Server benchmarking: how many http requests can the server process? - httpwebrequest

I am creating an application which sends the measurement data every 200 ms from mobile phone to the server. The data have to be processed in real-time, but I noticed that the difference between the sent time and the time of process start is getting bigger and bigger so I have to find the point where the requests get stuck.
I am sending the requests in the httpwebrequest form (http://testserver/submitdata?ax=value1&ay=value2&az=value3) and on the server I am using RESTful service created in WCF.
Anyway is there any benchmarking tool that could test how many requests can be handled by the server or is there any other practical way to determine what can be the maximum number of requests per seconds handled without causig the delay?

The Apache Benchmarking (ab) tool might be a good way to do this (it will work with any HTTP server, not just Apache).

ab is indeed a descent solution. In its simplest form you can run
ab -c 10 -n 100
in order to call the server 100 times and keep 10 requests running concurrently. I have an example at my blog.


boost ssl client/server shutdown timing

I have both a boost ssl client and server. Part of my testing is to use the client to send a small test file (~40K) many times to the server, using the pattern socket_connect, async_send, socket_shutdown each time the file is sent. I have noticed on both the client and the server that the ssl_socket.shutdown() call can take upto 10 milliseconds to complete. Is this typical behavior?
The interesting behavior is that the 10 millisecond completion time does not appear until I have executed the connect/send/shutdown pattern about 20 times.

How to check if clients are starved in an apache server?

How would you monitor a server performance in sense of :
Count requests that has been timedout without processing at all (client was starved)
Count requests that has been timedout while in process
Count requests that failed because of error at least in the apache lvl
Count requests that has been timedout without processing at all (client was starved)
It depends on what platform you are operating and what the apache server is used for. In case the apache server is used as a back-end for some website you could add timestamps to each request made by the client (website user), or let the client keep track of the requests it performed with their associated timestamps. Send this data to the server and let the server compare this data to it's own logs.
Thus I would advise to keep track both client-sided and server-sided of all requests received and sent with their additional status (success or failure, timestamp).
For more specific info I think more context on the actual implementation is a must.
As per my knowledge, Apache do not support this kind of feature other than server status. But that doesn't include enough metrics to match your requirement.
But nginx provides more metrics which almost include what you need.
Nginx open source version support following metrics,
accepts / accepted
requests / total
Please refer this article. If you are trying to host a php web app, you can move to nginx in that case.
I am not an expert in that case but here is my take on this,
Request time out generate 408 error in logs which is countable and apache provide a variable %D to measure the process time.
Count requests that has been timedout without processing at all
(client was starved)
If there is no process time or minimal then you can assume request is not processed at all.
Count requests that has been timedout while in process
Opposite goes for previous theory you will get some time logged for processing.
Count requests that failed because of error at least in the apache lvl
You will surely get the error log for any reason apache have encountered.
And what will be the role of keep alive in this case is another thing.
Logging methods are different in apache 2 & 2.4 keep that in mind but common logging format will lead you to result.
If you are looking for tools to give you some insights try with below, and apache httpd server does provide all the necessary insights which nginx and other server out there can provide.

Upload text logs to MVC 4 web server every second

I have a Web Server implemented using dot net MVC4. There are clients connected to this web server which perform some operations and upload live logs to the server using WebClient.UploadString method. Sending these logs from client to server is being done in group of 2500 characters at a time.
Things work fine until 2-3 client upload logs. However when more than 3 clients try to upload logs simultaneously they start receiving "http 500 internal server error".
I might have to scale up and add more slaves but that will make the situation worse.
I want to implement Jenkins like live logging, where logs from slave are updated live.
Please suggest some better and scalable solution to this problem.
Have you considered looking into SignalR?
It can be used for anything from instant messaging to stocks! I have implemented both a chatbox, and a custom system that sends off messages, does calculations and then passes them back down to client. It is very reliable, there are some nice tutorials, and I think it's awesome.

Http server - slow read

I am trying to simulate a slow http read attack against apache server running on my localhost.
But it seems like, the server does not complain and simply waits forever for the client to read.
This is what I do:
Request a huge file (say ~1MB) from the http server
Read the response from the server in a loop waiting 100 secs before successive reads
Since the file is huge and the client receive buffer is small, the server has to send the file in multiple chunks. But, at the client side, I wait for 100 secs between successive reads. As a result, the server often polls the client and finds that, the receive window size of the client is zero since the client has not yet read the receive buffer.
But it looks like the server does not bother to break the connection and it silently keeps polling the client. Server sends the data when the client window size is > 0 and again goes back to wait for the client.
I want to know whether there are any apache config parameters that I can set to break the connection from the server side after waiting sometime for the client to read the data.
Perhaps this would be more useful to you, (simpler and saves you time): which is a Perl script that sends partial HTTP requests, the Apache server leaves the connection open (now unavailable to new users) and if executed on a Linux environment, (Linux does not limit threads beyond hardware capability) you can effectively block all open sockets, and in turn prevent other users from accessing the server. It uses minimal bandwidth because it does not "flood" the server with requests, it simply slowly takes the sockets hostage. You can download the file here:
To prevent an attack like this (well, mitigate) see here:
You could also use a load-balancer or round-robin setup.
Try slowhttptest to test the slow read attack you're describing. (It can also be used to test slow sending of headers.)

Is php scalable with reverse ajax long polling?

I am working on a website that displays some data from DB that changes frequently (Status of a queue and a chat conversation). My current setup is Apache/PHP/MySQL. Naturally I would like to avoid polling the server every x seconds since this does not scale well. I would like to do reverse ajax long polling, however, I've read that Apache does not work well with this since it quickly runs out of worker threads. There are many other web servers out there that get around this problem: nginx, tornado, etc. However, my problem is, PHP is the ONLY server-side scripting language I know. Also I've already written some PHP scripts so I'd like to keep them if I can. I am ok with switching server so long as I can still use PHP.
But after doing some more research, I've read that people say PHP (PHP-FPM?) also creates a process for every request made, which means if I have hundreds/thousands of open connections, there will be hundreds/thousands of processes, which will be problem as well.
Can I conclude that there's no good scalable ways to make long polling websites using PHP? Should I abandon PHP and learn another server scripting language? I can continue developing long polling using my current setup (Apache/PHP) for now but I don't want the choice of scripting language to pose any limitation on the scalability of my system when I deploy. So what should I do? I am not very experienced with web programming, so if any gurus out there can give me some pointers I'd appreciate it! Thank you!
PHP runned in php-fpm mode will still have limitations, especially if your code is eating a lot of memory. You won't be able to run thousands of parallel processes without some available memory. But it usually perform faster than mod_php, and at least HTTP request that do not need PHP are handled by the webserver, and if that webserver is nginx you'll get a lot more HTTP requests available in parallel.
With php-fpm you will also have a queue of waiting requests, that may be usefull in case a temporary big traffic, as at least requests are queued, not rejected.
Now the long polling operations are OK with nginx (or others, that's an example), but not with PHP. PHP is not built to be a long-running server, each request is a new process, it's really not the right choice for a KeepAlive thing. But "Divide ut regnes" (divide and rule). Your long polling tasks could run near your PHP application, but without your PHP application.
As an example look at the jappix project, this is a PHP project. But you need to put somewhere an XMPP server (like ejabberd), and a BOSH server with nginx as a proxy on port 80 to that BOSH server (so you have the xmpp chat protocol on port 80, via nginx and ejabberd, and nothing on the PHP side for that). The problem is then to connect your application authentification, identification, and such, and this will have to be done by extending the XMPP server configuration (so that it use the same LDAP server as your PHP app for example).
Your second long polling problem is the status of a queue. You may find some XMPP extensions for that, maybe. Or you may perform regular ajax queries on the queue. One of the useful technique to avoid the big number of ajax requests on your PHP application is to reschedule the next ajax check on the ajax callback of the check, based on the Fibonacci numbers (it's an example). So the first time the next ajax call will be scheduled 1 minutes after, next time 2 minutes, then 3m, 5m, 8m, 13m, 21m, 34m, 55m, 89m, 144m, etc. The idea is that it's maybe important to check new messages incoming 1 minute after a page load. As the user is still reading the same page (or drinking a coffee, talking to a friend, going to holidays without switching off his computer, etc), we can delay more and more the next checks. Is a way of assuming the user is not really active. Note that you could detect user activity by other means and alter the rescheduling.
PHP is nor right for long polling, Comet and reverse ajax technologies. You should use Node.js