Can SQL Server 2008 Express exist with SQL Server 2000 on the same server? - sql-server-2000

I'm wondering if anybody has had any experience in trying to install SQL Server 2008 Express along side with SQL Server 2000. We have a production server running 2000 which all of our current stuff is running on. However, something new is in the pipeline that uses SQL Server 2008 Express.
Hitting Google thus far has given me nothing concrete. There was an obvious no from a preview release of 2008 but nothing about RTM 2008.
I could try installing it but would like to find out as much as I can before doing so. I can see the 2008 install failing, eating 2000 in the process.
The alternative paths that I have include having the 2008 db be turned into a 2000 format (which I'd like to avoid as we only have a 5 connection licenses) and building a new server (we already have enough and it seems overkill). Redoing the 2008 DB is viable as it doesn't use any new whiz-bang features from 2008.
Virtualization can be an option as well, but it's not quite in our cultural yet.
Any insights here will be appreciated.

yes you can, you have to make the 2008 version a named instance if the 2000 version is a default instance


SQL Server 2005 migration to new environment SQL Server 2012

I am new here. I was recently handed a project to create an environment with Windows 2012 and SQL Server 2012. The goal is to take the existing databases in our current environment which is SQL Server 2005 and Windows 2003 platform. I have tried looking for specific whitepapers to doing this or checklists that might exist. What are some of the things I should plan for, can I de-attach a database in the SQL Server 2005 environment. I did check the compatibility version for SQL Server 2005 environment is 90. Any help would be appreciated. I feel as if I might be in over my head.
I don't recommend the De-attach/attach method. De-attach/attach method will only work with the database but you will have to manually create the jobs. There will be other issues.

Will SQL Server Express work with a database made in regular SQL Server?

I was wondering if we could backup the database that we currently host on regular SQL Server, and put it onto our clients computer when we setup SQL Server Express for them.
Is this possible?
Yes, it's possible to restore a database backup from the Standard edition to the Express edition. It's not possible to restore a SQL Server 2008 to a SQL Server 2005 version, though.
However, there a some minor differences between versions. I've noticed an issue in SQL Server Express 2005 when calling .NET SQL CLR functions across databases, so your mileage may vary. I haven't been able to find a good overview of the exact differences between the various SQL Server editions.
It's always best to keep the development platform as close as possible to the release platform. I can only recommend that you use the Express edition of SQL Server for development as well; and re-test your application.

SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 Coexisting in Windows 7 machine

Some SQL Server 2005 and 2008 questions.
1) Can they coexist on the same Windows 7 machine without issues?
2) Can you attach and run 2005 databases to SQL Server 2008 without compatibility issues or is this a no go?
3) Does SQL Server 2005 even work on Windows 7?
Yes, both can coexist on the same machine without issues.
Yes, however, once you attach a 2005 database into a 2008 instance, you have upgraded it to 2008 never to go back to 2005 unless you export the data into some universal format. You can however, have both engines running simultaneously and can use either set of management tools to see either database (although some features will only work with the 2008 management studio working against the 2008 database)
Yes. Both sets of tools (including Management Studio) and services can coexist on the same machine (I have this very setup). The only thing you cannot do is to have both engines listening on the same port. Thus, one of the two will have to be a named instance.
1) Yes.
2) You can view 2005 database under 2008 management studio, not sure about hosting them under a 2008 instance though. I'm fairly confident they do, but not sure if it's native or via converting to a 2008 database.
3) Yes.
Note that you can't have 2005 MS and 2008 MS (management studio) installed on the same OS. This was based on my experience a long while ago when 2008 first came out, I got an error message stating that I couldn't install it because of a previous version (2005) being installed, or something akin to that. Turns out it has changed.

SQL server 2005 instance not found

I was using SQL server 2005 express edition and, therefore was limited by a data base 4 giga size. I decided to install SQL server 2005 developper (64bits) in order to be able to go beyond 4 gigabytes data base size.
The installation program run with no error message on a Windows 7 64 bits, but did not install the SQL server Management Studio. After a couple of investigations, I found out and run the installation program on CD2 SqlRun_Tools.msi which installed the missing tools. I then installed the SQL server SP3 package.
When I opened the Management Studio, the 3 instances of SQL 2005 Express where there but no SQL 2005 developer edition (new) instance was shown.
I restored the system, then removed each one of the SQL server Express instances, then fully reinstalled the SQL 2005 developper edition with its default instance name, but again no SQLserver 2005 Developper instance was listed on the SQL Server management studio. Surprise! the 3 instances from SQL 2005 Express edition (which were all previously uninstalled) were still there, but not accessible.
I have tried to access the new SQL server Developper through my code but the instance has not been found either.
All connection strings have been working for a long time with SQL Express edition and are correct.
I have also checked that SQl server and SQl browser were started.
I would really appreciate your help.
Thanks a lot.

Do I have both SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 installed?

When in 'SQL Server Configuration Manager' I see, under 'SQL Server Services', 2 items that look like SQL Server's:
SQL Server (sqlexpress)
SQL Server (mssqlserver)
Does that mean I have 2 versions installed at the same time? The 'SQL Server (mssqlserver) is currently stopped).
You have two instances. They might or might not be the same version (meaning 2005/2008).
Express is just an SKU / edition from the myriad of different editions.
You can have the same version or multiple versions/SKUs installed as different instances on the same machine.
So unless someone wittingly set up a new instance with the name "sqlexpress", you probably have two kinds of products installed (both can be 2008 or both can be 2005 or they can be different - it is just that one of them is presumably the Express SKU while the other is say Standard.)
You can get more information on the instances by using ##VERSION.
It looks like you got SQL Server Express installed with Visual Studio and then later installed SQL Server 2008. I've done this before and the best solution I found was to completely uninstall SQL Server Express and SQL Server 2008. Remove all the files in the Microsoft SQL Server directory in Program Files, then reinstall SQL Server 2008. If you still have problems getting the 2008 instance to be the default, you may also need to uninstall Visual Studio.
In the future, if you're going to install the development (or other) version of SQL Server locally, I suggest making sure you install it before Visual Studio. The VS install won't install SQL Server Express if it detects an existing SQL Server instance on the system.
BTW, you can verify if this is true by using the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel item.
SQLExpress is the light/free edition, usually used for developers or very lightweight applications.
MSSQLServer is the full blown SQL install.
So yes you have 2 "SQL Server" installs, but they are different products, I can't say which versions based on your provided data.
You have two SqlServer instances installed on your system. One is SqlServer Express Edition and the other one a Sql Server. I can't say which version or edition.
Maybe you can find some more information in the registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft).
I'd vote against removing either one--SQL server does fine with multiple instances and they are good for different things. For example, lots of open source projects presume a local copy of sql express at .\SQLEXPRESS for development use. Whereas you can't write analysis service stuff with SQL Express.
Or, its not a problem. Those aren't the droids your looking for. Move along.