I'm creating a test Google Gadget. Its a simple hello world gadget. However, after I add the gadget to iGoogle the first time, any subsequent changes I make to the file on my server have no effect on the gadget! If I change the name of the xml file and then read it, then I see the change. But no amount of changing, or deleting and re-adding the gadget will pick up any of my modifications on the server. Any ideas?
add that gadget, then turn off the cacheing of your test gadget
I am using Osclass open source script for my classified ads website.
Since OSClass.org is down and OSClass market is closed my website site oc-admin speed is very slow, sometime oc-admin takes more than 40 seconds to login. Similarly oc-admin dashboard loads very slow.
What are causes of these issues and what should I do to get rid of these?
Github url is
For security concerns I cannot put url of my website here.
I think this link solve your problem.
Stripped/nulled all Market connections and admin dashboard visuals from Osclass 3.8.
Here are the changed files only to remove Market connections. The structure is kept for your convenience. You just upload the two folders to replace 12 files.
If you prefer to do it manually here is the documentation:
Attachment: Osclass_380_Stripped_from_Market.zip
This is an odd question, in that I'm not trying to display a page in EnterpriseMode - I'm trying to prevent it from displaying in EnterpriseMode. I'm assisting the Webserver team, so my access is limited to only changes in the page itself.
The twist is that the rest of the domain has to be displayed in EnterpriseMode, save for this one page.
I've tried utilizing an XML document and changing HKLM\software\microsoft\internet explorer\main\enterprisemode -- setting SiteList to my file location on the local machine, and Enabled to blank. The page ignores this and loads itself into EnterpriseMode anyways.
Example of my Site.XML. Note: I've changed the server name to protect the innocent. Also I'm having to use the escape characters so the note quits trying to interact with my example. I could've sworn code block should've stopped that.
<rules version="1">
<domain exclude="false">internalportal.ExampleServer.com<path exclude="true">/OperationsRecap/</path></domain>
I've tried the same thing in the HKCU key, and even checked gredit for anything that might be pushing it to default. No such luck. This should be a fairly simple procedure, but it's stumping me. I'm starting to wonder if the Webserver team has a customHeader stuck in web.config, but I don't have access and I've been waiting for an answer from them for a few days now. And by 'waiting' I mean 'continually hounding'.
Compatibility mode doesn't seem to make a difference, whether its on or off. I've several sites with different settings that get the same problem - and then several sites with different settings that do not get that problem. There does not appear to be a rhyme or reason in terms of configuration on the local machines. So while it's tempting to call it an issue with IIS7 web.config and dust my hands of the whole thing, I have to be absolutely certain.
I've dug at the source code, and literally the only difference is in the META tag. Those that load correctly load X-UA-Compatible as IE=Edge, like they're supposed too. Those that do not load as IE=8, despite all my attempts to force them to stop that. In fact, when it fails to load I can go to tools on the IE11, de-select EnterpriseMode, and it reloads just fine. The META tag changes as well in the source. Again, whether compatibility mode is on or off, whether there's a list in play, utterly ignoring any changes I make to EnterpriseMode key.
Found the answer. I was looking in HKLM\software\microsoft\internet explorer\main\EnterpriseMode
I should have been looking in hklm\software\policies\microsoft\internet explorer\main\EnterpriseMode
Lesson learned, stupid mistake.
There is a web page with tracking pixels (and probably other tracking code) that I would like to move to my own server. Viewing the page on the current server generates a page view as expected, but when I move the html (exactly, without any changes) to my own server, the hits are not registered. I'm trying to understand why - is it possible that the tracking mechanism can determine the IP address of the requesting page?
Thanks for any advice.
If there's an external js file involved in the tracking, you'll need to add that too.
How does one write a script to download one's Google web history?
I know about
but they fail when called programmatically rather than through a browser.
I wrote up a blog post on how to download your entire Google Web History using a script I put together.
It all works directly within your web browser on the client side (i.e. no data is transmitted to a third-party), and you can download it to a CSV file. You can view the source code here:
My blog post has a bookmarklet you can use to easily launch the script. It works by accessing the same feed, but performs the iteration of reading the entire history 1000 records at a time, converting it into a CSV string, and making the data downloadable at the touch of a button.
I ran it against my own history, and successfully downloaded over 130K records, which came out to around 30MB when exported to CSV.
EDIT: It seems that number of foks that have used my script have run into problems, likely due to some oddities in their history data. Unfortunately, since the script does everything within the browser, I cannot debug it when it encounters histories that break it. If you're a JavaScript developer, use my script, and it appears your history has caused it to break; please feel free to help me fix it and send me any updates to the code.
I tried GeekLad's system, unfortunately two breaking changes have occurred #1 URL has changed ( I modified and hosted my own copy which led to #2 type=rss arguments no longer works.
I only needed the timestamps... so began the best/worst hack I've written in a while.
Step 1 - https://stackoverflow.com/a/3177718/9908 - Using chrome disable ALL security protocols.
Step 2 - https://gist.github.com/devdave/22b578d562a0dc1a8303
Using contentscript.js and manifest.json, make a chrome extension, host ransack.js locally to whatever service you want ( PHP, Ruby, Python, etc ). Goto https://history.google.com/history/ after installing your contentscript extension in developer mode ( unpacked ). It will automatically inject ransack.js + jQuery into the dom, harvest the data, and then move on to the next "Later" link.
Every 60 seconds, Google will force you to re-login randomly so this is not a start and walk away process BUT it does work and if they up the obfustication ante, you can always resort to chaining Ajax calls and send the page back to the backend for post processing. At full tilt, my abomination script collected 1 page a second of data.
On moral grounds I will not help anyone modify this script to get search terms and results as this process is not sanctioned by Google ( though not blocked apparently ) and recommend it only to sufficiently motivated individuals to make it work for them. By my estimates it took me 3-4 hours to get all 9 years of data ( 90K records ) # 1 page every 900ms or faster.
While this thing is going, DO NOT browse the rest of the web because Chrome is running with no safeguards in place, most of them exist for a reason.
One can download her search logs directly from Google (In case downloading it using a script is not the primary purpose),
1) Login and Go to https://history.google.com/history/
2) Just below your profile picture logo, towards the right side, you can find an icon for settings. See the second option called "Download". Click on that.
3) Then click on "Create Archive", then Google will mail you the log within minutes.
maybe before issuing a request to get the feed the script shuld add a User-Agent HTTP header of well known browser, for Google to decide that the request came from that browser.
I need to display pages in a tutorial fashion. I looked in to netsupport, beamyourscreen and other possibilities but, I do not want the viewers to download anything. I cannot use gd / send screenshots due to audio / video instructions embedded in some of the pages.
Basically, I need the ability to "refresh" a users browser window to a different page via an interface on my end. Whether via a form submission, javascript or any other type of "controller" that allows me to change the page on the viewers browser. PERL preferred but, PHP / javascript whatever works and is cross browser. I set up a simple javascript page forward timer that "works" but, page load times and conversation interruptions are a huge factor.
The entire tutorial website will be developed around this ability.
I was looking in to curl / cron / wget methods but, found little information.
I have seen forum and chat scripts that basically perform a similar task but, there must be a simple(ish) solution in leau of hacking up another script to suit my needs.
I do not want others to control the pages either. The site really, only needs to be accessable during the tutorial however, It "could" remain web accessable as long as user interaction was normal unless (being controlled).
The initial site concept is based on instructing people how to properly introduce new pets into a home. Will be operated by a veteranarian that saved my pets life. I wanted to give something back.
Possible? I really appreciate simple examples etc...
You have no other way but to keep polling the server for "instructions" using javascript. No, you can't send nothing to the end user browser, neither curl nor wget.
Mainly, you'll have to set up a simple request/response protocol between the browser and the server.
If you want to go deeper, you can use something like cometd/meteord/etc. If not, a hidden iframe that reloads himself and receives pages with javascript code for the needed actions can do the trick.
Another alternative.
With javascript dopolling and single character flatfile. Have a simple one character flatfile with a single var. Write it in perl (it is faster and uses less resources than php). The parent script calls a javascript variable in a flatfile. It hits the flatfile and goes wherever the var sets it. The flatfile is written to by the controller. Done.
I guess you could also rename an empty flatfile and use that as the controller. I am usure which is faster, open and read a specific file or hit the directory and return the file name. On the controller side, opening and writing to a file vs renaming a file. Maybe they counter each other in resources and time?
This way the site can act as a normal site. When you want to have remote users see a "presentation" (automatically being shown the site pages at the controllers pace), the controller activates polling and tells the viewers to push a start button. This allows a remote instructor to load pages for the viewers at his leisure.
It is a simple solution that works with nothing really sophisticated going on. No frames are needed either. Just need javascript enabled.
Any better suggestions are welcome!
It occurred to me that what you might want to use is HTML Push technology. Check out the wiki, they have several links. I have never used it myself