Cast an instance of a class to a #protocol in Objective-C - objective-c

I have an object (a UIViewController) which may or may not conform to a protocol I've defined.
I know I can determine if the object conforms to the protocol, then safely call the method:
if([self.myViewController conformsToProtocol:#protocol(MyProtocol)]) {
[self.myViewController protocolMethod]; // <-- warning here
However, XCode shows a warning:
warning 'UIViewController' may not respond to '-protocolMethod'
What's the right way to prevent this warning? I can't seem to cast self.myViewController as a MyProtocol class.

The correct way to do this is to do:
if ([self.myViewController conformsToProtocol:#protocol(MyProtocol)])
UIViewController <MyProtocol> *vc = (UIViewController <MyProtocol> *) self.myViewController;
[vc protocolMethod];
The UIViewController <MyProtocol> * type-cast translates to "vc is a UIViewController object that conforms to MyProtocol", whereas using id <MyProtocol> translates to "vc is an object of an unknown class that conforms to MyProtocol".
This way the compiler will give you proper type checking on vc - the compiler will only give you a warning if any method that's not declared on either UIViewController or <MyProtocol> is called. id should only be used in the situation if you don't know the class/type of the object being cast.

You can cast it like this:
if([self.myViewController conformsToProtocol:#protocol(MyProtocol)])
id<MyProtocol> p = (id<MyProtocol>)self.myViewController;
[p protocolMethod];
This threw me for a bit, too. In Objective-C, the protocol isn't the type itself, so you need to specify id (or some other type, such as NSObject) along with the protocol that you want.


Crash when calling Obj-C property from Swift extension

Using this Objective-C property:
#interface TSOnboardingPersonalizeViewController
#property (nonatomic, weak) NSObject<PersonalizeContentCoordinatorDelegate> * _Nullable delegate;
crashes in a Swift extension like this:
extension TSOnboardingPersonalizeViewController {
func next() {
POing self.delegate shows:
(lldb) po self.delegate
▿ Optional<protocol<PersonalizeContentCoordinatorDelegate>>
▿ Some : <MyApp.PersonalizeContentCoordinator: 0x8e964cf58140>
But it doesn't crash if I cast the property to the protocol type:
extension TSOnboardingPersonalizeViewController {
func next() {
if let delegate = self.delegate as? PersonalizeContentCoordinatorDelegate {
POing delegate shows:
(lldb) po delegate
<MyApp.PersonalizeContentCoordinator: 0x7f86bcf59930>
Why do I need to explicity cast the property to the PersonalizeContentCoordinatorDelegate protocol type?
I'm using Swift 2.2 and Xcode 7.3
I think it could be due to the fact that the delegate is an NSObject, which probably doesn't have a performAction method. So, even though the delegate conforms to the protocol in Objective-C, Swift probably sees an NSObject (which doesn't include that method).
This seems like a "Lost in Translation" sort of thing, where Objective-C is telling Swift "This object conforms to this protocol." Then when executed, Swift tries calling that method on an NSObject which obviously doesn't include that method and crashes. This would explain why casting would work, because until you tell Swift you have an object of a certain type, it can't execute any of that type's specific methods (even if the underlying object actually is that type).
This is just a guess, though and should definitely be taken with a grain of salt (and maybe a better answer if one comes along).

Pros and cons of using "id" as the return type of a custom "init" method, instead of a pointer to that class?

Assume the following Objective-C class:
#interface Appliance : NSObject
NSString *productName;
int voltage;
What are the pros and cons of implementing init method A instead of B?
A) -(id)initWithName:(NSString *)name;
B) -(Appliance *)initWithName:(NSString *)name;
I see they both work in XCode, i.e. they both will result in a valid Appliance instance. "A" seems to be the standard among books I've read and codebases I've looked at, and I'm wondering why this is.
Point in fact, for quite some time the best practice return type from a class initializer (in Objective-C) is instancetype instead of id.
Oh, reopen. :-)
Indeed, you did not ask for the difference id vs. instancetype. And for -init… the answer to this non-asked Q would be easy: There is no difference, because the compiler converts id to instancetype silently.
You asked for id vs. CustomClass*. And you get a completely different answer from me: With CustomClass* a subclass had to cast the result of the superclass' designated initializer. Let's have an example:
#interface BaseClass : NSObject
- (BaseClass*)initWithWhatever; // Typed to class, designated initializer
#implementation BaseClass
- (BaseClass*)initWithWhatever // Typed to class
self = [super init]; // What's the return type of -init (NSObject)?
#interface Subclass : BaseClass
// First problem: I like it to announce in the interface, that a class overwrites
// a method of the base class. Doing so I would have to change the return type. Ugly.
// If I do not redeclare -initWithWhatever it is inherited from BaseClass, still
// having BaseClass* as the return type. Is that the truth? Really?
// However, I do not overwrite it here, but have a new initializer.
- (Subclass*)initWithSomethingElse;
#implementation Subclass
- (Subclass*)initWithSomethingElse
// Second Problem:
// First, I have to execute the superclass' designated initializer
self = [super initWithWhatever];
// Wait a minute!
// self is a reference to Subclass. The return value of -initWithWhatever has the type
// BaseClass*. So I assign a reference of the base class to a reference of the subclass:
// Compiler error, false positive. The code is correct.
// So I would have to cast. Ugly, ugly, ugly.
// Third problem:
Subclass *object = [[Subclass alloc] initWithWhatever];
// Typing -initWithWhatever to BaseClass* would lead to a compiler error here again.
// Compiler error, false positive. The code is correct.
To make the long story short: Without a mass of castings it would be impossible to type initializers to the concrete class.

Method parameters, protocol methods, delegates and respondsToSelector calls

I have this kind of code :
#import "MyOtherClass.h"
#interface MyClass : NSObject<SomeProtocol, MyOtherClassDelegate> {
+ (void) doThis {
[someObject doThisWithDelegate:self]; // someObject is MyOtherClass type
MyOtherClass.h :
#protocol MyOtherClassDelegate <NSObject>
// Some methods
- (void) doThisWithDelegate:(id<SomeOtherProtocol>)delegate;
MyOtherClass.m :
- (void) doThisWithDelegate:(id<SomeOtherProtocol>)delegate {
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(myProtocolMethod:error:)]) do things;
Doing like this, I have the following warnings at compile time :
on the line [someObject doThisWithDelegate:self];
"Incompatible pointer types sending Class to parameter of type id<SomeOtherProtocol>"
on the method declaratéin in MyOtherClass.h :
"Passing argument to parameter 'delegate' here"
Before, I hadn't typed the id param (with id<SomeOtherProtocol>), it was just "alone" (id). I noticed that the test :
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(myProtocolMethod:error:)])
returned FALSE (but of course methods are implemented and declared in the delegate).
So I decided to try to force the id type to conform protocol that causes me that warning at compile time.
What is happening here ?
Why do I have this error, and why do the respondsToSelector do not return TRUE ?
If you want to call respondsToSelector: on a property with a type of id<SomeProtocol> then make sure your protocol conforms to the NSObject protocol.
#protocol SomeOtherProtocol <NSObject>
// methods
This will then allow you to do:
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(myProtocolMethod:error:)]) {
This assumes delegate is defined as:
#property (nonatomic, weak) id<SomeOtherProtocol> delegate;
First make sure you conform to , respondsToSelector is part of NSObject.
Second I would check that i had effectively set the delegate property.
This line :
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(myProtocolMethod:error:)])
should work, since the property delegate is pointing to an object that should have myProtocolMethod:error: ....
I would probably debug with a breakpoint or a test on a setter for the delegate :
NSLog("We are setting a delegate!: %#", [delegate description]);
_delegate = delegate;
If when you run your app, you see the "We setting...." after you do your if line or if you don't see it at all, then you know where your issue is.
Problem was that I've declare the doThis method as a class method and not instance method. So self is not valid when passed as a parameter.

How to create a delegator in objective C?

I am trying to learn, how to implement delegation pattern in objective C. But the discussion almost exclusively concentrates on the adoption of protocols and then implementing the delegate methods that come with particular protocol - or - the delegation principle alone - or protocols alone.
What I am unable to find, is a easy to understand material about how to write a class that will serve as a delegator. By that I mean the class, which the message of some event will come from and which will provide the protocol for receiving that message - kind of 2in1 description. (protocols and delegation).
For the purpose of my learning, I'd like to go along the following trivial example, using an iPhone, a Cocoa touch application and Xcode4.2, using ARC, no Storyboard or NIBs.
Let's have a class with name "Delegator", which is a subclass of NSObject. The Delegator class has NSString instance variable named "report" and adopts the UIAccelerometerDelegate protocol.In the Delegator implementation, I will implement the the delegate method
-(void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration
This delegate method will create a NSString #"myReport" and store it in the report variable anytime there is an accelerometer event. Further, I want to have a second class named ReportsStorage (a subclass of NSobject), which can store some Nsstring (report) in its instance variable called latestReport.
So far so good.
Now lets get back to theDelegator Class. I'd like to implement a protocol in Delegator named ReportsDelegate which will notify the class that adopts it (the ReportsStorage class), that a report was generated and will pass this report through the delegate method, which should be (I believe) something like this
-(void)delegator:(Delegator *)delegator didCreateNewReport:(NSString *)report;
Can you please provide the code for Delegator Class (incl. the "delegate" property), that will achieve this, with a description what each line of code means?
Thanks in advance, EarlGrey
You'll need to declare the delegate property as an id<ReportsDelegate> type. That is, any object type (id) conforming to the ReportsDelegate protocol (<ReportsDelegate>). Then, if the delegate method is considered optional, check if the delegate responds to that selector before calling it. (respondsToSelector:).
Like so:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// Provide a forward declaration of the "Delegator" class, so that we can use
// the class name in the protocol declaration.
#class Delegator;
// Declare a new protocol named ReportsDelegate, with a single optional method.
// This protocol conforms to the <NSObject> protocol
#protocol ReportsDelegate <NSObject>
-(void)delegator:(Delegator *)delegator didCreateNewReport:(NSString *)report;
// Declare the actual Delegator class, which has a single property called 'delegate'
// The 'delegate' property is of any object type, so long as it conforms to the
// 'ReportsDelegate' protocol
#interface Delegator : NSObject
#property (weak) id<ReportsDelegate> delegate;
#import "Delegator.h"
#implementation Delegator
#synthesize delegate;
// Override -init, etc. as needed here.
- (void)generateNewReportWithData:(NSDictionary *)someData {
// Obviously, your report generation is likely more complex than this.
// But for purposes of an example, this works.
NSString *theNewReport = [someData description];
// Since our delegate method is declared as optional, check whether the delegate
// implements it before blindly calling the method.
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(delegator:didCreateNewReport:)]) {
[self.delegate delegator:self didCreateNewReport:theNewReport];

Objective C: warning on overriding init

I have a class 'DOInstance' which I inherit later on. Here's its declaration:
#interface DOInstance : NSObject {
- (DOInstance *) initWithSynckey:(NSString *)_synckey;
Then I have a subclass of DOInstance:
#interface Workflow_Workitem_Header_1px: DOInstance {
//- (Workflow_Workitem_Header_1px *) initWithSynckey:(NSString *)_synckey;
I go ahead and implement it in the implementation file:
- (Workflow_Workitem_Header_1px *) initWithSynckey:(NSString *)_synckey {
[super initWithSynckey:_synckey];
return self;
Now, If I do not declare initWithSynckey: (the commented declaration above) in my subclass declaration, I get a warning at the implementation: "warning: initialization from distinct Objective-C type". If I declare it, this warning goes away. Okay.
Moving on:
I later do an instantiation of my subclass:
Workflow_Workitem_Header_1px *instance;
instance = [[Workflow_Workitem_Header_1px alloc] initWithSynckey:#"xxxx"];
Now, this gives me the same warning (irrespective of whether or not I declare the corresponding initWithSynckey: selector in my subclass. Namely, "warning: initialization from distinct Objective-C type".
What am I doing wrong?
Methods named init... should have return type (id), not the type of the class. Check out NSString.h and NSArray.h (among other classes) for examples. That may be what is causing your problem.
In this case, the overriding method must return the same type as the superclass' declaration.
DOInstance defines this:
- (DOInstance *) initWithSynckey:(NSString *)_synckey;
so Workflow_Workitem_Header_1px must look like this:
#interface Workflow_Workitem_Header_1px: DOInstance {
- (DOInstance *) initWithSynckey:(NSString *)_synckey;
Any time you get the warning "warning: initialization from distinct Objective-C type" you're doing something in contravention of your typing: changing a method signature, and the like.