NHibernate ManyToMany relationship that includes all of one side of the relationship - nhibernate

Given this db schema (it was handed down to me):
(source: robtennyson.us)
I'd like suggestions on how to both model this and map it using fluent-nhibernate.
The only thing I can come up with is a very active record style of modeling (a class for each table and the obvious associations).
Ignoring the db for a second though, I think I want every facility to always have a list of all of the compliance flags. This way I can ask the facility what the compliance date for flag "XX" is.
Any help would be appreciated even it's only a slight nudge in the right direction.

I think the best way is what you've already suggested, to map each table as an entity. If you didn't have additional data in the join table you wouldn't need to, but as you do they should really be separate entities.
You'd have three entities. Facility and Compliance would have a HasMany to Facil_Compliance. You'd also have a References from Facil_Compliance back to each table. You may optionally remove a direction from this relationship if you only ever need to go one way.


What is the problem with many-to-many relationships?

I feel like I have searched through the internet to find an answer to this question for quite some time now, but without success. Does anyone feel comfortable explaining why many-to-many relationships should be replaced with a bridge table?
Probably most (all??) RDMS implement a M:N relationship by creating a table containing two columns with the FKs.
So there is no advantage to explicitely model the bridge table.
But in most realistic cases you want to store additional information (besides the fact of its existence) about the relationship instance, e.g. timestamp and user from the creation. That means that you need to model the bridge table anyway.

Implementing Review flags in Databases; best practices

I need store some review flags that relate to some entities. Each review flag can only related to a single entity property group. For example table Parents has a ParentsStatus flag and table Children has a set of ChildrenStatus flags.
In the current design proposal I have three tables:
ReviewTypes: stores the flags and the properties they relate to.
ReviewPositions: stores the values the flags can have.
Reviews: stores the transaction data, the actual reviews. It is like UsersToFlags: Flags in a database rows, best practices.
The problem is I am getting push back that there is no need to have the Reviews table and it would be better to just store this actual review data on each entity. For example add an extra column to Parents to hold ParentsStatus. They feel it is a simpler solution and separating the data out is just “overkill” for out scenario.
I don’t like this idea as this means that every time we want to add a new review flag we need to update the core entity table to hold that flag.
Space is not a problem.
Do people have any strong opinions?
This comment applies to the three answers. The consensus is the relational approach is best but I think I need to read up a little more on the EAV model as from some very basic reading Best beginner resources for understanding the EAV database model? and its related links it does not appear to be super straightforward and I don't want to dig myself a hole. Thanks to wildplasser. I'll loop back once I read up a bit more.
Oh yes. Their idea is simpler, until you want to enhance it. Given the scheme they are proposing what if two reviews were need per entity. What if you wanted to attach other things such as notes/annotations. Once they find out how much of an inflatable dartboard their idea is, what do you have to move to a more useful one? Not to mention you need some way of identifying status fields, with fragile rubbish like Column name ends with "_Status", or you have to hard code them somewhere.
Doing it properly is not that much more work, it's not more complex, in fact in many ways it's simpler and it will cope with the invetible changes at far less cost.
normalization is always preferable to premature optimization.
One reason why I like the reviews table separate is that you can hold changes you may not want to display yet (as it hasn't been reviewed and approved) and still maintain the old dat until the new is approved. I don't know if your situation requires that.
To make future programming simpler for when you want to display the changes, you can write a view that shows the old and new data.

Address book database design: denormalize?

I'm designing a contact manager/address book-like application but can't settle on the database design.
In my current setup I have a Contact, which has Addresses, Phonenumbers, Emails, and Organizations. All contact properties are currently separate tables with a fk to the Contact table. Needless to say a contact can have any number of these properties.
Now, I find myself joining all these tables together if I want to read contacts into the app. Since no filters, reverse lookups, sorts etc. are performed on the related tables, isn't it a better/simpler solution to just store the related fields as json-encoded lists on direct properties of the Contact table?
E.g., instead of a Contact with a fk to a phonenumber table with 3 entries, just encode all phonenumbers and store them into a field of the Contact table?
Any insights really appreciated! (fyi I'm using Django although that doesn't really matter)
Can you guarantee that your app will never grow to need these other functionalities? Do you really want to paint yourself into the corner such that you can't easily support all of this later?
Generally, denormalization happens only for preformance reasons. And then, a copy of the normalized data is still kept for live work and the denormalized data is used for offline processing where having a static snapshot is fine.
Get used to writing joins. That's the way SQL works. Having to do so doesn't meant something is wrong.
I know I'm too late, but for anyone with the same issue.
IMO, in this case metadata modeling is the way to go.
Sounds like you propose taking data currently modelled as five SQL tables and converting it to a common multi-valued type (does your SQL product have good support for this?) The only way I can see this would constitute 'denormalization' would be if you were proposing to violate 1NF, at which point you may as well abandon SQL as a data store because your data would no longer be relational! Otherwise, your data would still be normalized but you will have lost the ability to query its attributes using SQL (unless your SQL product has extensions for querying multi-value attributes). The deciding factor seems to be: do you need to query these attributes using SQL?

Model diagram doesn't seem right. How else can I relate the objects?

I have a entity diagram from some analysis that I'd like to have someone look over. For some reason the System object just doesn't seem right to me. Is there a better way to relate the objects?
Its basically a user authentication/management system in its infancy.
User and Company should have a common base class (they both have names and mail addresses), then you can link the System to this base class. That's a common pattern for business modeling, look for example, into chapter one of Martin Fowler's book "Analysis Patterns".
EDIT: Or, if you think this makes more sense, you use System as the base class itself, put the EMail adress there (and perhaps give System a better name like LegalPerson, CorporateBody or something like that).
Considering the password has a 1-to-1 relationship with the User, and is not keyed to any other tables, I'd suggest saving yourself an inner join and just making it another column in the property table. Otherwise, looks pretty good.
It's hard to evaluate the "rightness" of something without some metrics of comparison. The easiest metrics for class designs are queries.
Think up as many of the queries that you will eventually want to ask of this data. Write them down and see how the design supports them. If you're unhappy, try another design and see how the queries look then.

DDD: Modeling M:N relation between two roots where the relation itself carries semantic meaning

Update Edited to reflect clarifications requested by Chris Holmes below. Originally I was referring to a Terminal as a Site but changed it to better reflect my actual domain.
At heart, I think this is a question about modeling a many to many relationship between two root entities where the relationship itself carries some semantic meaning.
In my domain
You can think of a Terminal as a branch location of our company
A Terminal can have a relationship with any number of customers
A customer can have a relationship with any number of terminals (standard many to many)
A customer\terminal relationship means that a customer can potentially store products at the Terminal
This relationship can be enabled\disabled. To be disabled merely means you are temporarily not allowed to store product, so a disabled relationship is different from no relationship at all.
A customer can have many Offices
A Terminal that has a relationship with a customer (enabled or not) must have a default office for that customer that they communicate with
There are some default settings that are applied to all transactions between a Customer and a Terminal, these are set up on a Terminal-Customer Relationship level
I think my objects here are pretty clear, Terminal, Customer, Office, and TerminalCustomerRelationship (since there is information being stored specifically about the relationship such as whether it is enabled, default office, ad default settings). Through multiple refactorings I have determined that both Terminal and Customer should probably be aggregate roots. This leaves me with the question of how to design my TerminalCustomerRelationship object to relate the two.
I suppose I could make the traversal from Terminal to TerminalCustomerRelationship unidirectional toward the relationship but I don't know how to break the relation from the relationship to the customer, especially since it needs to contain a reference to an Office which has a relationship to a Customer.
I'm new to this stuff and while most of DDD makes perfect sense I'm getting confused and need a fresh outlook. Can someone give me their opinion on how to deal with this situation?
Please note that I say Relationship not relation. In my current view it deserves to be an object in the same way that a Marriage would be an object in an application for a wedding chapel. Its most visible purpose is that it relates two objects, but it has other properties that rightfully belong to it as well.
By your description, you definitely need a "TerminalCustomerRelationship" entity to track the associated information. I would also convert the 'IsEnabled' flag into a first class 'Event' entity with a timestamp - this gives you the ability to save a history of the state changes (a more realistic view of what's happening in the domain.)
Here's a sample application (in VS2008) that refects your problem. You can tweak/test the code until the relationships make sense. Run "bin/debug/TerminalSampleApp.exe" and right-click "Terminal->Create Example" to get started.
Let me know if you find it useful.
Names can often clarify an object's responsibilities and bring a domain model into focus.
I am unclear what a Site is and that makes the entire model confusing, which makes it difficult for me to offer better advice. If a Site were a Vendor, for instance, then it would be easy to rename SiteCustomerRelationship as a Contract. In that context it makes perfect sense for Contract to be its own entity, and have the the model look like Vendor-Contract-Customer-Office.
There are other ways to look at this as well. Udi has a decent post on this sort of many-to-many relationship here.
You should not have a object Like SiteCustomerRelationship, its DB specific.
If its truly DDD you should have a Relation like:
Aggregate<Site> Customer.Site
IEnumerable<Aggregate<Office>> Customer.Offices
and perhaps
Aggregate<Office> Customer.DefaultOffice