Incremental linearizing of git DAG - objective-c

I'm the author of GitX. One of the features GitX has is the visualization of branches, as can be seen here.
This visualization is currently done by reading commits which are emitted from git in the correct order. For each commit the parents are known, so it's fairly easy to build up the lanes in the correct way.
I'd like to speed up this process by using my own commit pool and linearizing the commits myself. This allows me to reuse existing loaded commits and allows git to emit commits faster because it doesn't have to emit them in the correct order.
However, I'm not sure what algorithm to use to accomplish this. It is important that the building is incremental, as the loading of commits can take a long time (>5 seconds for 100,000 commits, which should all be displayed).
Gitk has gone the same way, and there's a patch here that shows how it is implemented, but my TCL skills are weak and the patch isn't very thoroughly commented and a bit hard to follow.
I'd also like this algorithm to be efficient, as it'll have to handle hundreds of thousands of commits. It also has to be displayed in a table, so it's important that access to specific rows is fast.
I'll describe the input I have so far, the output that I want and a few observations.
I have a current pool of commits in the form of a hash table that maps commit ids to commit objects. This pool does not have to be complete (have all commits necessary)
I have a separate thread loading in new commits from git, with a callback that can be called every time a new commit is loaded. There is no guaranteed order in which the commits come in, but in most of the cases the next commit is a parent of the previous commit.
A commit object has its own revision id and the revision ids of all its parents
I have a list of branch heads that should be listed. That is, there isn't a single 'top' of the DAG that should be displayed. There also does not have to be a single graph root.
I'll need to linearize these commits in topological order. That is, a commit cannot be listed after its parents have been listed.
I also need the 'branch lines' that can be seen in the screenshot above. These probably need to be precomputed as most of them depend on their children.
A few remarks:
It's necessary to relocate a list of commits. For example, we might have to commits (branch heads) that are unrelated, until a commit shows up which makes one head an ancestor of the other.
Multiple branch tips must be shown
It's important that this process is incremental, so that at least a partial view is available while the data is still loading. This means that new data has to be inserted halfway and that the branch lines have to be readjusted.

The standard topological sort is O(n) (OK, O(V+E)), i.e. you should be able to sort a million commits in memory in a fraction of a second. No incremental hack like those in Tcl is needed.
BTW, I use GitX (looks much better than Gitk on OS X) everyday and don't have any issue with it (maybe because I don't have those crazy merges in my repositories) :)

OK, so I'm having a similarly hard time reading the entirety of that patch, but let's see if I can piece it together from what I did figure out.
To start with, gitk simplifies things by condensing a string of commits into an arc, containing a series of commits that each only have one parent and one child. Aside from anything else, doing this should cut down pretty dramatically on the number of nodes you have to consider for your sort, which will help out any algorithm you use. As a bonus, related commits will end up grouped together.
This does introduce some complexity in terms of finding an arc when you read a new commit. There are a few situations:
The new commit has a single parent, or no parents. It extends a (possibly empty) arc. Most of the time, you'll just extend the most recent arc. There are a few interesting subcases:
It may cause an existing arc to be split, if its parent already has a child (i.e. its parent turns out to be a branch point, which I gather you don't know ahead of time).
It could be a "missing link" that connects two arcs together.
You may already know that this commit has multiple children
The new commit has multiple parents (a merge commit).
You may want to include the multi-child or multi-parent commits in arcs, or it may make more sense to keep them separate. Either way, it shouldn't be too difficult to build up this set of arcs incrementally.
Once you have these arcs, you're still left with trying to linearize them. In your case, the first algorithm described on the aforementioned Wikipedia page sounds useful, as you have a known set of branch points to use as your initial set S.
Other notes:
Relocating commits should be manageable. First of all, you only have to care when you connect two arcs, either through a new merge commit, a newly-discovered branch point, or combining two arcs into one. Any given arc can easily maintain its current row number range (assuming you're fine with putting an arc on sequential rows), so traversing up the tree checking that all new ancestors show up later should be pretty quick.
I don't know enough to say much about drawing the graph lines, but I imagine it won't be too different from what you do now.
Anyway, I hope that helps. It was interesting to think about, at least.

Do you really need to display 100k commits at once? What kind of user can soak up that kind of info?
Have you thought about paging? I.e just compute for ~100 commits or something. If a branch-line goes way back (off-page), you could use something like Github's back-pointing arrow to show that.

I haven't used GitX, so maybe I'm missing something, but it seems like you could walk back from child to parent(s) from the head of each current branch until you can draw a few screens of the graph.
That might not give you the optimal visual layout of branches that are rooted earlier. But it seems like responsiveness would be more important than waiting to draw a graph with the fewest crossings, since most users are likely to be interested in recent activity.


Use cases of Event Sourcing, when we don't care about past states

I have been reading about Event Sourcing pattern, I have seen it used in the projects I have worked on, but I am still yet to see any benefit of it, while it makes the design much more complicated.
That is, many sources mention that Event Sourcing is good if you want to see Audit Log, be able to reconstruct the state of 15 days ago and I see that Event Sourcing solves all of that beautifully. But apart from that, what is the point?
Yes, I can imagine that if you are in relational world, then writes are comparatively slow as they lock the data and so on. But it is much easier to solve this problem, by going no-sql and using something like Cassandra. Cassandra's writes are super fast, as they are append-only (kinda temporary event source), it scales beautifully as well. Sources also mention that Event Sourcing helps scaling - how on earth it can help you to scale, when instead of storing ~1 row of data per user, now you have 9000 and instead of retrieving that single row, now you are replaying 9000 rows (or less, if you complicate the design even more and add some temporal snapshots of state and replay the current state form the last snapshot).
Any examples of real life problems that Event Sourcing solves or links would be much appreciated.
While I haven't implemented a distributed, event-sourced sub-system as yet (so I'm no expert), I have been researching and evaluating the approach. Event sourcing provides a number of key benefits:
I'm sure there are more. To a large extent, the benefits of event sourcing depend on the baseline you are comparing it against (CRUD, event-driven DDD, CQRS, or whatever), and the domain.
Let's look at each of those in turn:
With event driven systems that fire events whenever the system is updated, you often have a problem: how do you both update the system state and fire the event in one go? If the 2nd operation fails, your system is in a broken, inconsistent state. Event sourcing provides a neat solution to this, since the system only requires a single operation for the state change, which will either succeed or fail atomically: the writing of the event. Other solutions tend to be more complex and less scalable - 2 phase commit, etc.
This is a big benefit in a large, high transaction system, where components are failing, being updated or replaced all the time while transactions are going on. The ability to terminate a process at any time without any worry about data corruption or consistency is a big benefit and helps you sleep at night.
In many domains you won't have concurrent writes to the same entities, or you won't require events since a state change has no knock-on effects, in which case event sourcing is unlikely to be a good approach, and simpler approaches like CRUD may be fine.
First of all, event streams make consistent writes very efficient - it's just an append only log, which makes replication and 'compare and set' simple to optimise. Something like Cassandra is quite slow in the scenario where you need to protect your invariants - that is, you need to validate a command against the current state of a 'row', and reject the update if the row changes before you have a chance to update it. You either need to use 'lightweight transactions' to ensure consistency, or have a single writer thread per partition, so that you can be sure that you can successfully validate a command against the current state of the system before allowing the update. Of course you can implement an event store in Cassandra, using either of these approaches (single thread/lightweight transactions).
Read scalability is the biggest performance benefit though - since you can build as many different eventually consistent projections (views) on the data as you want by reading from event streams, and horizontally scale query services on these views as much as you want. These views can use custom databases (Cassandra, graph databases) as necessary to allow queries to be optimised as much as you want. They can store denormalised data, to allow all required data to be fetched in a single (non-joined) database query. They can even store the projected state in memory, for maximum performance. While this can potentially be achieved without event sourcing, it is much more complex to implement.
If you don't have complex querying and high scalability requirements, event sourcing may not be the right solution.
If you need to look at your data in a new way, say you create a new client app or screen in an app, it's very easy to add new projections of the event streams as new, independent services. If you need to add some data to an existing read view that you missed, or fix a bug in the read view, you can just rebuild the views using the event streams and throw away the old ones. The advantages here vs. the non-event sourced case are:
You don't need to write both DB migration code and then code to keep the view up to date as events come in. Instead, you just write the code to keep it up to date, and run it on the events from the start of time.
Related to this, you can do the update without having to bring down the query service to do a schema change - instead, just leave the old service version running against the old DB, generate a new DB with the new service version, and when it's caught up with the event streams, just atomically switch over then clean up the old service and DB once you're happy the new one is stable (noting that the old service will be keeping itself up to date in the meantime, if you need to roll back!). This is likely to be extremely difficult to achieve without event sourcing.
If you need any temporal information to be added to your views (e.g. when was the last update, when was this created), that's already available and easy to add, but impossible to add retrospectively without event sourcing.
Note that the above isn't about modifying event streams (which is tricker, see my comment on challenges below) - it's about using the existing event streams to enhance a view or create a new one.
There are simple ways to do this without event sourcing, such as using database views (with an RDBMS), but they aren't as scalable.
Event sourcing also has some challenges for evolvability - you need to take care of event versioning, probably using a combination of weak event schema (so you can add properties with default values) and stream replacement (when you want to do a bigger change to your events). Greg Young is writing a good book on this.
As you mentioned, you're not interested in this.

Optaplanner select only entities in conflict

In the change and swap move selector, I would like to only consider moves that involve entities in conflict as they are more likely to improve the heuristic score.
How should this be done? What classes and interfaces do I have to reuse/extend? I looked at ScoreDirector and PhaseLifecycleListener.
A MoveFilter might do that (if it's not in phase or solver cached as it changes ever step). See the course scheduling example and docs for how to use a filter.
I wouldn't recommend it though, as you still want to move non-conflicting entities at times. You might just want to focus more on those conflicting lectures. So I would keep a vanilla move selector in the mix.
The move filter isn't perfect either - the Guided Local Search feature (not yet available) is a better way to deal with this.
However, given the other question about the model and similar cases I 've seen, I 'd say moves are not your problem. A better model will make all these kinds of move tweaking obsolete.

Postgresql concurrent index

I'm trying to understand how PostgreSQL builds index concurrently without write lock.
Could someone describe the steps performed by PostgreSQL for that to do this while continuously written into the table data?
The relevant detail is in the source code comments. See the comments on validate_index in src/backend/catalog/index.c around line 2607:
We do a concurrent index build by first inserting the catalog entry
for the index via index_create(), marking it not indisready and not
indisvalid. Then we commit our transaction and start a new one, then
we wait for all transactions that could have been modifying the table
to terminate.
.... and lots, lots more. Basically "it's complicated". I'll attempt to explain it, but I haven't read the code in detail and I don't know this part of the codebase, so the only correct explanation is the comments and source code.
My understanding is that it does an initial build based on an MVCC snapshot of the table state, committing it when it's done. It then waits until all transactions can see the (broken) index, at which point they'll all be updating it when they change things in the table. It then compares what was visible when it built the index to what is visible now and updates the index to reflect the differences between the snapshots. It then waits to make sure there are no transactions that could see the index while it was in an invalid state, marks the index valid, and commits again.
The whole process relies heavily on MVCC snapshots and visibility. It's also considerably more expensive in terms of I/O, CPU and RAM than a regular index build is.
validate_index is called by DefineIndex in src/backend/commands/indexcmds.c, which contains details about the overall process.

Does opengrok really require a separate staging directory?

In the sample installation and configuration instructions, it is seemingly suggested that OpenGrok requires two staging areas, with the rationale being, that one area is an index-regeneration-work-area, and the other is a production area, and they are rotated with every index regen.
Is that really necessary? Can I only have one area instead of two?
I'm looking for an answer that is specific to opengrok, and not a general list of race conditions one might encounter.
Strictly said, this is not necessary. In fact, I am pretty sure overwhelming majority of the deployments are without staging area.
That said, you need to decide if you are comfortable with a window of inconsistency that could result in some failed/imprecise searches. Let's assume that the source was updated (e.g. via git pull in case of Git) and the indexer has not finished processing the new changes yet. Thus, the index still contains the data reflecting the old state of the source. Let's say the changes applied to the source removed a file. Now if someone initiates a search that matches the contents of the removed file, the search result will probably end with an error. This is probably the better alternative - consider the case when more subtle change is done to a file such as removal/addition of couple of lines of code. In that case the symbol definitions will be off so the search results will bring you to the wrong line of code. Or, not so subtle change, when e.g. a function definition is removed from a file, the search results for references of this function will contain invalid places.
The length of the inconsistency window stems from the indexing time that is largely dependent on 2 things, at least currently:
size of the changes applied to the source
size of the source directory tree
The first is relevant because of history processing. The more incoming history changes (e.g. changesets in Git), the more work the indexer will have to do to generate history cache and/or history fields for the index (assuming history handling is on).
The second is relevant because the indexer traverses the whole source directory tree to find out which files have changed which might incur lots syscalls and potentially lots of I/O. At least until is implemented and that will help only Source Code Management systems based on changesets.

(Fluent) NHibernate progress events for lengthy transactions?

We've hooked up the ISaveOrUpdateEventListener event and hoped we could tie it to a progress bar update for each node being visited during the save traversal of a pretty big model, BUT the event only fires once when the save operations starts (only on the node on which the Save( ) was inititated and not on any subnodes).
Are there any other events that are more appropriate to listen to for this?
We've also tried breaking up the save operation (of a hierarchical model) by doing the traversal ourselves, but that seems to degrade the performance even further.
Perhaps we're trying to solve a problem for which FNH wasn't aimed to be used. We're new to it.
We've also set up an alternative solution using SqlBulkCopy, as recommended elsewhere.
We've seen the comments that FNH is primarily supposed for smaller transactions (OLTP) and not the type of exhaustive model we're bound to by our problem (signal processing of huge data volumes).
We're trying to use Fluent NHibernate on a larger database project with data gathered from fairly complex real time analysis (high frequency, multiple input signals, long experiment times etc). In a prototype we've built we see pretty scary wait times for the moment, and need to hook in some sort of reliable progress indicator.
Yes, now confirmed - as mentioned in my comment above. One (possible) solution to this is to simply turn of Cascades and do the model traversal manually and do explicit Save( ) calls.
This works, although it's not as neat as just handling an event. Still, given the genuin design of NHibernate, I bet there's certainly an event somewhere that could be intercepted - the question is just under what name. ... I bet someone on here knows more.
Also to improve performance we used a Stateless Session, experiemented with differnet batch size, and periodically/explicitly call Flush() and Clear(). See articles below for further details:
Hope this helps.