What do you call a method of an object that changes its class? - oop

Let's say you have a Person object and it has a method on it, promote(), that transforms it into a Captain object. What do you call this type of method/interaction?
It also feels like an inversion of:
myCaptain = new Captain(myPerson);
Edit: Thanks to all the replies. The reason I'm coming across this pattern (in Perl, but relevant anywhere) is purely for convenience. Without knowing any implementation deals, you could say the Captain class "has a" Person (I realize this may not be the best example, but be assured it isn't a subclass).
Implementation I assumed:
// this definition only matches example A
Person.promote() {
return new Captain(this)
personable = new Person;
// A. this is what i'm actually coding
myCaptain = personable.promote();
// B. this is what my original post was implying
personable.promote(); // is magically now a captain?
So, literally, it's just a convenience method for the construction of a Captain. I was merely wondering if this pattern has been seen in the wild and if it had a name. And I guess yeah, it doesn't really change the class so much as it returns a different one. But it theoretically could, since I don't really care about the original.
Ken++, I like how you point out a use case. Sometimes it really would be awesome to change something in place, in say, a memory sensitive environment.

A method of an object shouldn't change its class. You should either have a member which returns a new instance:
myCaptain = myPerson->ToCaptain();
Or use a constructor, as in your example:
myCaptain = new Captain(myPerson);
I would call it a conversion, or even a cast, depending on how you use the object. If you have a value object:
Person person;
You can use the constructor method to implicitly cast:
Captain captain = person;
(This is assuming C++.)

A simpler solution might be making rank a property of person. I don't know your data structure or requirements, but if you need to something that is trying to break the basics of a language its likely that there is a better way to do it.

You might want to consider the "State Pattern", also sometimes called the "Objects for States" pattern. It is defined in the book Design Patterns, but you could easily find a lot about it on Google.
A characteristic of the pattern is that "the object will appear to change its class."
Here are some links:
Objects for States
Pattern: State

Everybody seems to be assuming a C++/Java-like object system, possibly because of the syntax used in the question, but it is quite possible to change the class of an instance at runtime in other languages.
Lisp's CLOS allows changing the class of an instance at any time, and it's a well-defined and efficient transformation. (The terminology and structure is slightly different: methods don't "belong" to classes in CLOS.)
I've never heard a name for this specific type of transformation, though. The function which does this is simply called change-class.
Richard Gabriel seems to call it the "change-class protocol", after Kiczales' AMOP, which formalized as "protocols" many of the internals of CLOS for metaprogramming.
People wonder why you'd want to do this; I see two big advantages over simply creating a new instance:
faster: changing class can be as simple as updating a pointer, and updating any slots that differ; if the classes are very similar, this can be done with no new memory allocations
simpler: if a dozen places already have a reference to the old object, creating a new instance won't change what they point to; if you need to update each one yourself, that could add a lot of complexity for what should be a simple operation (2 words, in Lisp)
That's not to say it's always the right answer, but it's nice to have the ability to do this when you want it. "Change an instance's class" and "make a new instance that's similar to that one" are very different operations, and I like being able to say exactly what I mean.

The first interesting part would be to know: why do you want/need an object changes its class at runtime?
There are various options:
You want it to respond differently to some methods for a given state of the application.
You might want it to have new functionality that the original class don't have.
Statically typed languages such as Java and C# don't allow this to happen, because the type of the object should be know at compile time.
Other programming languages such as Python and Ruby may allow this ( I don't know for sure, but I know they can add methods at runtime )
For the first option, the answer given by Charlie Flowers is correct, using the state patterns would allow a class behave differently but the object will have the same interface.
For the second option, you would need to change the object type anyway and assign it to a new reference with the extra functionality. So you will need to create another distinct object and you'll end up with two different objects.


Flaw: Constructor does Real Work

I have a class which represents a set of numbers. The constructor takes three arguments: startValue, endValue and stepSize.
The class is responsible for holding a list containing all values between start and end value taking the stepSize into consideration.
Example: startValue: 3, endValue: 1, stepSize = -1, Collection = { 3,2,1 }
I am currently creating the collection and some info strings about the object in the constructor. The public members are read only info strings and the collection.
My constructor does three things at the moment:
Checks the arguments; this could throw an exception from the constructor
Fills values into the collection
Generates the information strings
I can see that my constructor does real work but how can I fix this, or, should I fix this? If I move the "methods" out of the constructor it is like having init function and leaving me with an not fully initialized object. Is the existence of my object doubtful? Or is it not that bad to have some work done in the constructor because it is still possible to test the constructor because no object references are created.
For me it looks wrong but it seems that I just can't find a solution. I also have taken a builder into account but I am not sure if that's right because you can't choose between different types of creations. However single unit tests would have less responsibility.
I am writing my code in C# but I would prefer a general solution, that's why the text contains no code.
EDIT: Thanks for editing my poor text (: I changed the title back because it represents my opinion and the edited title did not. I am not asking if real work is a flaw or not. For me, it is. Take a look at this reference.
The blog states the problems quite well. Still I can't find a solution.
Concepts that urge you to keep your constructors light weight:
Inversion of control (Dependency Injection)
Single responsibility principle (as applied to the constructor rather than a class)
Lazy initialization
Links to arguments of why:
How much work should be done in a constructor?
What (not) to do in a constructor
Should a C++ constructor do real work?
If you check the arguments in the constructor that validation code can't be shared if those arguments come in from any other source (setter, constructor, parameter object)
If you fill values into the collection or generate the information strings in the constructor that code can't be shared with other constructors you may need to add later.
In addition to not being able to be shared there is also being delayed until really needed (lazy init). There is also overriding thru inheritance that offers more options with many methods that just do one thing rather then one do everything constructor.
Your constructor only needs to put your class into a usable state. It does NOT have to be fully initialized. But it is perfectly free to use other methods to do the real work. That just doesn't take advantage of the "lazy init" idea. Sometimes you need it, sometimes you don't.
Just keep in mind anything that the constructor does or calls is being shoved down the users / testers throat.
You still haven't accepted an answer and I've had some sleep so I'll take a stab at a design. A good design is flexible so I'm going to assume it's OK that I'm not sure what the information strings are, or whether our object is required to represent a set of numbers by being a collection (and so provides iterators, size(), add(), remove(), etc) or is merely backed by a collection and provides some narrow specialized access to those numbers (such as being immutable).
This little guy is the Parameter Object pattern
/** Throws exception if sign of endValue - startValue != stepSize */
ListDefinition(T startValue, T endValue, T stepSize);
T can be int or long or short or char. Have fun but be consistent.
/** An interface, independent from any one collection implementation */
ListFactory(ListDefinition ld){
/** Make as many as you like */
List<T> build();
If we don't need to narrow access to the collection, we're done. If we do, wrap it in a facade before exposing it.
/** Provides read access only. Immutable if List l kept private. */
ImmutableFacade(List l);
Oh wait, requirements change, forgot about 'information strings'. :)
/** Build list of info strings */
InformationStrings(String infoFilePath) {
List<String> read();
Have no idea if this is what you had in mind but if you want the power to count line numbers by twos you now have it. :)
/** Assuming information strings have a 1 to 1 relationship with our numbers */
MapFactory(List l, List infoStrings){
/** Make as many as you like */
Map<T, String> build();
So, yes I'd use the builder pattern to wire all that together. Or you could try to use one object to do all that. Up to you. But I think you'll find few of these constructors doing much of anything.
I know this answer's already been accepted but I've realized there's room for improvement and I can't resist. The ListDefinition above works by exposing it's contents with getters, ick. There is a "Tell, don't ask" design principle that is being violated here for no good reason.
ListDefinition(T startValue, T endValue, T stepSize) {
List<T> buildList(List<T> l);
This let's us build any kind of list implementation and have it initialized according to the definition. Now we don't need ListFactory. buildList is something I call a shunt. It returns the same reference it accepted after having done something with it. It simply allows you to skip giving the new ArrayList a name. Making a list now looks like this:
ListDefinition<int> ld = new ListDefinition<int>(3, 1, -1);
List<int> l = new ImmutableFacade<int>( ld.buildList( new ArrayList<int>() ) );
Which works fine. Bit hard to read. So why not add a static factory method:
List<int> l = ImmutableRangeOfNumbers.over(3, 1, -1);
This doesn't accept dependency injections but it's built on classes that do. It's effectively a dependency injection container. This makes it a nice shorthand for popular combinations and configurations of the underlying classes. You don't have to make one for every combination. The point of doing this with many classes is now you can put together whatever combination you need.
Well, that's my 2 cents. I'm gonna find something else to obsess on. Feedback welcome.
As far as cohesion is concerned, there's no "real work", only work that's in line (or not) with the class/method's responsibility.
A constructor's responsibility is to create an instance of a class. And a valid instance for that matter. I'm a big fan of keeping the validation part as intrinsic as possible, so that you can see the invariants every time you look at the class. In other words, that the class "contains its own definition".
However, there are cases when an object is a complex assemblage of multiple other objects, with conditional logic, non-trivial validation or other creation sub-tasks involved. This is when I'd delegate the object creation to another class (Factory or Builder pattern) and restrain the accessibility scope of the constructor, but I think twice before doing it.
In your case, I see no conditionals (except argument checking), no composition or inspection of complex objects. The work done by your constructor is cohesive with the class because it essentially only populates its internals. While you may (and should) of course extract atomic, well identified construction steps into private methods inside the same class, I don't see the need for a separate builder class.
The constructor is a special member function, in a way that it constructor, but after all - it is a member function. As such, it is allowed to do things.
Consider for example c++ std::fstream. It opens a file in the constructor. Can throw an exception, but doesn't have to.
As long as you can test the class, it is all good.
It's true, a constructur should do minimum of work oriented to a single aim - successful creaation of the valid object. Whatever it takes is ok. But not more.
In your example, creating this collection in the constructor is perfectly valid, as object of your class represent a set of numbers (your words). If an object is set of numbers, you should clearly create it in the constructor! On the contrary - the constructur does not perform what it is made for - a fresh, valid object construction.
These info strings call my attention. What is their purpose? What exactly do you do? This sounds like something periferic, something that can be left for later and exposed through a method, like
String getInfo()
or similar.
If you want to use Microsoft's .NET Framework was an example here, it is perfectly valid both semantically and in terms of common practice, for a constructor to do some real work.
An example of where Microsoft does this is in their implementation of System.IO.FileStream. This class performs string processing on path names, opens new file handles, opens threads, binds all sorts of things, and invokes many system functions. The constructor is actually, in effect, about 1,200 lines of code.
I believe your example, where you are creating a list, is absolutely fine and valid. I would just make sure that you fail as often as possible. Say if you the minimum size higher than the maximum size, you could get stuck in an infinite loop with a poorly written loop condition, thus exhausting all available memory.
The takeaway is "it depends" and you should use your best judgement. If all you wanted was a second opinion, then I say you're fine.
It's not a good practice to do "real work" in the constructor: you can initialize class members, but you shouldn't call other methods or do more "heavy lifting" in the constructor.
If you need to do some initialization which requires a big amount of code running, a good practice will be to do it in an init() method which will be called after the object was constructed.
The reasoning for not doing heavy lifting inside the constructor is: in case something bad happens, and fails silently, you'll end up having a messed up object and it'll be a nightmare to debug and realize where the issues are coming from.
In the case you describe above I would only do the assignments in the constructor and then, in two separate methods, I would implement the validations and generate the string-information.
Implementing it this way also conforms with SRP: "Single Responsibility Principle" which suggests that any method/function should do one thing, and one thing only.

Where is changing the class of an object at runtime allowed

Do you know programming languages where changing the class of an object at runtime is allowed (supported)?
Please give a short example regarding the syntax. Give a use case, if you know any. Examples involving duck typing are welcome as well, so do not shy away from mentioning these languages.
Update: I figured out that Smalltalk has changeClassTo and become. CLOS can do change-class. I found a paper suggesting to use these mechanisms to implement 'husk objects' that are referenced at runtime, but only constructed from some persistence when actually accessed, providing some nifty lazy loading of related objects.
I assume, you mean the following:
You have an object of class A. But you would like to treat it as an object of class B.
There are some constructions possible:
If B is a subclass of A you can cast the object to B (but it should be created as B else you have unexpected (and hopefully unwanted) results).
In some languages you can cast anything to anything. If you know what you are doing, this is great, else prepare for several holes in your foot.
You mention ducktyping. I have no practical experience with it. But As far as I know, duck typing is something like this: "I need an object that support methods X, Y and Z." In that case you don't care about the class. You just want it to quack, swim and walk at your command.
Give a usecase
??? I'd expect you to ask for a solution on a specific use case.
Changing type of an object? I think "No."
But if you like to change part of an objects capabilities or behaviours have a look at loosely coupling!
For example your class holds a member of type File_Saver. There's a public setter accepting any instance of File_Saver and you can inject File_Saver_XML, File_Saver_PDF, ...
It's no common way, but any processing inside a class can be done by 1-n loosely coupled handlers, which you can exchange from outside.
Melt down to your question: You need a wrapper + a setter. :-)
Coming back to the case after some time, I've come to the conclusion that you want duck typing if you feel the need of changing an objects class.

Is it good convention for a class to perform functions on itself?

I've always been taught that if you are doing something to an object, that should be an external thing, so one would Save(Class) rather than having the object save itself: Class.Save().
I've noticed that in the .Net libraries, it is common to have a class modify itself as with String.Format() or sort itself as with List.Sort().
My question is, in strict OOP is it appropriate to have a class which performs functions on itself when called to do so, or should such functions be external and called on an object of the class' type?
Great question. I have just recently reflected on a very similar issue and was eventually going to ask much the same thing here on SO.
In OOP textbooks, you sometimes see examples such as Dog.Bark(), or Person.SayHello(). I have come to the conclusion that those are bad examples. When you call those methods, you make a dog bark, or a person say hello. However, in the real world, you couldn't do this; a dog decides himself when it's going to bark. A person decides itself when it will say hello to someone. Therefore, these methods would more appropriately be modelled as events (where supported by the programming language).
You would e.g. have a function Attack(Dog), PlayWith(Dog), or Greet(Person) which would trigger the appropriate events.
Attack(dog) // triggers the Dog.Bark event
Greet(johnDoe) // triggers the Person.SaysHello event
As soon as you have more than one parameter, it won't be so easy deciding how to best write the code. Let's say I want to store a new item, say an integer, into a collection. There's many ways to formulate this; for example:
StoreInto(1, collection) // the "classic" procedural approach
1.StoreInto(collection) // possible in .NET with extension methods
Store(1).Into(collection) // possible by using state-keeping temporary objects
According to the thinking laid out above, the last variant would be the preferred one, because it doesn't force an object (the 1) to do something to itself. However, if you follow that programming style, it will soon become clear that this fluent interface-like code is quite verbose, and while it's easy to read, it can be tiring to write or even hard to remember the exact syntax.
P.S.: Concerning global functions: In the case of .NET (which you mentioned in your question), you don't have much choice, since the .NET languages do not provide for global functions. I think these would be technically possible with the CLI, but the languages disallow that feature. F# has global functions, but they can only be used from C# or VB.NET when they are packed into a module. I believe Java also doesn't have global functions.
I have come across scenarios where this lack is a pity (e.g. with fluent interface implementations). But generally, we're probably better off without global functions, as some developers might always fall back into old habits, and leave a procedural codebase for an OOP developer to maintain. Yikes.
Btw., in VB.NET, however, you can mimick global functions by using modules. Example:
Module Globals
Public Sub Save(ByVal obj As SomeClass)
End Sub
End Module
Imports Globals
Dim obj As SomeClass = ...
I guess the answer is "It Depends"... for Persistence of an object I would side with having that behavior defined within a separate repository object. So with your Save() example I might have this:
However with an Airplane object you may want the class to know how to fly with a method like so:
This is one of the examples I've seen from Fowler about an aenemic data model. I don't think in this case you would want to have a separate service like this:
new airplaneService().Fly(airplane)
With static methods and extension methods it makes a ton of sense like in your List.Sort() example. So it depends on your usage pattens. You wouldn't want to have to new up an instance of a ListSorter class just to be able to sort a list like this:
new listSorter().Sort(list)
In strict OOP (Smalltalk or Ruby), all methods belong to an instance object or a class object. In "real" OOP (like C++ or C#), you will have static methods that essentially stand completely on their own.
Going back to strict OOP, I'm more familiar with Ruby, and Ruby has several "pairs" of methods that either return a modified copy or return the object in place -- a method ending with a ! indicates that the message modifies its receiver. For instance:
>> s = 'hello'
=> "hello"
>> s.reverse
=> "olleh"
>> s
=> "hello"
>> s.reverse!
=> "olleh"
>> s
=> "olleh"
The key is to find some middle ground between pure OOP and pure procedural that works for what you need to do. A Class should do only one thing (and do it well). Most of the time, that won't include saving itself to disk, but that doesn't mean Class shouldn't know how to serialize itself to a stream, for instance.
I'm not sure what distinction you seem to be drawing when you say "doing something to an object". In many if not most cases, the class itself is the best place to define its operations, as under "strict OOP" it is the only code that has access to internal state on which those operations depend (information hiding, encapsulation, ...).
That said, if you have an operation which applies to several otherwise unrelated types, then it might make sense for each type to expose an interface which lets the operation do most of the work in a more or less standard way. To tie it in to your example, several classes might implement an interface ISaveable which exposes a Save method on each. Individual Save methods take advantage of their access to internal class state, but given a collection of ISaveable instances, some external code could define an operation for saving them to a custom store of some kind without having to know the messy details.
It depends on what information is needed to do the work. If the work is unrelated to the class (mostly equivalently, can be made to work on virtually any class with a common interface), for example, std::sort, then make it a free function. If it must know the internals, make it a member function.
Edit: Another important consideration is performance. In-place sorting, for example, can be miles faster than returning a new, sorted, copy. This is why quicksort is faster than merge sort in the vast majority of cases, even though merge sort is theoretically faster, which is because quicksort can be performed in-place, whereas I've never heard of an in-place merge-sort. Just because it's technically possible to perform an operation within the class's public interface, doesn't mean that you actually should.

Correct OOP design without getters?

I recently read that getters/setters are evil and I have to say it makes sense, yet when I started learning OOP one of the first things I learned was "Encapsulate your fields" so I learned to create class give it some fields, create getters, setters for them and create constructor where I initialize these fields. And every time some other class needs to manipulate this object (or for instance display it) I pass it the object and it manipulate it using getters/setters. I can see problems with this approach.
But how to do it right? For instance displaying/rendering object that is "data" class - let's say Person, that has name and date of birth. Should the class have method for displaying the object where some Renderer would be passed as an argument? Wouldn't that violate principle that class should have only one purpose (in this case store state) so it should not care about presentation of this object.
Can you suggest some good resources where best practices in OOP design are presented? I'm planning to start a project in my spare time and I want it to be my learning project in correct OOP design..
Allen Holub made a big splash with "Why getter and setter methods are evil" back in 2003.
It's great that you've found and read the article. I admire anybody who's learning and thinking critically about what they're doing.
But take Mr. Holub with a grain of salt.
This is one view that got a lot of attention for its extreme position and the use of the word "evil", but it hasn't set the world on fire or been generally accepted as dogma.
Look at C#: they actually added syntactic sugar to the language to make get/set operations easier to write. Either this confirms someone's view of Microsoft as an evil empire or contradicts Mr. Holub's statement.
The fact is that people write objects so that clients can manipulate state. It doesn't mean that every object written that way is wrong, evil, or unworkable.
The extreme view is not practical.
"Encapsulate your fields" so I learned to create class give it some fields, create getters, setters
Python folks do not do this. Yet, they are still doing OO programming. Clearly, fussy getters and setters aren't essential.
They're common, because of limitations in C++ and Java. But they don't seem to be essential.
Python folks use properties sometimes to create a getter and setter functions that look like a simple attribute.
The point is that "Encapsulation" is a Design strategy. It has little or nothing to do with the implementation. You can have all public attributes, and still a nicely encapsulated design.
Also note that many people worry about "someone else" who "violates" the design by directly accessing attributes. I suppose this could happen, but then the class would stop working correctly.
In C++ (and Java) where you cannot see the source, it can be hard to understand the interface, so you need lots of hints. private methods, explicit getters and setters, etc.
In Python, where you can see all the source, it's trivial to understand the interface. We don't need to provide so many hints. As we say "Use the source, Luke" and "We're all adults here." We're all able to see the source, we don't need to be fussy about piling on getters and setters to provide yet more hints as to how the API works.
For instance displaying/rendering object that is "data" class - let's say Person, that has name and date of birth. Should the class have method for displaying the object where some Renderer would be passed as an argument?
Good idea.
Wouldn't that violate principle that class should have only one purpose (in this case store state) so it should not care about presentation of this object.
That's why the Render object is separate. Your design is quite nice.
No reason why a Person object can't call a general-purpose renderer and still have a narrow set of responsibilities. After all the Person object is responsible for the attributes, and passing those attributes to a Renderer is well within it's responsibilities.
If it's truly a problem (and it can be in some applications), you can introduce Helper classes. So the PersonRenderer class does Rendering of Person data. That way a change to Person also requires changes to PersonRenderer -- and nothing else. This is the Data Access Object design pattern.
Some folks will make the Render an internal class, contained within Person, so it's Person.PersonRenderer to enforce some more serious containment.
If you have getters and setters, you don't have encapsulation. And they are not necessary. Consider the std::string class. This has quite a complicated internal representation, yet has no getters or setters, and only one element of the representation is (probably) exposed simply by returning its value (i.e. size()). That's the kind of thing you should be aiming for.
The basic concept of why they are considered to be evil is, that a class/object should export function and not state. The state of an object is made of its members. Getters and Setters let external users read/modify the state of an object without using any function.
Hence the idea, that except for DataTransferObjects for which you might have Getters and a constructor for setting the state, the members of an objects should only be modified by calling a functionality of an object.
Why do you think getters are evil? See a post with answers proving the opposite:
Purpose of private members in a class
IMHO it contains a lot of what can rightfully be called "OOP best practices".
Update: OK, reading the article you are referring to, I understand more clearly what the issue is. And it's a whole different story from what the provocative title of the article suggests. I haven't yet read the full article, but AFAIU the basic point is that one should not unnecessarily publish class fields via mindlessly added (or generated) getters and setters. And with this point I fully agree.
By designing carefully and focusing on what you must do rather than how
you'll do it, you eliminate the vast majority of getter/setter methods in
your program. Don't ask for the information you need to do the work;
ask the object that has the information to do the work for you.
So far so good. However, I don't agree that providing a getter like this
int getSomeField();
inherently compromises your class design. Well it does, if you haven't designed your class interface well. Then, of course, it might happen that you realize too late that the field should be a long rather than an int, and changing it would break 1000 places in client code. IMHO in such case the designer is to blame, not the poor getter.
In some languages, like C++, there's the concept of friend. Using this concept you can make implementation details of a class visible to only a subset of other classes (or even functions). When you use Get/Set indiscriminately you give everyone access to everything.
When used sparingly friend is an excellent way of increasing encapsulation.
Assume you have many entity classes in your designs, and suppose they have a base class like Data. Adding different getter and setter methods for concrete implementations will pollute the client code that uses these entities like lots of dynamic_casts, to call required getter and setter methods.
Therefore, getter and setter methods may remain where they are, but you should protected client code. My recommendation would be to apply Visitor pattern or data collector for these cases.
In other words, ask yourself why do I need these accessor methods, how do I manipulate these entities? And then apply these manipulations in Visitor classes to keep client code clean, also extend the functionality of entity classes without polluting their code.
In the following paper concerning endotesting you'll find a pattern to avoid getters (in some circumstances) using what the author calls 'smart handlers'. It has a lot in common with how Holub approaches avoiding some getters.
Anything that is public is part of the API of the class. Changing these parts may break other stuff, relying on that. A public field, that is not only connected with an API, but with internal representation, can be risky. Example: You save data in a field as an array. This array is public, so the data can be changed from other classes. Later you decide to switch to a generic List. Code that use this field as an array is broken.

Act on base or subclass without RTTI or base class modification

I asked a similar question yesterday that was specific to a technology, but now I find myself wondering about the topic in the broad sense.
For simplicity's sake, we have two classes, A and B, where B is derived from A. B truly "is a" A, and all of the routines defined in A have the same meaning in B.
Let's say we want to display a list of As, some of which are actually Bs. As we traverse our list of As, if the current object is actually a B, we want to display some of Bs additional properties....or maybe we just want to color the Bs differently, but neither A nor B have any notion of "color" or "display stuff".
Make the A class semi-aware of B by basically including a method called isB() in A that returns false. B will override the method and return true. Display code would have a check like: if (currentA.isB()) B b = currentA;
Provide a display() method in A that B can override.... but then we start merging the UI and the model. I won't consider this unless there is some cool trick I'm not seeing.
Use instanceof to check if the current A object to be displayed is really a B.
Just add all the junk from B to A, even though it doesn't apply to A. Basically just contain a B (that does not inherit from A) in A and set it to null until it applies. This is somewhat attractive. This is similar to #1 I guess w/ composition over inheritance.
It seems like this particular problem should come up from time to time and have an obvious solution.
So I guess the question maybe really boils down to:
If I have a subclass that extends a base class by adding additional functionality (not just changing the existing behavior of the base class), am I doing something tragically wrong? It all seems to instantly fall apart as soon as we try to act on a collection of objects that may be A or B.
A variant of option 2 (or hybrid of 1 and 2) may make sense: after all, polymorphism is the standard solution to "Bs are As but need to behave differently in situation X." Agreed, a display() method would probably tie the model to the UI too closely, but presumably the different renderings you want at the UI level reflect semantic or behavioural differences at the model level. Could those be captured in a method? For example, instead of an outright getDisplayColour() method, could it be a getPriority() (for example) method, to which A and B return different values but it is still up to the UI to decide how to translate that into a colour?
Given your more general question, however, of "how can we handle additional behaviour that we can't or won't allow to be accessed polymorphically via the base class," for example if the base class isn't under our control, your options are probably option 3, the Visitor pattern or a helper class. In both cases you are effectively farming out the polymorphism to an external entity -- in option 3, the UI (e.g. the presenter or controller), which performs an instanceOf check and does different things depending on whether it's a B or not; in Visitor or the helper case, the new class. Given your example, Visitor is probably overkill (also, if you were not able/willing to change the base class to accommodate it, it wouldn't be possible to implement it I think), so I'd suggest a simple class called something like "renderer":
public abstract class Renderer {
public static Renderer Create(A obj) {
if (obj instanceOf B)
return new BRenderer();
return new ARenderer();
public abstract Color getColor();
// implementations of ARenderer and BRenderer per your UI logic
This encapsulates the run-time type checking and bundles the code up into reasonably well-defined classes with clear responsibilities, without the conceptual overhead of Visitor. (Per GrizzlyNyo's answer, though, if your hierarchy or function set is more complex than what you've shown here, Visitor could well be more appropriate, but many people find Visitor hard to get their heads around and I would tend to avoid it for simple situations -- but your mileage may vary.)
The answer given by itowlson covers pretty well most part of the question. I will now deal with the very last paragraph as simply as I can.
Inheritance should be implemented for reuse, for your derived class to be reused in old code, not for your class reusing parts of the base class (you can use aggregation for that).
From that standpoint, if you have a class that is to be used on new code with some new functionality, but should be used transparently as a former class, then inheritance is your solution. New code can use the new functionality and old code will seamlessly use your new objects.
While this is the general intention, there are some common pitfals, the line here is subtle and your question is about precisely that line. If you have a collection of objects of type base, that should be because those objects are meant to be used only with base's methods. They are 'bases', behave like bases.
Using techniques as 'instanceof' or downcasts (dynamic_cast<>() in C++) to detect the real runtime type is something that I would flag in a code review and only accept after having the programmer explain to great detail why any other option is worse than that solution. I would accept it, for example, in itowlson's answer under the premises that the information is not available with the given operations in base. That is, the base type does not have any method that would offer enough information for the caller to determine the color. And if it does not make sense to include such operation: besides the prepresentation color, are you going to perform any operation on the objects based on that same information? If logic depends on the real type, then the operation should be in base class to be overriden in derived classes. If that is not possible (the operation is new and only for some given subtypes) there should at least be an operation in the base to allow the caller to determine that a downcast will not fail. And then again, I would really require a sound reason for the caller code to require knowledge of the real type. Why does the user want to see it in different colors? Will the user perform different operations on each one of the types?
If you endup requiring to use code to bypass the type system, your design has a strange smell to it. Of course, never say never, but you can surely say: avoid depending on instanceof or downcasts for logic.
This looks like text book case for the Visitor design pattern (also known as "Double Dispatch").
See this answer for link to a thorough explanation on the Visitor and Composite patterns.