What does/should NULL mean along with FK relationships - Database - sql

I was experiencing a hard time creating FK relationships in my relational SQL database and after a brief discussion at work, we realized that we have nullable columns which were most likely contributing to the problem. I have always viewed NULL as meaning unassigned, not specified, blank, etc. and have really never seen a problem with that.
The other developers I was speaking with felt that the only way to handle a situation where if a relationship did exist between 2 entities, then you would have to create a table that joins the data from both entities...
It seems intuitive to me at least to say that for a column that contains an ID from another table, if that column is not null, then it must have an ID from the other table, but if it is NULL then that is OK and move on. It seems like this in itself is contradictory to what some say and suggest.
What is the best practice or correct way to handle situations where there could be a relationship between two tables and if a value is specified then it must be in the other table...

It's perfectly acceptable, and it means that, if that column has any value, its value must exist in another table. (I see other answers asserting otherwise, but I beg to differ.)
Think a table of Vehicles and Engines, and the Engines aren't installed in a Vehicle yet (so VehicleID is null). Or an Employee table with a Supervisor column and the CEO of the company.
Update: Per Solberg's request, here is an example of two tables that have a foreign key relationship showing that the foreign key field value can be null.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EngineTable](
[EngineID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[EngineCylinders] smallint NOT NULL,
[EngineID] ASC
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CarTable](
[CarID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Model] [varchar](32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[EngineID] [int] NULL
REFERENCES [dbo].[EngineTable] ([EngineID])
Insert Into EngineTable (EngineCylinders) Values (4);
Insert Into EngineTable (EngineCylinders) Values (6);
Insert Into EngineTable (EngineCylinders) Values (6);
Insert Into EngineTable (EngineCylinders) Values (8);
-- Now some tests:
Insert Into CarTable (Model, EngineID) Values ('G35x', 3); -- References the third engine
Insert Into CarTable (Model, EngineID) Values ('Sienna', 13); -- Invalid FK reference - throws an error
Insert Into CarTable (Model) Values ('M'); -- Leaves null in the engine id field & does NOT throw an error

I think this debate is another byproduct of the object-relational impedence mismatch. Some DBA-types will pedantically say never allow null in a FK based on some deeper understanding of relational algebra semantics, but application developers will argue that it makes their domain layer more elegant.
The use cases for a "not yet established" relationship are valid, but with null FKs some find that it adds complexity to their queries by introducing more sophisticated features of SQL, specifically LEFT JOINs.
One common alternative solution I've seen is to introduce a "null row" or "sentinel row" into each table with pk=0 or pk=1 (based on what's supported by your RDBMS). This allows you to design a domain layer with "not yet established" relationships, but also avoid introducing LEFT JOINs as you're guaranteeing there will always be something to join against.
Of course, this approach requires diligence too because you're basically trading off LEFT JOINs for having to check the presence of your sentinel row in queries so you don't update/delete it, etc. Whether or not the trade offs are justified is another thing. I tend to agree that reinventing null just to avoid a fancier join seems a bit silly, but I also worked in an environment where application developers don't win debates against DBAs.
I removed some of the "matter of fact" wording and tried to clarify what I meant by "failing" joins. #wcoenen's example is the reason that I've personally heard most often for avoiding null FKs. It's not that they fail as in "broken", but rather fail--some would argue--to adhere to the principle of least surprise.
Also, I turned this response into a wiki since I've essentially butchered it from its original state and borrowed from other posts.

I'm strongly supportive of the arguments for NULLs in foreign keys to indicate no-parent in an OLTP system, but in a decision support system it rarely works well. There the most appropriate practice is to use a special "Not Applicable" (or similar) value as the parent (in the dimenson table) to which the child records (in the fact table) can link.
The reason for this is that the exploratory nature of drill-down/across etc can lead to users not understanding how a metric can change when they have merely asked for more information on it. For example where a finance data mart includes a mix of product sales and other sources of revenue, drilling down to "Type of Product" ought to classify non-product sale related data as such, rather than letting those numbers drop out of the report because there is no join from the fact table to the product dimension table.

The problem with allowing nulls in foreign key columns arises when the foreign key is composite. What does it mean if one of the two columns is null? Does the other column have to match anything in the referenced table? With simple (single-column) foreign key constraints, you can get away with nulls.
On the other hand, if the relationship between the two tables is conditional (both entities can exist in their own right, but may almost coincidentally be related) then it may be best to model that with a 'joining table' - table that contains a FK to the referenced table and another to the referencing table and that has its own primary key as the combination of two FKs.
As an example of a joining table, suppose your database has tables of clubs and people. Some of the people belong to some of the clubs. The joining table would be club_members and would contain an FK for the person referencing the 'people' table, and would contain another FK for the club that the person belongs to, and the combination of identifiers for person and club would be the primary key of the joining table. (Another name for joining table is 'association' or 'associative' table.)

I would lean toward a design that communicates the meaning of that column. A null could mean any number of things as far as the domain is concerned. Putting a value in the related table that says "Not Needed", or "Not Selected" at least communicates the purpose without having to ask a developer or consult a document.

Suppose you would need to generate a report of all customers. Each customer has a FK to a country and the country data needs to be included in the report. Now suppose you allow the FK to be null, and you do the following query:
SELECT * FROM customer, country WHERE customer.countryID = country.ID
Any customer where the country FK is null would be silently omitted from the report (you need to use LEFT JOIN instead to fix it). I find this unintuitive and surprising, so I don't like NULL FKs and avoid them in my database schemas. Instead I use sentinel values, e.g. a special "unkown country".

[id] int NOT NULL,
[parent_id] int NULL
ALTER TABLE [tree] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_tree_tree] FOREIGN KEY([parent_id])
REFERENCES [tree] ([id]);
There is nothing wrong with this! The root node will eternally have a NULL parent, and this is not a case of a "not yet established" relationship. No problem with joins here, either.
Having the root node point to itself as the parent to avoid the NULL FK, or any other creative workaround, means that the real world is no longer accurately modeled in the database.
The one potential issue that nobody mentioned is with index performance on columns that contain lots of NULL values. This per se has nothing to do with the foreign key question, though, but it can make joins perform poorly.
I do understand that if you are a DBA working with ultra-large databases that have hundreds of millions of rows, you would not want NULL foreign keys, because they would simply not perform. The truth is, though, that most developers will never work with such large databases in their lifetime, and today's databases can handle such a situation just fine with a few hundred thousand rows. To stress a (poor) metaphor, most of us so not drive F1 race cars, and the automatic transmission in my wife's Accord does what it needs to do just fine (or at least, it used to, until it broke a few weeks ago ...).

If you are assigning NULL to a Business Reason then you are essentially redefining what NULL means in your domain and must document that for users and future developers. If there is a Business Reason for having NULL as a foreign key then I would suggest you do as others have mentioned and add a joining record that has a value of something along the lines of 'N/A' or 'Not Assigned'.
Also there could be complications when NULL in your database now becomes multiple meanings (Business Meaning, Something Error'd or Wasn't inputed correctly) which can cause issues to be more difficult to track down.

I don't see a problem with null values if the field can be empty. An abuse is allowing null values when there should be information in that field.

You got it right. For an FK a NULL means no value (meaning no relationship). If there is a value in an FK it has to match exactly one value in the PK that it references.
It is not necessarily bad design to permit this. If a relationship is one-to-many and optional, it's perfectly OK to add a FK to the table on the one side, referencing the PK on the many side.
If a relationship is many-to-many it requires a table of its own, called a junction table. This table has two FKs, each referencing a PK in one of the tables being related. In this case an omitted relationship can be expressed by simply omitting an entire row from the junction table.
Some people design so as to avoid the necessity of permitting NULLS. These people will use a junction table for a many-to-one relationship, and omit a row, as above, when a relationship is omitted.
I don't follow this practice myself, but it does have certain benefits.

I would have to say that even though it is clearly possible, what is the problem with using a joining table as per Jonathon Leffler's well made point?
I came upon this question because I had exactly the same need but my design is now significantly "cleaner" with a joining table. My database diagram now clearly shows me that my field is optional which works well for me from a schema POV.
Then to simplify my queries, I just made a view LEFT JOINing the two tables together which gives the appearance of an optional join but actually uses the clearer database structure. Also using ISNULL(MyField, 'None') in my view I can provide the benefits of the "not present" additional row design but without the pain.
Given the points mentioned here, I'm with DBA's on this one - why have a null column when you can have a more "solid" relationship made easier to use with a view? And for no real extra effort either.

The join table is the correct method.
Nulls in keys indicate bad database design.
A null value is not unassigned/empty/blank/etc, it is missing/unknown data.
Using nulls in a foreign key field does not mean "there's no relation", it means "I don't know if there's a relation or not" - which is clearly bad.


Adding an artificial primary key versus using a unique field [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Surrogate vs. natural/business keys [closed]
(19 answers)
Why would one consider using Surrogate keys vs Natural with ON UPDATE CASCADE?
(1 answer)
Closed 7 months ago.
Recently I Inherited a huge app from somebody who left the company.
This app used a SQL server DB .
Now the developer always defines an int base primary key on tables. for example even if Users table has a unique UserName field , he always added an integer identity primary key.
This is done for every table no matter if other fields could be unique and define primary key.
Do you see any benefits whatsoever on this? using UserName as primary key vs adding UserID(identify column) and set that as primary key?
I feel like I have to add add another element to my comments, which started to produce an essay of comments, so I think it is better that I post it all as an answer instead.
Sometimes there are domain specific reasons why a candidate key is not a good candidate for joins (maybe people change user names so often that the required cascades start causing performance problems). But another reason to add an ever-increasing surrogate is to make it the clustered index. A static and ever-increasing clustered index alleviates a high-cost IO operation known as a page split. So even with a good natural candidate key, it can be useful to add a surrogate and cluster on that. Read this for further details.
But if you add such a surrogate, recognise that the surrogate is purely internal, it is there for performance reasons only. It does not guarantee the integrity of your data. It has no meaning in the model, unless it becomes part of the model. For example, if you are generating invoice numbers as an identity column, and sending those values out into the real world (on invoice documents/emails/etc), then it's not a surrogate, it's part of the model. It can be meaningfully referenced by the customer who received the invoice, for example.
One final thing that is typically left out of this discussion is one particular aspect of join performance. It is often said that the primary key should also be narrow, because it can make joins more performant, as well as reducing the size of non-clustered indexes. And that's true.
But a natural primary key can eliminate the need for a join in the first place.
Let's put all this together with an example:
create table Countries
countryCode char(2) not null primary key clustered,
countryName varchar(64) not null
insert Countries values
('AU', 'Australia'),
('FR', 'France');
create table TourLocations
tourLocationName varchar(64) not null,
tourLocationId int identity(1,1) unique clustered,
countryCode char(2) not null foreign key references Countries(countryCode),
primary key (countryCode, tourLocationName)
insert TourLocations (TourLocationName, countryCode) values
('Bondi Beach', 'AU'),
('Eiffel Tower', 'FR')
I did not add a surrogate key to Countries, because there aren't many rows and we're not going to be constantly inserting new rows. I already know what all the countries are, and they don't change very often.
On the TourLocations table I have added an identity and clustered on it. There could be very many tour locations, changing all the time.
But I still must have a natural key on TourLocations. Otherwise I could insert the same tour location name with the same country twice. Sure, the Id's will be different. But the Id's don't mean anything. As far as any real human is concerned, two tour locations with the same name and country code are completely indistinguishable. Do you intend to have actual users using the system? Then you've got a problem.
By putting the same country and location name in twice I haven't created two facts in my database. I have created the same fact twice! No good. The natural key is necessary. In this sense The Impaler's answer is strictly, necessarily, wrong. You cannot not have a natural key. If the natural key can't be defined as anything other than "every meaningful column in the table" (that is to say, excluding the surrogate), so be it.
OK, now let's investigate the claim that an int identity key is advantageous because it helps with joins. Well, in this case my char(2) country code is narrower than an int would have been.
But even if it wasn't (maybe we think we can get away with a tinyint), those country codes are meaningful to real people, which means a lot of the time I don't have to do the join at all.
Suppose I gave the results of this query to my users:
select countryCode, tourLocationName
from TourLocations
order by 1, 2;
Very many people will not need me to provide the countries.countryName column for them to know which country is represented by the code in each of those rows. I don't have to do the join.
When you're dealing with a specific business domain that becomes even more likely. Meaningful codes are understood by the domain users. They often don't need to see the long description columns from the key table. So in many cases no join is required to give the users all of the information they need.
If I had foreign keyed to an identity surrogate I would have to do the join, because the identity surrogate doesn't mean anything to anyone.
You are talking about the difference between synthetic and natural keys.
In my [very] personal opinion, I would recommend to always use synthetic keys (and always call it id). The main problem is that natural keys are never unique; they are unique in theory, yes, but in the real world there are a myriad of unexpected and inexorable events that will make this false.
In database design:
Natural keys correspond to values present in the domain model. For example, UserName, SSN, VIN can be considered natural keys.
Synthetic keys are values not present in the domain model. They are just numeric/string/UUID values that have no relationship with the actual data. They only serve as a unique identifiers for the rows.
I would say, stick to synthetic keys and sleep well at night. You never know what the Marketing Department will come up with on Monday, and suddenly "the username is not unique anymore".
Yes having a dedicated int is a good thing for PK use.
you may have multiple alternate keys, that's ok too.
two great reasons for it:
it is performant
it protects against key mutation ( editing a name etc. )
A username or any such unique field that holds meaningful data is subject to changes. A name may have been misspelled or you might want to edit a name to choose a better one, etc. etc.
Primary keys are used to identify records and, in conjunction with foreign keys, to connect records in different tables. They should never change. Therefore, it is better to use a meaningless int field as primary key.
By meaningless I mean that apart from being the primary key it has no meaning to the users.
An int identity column has other advantages over a text field as primary key.
It is generated by the database engine and is guaranteed to be unique in multi-user scenarios.
it is faster than a text column.
Text can have leading spaces, hidden characters and other oddities.
There are multiple kinds of text data types, multiple character sets and culture dependent behaviors resulting in text comparisons not always working as expected.
int primary keys generated in ascending order have a superior performance in conjunction with clustered primary keys (which is a SQL-Server specialty).
Note that I am talking from a database point of view. In the user interface, users will prefer identifying entries by name or e-mail address, etc.
But commands like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE will always identify records by the primary key.
This subject - quite much like gulivar travels and wars being fought over which end of the egg you supposed to crack open to eat.
However, using the SAME "id" name for all tables, and autonumber? Yes, it is LONG establihsed choice.
There are of course MANY different views on this subject, and many advantages and disavantages.
Regardless of which choice one perfers (or even needs), this is a long established concept in our industry. In fact SharePoint tables use "ID" and autonumber by defualt. So does ms-access, and there probably more that do this.
The simple concpet?
You can build your tables with the PK and child tables with forighen keys.
At that point you setup your relationships between the tables.
Now, you might decide to add say some invoice number or whatever. Rules might mean that such invoice number is not duplicated.
But, WHY do we care of you have some "user" name, or some "invoice" number or whatever. Why should that fact effect your relational database model?
You mean I don't have a user name, or don't have a invoice number, and the whole database and relatonships don't work anymore? We don't care!!!!
The concept of data, even required fields, or even a column having to be unique ?
That has ZERO to do with a working relational data model.
And maybe you decide that invoice number is not generated until say sent to the customer. So, the fact of some user name, invoice number or whatever? Don't care - you can have all kinds of business rules for those numbers, but they have ZERO do to do with the fact that you designed a working relational data model based on so called "surrogate" or sometime called synthetic keys.
So, once you build that data model - even with JUST the PK "id" and FK (forighen keys), you are NOW free to start adding columns and define what type of data you going to put in each table. but, what you shove into each table has ZERO to do with that working related data model. They are to be thought as seperate concpets.
So, if you have a user name - add that column to the table. If you don't want users name, remove the column. As such data you store in the table has ZERO to do with the automatic PK ID you using - it not really any different then say what area of memory the computer going to allocate to load that data. Basic data operations of the system is has nothing to do with having build database with relationships that simple exist. And the data columns you add after having built those relationships is up to you - but will not, and should not effect the operation of the database and relationships you built and setup. Not only are these two concepts separate, but they free the developer from having to worry about the part that maintains the relationships as opposed to data column you add to such tables to store user data.
I mean, in json data, xml? We often have a master + child table relationship. We don't care how that relationship is maintained - but only that it exists.
Thus yes, all tables have that pk "ID". Even better? in code, you NEVER have to guess what the PK id is - it always the same!!!
So, data and columns you put and toss into a table? Those columns and data have zero to do with the PK id, and while it is the database generating that PK? It could be a web service call to some monkeys living in a far away jungle eating banana's and they give you a PK value based on how many bananas they eaten. We just really don't' care about that number - it is just internal house keeping numbers - one that we don't see or even care about in most code. And thus the number one rule to such auto matic PK values?
You NEVER give that auto PK number any meaning from a user and applcation point of view.
In summary:
Yes, using a PK called "id" for all tables? Common, and in fact in SharePoint and many systems, it not only the default, but is in fact required for such systems to operate.
Its better to use userid. User table is referenced by many other tables.
The referenced table would contain the primary key of the user table as foreign key.
Its better to use userid since its integer value,
it takes less space than string values of username and
the searches by the database engine would be faster
user(userid, username, name)
comments(commentid, comment, userid) would be better than
comments(commentid, comment, username)

Is it possible to implement a TRUE one-to-one relation?

Consider the following model where a Customer should have one and only one Address and an Address should belong to one and only one Customer:
To implement it, as almost everybody in DB field says, Shared PK is the solution:
But I think it is a fake one-to-one relationship. Because nothing in terms of database relationship actually prevents deleting any row in table Address. So truely, it is 1..[0..1] not 1..1
Am I right? Is there any other way to implement a true 1..1 relation?
Why cascade delete is not a solution:
If we consider cascade delete as a solution we should put this on either of the tables. Let's say if a row is deleted from table Address, it causes corresponding row in table Customer to be deleted. it's okay but half of the solution. If a row in Customer is deleted, the corresponding row in Address should be deleted as well. This is the second half of the solution, and it obviously makes a cycle.
Beside my comment
You could implement DELETE CASCADE See HOW
I realize there is also the problem of insert.
You have to insert Customer first and then Address
So I think the best way if you really want a 1:1 is create a single table instead.
Sorry, is this meant to be a real-world database relationship? In all of the many databases I have ever built with customer data, there has always been real cases of either customers with multiple addresses, or more than one organisation at the same address.
I wouldn't want to lead you into a database modelling fallacy by suggesting anything different.
Yes, the "shared PK" idiom you show is for 1-to-0-or-1.
The straightforward way to have a true 1-to-1 correspondence is to have one table with Customer and Address as CKs (candidate keys). (Via UNIQUE NOT NULL and/or PRIMARY KEY.) You could offer the separate tables as views. Unfortunately typical DBMSs have restrictions on what you can do via the views, in particular re updating.
The relational way to have separate CUSTOMER and ADDRESS tables and a third table/association/relationship with Customer and Address columns as CKs plus FKs on Customer to and from CUSTOMER and on Address to and from ADDRESS (or equivalent constraint(s)). Unfortunately most DBMSs needlessly won't let you declare cycles in FKs and you cannot impose the constraints without triggers/complexity. (Ultimately, if you want to have proper integrity in a typical SQL database you need to use triggers and complex idioms.)
Entity-oriented design methods unfortunately artificially distinguish between entities, associations and properties. Here is an example where if you consider the simplest design to simply be the one table with PKs then you don't want to always have to have distinct tables for each entity. Or if you consider the simplest design to be the three tables (or even two) with the PKs and FKs (or some other constraint(s) for 1-to-1) then unfortunately typical DBMSs just don't declaratively/ergonomically support that particular design situation.
(Straightforward relational design is to have values (that are sometimes used as ids) 1-to-1 with application things but then just have whatever relevant application relationships/associations/relations and corresponding/representing tables/relations as needed to describe your application situations.)
It's possible in principle to implement a true 1-1 data structure in some DBMSs. It's very difficult to add data or modify data in such a structure using standard SQL however. Standard SQL only permits one table to be updated at a time and therefore as soon as you insert a row into one or other table the intended constraint is broken.
Here are two examples. First using Tutorial D. Note that the comma between the two INSERT statements ensures that the 1-1 constraint is never broken:
id INTEGER} KEY{id};
id INTEGER} KEY{id};
CONSTRAINT one_to_one (CUSTOMER{id} = ADDRESS{id});
TUPLE {id 1234}
TUPLE {id 1234}
Now the same thing in SQL.
VALUES (1234);
VALUES (1234);
The SQL version uses two foreign key constraints, which is the only kind of multi-table constraint supported by most SQL DBMSs. It requires two INSERT statements which means I could only insert a row before adding the constraints, not after.
A strict one-to-one constraint probably isn't very useful in practice but it's actually just a special case of something more important and interesting: join dependency. A join dependency is effectively an "at least one" constraint between tables rather than "exactly one". In the world outside databases it is common to encounter examples of business rules that ought to be implemented as join dependencies ("each customer must have AT LEAST ONE addresss", "each order must have AT LEAST ONE item in it"). In SQL DBMSs it's hard or impossible to implement join dependencies. The usual solution is simply to ignore such business rules thus weakening the data integrity value of the database.
Yes, what you say is true, the dependent side of a 1:1 relationship may not exist -- if only for the time it takes to create the dependent entity after creating the independent entity. In fact, all relationships may have a zero on one side or the other. You can even turn the relationship into a 1:m by placing the FK of the address in the Customer row and making the field not null. You can still have addresses that aren't referenced by any customer.
At first glance, a m:n may look like an exception. The intersection entry is generally defined so that neither FK can be null. But there can be customers and addresses both that have no entry referring to them. So this is really a 0..m:0..n relationship.
What of it? Everyone I've ever worked with has understood that "one" (as in 1:1) or "many" (as in 1:m or m:n) means "no more than this." There is no "exactly this, no more or less." For example, we can design a 1:3 relationship on paper. We cannot strictly enforce it in any database. We have to use triggers, stored procedures and/or scheduled tasks to seek out and call our attention to deviations. Execute a stored procedure weekly, for instance, that will seek and and flag or delete any such orphaned addresses.
Think of it like a "frictionless surface." It exists only on paper.
I see this question as a conceptual misunderstanding. Relations are between different things. Things with a "true 1-to-1 relation" are by definition aspects or attributes of the same thing, and belong in the same table. No, of course a person and and address are not the same, but if they are inseparable, and must always be inserted, deleted, or otherwise acted upon as a unit, then as data they are "the same thing". This is exactly what is described here.
Yes, and it's actually quite easy: just put both entities in the same table!
OTOH, if you need to keep them in separate tables for some reason, then you need a key in one table referencing1 a key in another, and vice-versa. This, of course, represents a "chicken and egg" problem2 which can be resolved by deferring the enforcement of FKs to the end of the transaction3. This works only on DBMSes that support deferred constraints (such as Oracle and PostgreSQL).
1 Via a foreign key.
2 Inserting a row in the first table is impossible because that would violate the referential integrity towards the second table, but inserting a row in the second table is impossible because that would violate the referential integrity towards the first table, etc... Ditto for deletion.
3 So you simply insert both rows, and then check both FKs.

SQL/DB design: multi-column foreign key with mixed NULL/NOT NULL treated as mandatory or optional?

In DB design/SQL is it theoretically possible to declare something like that:
ordinal_nbr SMALLINT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (round_id, ordinal_nbr),
FOREIGN KEY (round_id) REFERENCES Rounds (id) /* irrelevant, just a reference to another table's ID */
round_id INTEGER NOT NULL, /* !!! */
ordinal_nbr SMALLINT NULL, /* !!! */
scheduled_tipoff DATETIME NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (round_id, ordinal_nbr) REFERENCES Groups (round_id, ordinal_nbr) /* multi-column FK round_id NOT NULL, ordinal_nbr NULL */
Now the question:
Since this has to be considered rather a programming mistake, what is the best thing to adjust for such scenarios: treat such FK's as mandatory or treat them as optional?
What would be a logical policy here?
As I'm thinking about it it seems to make more sense to consider the whole FK rather optional. As soon as one piece of information is missing, whether intended or not, the whole FK depends on the column(s) whose value hasn't been set YET.
After all, the NULL destroys obligation. It makes more sense to me than the other way around.
I don't think there's a general answer to that. In the existing data, are there any null values in games.ordinal_nbr? There might be code out there that expects to be able to put a null in there, so you have check all the code that uses that table. Even more fun is different databases handle that in different ways. Some consider "null = null" to be true while others consider any comparison operator false if either side is null even if both are.
Nullable foreign keys in SQL have plenty of disadvantages. From a semantic modelling perspective it is unlikely to make sense. For example suppose the intended meaning of a null ordinal_nbr is that that attribute is unknown. In that case SQL may not evaluate the other attribute and won't return an error even if there is no matching row for the known value of round_id (YMMV depending on DBMS and other options).
I suggest you redesign it so as to eliminate all nullable foreign keys.
Why does it have to be a mistake?
Consider a Adults table and a Offspring table that references it.
(mis-stated previously) edit:
What if there were Offspring that you did know the parents of? Just ignore that they exist.
This is a real example I just encountered recently:
I am basing my database against a de-normalized source where I have no control over the data. A key referencing the owners table should be required logically. Running a query I came across an owner name that was:
Hmm, that could floated around for a long time and it was only chance that I caught it. I run aggregate queries against the owner table where things like that will give me incorrect results. The designers of that database traded in the 'enormous complexity' of dealing with nulls by hiding it with their own brand of null.
If the value was blank or null it would raised an error immediately and I could changed the table in the beginning of the design. Also, in aggregate queries nulls fall out of joins so you do not have incorrect results. And when I want them I just left join the tables.
Create a single Field in your Groups table to act as the primary key and join on that..
You have an administrative nightmare here.
If X is Unknown and Y is Unknown can you say X=Y?
Depending on the you DB\ Configuration the Join may even fail.. an in my option the fact that any DB allows NUll=NULL to return True is a Mistake.

Decision between storing lookup table id's or pure data

I find this comes up a lot, and I'm not sure the best way to approach it.
The question I have is how to make the decision between using foreign keys to lookup tables, or using lookup table values directly in the tables requesting it, avoiding the lookup table relationship completely.
Points to keep in mind:
With the second method you would
need to do mass updates to all
records referencing the data if it
is changed in the lookup table.
This is focused more
towards tables that have a lot of
the column's referencing many lookup
tables.Therefore lots of foreign
keys means a lot of
joins every time you query the
This data would be coming from drop
down lists which would be pulled
from the lookup tables. In order to match up data when reloading, the values need to be in the existing list (related to the first point).
Is there a best practice here, or any key points to consider?
You can use a lookup table with a VARCHAR primary key, and your main data table uses a FOREIGN KEY on its column, with cascading updates.
CREATE TABLE ColorLookup (
CREATE TABLE ItemsWithColors (
...other columns...,
color VARCHAR(20),
FOREIGN KEY (color) REFERENCES ColorLookup(color)
This solution has the following advantages:
You can query the color names in the main data table without requiring a join to the lookup table.
Nevertheless, color names are constrained to the set of colors in the lookup table.
You can get a list of unique colors names (even if none are currently in use in the main data) by querying the lookup table.
If you change a color in the lookup table, the change automatically cascades to all referencing rows in the main data table.
It's surprising to me that so many other people on this thread seem to have mistaken ideas of what "normalization" is. Using a surrogate keys (the ubiquitous "id") has nothing to do with normalization!
Re comment from #MacGruber:
Yes, the size is a factor. In InnoDB for example, every secondary index stores the primary key value of the row(s) where a given index value occurs. So the more secondary indexes you have, the greater the overhead for using a "bulky" data type for the primary key.
Also this affects foreign keys; the foreign key column must be the same data type as the primary key it references. You might have a small lookup table so you think the primary key size in a 50-row table doesn't matter. But that lookup table might be referenced by millions or billions of rows in other tables!
There's no right answer for all cases. Any answer can be correct for different cases. You just learn about the tradeoffs, and try to make an informed decision on a case by case basis.
In cases of simple atomic values, I tend to disagree with the common wisdom on this one, mainly on the complexity front. Consider a table containing hats. You can do the "denormalized" way:
brand VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
color VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL /* color is a string, like "Red", "Blue" */
Or you can normalize it more by making a "color" table:
color_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL
brand VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
color_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES Color(color_id)
The end result of the latter is that you've added some complexity - instead of:
You now have to say:
SELECT * FROM Hat H INNER JOIN Color C ON H.color_id = C.color_id
Is that extra join a huge deal? No - in fact, that's the foundation of the relational design model - normalizing allows you to prevent possible inconsistencies in the data. But every situation like this adds a little bit of complexity, and unless there's a good reason, it's worth asking why you're doing it. I consider possible "good reasons" to include:
Are there other attributes that "hang off of" this attribute? Are you capturing, say, both "color name" and "hex value", such that hex value is always dependent on color name? If so, then you definitely want a separate color table, to prevent situations where one row has ("Red", "#FF0000") and another has ("Red", "#FF3333"). Multiple correlated attributes are the #1 signal that an entity should be normalized.
Will the set of possible values change frequently? Using a normalized lookup table will make future changes to the elements of the set easier, because you're just updating a single row. If it's infrequent, though, don't balk at statements that have to update lots of rows in the main table instead; databases are quite good at that. Do some speed tests if you're not sure.
Will the set of possible values be directly administered by the users? I.e. is there a screen where they can add / remove / reorder the elements in the list? If so, a separate table is a must, obviously.
Will the list of distinct values power some UI element? E.g. is "color" a droplist in the UI? Then you'll be better off having it in its own table, rather than doing a SELECT DISTINCT on the table every time you need to show the droplist.
If none of those apply, I'd be hard pressed to find another (good) reason to normalize. If you just want to make sure that the value is one of a certain (small) set of legal values, you're better off using a CONSTRAINT that says the value must be in a specific list; keeps things simple, and you can always "upgrade" to a separate table later if the need arises.
One thing no one has considered is that you would not join to the lookup table if the data in it can change over time and the records joined to are historical. The example is a parts table and an order table. The vendors may drop parts or change part numbers, but the orders table should alawys have exactly what was ordered at the time it was ordered. Therefore, it should lookup the data to do the record insert but should never join to the lookup table to get information about an existing order. Instead the part number and description and price, etc. should be stored in the orders table. This is espceially critical so that price changes do not propagate through historical data and make your financial records inaccurate. In this case, you would also want to avoid using any kind of cascading update as well.
rauhr.myopenid.com wrote:
The way we decided to solve this problem is with 4th normal form.
That is not 4th normal form. That is a common mistake called One True Lookup:
4th normal form is :
Normalization is pretty universally regarded as part of best practices in databases, and normalization says yeah, you push the data out and refer to it by key.
Since no one else has addressed your second point: When queries become long and difficult to read and write due to all those joins, a view will usually resolve that.
You can even make it a rule to always program against the views, having the view get the lookups.
This makes it possible to optimize the view and make your code resistant to changes in the tables.
In oracle, you could even convert the view into a materialized view if you ever need to.

Why specify primary/foreign key attributes in column names

A couple of recent questions discuss strategies for naming columns, and I was rather surprised to discover the concept of embedding the notion of foreign and primary keys in column names. That is
select t1.col_a, t1.col_b, t2.col_z
from t1 inner join t2 on t1.id_foo_pk = t2.id_foo_fk
I have to confess I have never worked on any database system that uses this sort of scheme, and I'm wondering what the benefits are. The way I see it, once you've learnt the N principal tables of a system, you'll write several orders of magnitude more requests with those tables.
To become productive in development, you'll need to learn which tables are the important tables, and which are simple tributaries. You'll want to commit an good number of column names to memory. And one of the basic tasks is to join two tables together. To reduce the learning effort, the easiest thing to do is to ensure that the column name is the same in both tables:
select t1.col_a, t1.col_b, t2.col_z
from t1 inner join t2 on t1.id_foo = t2.id_foo
I posit that, as a developer, you don't need to be reminded that much about which columns are primary keys, which are foreign and which are nothing. It's easy enough to look at the schema if you're curious. When looking at a random
tx inner join ty on tx.id_bar = ty.id_bar
... is it all that important to know which one is the foreign key? Foreign keys are important only to the database engine itself, to allow it to ensure referential integrity and do the right thing during updates and deletes.
What problem is being solved here? (I know this is an invitation to discuss, and feel free to do so. But at the same time, I am looking for an answer, in that I may be genuinely missing something).
I agree with you. Putting this information in the column name smacks of the crappy Hungarian Notation idiocy of the early Windows days.
I agree with you that the foreign key column in a child table should have the same name as the primary key column in the parent table. Note that this permits syntax like the following:
SELECT * FROM foo JOIN bar USING (foo_id);
The USING keyword assumes that a column exists by the same name in both tables, and that you want an equi-join. It's nice to have this available as shorthand for the more verbose:
SELECT * FROM foo JOIN bar ON (foo.foo_id = bar.foo_id);
Note, however, there are cases when you can't name the foreign key the same as the primary key it references. For example, in a table that has a self-reference:
CREATE TABLE Employees (
manager_id INT REFERENCES Employees(emp_id)
Also a table may have multiple foreign keys to the same parent table. It's useful to use the name of the column to describe the nature of the relationship:
reported_by INT REFERENCES Accounts(account_id),
assigned_to INT REFERENCES Accounts(account_id),
I don't like to include the name of the table in the column name. I also eschew the obligatory "id" as the name of the primary key column in every table.
I've espoused most of the ideas proposed here over the 20-ish years I've been developing with SQL databases, I'm embarrassed to say. Most of them delivered few or none of the expected benefits and were with hindsight, a pain in the neck.
Any time I've spent more than a few hours with a schema I've fairly rapidly become familiar with the most important tables and their columns. Once it got to a few months, I'd pretty much have the whole thing in my head.
Who is all this explanation for? Someone who only spends a few minutes with the design isn't going to be doing anything serious anyway. Someone who plans to work with it for a long time will learn it if you named your columns in Sanskrit.
Ignoring compound primary keys, I don't see why something as simple as "id" won't suffice for a primary key, and "_id" for foreign keys.
So a typical join condition becomes customer.id = order.customer_id.
Where more than one association between two tables exists, I'd be inclined to use the association rather than the table name, so perhaps "parent_id" and "child_id" rather than "parent_person_id" etc
I only use the tablename with an Id suffix for the primary key, e.g. CustomerId, and foreign keys referencing that from other tables would also be called CustomerId. When you reference in the application it becomes obvious the table from the object properties, e.g. Customer.TelephoneNumber, Customer.CustomerId, etc.
I used "fk_" on the front end of any foreign keys for a table mostly because it helped me keep it straight when developing the DB for a project at my shop. Having not done any DB work in the past, this did help me. In hindsight, perhaps I didn't need to do that but it was three characters tacked onto some column names so I didn't sweat it.
Being a newcomer to writing DB apps, I may have made a few decisions which would make a seasoned DB developer shudder, but I'm not sure the foreign key thing really is that big a deal. Again, I guess it is a difference in viewpoint on this issue and I'll certainly take what you've written and cogitate on it.
Have a good one!
I agree with you--I take a different approach that I have seen recommended in many corporate environments:
Name columns in the format TableNameFieldName, so if I had a Customer table and UserName was one of my fields, the field would be called CustomerUserName. That means that if I had another table called Invoice, and the customer's user name was a foreign key, I would call it InvoiceCustomerUserName, and when I referenced it, I would call it Invoice.CustomerUserName, which immediately tells me which table it's in.
Also, this naming helps you to keep track of the tables your columns are coming from when you're joiining.
I only use FK_ and PK_ in the ACTUAL names of the foreign and primary keys in the DBMS.