How to pass Client Objects to WCF Service - wcf

I want to pass list of entitiy objects from Client to WCF Service,
but my WCF Service has no knowledge of the structure of these entity objects.
One way could be to pass them in an XML file.
What could be the other possible ways to pass such objects to WCF service?
Please guide.
Thank you!

Basically, you need to make your WCF service aware of the structure.
Remember: calling a WCF service is passing a message (WCF is serialising an object, stuffing it into an envelope, and sending it away; this is not a remote procedure call or some object remoting!) and you need to make this message so that the caller and the callee can serialize and deserialize it!
Create DataContracts for your object classes being sent back and forth - that's the easiest way.
You can also work with untyped messages in WCF - but it's a lot more manual work, and I'd strongly recommend investigating the DataContract route first!
See a blog post and the MSDN docs on how to deal with untyped messages in WCF.

I would recommend against this since WCF is contract based. I would map the entities onto DataContracts in the service and work with them from there. Let me know if I'm missing something..


Using WCF Extensibility at Client Side

I am using a web application as a client to invoke WCF methods using proxy.
For each request being made by client object, I need to populate few properties (declared inside request class)
Is it possible to hook a method, just before making the actual web service call.
I can't modify service code right now, Can WCF extensibility points could be leveraged in this case?
Thanks for your help.
If you want to change the properties of the method parameters, you can use an IParameterInspector to do that, since at that point you'll get an array with all parameters to be sent to the server.
If you need to change other parts of the request (such as transport or SOAP headers), an IClientMessageInspector may be the best way to go.
For more information on many extensibility points at the client side, you can check the blog series at

WCF, Sending an unknown type to a WCF service

Consider this scenario that two WCF clients connect to one WCF service(server), this service will receive an object from one client and send it to the other one through some operation contract and client callbacks, both clients have the type for this object but we do not want the WCF service(server) to be dependent on this type.
The project is much bigger than this, but I wonder if you can send an object with an unknown type to a service and somehow receive it back on the other client. I saw this but it does not help me at all: Can WCF service transmit type (client doesn't know this type) information?
Thanks in advance.
You can do certain things with the "raw" Message data type - but it's really not pretty programming...
Read about it here:
How to pass arbitrary data in a Message object using WCF
WCF : Untyped messages on WCF operations.
Sending an "object" with unknown type is not possible in WCF because WCF requires a full compatibility with WSDL - and WSDL requires transparent type definition.
Having said that, if you use a type of object I believe there is a way for this to be loaded as a string and in WSDL it is defined as xs:anyType.
I personally would prefer defining the type as string and passing an XML which can be serialised using plain XML Serialization. I have used this in our company and it works really well, especially since we will be storing the XML as document in database.

WCF - how to add additional data to each call

I want to add a complex poco that will pass itself within each wcf call. Whats the bast practice for this case?
Typically, the best way to do something like this is passing such "meta-information" in a WCF header. You can easily create a message inspector to extend WCF (it's really not that scary and hard to do!) which would inject the POCO class (or what of it is necessary) into every outgoing request from the client, and retrieve it from the header and validate it on the server side.
There are a number of pretty good blog post out there showing you how to create a message inspector:
Richard Hallgren's WCF postings
Writing a WCF message inspector
Automatic Culture Flowing with WCF by using Custom Behaviour
Check out the two relevant interfaces to implement:
IClientMessageInspector on the client side, which has a BeforeSendRequest and AfterReceiveReply message to implement
IDispatchMessageInspector on the server side, which has a AfterReceiveRequest and BeforeSendReply method to implement
Here you go, check this out...

Request and Response objects and WCF versioning

I'm in the process of designing my first "proper" WCF service and I'm trying to get my head around how to best handle versioning of the service.
In older ASMX web services, I would create aMethodNameRequest and MethodNameResponse object for each web service method.
A request object would really just be a POCO wrapper around what would typically be in the method parameters. A response object might typically inherit from a base response object that has information about any errors.
Reading about WCF and how the IExtensibleDataObject, FaultContractAttribute and Namespacing works, it seems that I can revert back to using standard parameters (string, int etc) in my method names, and if the service is versioned, then ServiceContract inheritance can provide this versioning.
I've been looking into and linked articles in that, but I was just looking for a bit of clarification.
Am I correct in thinking that dispensing with the Request/Response objects is more ideal for WCF versioning?
EDIT: I just found this article which suggests using explicit request/response object:
I don't agree that dispensing with Request/Response objects is that way to go.
There are obvious benefits of coding with messages:
you can reuse them, which avoids pass 5 ints and 3 strings to a number of different methods.
the properties are named and so can be reliably understood, whereas a parameter that is passed by value through multiple tiers could be confused, and so on.
they can be proper objects rather than just data containers, if you choose - containing private methods, etc
But you are really asking about versioning. Don't forget that you can version the messages within your service contracts. The classes in assembly can have the same name provided they are in different namespaces (e.g. v1.Request and v2.Request), and they can both implement a required interface or inherit from some base object.
They also need to be versioned for your service consumer, which can be done with xml namespaces; I've typically put the service contracts (the operations) in a namespace like http://myapp.mydomain/v1 and the messages (the request and response objects) in http://myapp.mydomain/v1/messages.
One gotcha with this approach is that if you have an operation, call it Submit, in the http://myapp.mydomain/v1 namespace then by convention / default the soap objects SubmitRequest and SubmitResponse will also exist in the same namespace (I don't remember what the run-time exception is but it confused me for a while). The resolution is to put message objects in another namespace as I've described above.
See "Versioning WCF Services: Part I" and "Versioning WCF Services: Part II".

Adding methods to DataContract objects for WCF

Are DataContracts in WCF nothing more than DTOs? I was reading up about WCF and just had a couple of thoughts. It would be nice if some of the DataContract objects could have methods on them so that the client could do basic things with them before or after sending or retrieving back to the service.
To me this just doesn't seem possible or logical. I could be wrong, I learn new things everyday. So would the next best thing be to treat DataContracts as DTOs and provide libraries for the clients that would create real objects from the DTOs. Objects that would contain methods.
Any guidance would be really appreciated.
Not sure if I correctly understood your answer, so correct me if I'm wrong.
You can create a class library with your DataContracts classes and share the library between the client and server. In this way class marked [DataContract] will have methods (behavior) and [DataMember] fields/properties (state).
When you will pass such objects between client and server via WCF state will be persisted, but since class library is shared you will have methods on both sides.
DTOs that are decorated as DataContract classes are real objects. They can have methods in them, but the methods are not part of the serialization process.
The main time this will cause you issues is when:
you are relying on the generated proxy version of the DataContract objects (like when you have a Silverlight client calling a WCF service, or you are calling a third party service that you have no access to the code or its libraries). The generated proxy versions will not have the methods in them, just the DataMember properties. The way to get round that is to use objects from a shared library (as already mentioned by #Insomniac).
your properties in the DataContract objects are more than just a simple get/set operation, i.e. you may have included some logic to do other operations when a property value is set. In this case even the proxy generated version will not have that logic included. The ways to get round this is to either have the shared library, or have a partial class on the client side that extends the proxy generated class.
Sharing your classes between client and server projects is the way to go. Do not forget to check in your service reference that it tries to reuse types in referenced assemblies. That way, the service reference will not generate proxy classes for the shared objects.
WCF at its core is a message-based system: your client proxy catches the call to a method, wraps up the method and all its parameters into a serialized message, and send that across the network to the service to be processed.
So yes - in the end, all that goes from client to server in WCF is a serialized message - typically in XML format. You cannot serialize behavior or methods with this approach.