Static library for DevIL? - static-linking

I really need a static version of the DevIL DLLs for windows as I need to statically link my program to it. Anyone got one?
I, unfortunately, don't have the toolchain to compile from source :/

Is there some particular reason you can't (or are unwilling) to get the necessary toolchain to compile it?
That said, what's wrong with the material available from the download page? All the libs you need to compile are listed right there at the end, and there's an MSVC++ 2008 package all zipped up to make it even easier.


How do i find out dll dependencies of a Cygwin program?

Given a Cygwin executable, how do i find out all the dll's that it depends upon?
For the libraries that are loaded by the system executable loader i can use a tool like depends (aka Dependency Walker), but i have no idea how to trace the dll's that the program tries to load dynamically with Load Library.
My aim is to be able to take the minimal dependencies of a program built for Cygwin platform in order to make it work portable, without all the Cygwin stuff that it is never gonna use (some base command line utils, man pages etc.).
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks to Michael Lockhart, the solution is simply to cygcheck the executable. Here are some references: on Wordpress and his site.

how to compile objective c file in google native client?

I have a npapi plugin(bundle) for chrome, which use C++ and objective-c. now it needs to be build by google native client.
I wonder that can nacl support objective-c? how to compile o-c file by MakeFile
And if possible, how to build nacl plugin in Xcode? I tried, but i found that the libraries of nacl are " archive with no architecture specification".(use lipo -info *.a)
I hope someone to help me, thanks a lot!!!
If you use Objective-C without any of its usual libraries then you should be able to use the PNaCl toolchain (which is based on LLVM) to have it parse Objective-C. I'm not aware of projects that have done this, so you should definitely let folks on the mailing list know if you get something working (do keep the questions on SO, though!).
It sounds like your application won't be running on the open web (where only architecture-independent PNaCl can run, not NaCl), so you could either use the PNaCl toolchain to create a .pexe, or you could use the same toolchain to create a .nexe for each architecture you target. The documentation I linked to helps with both approaches, but note that using the PNaCl toolchain to create a .nexe is currently being improved. You can therefore follow the instructions on the bug tracker, or try out nacl-clang when it's released (or build it yourself if you're brave).

objective-c static library intellij appcode

New to objective-c. Finally found a tutorial that describes how to create and use a static library in x-code. I'm surprised that building and using libraries is such an arduous process. Is there a more efficient way to create and use static libraries?
I installed JetBrain app-code. But I can't follow the same steps since I can't figure out how to create a workspace in app-code.
Could someone please lists the steps for creating and using a static library in app-code?
Also, how can I change my build path in app-code? I tried to change the path in project properties...there is a text-box but its value keeps reverting back to the default?
I think I'm missing something, because the jet-brain products I've worked with (resharper for C#, and intell-j for Java) are very high quality.
Thanks in advance.
at this moment, AppCode doesn't have full project configuration facilities: you cannot create targets in it. This functionality will be added in the future versions.
Meanwhile, you can use Xcode to setup you project and then switch back to AppCode.
As for the build path reverting to the default, could you please file a bug report in the tracker?

Including Missing DLLs

I am developing in DX 10/11, & when I tried the code on another computer with a NV 660, it said that d3dx11d_43 was not found. I reinstalled the Visual C++ 2012 32/64 bit & DirectX Runtime, but still says that. I think that the user needs to install the SDK or something.
I get the warning that the debug info cant be found.
From what I have reading, it is because I have something that depends on something debug related. No idea what though.
Is there a way to make the game compile with most, if not all, of the DLLs? I dont mind the extra size. The content of many games out-weigh the extra DLLs that are used.
I did compile as Release.
Removed 1st question, since no one answered it.
You can add the dlls you need to the resource file, then compile the resource file to your exe file, and at last, parse the resource file at run time to get the dlls you need. here is a similar question, you can take a look.
d3dx11d_43 is a debug version of d3dx11_43 which your program links with when you do a debug build rather than a release build. The debug version is not included in the directx runtime installer, only in the SDK.
The license does not allow you to distribute it either.
You should build and distribute release versions of the code, or else require users to install the SDK which probably wouldn't be so popular!

Library search path for libstdc++

I have compiled shared libraries dynamically linked against using GLIBCXX_3.4.11. I want to send my code to someone whose stdc++ library is only of version 3.4.10. Rather than ask him to update his library version (this is a software customer, so I can't assume they'll be willing or able to change system files) I would like to ship the appropriate version of, placed in a lib folder with the directory location of my code. How do I get my own code to use the appropriate (later) version? I find that /etc/ includes the directory /lib64, where an offending older version of resides. Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not override this. This seems to deviate from the advertised behavior. Any idea why this is happening? How do I complete my rather simple task?
I understand that this question is old, but I found it while trying to sort out my own linking trouble which was similar. You will have to build your program against a version of libstdc++ which is compatible with your colleague's version of the library. The easiest solution, of course, is to link against his version of the library so he doesn't need to make special tweaks on his side to link your library.
To do this, you will want to install a version of GCC which can build binary compatible libraries so you can actually link against his version of libstdc++. GLIBCXX_3.4.11 is from gcc-4.4 and later, so you will need gcc-4.3. Build your program using this and you should be in good shape.
You can consult the following page for a list of library ABI compatabilities:
You could also build an rpm/deb which requires the version of libstdc++ you already have and if it's not available, refuse to install. This gives you a bit of an interface which gives him a promise that if his system is setup with the correct dependencies, he can use your library. In that sense, it's like a loose SLA for your library in what you do and don't support.
Hope that helps!