either it's a FK or a string of characters.
A report is a join over all of these... You'll choose a country and a survey, get the list of questions and answers.
Answer Complexity
Depends on where you want to do your calculations. If you used a Varchar2(4000) column for your user-provided answers, you could add an attribute to question to describe the datatype of the answer. Q: Age? DT: Integer Between (0 and 130). Then your integration layer can do the validation instead of the database enforcing it. Or you can have 4 columns, one for number, date, character and CLOB. And your integration layer will determine the column to use. When you report those answers out, you'll just select all four columns with Coalesce().
Is this an EAV because there's a slight ambiguity to the datatype of "Answer"
No, it's not.
AN EAV model breaks down an Entity into a list of attributes.
like so:
Entity Attribute Value
1 Fname Stephanie
1 Lname Page
1 Age 30
because you see the Answer column of the Survey schema is holding both words and numbers like the Value column does here you think that defines EAV. It does not. Just as if I added 3 datatype columns to this model it wouldn't change it FROM an EAV.
I soooo hate it when
I've had people tell me that the query I'm tuning has to go "as fast as possible". Ok, so give me a billion dollars and 30 years. "Wait, a Billion what?" "As much as", "as fast as" aren't requirements. You can validate anything you want in a database... build a shedload of Before triggers, voila! Validation galore.
What's the datatype of an age column? Or Birthdate column? Depends on what your data source is. Some older records may only have Month and Year, or just year, or 'around' or 'circa' some year. You couldn't have just a number column and do 'as much validation as possible'. and NUMBER(2) may be BETTER validation than just NUMBER. So now you'll have NUMBER(1), NUMBER(2), NUMBER... to have "as much as".
Where I think you are getting tripped up
Think of this as a Conceptual Data Model, not a Physical one. In those terms Survey is an entity. Is Question an entity or just an attribute of Survey. If you built One table PER you're clearly saying that Question is just an Attribute of Survey and storing them vertically makes this an EAV. What this model shows is that Question is actually another entity. There is a relationship between Questions, e.g. 'a country [can] edit questions'. There was the original question and edited one. Each question has a collection of possible answers. And the most important this is that, they are all questions. In an EAV I call fname, lname, bdate, age, major, salary, etc... all very disparate things, just attributes. In this case we're not including the name of the agency who originated the survey and the date it was issued and the date is due back and the etc... as questions.
Let me put this another way. You're Fedex. You want to store timestamps for certain events. Each time a package enters or leaves a facility or vehicle. Time on the picking up truck, time off the truck and into the first facility, time out of that facility and onto a plane, etc. Do you store them Horizontally? How do you know the number of hops in advance? If you store them vertically does that automatically make it an EAV? And if so why.
You're a weather company getting temps from stations around the country. Let's say the sensors are designed to send a reading when the temperature changes +/- a full degree. If you store a sensor_ID|timestamp|temp is a Reading Table is that an EAV? Each reading isn't an attribute of the sensor, they are themselves entities which belong to a collection/series.
One thing that vertical storage of answers has in common with an EAV is its difficulty in performing analytic queries. If you wanted a list of all the people who answered TRUE to question 5 and 10 but FALSE to 6 and 11 would be very difficult when done vertically. Maybe that's why you see this an EAV. If you want to do that, you need a different storage. The relational storage of the question and answers isn't the best reporting database. Let's go back to the Fedex example. It's not simple to do "transit" time reporting when the rows are vertical.
This sounds like you are wrestling with a common problem: how to use a hammer to fasten a screw.
Both alternatives you listed are bad, each for different reasons. But that's because you are trying to stuff your particular data model into a relational database system. A good approach would be to look beyond the relational database at some other database/storage systems, try a couple out, and find the best fit for your project.
I have tried the EAV model and gave up because it was far too complex, and I am afraid to try the multi-tables model with a relational database system. The easiest solution I have found with a relational database is: store each complete response as a single CLOB, serialized into JSON or YAML (or something else lightweight), in a responses table.
create table responses (
id uuid primary key,
questionnaire_id uuid references,
data text
If I was using SQL Server, Express will be OK, then I would do this:
Table with list of questions, flags
for type (bit), if required flag
(bit), the correct answer if exists,
Table with list of countries
Table linking of countries and
questions (some countries may not get some questions
Table for answers with columns for
the question(s) and a xml
column for the optional questions
including those which are added
If you are not versed in shredding XML then use sparse columns for all the optional questions. I do not recall exactly the limit on the number of sparse columns in a table but I believe it is above 30,000. SQL Server internally stores sparse columns as XML and will shred it when one selects the column and yes it can be indexed
The diagram below show a diagram created with SQL Server. the column AL_A4 will hold the answer to QL_Id = 4 and is of type sparse. The QL_Id in the QuestionList table is not flagged required letting you know to make the column in AnswerList sparse.
Since countries will add questions create QuestionListCustom, QuestiontoCountryCustom and AnswerListCustom tables and add the information from the custom questions.
I am sure there are other ways to design the storage, this is the way I would turn in the homework, if this is not homework then you surely work for the UN.
Have you considered not reinventing the wheel? There are open source survey applications already built. Even if they don't meet your needs, download a few and check out their data models.

SSIS Population of Slowly Changing Dimension with outrigger

Working on a data warehouse, a suitable analogy for the problem is that we have Healthcare Practitioners. Healthcare Practitioners have a number of professional attributes and work in an open number of teams and in an open number of clinical areas.
For example, you may have a nurse who works in children's services across a number of teams as a relief/contractor/bank staff person. Or you may have a newly qualified doctor who works general medicine who is doing time in a special area pending qualifying as a consultant of that special area.
So we have an open number of areas of work and an open number of teams, we can't have team 1, team 2 etc in our dimensions. The other attributes may change over time also, like base location (where they work out of), the main team and area they work in..
So, following Kimble I've gone for outriggers:
Table DimHealthProfessionals:
Key (primary key, identity)
Main Team
Main Area of Work
Base Location
Other Attribute 1
Other Attribute 2
Start Date
End Date
Table OutriggerHealthProfessionalTeam:
HPKey (foreign key to DimHealthPRofessionals.Key)
Team Name
Team Type
Other Team Attribute 1
Other Team Attribute 2
Table OutriggerHealthProfessionalAreaOfWork:
HPKey (as above)
Area of Work
Other AoW attribute 1
If any attribute of the HP changes, or the combination of teams or areas of work in which they work change, we need to create a new entry in the SCD and it's outrigger tables to encapsulate this.
And we're doing this in SSIS.
The source data is basically an HP table with the main attributes, a table of areas of work, a table of teams and a pair of mapping tables to map a current set of areas of work to an HP.
I have three data sources, one brings in the HCP information, one the areas of work of all HCPs and one the team memberships.
The problem is how to run over all three datasets to determine if an HP has changed an attribute, and if they have changed an attribute, how we update the DIM and two outriggers appropriately.
Can anyone point me at a best practice for this? OR suggest an alternative way of modelling this dimension?
Admittedly I may not understand everything here, but it seems to me that the relationship in this example should be reversed. Place TeamKey and the WorkAreaKey in the dimHealthProfessionals -- this should simplify things.
With this in place, you simply make sure to deliver outriggers before the dimHealthProfessionals.
Treat outriggers as dimensions in their own right. You may want to treat dimHealthProfessionals as a type 2 dimension, to properly capture the history.
Considering that team to person is many-to-many, a fact is more appropriate.
A column in a dimension table is appropriate only if a person can belong to only one team at a time. Same with work areas.
The problem is how to run over all three datasets to determine if an HP has changed an attribute, and if they have changed an attribute, how we update the DIM and two outriggers appropriately.
Can anyone point me at a best practice for this? OR suggest an alternative way of modelling this dimension?
I'm not sure I understand your question fully. If you are unsure about change detection, then use Checksums in the package. Build up a temp table with the data as it is in the source, then compare each row to its counterpart (joined via the business keys) by computing the checksum for both rows and comparing those. If they differ, the data has changed.
If you are talking about cascading updates in a historized dimension hierarchy (and you can treat the outriggers like a hierarchy in this context) then the foreign key lookups will automatically lookup the newer entry in DimHealthProfessionals if you have a historization (i.e. have validFrom / validThrough timestamps in DimHealthProfessionals). Those different foreign keys result in a different checksum.