Display DataType and Size of Column from SQL Server Query Results at Runtime - sql

Is there a way to run a query and then have SQL Server management studio or sqlcmd or something simply display the datatype and size of each column as it was received.
Seems like this information must be present for the transmission of the data to occur between the server and the client. It would be very helpful to me if it could be displayed.
A little background:
The reason I ask is because I must interface with countless legacy stored procedures with anywhere from 50 to 5000+ lines of code each. I do not want to have to try and follow the cryptic logic flow in and out of temp tables, into other procedures, into string concatenated eval statement and so on. I wish to maintain no knowledge of the implementation, simply what to expect when they work. Unfortunately following the logic flow seems to be the only way to figure out what exactly is being returned without trying to infer what the actual types of the data string representations om management studio studio or from the native type in .net for example.
To clarify: I am not asking about how to tell the types of a table or something static like that. I'm pretty sure something like sp_help will not help me. I am asking how to tell what the sql server types (ie varchar(25), int...) are of what I have been given. Additionally, changing the implementation of the sprocs is not possible so please consider that in your solutions. I am really hoping there is a command I have missed somewhere. Much appreciation to all.
I guess what I am really asking is how to get the schema of the result set when the result set originates from a query using a temp table. I understand this to be impossible but don't find much sense with that conclusion because the data is being transmitted after all. Here is an example of a stored procedure that would cause a problem.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[IReturnATempTable]
Create table #TempTable
MyMysteryColumn char(50)
INSERT #TempTable (
'Do you know me?' )
select TOP 50 * FROM #TempTable

What will you do about stored procedures which return different result sets based on their parameters?
In any case, you can configure a SqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand, along with the necessary parameters, then call the FillSchema method. Assuming that the schema can be determined, you'll get a DataTable configured with correct column names and types, and some constraints.

A bit of a long shot, try messing around with SET FMTONLY ON (or off). According to BOL, this "Returns only metadata to the client. Can be used to test the format of the response without actually running the query." I suspect that this will inlcude what you're looking for, as BCP uses this. (I stumbled across this setting when debugging some very oddball BCP problems.)

Could you append another select to your procedure?
If so you might be able to do it by using the sql_variant_property function.
Declare #Param Int
Set #Param = 30
Select sql_variant_property(#Param, 'BaseType')
Select sql_variant_property(#Param, 'Precision')
Select sql_variant_property(#Param, 'Scale')
I posted that on this question.
I am asking how to tell what the sql
server types (ie varchar(25), int...)
are of what I have been given
You could then print out the type, precision (i.e. 25 if its VarChar(25)), and the scale of the parameter.
Hope that helps... :)

If you are not limited to T-SQL, and obviously you don't mind running the SPs (because SET FMTONLY ON isn't fully reliable), you definitely CAN call the SPs from, say C#, using a SqlDataReader. Then inspect the SqlDataReader to get the columns and the data types. You might also have multiple result sets, you you can also go to the next result set easily from this environment.

This code should fix you up. It returns a schema only dataset with no records. You can use this Dataset to query the columns' DataType and any other metadata. Later, if you wish, you can populate the DataSet with records by creating a SqlDataAdapter and calling it's Fill method (IDataAdapter.Fill).
private static DataSet FillSchema(SqlConnection conn)
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
using (SqlCommand formatCommand = new SqlCommand("SET FMTONLY ON;", conn))
SqlDataAdapter formatAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(formatCommand);
formatAdapter.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source);
formatCommand.CommandText = "SET FMTONLY OFF;";
return ds;

I know this is an old question, I found it through a link from SqlDataAdapter.FillSchema with stored procedure that has temporary table. Unfortunately, neither question had an accepted answer, and none of the proposed answers were able to resolve my issue.
For the sake of brevity, if you are using SQL Server 2012 or later, using the following built-in functions will work in most situations:
However, there are some cases in which these functions will not provide any useful output. In my case, the problem was more similar to the question linked above and therefore, I believe the solution is more appropriately answered under that question. My answer can be found here.


SQL Parameters - where does expansion happens

I'm getting a little confused about using parameters with SQL queries, and seeing some things that I can't immediately explain, so I'm just after some background info at this point.
First, is there a standard format for parameter names in queries, or is this database/middleware dependent ? I've seen both this:-
DELETE * FROM #tablename
DELETE * FROM :tablename
Second - where (typically) does the parameter replacement happen? Are parameters replaced/expanded before the query is sent to the database, or does the database receive params and query separately, and perform the expansion itself?
Just as background, I'm using the DevArt UniDAC toolkit from a C++Builder app to connect via ODBC to an Excel spreadsheet. I know this is almost pessimal in a few ways... (I'm trying to understand why a particular command works only when it doesn't use parameters)
With such data access libraries, like UniDAC or FireDAC, you can use macros. They allow you to use special markers (called macro) in the places of a SQL command, where parameter are disallowed. I dont know UniDAC API, but will provide a sample for FireDAC:
ADQuery1.SQL.Text := 'DELETE * FROM &tablename';
ADQuery1.MacroByName('tablename').AsRaw := 'MyTab';
Second - where (typically) does the parameter replacement happen?
It doesn't. That's the whole point. Data elements in your query stay data items. Code elements stay code elements. The two never intersect, and thus there is never an opportunity for malicious data to be treated as code.
connect via ODBC to an Excel spreadsheet... I'm trying to understand why a particular command works only when it doesn't use parameters
Excel isn't really a database engine, but if it were, you still can't use a parameter for the name a table.
SQL parameters are sent to the database. The database performs the expansion itself. That allows the database to set up a query plan that will work for different values of the parameters.
Microsoft always uses #parname for parameters. Oracle uses :parname. Other databases are different.
No database I know of allows you to specify the table name as a parameter. You have to expand that client side, like:
command.CommandText = string.Format("DELETE FROM {0}", tableName);
P.S. A * is not allowed after a DELETE. After all, you can only delete whole rows, not a set of columns.

Best way to store Sql Scripts in a database table

I need to store stored procedure execution scripts in a database table.
As an example:
exec proc_name 'somedata'
These are for execution at a later time after the data that will be changed has gone through a moderation process.
What is the best way to cleanse the script so that the statement cannot be used for sql injection.
Is there a specific type for encoding that I can use? Or is it as simple as doing a replacement on the '
Then it sounds like you would want to use a varchar(max) column and have a separate table for parameters.. If you use Parameters you should be safe from SQL injections. See quickie C# example below:
C# psuedo-code example
SQLCommand command = new SQLCommand("select * from myScripts where scriptid = #scriptid");
SQLParameter param = new SQLParameter("#scriptid", 12, int);
...new SQLCommand("select * from myParams where scriptid = #scriptid");
...new SQLParameter...
DataReader dr = new blah blah...
SQLCommand userCommand = new SQLCommand(dr['sql']);
foreach (parameter in params)
userCommand.Parameter.Add(parameter['name'], value);
There is no way to "cleanse" scripts.
The only way to secure your code is to separate the code from data. And "cleanse" the data only.
That's why we have our code separated from data.
The code is solid and secured, and data is variable and haver to be "cleansed".
As you are breaking this fundamental law, treating the code as data, there is no way to secure it.
Judging by the utter unusualness of the task, I'd say there is a proper solution for sure.
You just choose the wrong architecture.
So, you'd better ask another question, something like "I want to deal with quite complex metadata structure (with the structure and the purpose provided)" and you will get a proper solution that will require no storing SQL codes among the data.
You can either store your scripts for later execution in a Stored Procedure or a scheduled job. I don't see any reason for encoding a stored procedure, as you can put user privileges to prevent different users from reading or even seeing them.

Dynamic SQL Within A Stored Procedure Security

I've got the SQL stored procedure from hell that I've created and all input parameters are parameterised for security but it's not running as quick as I'd like so I wanted to make it dynamic and so a bit more efficient.
I know I can keep my input parameters to my stored procedure, then within it create a dynamic SQL statement into which I can then pass the input parameters of the stored procedure, but are there any security implications I need to be aware of when doing this? I'm guessing not as it just another set of parameters and they should be treated the same as the parameters passed to the current stored procedure.
Obviously, producing code like this "WHERE OrderNo = ' + #orderno is asking for trouble - I will be doing 'WHERE OrderNo = #orderno' in the dynamic SQL, but is there anything else I need to be aware of?
Thx MH
PS - before anyone suggests it, I can't create the SQL dynamically at the client side using LINQ or similar - it all (for various reasons) has to be contained and controlled at the database level
There is a form of SQL injection that many people don't think about when doing dynamic SQL in stored procedures: SQL Truncation attacks.
With a SQL truncation attack, the attacker injects a long peace of text making the used text variable overflow and lose part of the query.
This article gives more information about this.
Where your parameters are always Data Items, both when being passed to the StoredProc and when used in yor DynamicSQL, everything will stay safe.
Should any of your StoredProc's parameters end up being table or field names, and so forming part of the structure of the DynamicSQL itself, you introduce a new risk : That the parameter can be used to inject rogue SQL Code.
To prevent against such an injection attack you should always validate any such parameters.
One example of how to do this would be to use the input parameter as a token, rather than substitute it directly into the DynamicSQL...
SET #SQL = #SLQ + CASE targetTable WHEN '1' THEN 'table1'
WHEN 'tx' THEN 'tableX'
Some people suggest you only need to validate on the client application. But that means that if someone becomes able to execute you SP's directly, the SP has become a point of attack. I always prefer to validate both on the client AND in the server.
EDIT Performance
Note that using DynamicSQL isn't always a guarnatee of performance increases. If you use parameterised queries, the execution plans can indeed be stored. But if the queries do vary greatly, you may still find a significant overhead in compiling the SQL.
There is also the fact that dependancy tracking is lost. It's not possible to see what tables the SP is dependant on, because the code is hidden away as strings.
I have very rarely found that DynamicSQL is needed. Often a complex query can be reformed as several optimised queries. Or the data can be re-structured to meet the new demands. Or even a rethink of both the data and the algorithm using the data. One might even be able to suggest that a dependancy on DynamicSQL is an indicator of another underlying problem.
Perhaps it's not in the scope of your question, but it would be interesting to see the actual puzzle you're facing; to see if anyone has any alternative approaches for you.

SQL query to get the source of a Stored Procedure

I'm using a DB2 database and I'm hoping for a query which will iterate over all stored procedures in a single database and print out the source code of each. No fancy formatting or performance requirements.
The reason for this (in case there's a better way of doing it) is I'm trying to track down usages of a particular table in our stored procs, so I want to be able to do a simple text search through all of them.
Also, I've got access to SQuirreL SQL client if anyone knows of a way via that.
Ah, figured it out. For other's reference:
select ROUTINENAME, TEXT from syscat.routines
where definer not in ('SYSIBM') AND ROUTINESCHEMA='databaseName'
I know this is old, but your answer started me on the right track. We are also using DB2, but don't have syscat.routines visible to us. However we do have SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES and that allows similar by doing
and NAME = '<NAME>'

Parameterise table name in .NET/SQL?

As the topic suggests I wish to be able to pass table names as parameters using .NET (doesn't matter which language really) and SQL Server.
I know how to do this for values, e.g. command.Parameters.AddWithValue("whatever", whatever) using #whatever in the query to denote the parameter. The thing is I am in a situation where I wish to be able to do this with other parts of the query such as column and table names.
This is not an ideal situation but it's one I have to use, it's not really prone to SQL injection as only someone using the code can set these table names and not the end-user. It is messy however.
So, is what I am asking possible?
EDIT: To make the point about SQL injection clear, the table names are only passed in by source code, depending on the situation. It is the developer who specifies this. The developer will have access to the database layer anyway, so the reason I am asking is not so much for security but just to make the code cleaner.
You cannot directly parameterize the table name. You can do it indirectly via sp_ExecuteSQL, but you might just as well build the (parameterized) TSQL in C# (concatenating the table-name but not the other values) and send it down as a command. You get the same security model (i.e. you need explicit SELECT etc, and assuming it isn't signed etc).
Also - be sure to white-list the table name.
I don't think I've ever seen this capability in any SQL dialect I've seen, but it's not an area of expertise.
I would suggest restricting the characters to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, '.', '_' and ' ' - and then use whatever the appropriate bracketing is for the database (e.g. [] for SQL Server, I believe) to wrap round the whole thing. Then just place it directly in the SQL.
It's not entirely clear what you meant about it not being a SQL injection risk - do you mean the names will be in source code and only in source code? If so, I agree that makes things better. You may not even need to do the bracketing automatically, if you trust your developers not to be cretins (deliberately or not).
You can pass the table name as a parameter like any other parameter. the key is you have to build a dynamic sql statement, which then you should consider if it's easier to build it in your app tier or in the procs.
create procedure myProc
#tableName nvarchar(50)
sp_executesql N'select * from ' + #tablename
fyi this code sample is from memory have a look at BOL for the proper syntax of sp_executesql.
Also this is highly sucesptible to SQL injection as you indicated is not an issue for you but anyone reading this should be very wary of accepting input from a user to generate their queries like this.
SQL query parameters can only take the place of a literal value. You cannot use a parameter for a table name, column name, list of values, or other SQL syntax. That's standard SQL behavior across all brands of database.
The only way to make the table name dynamic is to interpolate a variable into your SQL query before you prepare that string as a statement.
BTW, you're fooling yourself if you think this isn't a risk for SQL injection. If you interpolate the table name into the query dynamically, you need to use delimited identifiers around the table name, just as you would use quotes around a string literal that is interpolated from a variable.
The idea that it is not prone to SQL injection is misguided. It may be less prone to SQL injection from front end users, but it is still very much prone to SQL injection. Most attacks on databases come from inside the company being attacked, not from end users.
Employees may have grudges, they may be dishonest, they may be disgruntled, or they may just be not so bright and think that it's ok to bypass security to do whatever it is that THEY think should be done to the database.
Please see this post answer by user Vimvq1987:
MySqlParameter as TableName
Essentially you first check the table name against the schema, in which the table name is used in a parameterized fashion. Then if all is ok, the table name is legit.
Paraphrased basic idea is:
SELECT table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'databasename'
AND table_name = #table;
If this returns ok with the table name, go ahead with your main query...
I would just check
select OBJECT_ID(#tablename)
the idea is to prevent injection you know it has to be table name this was if this returns a number then i would run the actual query,