New Sql Login on STANDBY Server - sql-server-2005

We have set up a logshipping scenairo on 2 Sql Server 2005 machines. The secondary database is in STANDBY mode.
We want to use this secondary server for reporting purposes, as the report viewers will query this STANDBY database according to their given execute rights. So we need multiple users on this secondary server, having different execute rights on the STANDBY database.
The problem is, after seting up log shipping, we can't grant the necessary permissions to the standby database as it is read-only.
Do you have any suggestions ?

For some reason, till we setup a better reporting system, we need to use the Standby server for reporting purposes.
And there is a way to create new users and give necessary sp execute rights to that user on the standby server.
The simple solution is, to create a login on the primary server and Select its SID from master table. Then with "sp_addlogin" create the same login with the same SID on the Standby database.
Then, on the primary server give required rights to the user on the database. With the restored transaction logs, the execute rights will ship to standby server. Passwords don't need to be the same on two servers, so the standby report viewer user can't access the primary server with the same credentials.

Sadly, you need to look into something other than log shipping.
Log shipping works by keeping up-to-date copies of your logs in a 'continually' restoring/recovery state on the secondary server. As such, the database there is never actually 'active' or live - as it's always just applying more and more logs and waiting for the command that will make it go active.
In other words, log shipping is ONLY for high-availability - it does NOT support duplication of your data in USABLE form.
To learn more about what purpose logging serves, check out this video:
And if you really need a secondary server for reporting purposes, then I'd suggest using something like transactional replication. (It's NOT suitable for high-availability solutions because of some of the schema changes and limitations you'd have to make... but it does work well as a way to 'publish' multiple copies of your database to different servers/locations for reporting purposes.)


'sa' user is "pinging" my Azure SQL Database

I have a Azure SQL Database with Auditing turned on. I noticed that my database comes online after a pause when it shouldn't. I checked the audit logs and it shows strange entries of 'sa' login trying to do smth. Not sure what these entries mean. Is a normal activity from Azure or somebody is trying to connect to my database? I believe that there is no such user 'sa' on Azure SQL databases, or am I wrong. Attaching the screenshot of audit logs.
Additional_info column shows these values (they repeat for every event).
<action_info xmlns="">destroyed</action_info>
<action_info xmlns="">event disabled</action_info>
<action_info xmlns="">event enabled<startup_type>automatic</startup_type></action_info>
Tried Google, found nothing.
I created azure SQL database in azure portal, and I enabled auditing server level destination as storage account.
Image for reference:
After that I enabled auditing at database level with same destination of storage account.
Image for reference:
It enabled successfully, and containers are created successfully in storage account.
Image for reference:
Audit Records:
Here is my log
In this way I am not getting any error related to sa user.
As per my knowledge sa user is the admin you created during setup of SQL Azure server
According to this
Once the azure database is in pause status, it resumes automatically in the following conditions:
Database connection
database export or copy
Viewing auditing records
Viewing or applying performance recommendation
Vulnerability assessment
Modifying or viewing data masking rules
View state for transparent data encryption
Modification for serverless configuration such as max vCores, min vCores, or auto-pause delay
May be for above reason database still remains in online when you pause it.

Transaction Log Shipping

Have a production server and a report server.
What I have been reading is that the database on the report server has to be in a state where it can't be used.
Is there a way to have transaction log shipping while still allowing applications to query/create temp tables on the report server to generate reports or is there some other setup that can allow this?
MSSQL 2008 R2
You can do a "restore … with standby" on the secondary which will recover the database but allow the recovery to be undone. Keep in mind that no logs from log shipping can be applied until you unto the recovery.
If I had these requirements, I'd use something like transactional replication off of the primary to create an always readable secondary.

SQL Server database restore - missing users

I have restored a database for an application that uses SQL Server logins for security. The restore is complete and functional, although there is a small issue.
The database users are present (Server->Database->Security->Users) but they are not present in the server logins (Server->Security->Logins). This is because I restored the DB on a different server than where the backup was taken.
So it seems I cannot reset their passwords anymore. AFAIK, you can only do this from Server->Security->Logins and not from the database security itself.
Is there anyway to quickly "synchronize" the whole thing so users show at both places ?

Creating SQL Windows login for External Domain

Is it somehow possible to create a Windows Authentication login for a SQL database without performing a check for the user at creation time?
Consider ServerA that exists in our DomainA, and ServerB that exists in the customer's DomainB. Being separate companies, DomainA and DomainB never share resources. But, if we backup from ServerB and restore to ServerA, we are able to see the existing SQL logins for users from DomainB, and even modify and code against these logins. This is good, because we are able to develop the database schema on ServerA and then publish to ServerB.
But, if I want to add a new user for this database, and am working on ServerA in DomainA, the following command produces an error:
CREATE USER [DomainB\User];
Windows NT user or group 'DomainB\User' not found. Check the name again. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15401)
This is bad, because we're no longer able to develop on ServerA using the same schema as ServerB.
I'm attempting to bring our database-driven application's database schema into source control using a Visual Studio 2010 Database Project. It's important to me to make this work well enough to convince the boss not to continue using 60-GB database backups in a zip file as a means of 'Version Control' (especially since this is just for schema, and not a backup routine). VS2010 DB Projects use scripting to create/modify databases, and so they can't create WinNT users for an unknown domain. In order to get the boss's buy-off, we're going to have to be able to match the capabilities of restoring a backup, and that means being able to re-create users for domains that we don't have access to.
Using SQL Server 2008 in my case.
Note - DBProjects are best suited to managing and versioning your SCHEMA, not your data.
If you want to keep rolling backups of your SQL databases as a whole, then I'd recommend a decent backup strategy.
If you want to better manage your databases' evolving schemas, then using DBProjects may well be your best bet.
FWIW, if you reverse-engineer a DB into a DBProj, you could then run a script to replace DomainB\known-user with DomainA\known-user prior to deploying within DomainA, no?
No, because SQL needs to know the windows SID (ugly GUID) of the user at the time it's created.
Note that you can, however create a SQL or Windows User with the same name and password as your remote SQL, Machine, or Domain user, and it will be able to log in.

Is it possible to run replication on a SQL 2005 DB which is a mirrored principal server?

We have a client that currently has a large busy database that they back up using database mirroring. As part of a reporting requirement we need to use some of the data stored in the database to run reports against but we cannot access the data directly.
Is it possible for us to run transaction replication on that server to get our data while it is running database mirroring at the same time?
Yes it's possible to run transaction log shipping at the same time you are running mirroring. It is also possible to bring the secondary server up in a "Read Only" mode rather than "Standby" for the specific purpose of allowing you to run reports on the second server.