How do I (quickly) collate IDs from various tables? - sql

I have three denormalized tables that I have to take at face value (data comes from some external resource). The three tables have different definitions, but they each describe the same object from different perspectives.
object1 A B
object2 A
object3 B C
object4 C
The only commonality between these tables is their primary key. I can corral the IDs together using SELECT UNION SELECT, but the query seems relatively slow, even when each table has its PK field indexed. I could create a view to abstract this query, vw_object_ids, but it performs at the same speed. I thought I could add an index to materialize the view, but in SQL Server 2005, you can't index views with UNIONs.
What I want is to have a master index of IDs be in sync with with the underlying data, which may get updated or deleted whenever. I guess I could accomplish this indefinitely with a crazy set of triggers or just settle for the speed of the unindexed view. But I just wanted to make sure I'm not missing any options or if this scenario has a name or is indicative of a pattern.

Create a master table that contains only the ID:
and make all three tables to refer to that master table with ON DELETE CASCADE.
To populate the table for the first time, issue
INTO master
To populate the table on a regular basis, create a trigger on each of three tables.
This trigger should try to insert the new ID to master and silently fail on PRIMARY KEY violation.
To query, use:
FROM master m
ON =
ON =
ON =
This will use indexes efficienty.
To delete, use:
FROM master
WHERE id = #id
This will fire ON DELETE CASCADE and delete records from all three tables if any.

Why not just do an outer join and then coalesce the columns from the component tables?


Can we join two parts of two composite primary keys together?

I have to two tables, both have a composite primary key:
OrderNr + CustNr
OrderNr + ItemNr
Can I join both tables with the OrderNr and OrderNr which is each a part of a composite primary key?
Yes, but you may find you get rows from each table that repeat as they combine to make a unique combination. This is called a Cartesian product
Table A
OrderNr, CustNr
SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.OrderNr = b.OrderNr
This happens because composite primary keys can contain repeated elements so long as the combination of elements is unique. Joining on only one part of the PK, and that part being an element that is repeated (my custnr 1 repeats twice in each table, even though the itemnr and CustNr mean the rows are unique) results in a multiplied resultset - 2 rows from A that are custnr 1, multiplied by 2 rows from B that are custnr 1, gives 4 rows in total
Does it work with the normal/naturla join too?
Normal joins (INNER, LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, FULL OUTER) will join the rows from two tables or subqueries when the ON condition is valid. The clause in the ON is like a WHERE clause, yes - in that it represents a statement that is true or false (a predicate). If the statement is true, the rows are joined. You don't even have to make it about data from the tables - you can even say a JOIN b ON 1=1 and every rows from A will get joined to every row from B. As commented, primary keys aren't involved in JOINS at all, though primary keys often rely on indexes and those indexes may be used to speed up a join, but they aren't vital to it.
Other joins (CROSS, NATURAL..) exist; a CROSS join is like the 1=1 example above, you don't specify an ON, every row from A is joined to every row from B, by design. NATURAL JOIN is one to avoid using, IMHO - the database will look for column names that are the same in both tables and join on them. The problem is that things can stop working in future if someone adds a column with the same name but different content/meaning to the two tables. No serious production system I've ever come across has used NATURAL join. You can get away with some typing if your columns to join on are named the same, with USING - SELECT * FROM a JOIN b USING (col) - here both A and B have a column called col. USING has some advantages, especially over NATURAL join, in that it doesn't fall apart if another column of the same name as an existing one but it has some detractors too - you can't say USING(col) AND .... Most people just stick to writing ON, and forget USING
NATURAL join also does NOT use primary keys. There is no join style (that I know of) that will look at a foreign key relationship between two tables and use that as the join condition
And then is it true that if I try to join Primary key and foreign key of two tables, that it works like a "where" command?
Hard to understand what you mean by this, but if you mean that A JOIN B ON A.primarykey = B.primary_key_in_a then it'll work out, sure. If you mean A CROSS JOIN B WHERE A.primarykey = B.primary_key_in_a then that will also work, but it's something I'd definitely avoid - no one writes SQLs this way, and the general favoring is to drop use of WHERE to create joining conditions (you do still see people writing the old school way of FROM a,b WHERE a.col=b.col but it's also heavily discouraged), and put them in the ON instead
So, in summary:
SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col2
Joins all rows from a with all rows from b, where the values in col1 equal the values in col2. No primary keys are needed for any of this to work out
You can join any table if there is/are logical relationship between them
select *
from t1
on t1.ORderNr = t2.OrderNr
Although if OrderNr cannot provide unicity between tables by itself, your data will be multiplied.
Lets say that you have 2 OrderNr with value 1 on t1 and 5 OrderNr with value 1 on t2, when you join them, you will get 2 x 5 = 10 records.
Your data model is similar to a problem commonly referred to as a "fan trap". (If you had an "order" table keyed solely by OrderNr if would exactly be a fan trap).
Either way, it's the same problem -- the relationship between Order/Customers and Order/Items is ambiguous. You cannot tell which customers ordered which items.
It is technically possible to join these tables -- you can join on any columns regardless of whether they are key columns or not. The problem is that your results will probably not make sense, unless you have more conditions and other tables that you are not telling us about.
For example, a simple join just on t1.OrderNr = t2.OrderNr will return rows indicating every customer related to the order has ordered every item related to the order. If that is what you want, you have no problem here.

Delete rows from table inner join

I'm having a problem, I explain:
I have a table called Tipo_Base that contains Id, nombre_tipo_base
I have a table called Tipo_Base_Lista that contains Id, id_tipo_base, and lista_id
I have a table called Modelo_unidad that contains Id, nombre_modelo and id_tipo_base
I have a table called Modelo_Lista that contains Id, id_modelo, id_lista
Each id_lista of the table modelo_lista MUST be present in the table tipo_base_lista, then, when I delete a id_lista from the table tipo_base_lista, it must also be deleted from the table modelo_lista.
Try the following:
DELETE Tbl_modelo_lista
INNER JOIN Tbl_modelo_unidad as MU ON MU.id_modelo = Tbl_modelo_lista.id_modelo
INNER JOIN Tbl_tipo_base_lista as TBL ON TBL.id_tipo_base = MU.id_tipo_base
TBL.id_lista <> Tbl_modelo_lista.id_lista
I think the logic you want is more like this:
FROM Tbl_modelo_lista ml INNER JOIN
Tbl_modelo_unidad mu
ON mu.id_modelo = ml.id_modelo LEFT JOIN
Tbl_tipo_base_lista tbl
ON tbl.id_tipo_base = mu.id_tipo_base AND
tbl.id_lista = ml.id_lista
WHERE tbl.id_lista IS NULL;
Normally, the way to implement this logic is with a cascading delete constraint. In your case, I'm not sure this would work. Cascading triggers are useful when you need to propagate changes from the reference table outwards. They don't keep track of incoming references and delete a record when there are no references.

View new count column

I have 2 tables. One who is like a transactional table
userId category
Second table also has
userId (as primary key)
and other columns (not important)
I wanted to create a view based on these 2 tables. Also, I want to have one column which puts into the cells the count from the transactional table who has the same id and eventually matches a special categorie f.e "car".
I thought of maybe using nested select statement, but since i'm a beginner i'm a little bit confused.
Try something like this.
select count(b.userId) as ID, b.category from table2 a inner join transactional b
on a.userId = b.userId where b.category= 'car' group by b.category;

Update a field from one table to another, involving a 3 table join

I have a table I need to update the price field in. I need to update this field from a different price field from a different table. The only way I can get to the required table for the update is by joining another table into this query.
So in all I need to join 3 tables in the update.
Table A has the price field that needs to be updated. In this table I have the foreign key of the product.
Table A structure
-ITEM_PRICE (needs to be updated from Table C)
Table B is the product table which has the PK of the product. This table is used to access Table C.
I also need to filter Table B to only update a certain stock type.
Table B structure
-ITEM_TYPE (a string that needs to be added in where clause to only update records with certain type).
Table C has a foreign key back to Table B. It also contains the price field that I need to use to update the price field in table A
Table C structure
-PRICE (this is the field that I need to use to update the price field in table A)
The DBMS I am using is Firebird.
I have tried to use sub queries to no avail. I regularly use a sub-select when using two tables to update, so something like
UPDATE table1 AS t1
SET t1.FK = (select table2.PK
ON table2.FK = table2.PK
I'm just struggling to use the same technique with a 3rd table incorporated.
I am not even sure if this is the correct way to go about this situation. I have looked on google, but most examples I have come across don't utilise the 3rd table.
Any help would be appreciated.
**edited to included more detail on table structure.
are you able to show us the table structures in more detail?
if both tableA and tableC have a foreign key that points back to tableB I don't think you need to include a three table join. you just need to
unless I'm missing something?
edited to reflect a better understanding of the problem
alright, I think I've got it this time:
update tableA set price =
(select price from tableC where tableA.fk_tableB = tableC.fk_tableB) where
(Select item_type from tableB where tableB.pk_tableB = tableA.fk_tableB) =
edited again with a better understanding of the problem

Access: Updatable join query with 2 primary key fields that are both also foreign keys

In MS Access, I am trying to implement a many-to-many table that will store 2-way relationships, similar to Association between two entries in SQL table. This table stores info such as "Person A and Person B are coworkers" "C and D are friends", etc. The table is like this:
LeftId (number, primary key, foreign key to Constituents.ConstitId)
RightId (number, primary key, foreign key to Constituents.ConstitId)
Description (text)
Note that the primary key is a composite of the two Id fields.
Also the table has constraints:
[LeftId]<>[RightId] AND [LeftId]<[RightId]
The table is working ok in my Access project, except that I cannot figure out how to make an updateable query that I want to use as a datasheet subform so users can easily add/delete records and change the descriptions. I currently have a non-updatable query:
SELECT Constituents.ConstituentId, Constituents.FirstName,
Constituents.MiddleName, Constituents.LastName,
ConstitRelationships.Description, ConstitRelationships.LeftId,
FROM ConstitRelationships INNER JOIN Constituents ON
(Constituents.ConstituentId =
ConstitRelationships.RightId) OR (Constituents.ConstituentId =
If I ignore the possibility that the constituentId I want is in the leftId column, I can do this, which is updatable. So the OR condition in the inner join above is what's messing it up.
SELECT Constituents.ConstituentId, Constituents.FirstName,
Constituents.MiddleName, Constituents.LastName,
ConstitRelationships.Description, ConstitRelationships.LeftId,
FROM ConstitRelationships INNER JOIN Constituents ON
(Constituents.ConstituentId =
ConstitRelationships.RightId) ;
I also tried this wacky iif thing to collapse the two LeftId and RightId fields into FriendId, but it was not updateable either.
SELECT Constituents.ConstituentId, Constituents.FirstName,
Constituents.LastName, subQ.Description
FROM Constituents
SELECT Description, Iif([Forms]![Constituents Form]![ConstituentId] <>
ConstitRelationships.LeftId, ConstitRelationships.LeftId,
ConstitRelationships.RightId) AS FriendId
FROM ConstitRelationships
WHERE ([Forms]![Constituents Form]![ConstituentId] =
OR ([Forms]![Constituents Form]![ConstituentId] =
) subQ
ON (subQ.FriendId = Constituents.ConstituentId)
How can I make an updatable query on ConstitRelationships, including a JOIN with the Constituent.FirstName MiddleName LastName fields?
I am afraid that is not possible. Because you use joins in your query over three tables it is not updatable. There is no way around this.
Here some detailed information about the topic:
As mentioned in the linked article one possible solution and in my opinion best solution for you would be the temporary table. It is a load of work compared to the easy "bind-form-to-a-query"-approach but it works best.
The alternative would be to alter your datascheme in that way that you do not need joins. But then denormalized data and duplicates would go rampage which makes the temporary table a favorable choice.