SQL List Function Removing Precision - sql

I am using the LIST function to create a ';' delimited list of values. The type is numeric (19,2). For some reason the precision appears to be ignored when using the list function. When performing a simple select on this column the values look good, ie "12.00". However, if I use a LIST() my results are of format "12.000000"
This is my LIST usage:
LIST(case when tblWOService.PricePerVehicle is null then ' ' else CONVERT(decimal(19,2),tblWOService.PricePerVehicle end,';')
The CONVERT does not change the result. Any ideas?

Have you tried explicitly converting your empty string?
case when tblWOService.PricePerVehicle is null then CONVERT(decimal(19,2),' ')
else CONVERT(decimal(19,2),tblWOService.PricePerVehicle) end,';'
I've run into a similar datatype issue with CASE statements in T-SQL.


Convert empty nchar to numeric value

I'm using SQL Server 2019.
select convert(bigint, ' ')
returns 0
select convert(numeric, ' ')
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
Can anyone tell me why the behaviour between these two datatypes is different? I would have expected, that the second example returns 0 or 0.00.
"SQL Server also returns an error when an empty string (" ") is converted to numeric or decimal."
It's the documented behavior, that's why.
It's just the way it is implemented. Casting an empty string or a string with only spaces to an INT data type will result in 0. Some people regard this as logical behavior, others don't.
For a DECIMAL type, the same cast fails.
However, this is only true for spaces! Trying to cast other whitespace characters like tabs, carriage return or linefeed characters to an INT type will also fail.
If you want failed casts to return NULL instead of producing an error, you can use TRY_CONVERT instead:
select try_convert(numeric, ' ')
If you want both to behave in the same way (whether that would mean both returning NULL or both returning 0 or 0.0 respectively) you need to somehow work your way around it.
To have the cast to INT return NULL, you could e.g. combine TRY_CONVERT with NULLIF:
select try_convert(bigint, nullif(' ', ''))
This will also produce NULL for strings containing only (any number of) spaces.
If on the other hand, you prefer to see 0.0 results for empty strings or strings containing only spaces when casting to NUMERIC, you can filter these out explicitly:
select case when val like ' ' or val = '' then 0.0
else try_convert(numeric(5,1), val)
end as val
from strings
This db<>fiddle shows what results the different queries yield for various whitespace and non-whitespace string input.

CASE statement where conditional includes an IN statement redshift

WHEN code IN ('FJS354', 'JDF334')
THEN 'Lower_form'
END AS format
This returns an error in Redshift
invalid input syntax for integer: "Lower_form"
I know if I change 'Lower_form' to an integer it will work however I want this column to be a string. Is there a way to do this?
I want this column to be a string.
All branches of a case expression must return the same datatype. You are giving two literal values whose datatype is not the same (string vs integer): the database makes the decision to turn them both to integers - which is not what you want.
Rremove the ambiguity by being explicit about the datatype you want to return. That is, make this literal 0 a string:
CASE WHEN code in ('FJS354','JDF334')
THEN 'Lower_form'
ELSE '0'
END as format

Translate function not returning relevant string in amazon redshift

I am trying to use a simple Translate function to replace "-" in a 23 digit string. The example of one such string is "1049477-1623095-2412303" The expected outcome of my query should be 104947716230952412303
The list of all "1049477-1623095-2412303" is present in a single column "table1". The name of the column is "data"
My query is
Select TRANSLATE(t.data, '-', '')
from table1 as t
However, it is returning 104947716230952000000 as the output.
At first, I thought it is an overflow error since the resulting integer is 20 digit so I also tried to use following
from table1 as t
but this is not working as well.
Please suggest a way so that I could have my desirable output
This is too long for a comment.
This code:
select translate('1049477-1623095-2412303', '-', '')
is going to return:
The return value is a string, not a number.
There is no way that it can return '104947716230952000000'. I could only imagine that happening if somehow the value is being converted to a numeric or bigint type.
Try regexp_replace()
Taking your own example, execute:
select regexp_replace('[string / column_name]','-');
It can be achieve RPAD try below code.
SELECT RPAD(TRANSLATE(CAST(t.data as VARCHAR),'-','') ,20,'00000000000000000000')

Converting char to integer in INSERT using IIF and SIMILAR TO

I am using in insert statement to convert BDE table (source) to a Firebird table (destination) using IB Datapump. So the INSERT statement is fed by source table values via parameters. One of the source field parameters is alphanum (SOURCECHAR10 char(10), holds mostly integers and needs to be converted to integer in the (integer type) destination column NEWINTFLD. If SOURCECHAR10 is not numeric, I want to assign 0 to NEWINTFLD.
I use IIF and SIMILAR to to test whether the string is numeric, and assign 0 if not numeric as follows:
For every non numeric string however, I still get conversion errors (DSQL error code = -303).
I tested with only constants in the IIF result fields like SOURCECHAR10" SIMILAR TO '[[:DIGIT:]]*', 1, 0) and that works fine so somehow the :SOURCECHAR10 in the true result field of the IIF generates the error.
Any ideas how to get around this?
When your query is executed, the parser will notice that second use of :"SOURCECHAR10" is used in a place where an integer is expected. Therefor it will always convert the contents of :SOURCECHAR10 into an integer for that position, even though it is not used if the string is non-integer.
In reality Firebird does not use :"SOURCECHAR10" as parameters, but your connection library will convert it to two separate parameter placeholders ? and the type of the second placeholder will be INTEGER. So the conversion happens before the actual query is executed.
The solution is probably (I didn't test it, might contain syntax errors) to use something like (NOTE: see second example for correct solution):
This doesn't work as this is interpreted as a cast of the parameter itself, see CAST() item 'Casting input fields'
If this does not work, you could also attempt to add an explicit cast to VARCHAR around :"SOURCECHAR10" to make sure the parameter is correctly identified as being VARCHAR:
Here the inner cast is applied to the parameter itself, the outer cast is applied when the CASE expression is evaluated to true

Conditionally branching in SQL based on the type of a variable

I'm selecting a value out of a table that can either be an integer or a nvarchar. It's stored as nvarchar. I want to conditionally call a function that will convert this value if it is an integer (that is, if it can be converted into an integer), otherwise I want to select the nvarchar with no conversion.
This is hitting a SQL Server 2005 database.
select case
when T.Value (is integer) then SomeConversionFunction(T.Value)
else T.Value
end as SomeAlias
from SomeTable T
Note that it is the "(is integer)" part that I'm having trouble with. Thanks in advance.
Check the comment on Ian's answer. It explains the why and the what a little better. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts.
select case
when ISNUMERIC(T.Value) then T.Value
else SomeConversionFunction(T.Value)
end as SomeAlias
Also, have you considered using the sql_variant data type?
The result set can only have one type associated with it for each column, you will get an error if the first row converts to an integer and there are strings that follow:
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'word' to data type int.
try this to see:
create table testing
strangevalue nvarchar(10)
insert into testing values (1)
insert into testing values ('word')
select * from testing
when ISNUMERIC(strangevalue)=1 THEN CONVERT(int,strangevalue)
ELSE strangevalue
FROM testing
best bet is to return two columns:
when ISNUMERIC(strangevalue)=1 THEN CONVERT(int,strangevalue)
END AS StrangvalueINT
when ISNUMERIC(strangevalue)=1 THEN NULL
ELSE strangevalue
END AS StrangvalueString
FROM testing
or your application can test for numeric and do your special processing.
You can't have a column that is sometimes an integer and sometimes a string. Return the string and check it using int.TryParse() in the client code.
ISNUMERIC. However, this accepts +, - and decimals so more work is needed.
However, you can't have the columns as both datatypes in one go: you'll need 2 columns.
I'd suggest that you deal with this in your client or use an ISNUMERIC replacement
IsNumeric will get you part of the way there. You can then add some further code to check whether it is an integer
for example:
select top 10
when isnumeric(mycolumn) = 1 then
when convert(int, mycolumn) = mycolumn then
'number but not an integer'
'not a number'
from mytable
To clarify some other answers, your SQL statement can't return different data types in one column (it looks like the other answers are saying you can't store different data types in one column - yours are all strign represenations).
Therefore, if you use ISNUMERIC or another function, the value will be cast as a string in the table that is returned anyway if there are other strigns being selected.
If you are selecting only one value then it could return a string or a number, however your front end code will need to be able to return the different data types.
Just to add to some of the other comments about not being able to return different data types in the same column... Database columns should know what datatype they are holding. If they don't then that should be a BIG red flag that you have a design problem somewhere, which almost guarantees future headaches (like this one).