sshfs EBCDIC to ASCII - ssh

what I want to do is to be able to mount via sshfs some files on the mainframe via USS on my local PC. I can do that but sshfs doesnt do straight off the conversion from EBCDIC to ascii/unicode. Is there any flags that i can set.
Alternativly, does anybody know of a library that does EBCDIC to ASCII conversions so i can add to SSHFS?

Be aware though that transparent charset conversion is a very dangerous game. Are you absolutely sure that you will never read anything but EBCDIC files via SSHFS? What if there is binary data?
Some systems used transparent conversions in the past:
the infamous "ASCII mode" of FTP, which messed up many binary downloads
the vfat filesystem in Linux, which notes: "Programs that do computed lseeks won't like in-kernel text conversion. Several people have had their data ruined by this translation. Beware!"
So I'd strongly advise to be aware of the consequences.
Why not use use an editor that can handle EBCDIC? Vim e.g. can do it (if it is compiled in).

There are several libraries for character set conversion — iconv (normally part of your C library; see for example iconv_open) and GNU recode come to mind.

I know a lot of time has passed since the original question but I'll leave the info here:
I've wrote a patch for sshfs which adds automatic conversion between ASCII and EBCDIC. It can be found here:
The patch adds "-t" command-line option which defines regular expression for files that should be converted. For example sshfs -t".*"
defines conversion for all files.
I had to "hard-code" the conversion table since there are various "flavours" of EBCDIC and iconv didn't translate the text between ASCII as EBCDIC on my system as needed. The advantage here is that someone can easily change that translation table as needed.
By the way I wrote the same patch for win-sshfs.


How to read a Executable(.EXE) file in OpenVMS

When am trying to open any .EXE file am getting information in encoded form. Any idea how to see the content of an .EXE file ????
I need to know what Database tables are used in the particular .EXE.
Ah, now we are getting closer to the real question.
It is probably much more productive to ask the targeted databases about the SQL queries being execute during the run, or a top-ten shortly afterwards.
The table-names might not be hard-coded recognizably as such in the executable.
They might be obtained by a lookup, and some fun pre-fixing or other transformation might be in place.
Admittedly they like are clear text.
Easiest is probably to just transfer to a Unix server and use STRINGS on the image.
I want to include the source here with but that failed, and I cannot find how to attach a file. Below you'll find a link OpenVMS macro program source for a STRINGS like tool. Not sure how long the link will survive.
Just read for instructions, save (strings.mar), compile ($ MACRO strings), link ($link strings), and activate ($ mcr sys$login:strings image_to_test.exe)
OpenVMS Macro String program text
Good luck!
Use analyze/image to view the contents of an executable image file.
I'm guessing you are trying to look in the EXE because you do not have access to the source. I do something like this:
$ dump/record/byte/hex/out=a.a myexe.exe
Then look at a.a with any text editor (132 columns). The linker groups string literals together, and they are mostly near the beginning of the EXE, so you don't have to look to far into the file. Of course this only helps if the database references are string literals.
The string literal might be broken across a block (512 byte) boundary, so if you use search in your editor, try looking for substrings.
Aksh - you are chasing your tail on this one. Its a false dawn. Even if you could (and you can't) find the database tables, you will need the source of the .exe to do anything sensible with it, or the problem you are trying to solve. Its possible to write a program which just lists all the tables in a database without reading any of 'em. So you could spend and awful lot of effort and get nowhere. Hope this helps

WINDOWS to Linux character set issue

I have different set of SQL files which has French/Spanish and other language characters. In windows, we are able to see the specific language characters and when it transfers to Linux and i see weird characters.
I understand windows uses different character set like WINDOWS-1252, WINDOWS-1258 and iso-8859-1.
How can we change the charset which is similar to Windows in Linux, So that we won't insert the weird characters in DB when triggering the queries from Linux?
Thanks in advance.
If I'm understanding the problem correctly, you have SQL scripts produced in a variety of windows encodings that include non-ASCII characters. You want to execute these scripts on Linux.
I would think you'd want to lossless-ly convert the files to something that your linux SQL parser can handle, probably to unicode UTF-8. This sort of conversion can be done with iconv (command-line utility, I believe there are libraries as well).
A challenge though is whether or not you know what each file's original encoding is, as this cannot necessarily be automatically detected...might be better if you can get the script files' authors to provide the scripts with a specified encoding.
In windows, we are able to see the specific language characters
You can open it in notepad++ and see what encoding the file is using and you can also convert it to UTF-8.
You will want to use Encode or utf8 modules.
Normally for SQL or MySQL you will set the DB encoding to what you prefer to work with. These days most people set it to UTF-8 to support a large range of character sets.
But in this case you can play around with the encoding to match the right one needed, This could work.
use Encode qw(decode encode);
$data = encode("utf8", decode("iso-8859-1", $data));

Extract Objective-c binary

Is it possible to extract a binary, to get the code that is behind the binary? With Class-dump you can see the implementation addresses, but is it possible to also see the code thats IN the implementation addresses? Is there ANY way to do it?
All your code compiles to single instructions, placed in the text section of your executable. The compiler is responsible for translating your higher level language to the processor specific instructions, which are simpler. Reverting this process would be nearly impossible, unless the code is quite simple. Some problems are ambiguity of statements, and the overall readability: local variables, for instance, will be nothing but an offset address.
If you want to read the disassembled code (the instructions of which the higher level code was compiled to) use this command in an executable:
otool -tV file
You can decompile (more accurately, disassemble) a binary and get it's assembly, but there is no way to get back the original Objective-C.
My curiosity begs me to ask why you want to do this!?
otx is a good tool for symbolicating the otool based disassembly
It will handle both x86_64 and i386 disassembly.
Mach-O-Scope is a a tool built on top of otx to dump it all into a sqlite3 database for browsing and annotating.
It won't give you the original source -- but it will get you pretty close providing you with the messages that are being sent around in methods.

Pex Generated Tests Encoded UCS-2 Little Endian, Why, how to change?

HI there
i noticed that when I generate a pex test solution the default encoding of the files is UCS-2 Little Endian, this is not really cool, because all the rest of the files are normally encoded with Windows ANSI
(I m getting this info from Notepadd ++) and its confirmed by my CI breaking
Anyone knows
1) why is it using this encoding?
2) how to change it so by default it uses Windows ANSI like the rest of the files
NOTE:I know this is the issue because i saved the file with Windows Ansi Encoding and it all works
I know I probably shouldnt but I went and posted this same question on the pex forum
link to the question
and this was an Answer from Peli ( he is heavily involved in the Pex project AFAIK)
Copy of the Answer
1) why is it using this encoding?
There is no particular reason for this, besides that we decide to use this particular encoding. We will switch on Windows-1252 (ANSI) encoding in the future for source files. XML files will still be encoded as UTF-8.
2) how to change it so by default it uses Windows ANSI like the rest of the files
Unfortunately, this is hard-coded in Pex and you cannot change this. The next release of Pex (0.93) will use ANSI.

Surefire way of determining the codec of a media file

I'm looking for a surefire way of determining the codec used in an audio or video file. The two things I am currently using are the file extension (obvious), and the mime type as determined by running `file -ib' on the file.
This doesn't seem to get me all the way there: loads of formats are `wrapper' formats that hide the exact codec used within -- for example, '.ogg' files can internally use the Vorbis, Speex, or FLAC codecs. Their MIME type is also usually hidden under 'application/ogg' or similar.
The `file' program is apparently able to tell me which codec is used, but it returns this as human-readable prose:
kb.ogg: Ogg data, Vorbis audio, stereo, 44100 Hz, ~0 bps
and as such it is dodgy to use programmatically.
What I'm essentially asking is: is there a script out there (any language) that can wade through these wrapper formats and tell me what the meat of the file is made of?
ffmpeg includes a library called libavformat that can open and demux pretty much any media format. Obviously that's more than you actually need, but I don't think you can find anything else that's quite as complete. I've used it myself with great success. Take a look at this article for an introduction. There's also bindings for these libraries for some common scripting languages, such as python.
(If you don't want to build something using the library, you can probably use the regular ffmpeg binary.)
You can always use your own magic file, copied and modified from the pre-installed magic file, and change the return string so that it can be easily parsed by your program.