Creating MP4/M4A files with Chapter marks [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I am trying to join together several audio files into one mp4/m4a file containing chapter metadata.
I am currently using QTKit to do this but unfortunately when QTKit exports to m4a format the metadata is all stripped out (this has been confirmed as a bug by Apple) see sample code. I think this rules QTKit out for this job, but would be happy to be proven wrong as it is a really neat API for it if it worked.
So, I am looking for a way to concatenate audio files (input format does not really matter as I can do conversion) into an m4a file with chapters metadata.
As an alternative to code, I am open to the idea of using an existing command line tool to accomplish this as long as it is redistributable as part of another application.
Any ideas?

Audiobook Maker does something like this, and I believe it uses ffmpeg under the hood. It's open source, so maybe its worth a look?

commandline tool mp4chaps does the work. It is from mp4v2-utils package if you use Ubuntu. Remember to specify qt format for quicktime, because Nero format chapter marks seems to be used less nowadays.

I discovered these guys: sensoryresearch who license an API for writing chapter/text/link tracks to MP4s (which is what an M4A is).

Depending on where the bug is, you could try going straight to the QuickTime C APIs to write the movie file. You might also try adding the chapters track using the C APIs.
Any word on when Apple will fix the bug? I am planning to create enhanced podcasts with QTKit, and need this to work.


What is the correct term for a file ".zip" or "zip"? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking for the correct term to use when writing about a .zip file (presumably the answer will be the same for other file types as well). I am working on the documentation for a project, and both ".zip" and "zip" is used by other authors before. Sources on the internet seem to be inconsistent and I can't find any straight forward answer on the matter. Any real sources on which one is the correct term is very welcome.
The most trusted source I find is the Python documentation, which seems to consistently use "zip". Link.
Meanwhile, the Wikipedia page seems to mix "zip" and ".zip". Link.
zip is accepted as the name of the lossless compression format developed in the late 1980s by Phil Katz.
.zip denotes a file extension that is probably associated with that format. Not all zip formats have the .zip extension; notable examples are the .jar files of Java, and the newer Excel formats .xlsx and .xlsm.
If I were you, I'd adopt the former (i.e. zip), and amend Wikipedia if you get the chance.
(Cf. tarball and .tar).
I am not sure if you'll find a written rule about this (I'm sure you've done some Google'ing already and came up empty), but I can give you the advice I give my coders and analysts that I work with: Be Consistent. If you choose one way, stick to it otherwise you'll have people assuming you're switching for a reason.
Wiki is collaboratively edited, thus you'll almost always have inconsistencies; Python Docs are more stringently edited and proofread.
Personally, I always put the "." before referencing any file type I believe my audience may not be intimately familiar with to alert them that it is a file extension. In analytics, I can get away with CSV, TXT, and XLSX, but I add it for .ZIP, .GZ, etc.

is there any working/real open source Plagiarism checker available? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to develop a plagiarism checker for checking several source codes but I couldn't find any proper source code or even a resource to get an idea about it.
I have checked the Boss2 which is useless. they claim that they use Sherlock module for detecting plagiarism but it seems there is no such tools included in boss2.
if any open source detection tool is available for checking source code please let me know.
I'm aware of open-source plagiarism detectors for text (e.g., WCopyFind), but not code.
I couldn't find... even a resource to get an idea about it.
The authors of the excellent closed-source tool MOSS have published a helpful paper about the technology.
I know the question is old, but I did land here from a google.
Sherlock is an open source plagiarism detector. Sherlock's home page is here
I wrote SimiCheck, and you are welcome to use it. If you are interested in an API, I could probably write one very quickly.
I wrote the original algorithm as part of the CrowdGrader peer-grading tool, but then I decided to make the comparison tools available independently.
SimiCheck can handle code, Word (.docx), html, pdf, text, ..., as well as .zip, .tar, .gz, .tgz, and some more formats, and can deal with variable renaming, code moves, code across multiple files, etc.

Text to speech on [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How did they implement text to speech (TTS)? Is there an open, free API for TTS synthesis? I know about Google Translate, but the license is not clear to me (another issue is that they block a request if it contains a referrer). Any idea?
I'm a lead developer at Quizlet. We're using a combination of our own technology and licensing/purchasing TTS software from several different companies.
There are some open source TTS engines/voices:
Good luck!
The voices sound exactly the same as Also, their list of languages match exactly.
It's not free, you have to license it.
Google has just introduced browser-based access to its speech engine through HTML5.
To get this page to work, I launched the Chromium browser as follows in Ubuntu:
$ chromium-browser --enable-speech-input
I'm not sure if this works in other operating systems.
Another interesting project is WAMI from MIT:
I don't know which specific engine Quizlet are using, but assuming they are using a free service then it might be TTS-API ( which was recently featured on Hacker News.
From what I know is the only "free-to-use" TTS web-API out there. Please comment below if I'm wrong - I'd love to find similar free services. There are a lot of pay only services out there but very very few truly free ones.
Since finding out about TTS-API on HN I've successfully used it in a recent app project. Since the TTS is only a HTTP fetch away I was able to quickly integrate it in both the iOS and Android versions of my app. The service appears to be very quick, so no complaints so far :-)
Nobody gave the right answer. They have their own TTS engine that is connected to a single file located at the file takes arguments with it so the url says "Area of parallelogram" thanks the first base64 string labeled b. I have not discovered what v or s are used for but I know they are essential for making the file speak. I will do more research and get back to this answer.
jj b is correct. The core engine of Quizlet's speech features is Neospeech, and uses Neospeech's VTML (VoiceText [TM] Markup Language) exactly, as far as I can tell.

Record a video presentation from my computer [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'd like to make a presentation on my computer that records sounds and shows all the necessary mouse-clicks, and any typing I do in a window or a form and record the results into some sort of file for playback later.
It doesn't matter if the file is MPG or AVI as long as the file can be played back in Windows Media Player.
What sort of application would anyone suggest to do this? I've seen a number of web casts that do this, but it never dawned on me what sort of software that would be useful in doing this.
You should try Camtasia. It's easy to use (I used it before) and it can export to AVI, Flash and Windows media
CamStudio - it's free and open source
I would suggest for CamStudio as it is free and open source software.
NOTE Camstudio reportedly contains malware
You can try Microsoft Office Live.
Its very easy to use.
I recommend PresentationTube, a new way for recording and sharing video presentations. Free and easy to learn.
This doesn't meet your exact usecase. At all. BUT!
Give Presentious a try. For example:
There's nothing to install and it's super simple.

Automatic Documentation of ColdFusion code [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have inherited over 600 files of ColdFusion source code running a internal web site for my company. One of my tasks is to "document" it. The code base represents about 5 years of development and there is no technical specification of what it does.
The developers have maintained a change log of each file and there is a consistent header.
My thought is that I can build a dependency map of the various modules and referenced stored procedures to facilitate this documentation by scanning the source files. I have used Doxygen in the past for c++ source code and am wondering if a tool like this exists for ColdFusion.
One output I am investigating is the ability to create a xmind file as means of visualizing the cross dependencies in module inter-relationships.
Thanks in advance,
The ColdFusion server has built in introspection that outputs javadoc like documentation for any CFC class.
See: http://YourColdfusionServer/CFIDE/componentutils/componentdoc.cfm
However, it requires an RDS login/password for your server. For delivery to third parties, I set up a recursive script that does a cfhttp fetch against the docs for each cfc file, and then compiles the pages to PDF with cfdocument.
You could start with ColdDoc
Also, heres a UML 2 CFC generator.
I guess what you really need is something to reverse engineer the coldfusion code into uml class diagrams. I don't know of anything off the top of my head.
MagicDraw, Objecteering don't seem to do it yet.
After trying to find an answer to this question myself I ended up writing this solution:
Maybe it is too late for you now but I am just spreading the word.
Sounds to me like creating your own Xmind or XMI file is the way to go. The XMI file may be more portable between tools, but the last time I looked at doing that the XMI file formats were a bit daunting for the time I had available to work on the solution. If the formatting of the headers consistent is enough to read with ReFind or Find I'd build a script that uses cfdirectory and cffile to walk the code tree and output the file(s).