SELECT * FROM table WHERE x IN (...a few hundred ints...) - sql

Table has about 8 million rows. There is a non-unique index for X.
Showing indexes, it shows that in the table there is a non-unique index on key name X with "seq_in_index" of 1, collation A, cardinality 7850780, sub_part NULL, packed NULL, index_type BTREE.
Still, this query can take 5 seconds to run. The list of ints comes from another system, and I am not allowed to store them in a table, because they represent friendships on a social network.
Is there a faster way than a massive IN statement?

You can convert your list of IDs into a temp-table (or table-var if MySql supports them) and join with it.
The table would only live as long as the query so you're not actually storing anything in a table.

You could try storing them in a temporary table. This table wouldn't be stored in the database permanently and I think the resulting join (assuming that you index the temporary table as well) would be faster since it would be able to process the indices in parallel and not have to do an index lookup for each int the IN clause. Of course, MySQL may optimize the IN clause and do the same thing if it knows that it will be using an index so it may not actually gain you anything. I would give a try though and see if it is faster.

As suggested by others, a temporary table is the most appropriate solution.
Be aware though, that depending on cardinality and the number of rows in your temporary table/in() condition the optimizer may still resort to using a sequential scan because of the fact that sequential reads can be a lot faster than lots of random seeks in the index.
At this point it may be appropriate to consider redesigning the relations.


Creating index for a query

I have one table Person with two columns Name and Gender and suppose in my application if I have a query which is called frequently :
select * from Person where Gender = 'M'
So is it advisable to create an index on the column Gender?
It's not advisable unless there is loads of one an only a few of the other and your query only looks at the few. A full table scan would give you a much more efficient result than diving through an index. In fact, even if you created the index, it's highly unlikely the optimiser would use it.
Below points might give you the idea:
From Documentation
In general, index access paths are more efficient for statements that retrieve a small subset of table rows, whereas full table scans are more efficient when accessing a large portion of a table.
Do not index columns that are modified frequently. UPDATE statements that modify indexed columns and INSERT and DELETE statements that modify indexed tables take longer than if there were no index. Such SQL statements must modify data in indexes as well as data in tables. They also generate additional undo and redo.
When choosing to index a key, consider whether the performance gain for queries is worth the performance loss for INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs and the use of the space required to store the index. You might want to experiment by comparing the processing times of the SQL statements with and without indexes. You can measure processing time with the SQL trace facility.

How do i optimize this query?

I have a very specific query. I tried lots of ways but i couldn't reach the performance i want.
(item_start < 20000 AND item_end > 30000)
i created and index on user_id, item_start, item_end
this didn't work and i dropped all indexes and create new indexes
user_id, (item_start, item_end)
also this didn't work.
(user_id, item_start and item_end are int)
edit: database is MySQL 5.1.44, engine is InnoDB
UPDATE: per your comment below, you need all the columns in the query (hence your SELECT *). If that's the case, you have a few options to maximize query performance:
create (or change) your clustered index to be on item_user_id, item_start, item_end. This will ensure that as few rows as possible are examined for each query. Per my original answer below, this approach may speed up this particular query but may slow down others, so you'll need to be careful.
if it's not practical to change your clustered index, you can create a non-clustered index on item_user_id, item_start, item_end and any other columns your query needs. This will slow down inserts somewhat, and will double the storage required for your table, but will speed up this particular query.
There are always other ways to increase performance (e.g. by reducing the size of each row) but the primary way is to decrease the number of rows which must be accessed and to increase the % of rows which are accessed sequentially rather than randomly. The indexing suggestions above do both.
Without knowing the exact schema or query plan, the main performance problem with this query is that SELECT * forces a lookup back to your clustered index for every row. If there are large numbers of matching rows for a particular user ID and if your clustered index's first column is not item_user_id, then this will likley be a very inefficient operation because your disk will be trying to fetch lots of randomly distributed rows from teh clustered inedx.
In other words, even thouggh filtering the rows you want is fast (because of your index), actually fetching the data is slower. .
If, however, your clustered index is ordered by item_user_id, item_start, item_end then that should speed things up. Note that this is not a panacea, since if you have other queries which depend on different ordering, or if you're inserting rows in a differnet order, you could end up slowing down other queries.
A less impactful solution would be to create a covering index which contains only the columns you want (also ordered by item_user_id, item_start, item_end, and then add the other cols you need). THen change your query to only pull back the cols you need, instead of using SELECT *.
If you could post more info about the DBMS brand and version, and the schema of your table, and we can help with more details.
Do you need to SELECT *?
If not, you can create a index on user_id, item_start, item_end with the fields you need in the SELECT-part as included columns. This all assuming you're using Microsoft SQL Server 2005+

effect of number of projections on query performance

I am looking to improve the performance of a query which selects several columns from a table. was wondering if limiting the number of columns would have any effect on performance of the query.
Reducing the number of columns would, I think, have only very limited effect on the speed of the query but would have a potentially larger effect on the transfer speed of the data. The less data you select, the less data that would need to be transferred over the wire to your application.
I might be misunderstanding the question, but here goes anyway:
The absolute number of columns you select doesn't make a huge difference. However, which columns you select can make a significant difference depending on how the table is indexed.
If you are selecting only columns that are covered by the index, then the DB engine can use just the index for the query without ever fetching table data. If you use even one column that's not covered, though, it has to fetch the entire row (key lookup) and this will degrade performance significantly. Sometimes it will kill performance so much that the DB engine opts to do a full scan instead of even bothering with the index; it depends on the number of rows being selected.
So, if by removing columns you are able to turn this into a covering query, then yes, it can improve performance. Otherwise, probably not. Not noticeably anyway.
Quick example for SQL Server 2005+ - let's say this is your table:
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Status tinyint NOT NULL
If we create this index:
ON MyTable (Name)
Then this query will be fast:
FROM MyTable
WHERE Name = 'Aaron'
But this query will be slow(er):
SELECT ID, Name, Status
FROM MyTable
WHERE Name = 'Aaron'
If we change the index to a covering index, i.e.
ON MyTable (Name)
INCLUDE (Status)
Then the second query becomes fast again because the DB engine never needs to read the row.
Limiting the number of columns has no measurable effect on the query. Almost universally, an entire row is fetched to cache. The projection happens last in the SQL pipeline.
The projection part of the processing must happen last (after GROUP BY, for instance) because it may involve creating aggregates. Also, many columns may be required for JOIN, WHERE and ORDER BY processing. More columns than are finally returned in the result set. It's hardly worth adding a step to the query plan to do projections to somehow save a little I/O.
Check your query plan documentation. There's no "project" node in the query plan. It's a small part of formulating the result set.
To get away from "whole row fetch", you have to go for a columnar ("Inverted") database.
It can depend on the server you're dealing with (and, in the case of MySQL, the storage engine). Just for example, there's at least one MySQL storage engine that does column-wise storage instead of row-wise storage, and in this case more columns really can take more time.
The other major possibility would be if you had segmented your table so some columns were stored on one server, and other columns on another (aka vertical partitioning). In this case, retrieving more columns might involve retrieving data from different servers, and it's always possible that the load is imbalanced so different servers have different response times. Of course, you usually try to keep the load reasonably balanced so that should be fairly unusual, but it's still possible (especially if, for example, if one of the servers handles some other data whose usage might vary independently from the rest).
yes, if your query can be covered by a non clustered index it will be faster since all the data is already in the index and the base table (if you have a heap) or clustered index does not need to be touched by the optimizer
To demonstrate what tvanfosson has already written, that there is a "transfer" cost I ran the following two statements on a MSSQL 2000 DB from query analyzer.
SELECT datalength(text) FROM syscomments
SELECT text FROM syscomments
Both results returned 947 rows but the first one took 5 ms and the second 973 ms.
Also because the fields are the same I would not expect indexing to factor here.

Does an index on a unique field in a table allow a select count(*) to happen instantly? If not why not?

I know just enough about SQL tuning to get myself in trouble. Today I was doing EXPLAIN plan on a query and I noticed it was not using indexes when I thought it probably should. Well, I kept doing EXPLAIN on simpler and simpler (and more indexable in my mind) queries, until I did EXPLAIN on
select count(*) from table_name
I thought for sure this would return instantly and that the explain would show use of an index, as we have many indexes on this table, including an index on the row_id column, which is unique. Yet the explain plan showed a FULL table scan, and it took several seconds to complete. (We have 3 million rows in this table).
Why would oracle be doing a full table scan to count the rows in this table? I would like to think that since oracle is indexing unique fields already, and having to track every insert and update on that table, that it would be caching the row count somewhere. Even if it's not, wouldn't it be faster to scan the entire index than to scan the entire table?
I have two theories. Theory one is that I am imagining how indexes work incorrectly. Theory two is that some setting or parameter somewhere in our oracle setup is messing with Oracle's ability to optimize queries (we are on oracle 9i). Can anyone enlighten me?
Oracle does not cache COUNT(*).
MySQL with MyISAM does (can afford this), because MyISAM is transactionless and same COUNT(*) is visible by anyone.
Oracle is transactional, and a row deleted in other transaction is still visible by your transaction.
Oracle should scan it, see that it's deleted, visit the UNDO, make sure it's still in place from your transaction's point of view, and add it to the count.
Indexing a UNIQUE value differs from indexing a non-UNIQUE one only logically.
In fact, you can create a UNIQUE constraint over a column with a non-unique index defined, and the index will be used to enforce the constraint.
If a column is marked as non-NULL, the an INDEX FAST FULL SCAN over this column can be used for COUNT.
It's a special access method, used for cases when the index order is not important. It does not traverse the B-Tree, but instead just reads the pages sequentially.
Since an index has less pages than the table itself, the COUNT can be faster with an INDEX_FFS than with a FULL
It is certainly possible for Oracle to satisfy such a query with an index (specifically with an INDEX FAST FULL SCAN).
In order for the optimizer to choose that path, at least two things have to be true:
Oracle has to be certain that every row in the table is represented in the index -- basically, that there are no NULL entries that would be missing from the index. If you have a primary key this should be guaranteed.
Oracle has to calculate the cost of the index scan as lower than the cost of a table scan. I don't think it necessarily true to assume that an index scan is always cheaper.
Possibly, gathering statistics on the table would change the behavior.
Expanding a little on the "transactions" reason. When a database supports transactions, at any point in time there might be records in different states, even in a "deleted" state. If a transaction fails, the states are rolled back.
A full table scan is done so that the current "version" of each record can be accessed for that point in time.
MySQL MyISAM doesn't have this problem since it uses table locking, instead of record locking required for transactions, and caches the record count. So it's always instantlyy returned. InnoDB under MySQL works the same as Oracle, but returns and "estimate".
You may be able to get a quicker query by counting the distinct values on the primary key, then only the index would be accessed.

faster way to use sets in MySQL

I have a MySQL 5.1 InnoDB table (customers) with the following structure:
int record_id (PRIMARY KEY)
int user_id (ALLOW NULL)
varchar[11] postcode (ALLOW NULL)
varchar[30] region (ALLOW NULL)
There are roughly 7 million rows in the table. Currently, the table is being queried like this:
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE user_id IN (32343, 45676, 12345, 98765, 66010, ...
in the actual query, currently over 560 user_ids are in the IN clause. With several million records in the table, this query is slow!
There are secondary indexes on table, the first of which being on user_id itself, which I thought would help.
I know that SELECT(*) is A Bad Thing and this will be expanded to the full list of fields required. However, the fields not listed above are more ints and doubles. There are another 50 of those being returned, but they are needed for the report.
I imagine there's a much better way to access the data for the user_ids, but I can't think how to do it. My initial reaction is to remove the ALLOW NULL on the user_id field, as I understand NULL handling slows down queries?
I'd be very grateful if you could point me in a more efficient direction than using the IN ( ) method.
Ran EXPLAIN, which said:
select_type = SIMPLE
table = customers
type = range
possible_keys = userid_idx
key = userid_idx
key_len = 5
ref = (NULL)
rows = 637640
Extra = Using where
does that help?
First, check if there is an index on USER_ID and make sure it's used.
You can do it with running EXPLAIN.
Second, create a temporary table and use it in a JOIN:
CREATE TABLE temptable (user_id INT NOT NULL)
FROM temptable t
JOIN customers c
ON c.user_id = t.user_id
Third, how may rows does your query return?
If it returns almost all rows, then it just will be slow, since it will have to pump all these millions over the connection channel, to begin with.
NULL will not slow your query down, since the IN condition only satisfies non-NULL values which are indexed.
The index is used, the plan is fine except that it returns more than half a million rows.
Do you really need to put all these 638,000 rows into the report?
Hope its not printed: bad for rainforests, global warming and stuff.
Speaking seriously, you seem to need either aggregation or pagination on your query.
"Select *" is not as bad as some people think; row-based databases will fetch the entire row if they fetch any of it, so in situations where you're not using a covering index, "SELECT *" is essentially no slower than "SELECT a,b,c" (NB: There is sometimes an exception when you have large BLOBs, but that is an edge-case).
First things first - does your database fit in RAM? If not, get more RAM. No, seriously. Now, suppose your database is too huge to reasonably fit into ram (Say, > 32Gb) , you should try to reduce the number of random I/Os as they are probably what's holding things up.
I'll assuming from here on that you're running proper server grade hardware with a RAID controller in RAID1 (or RAID10 etc) and at least two spindles. If you're not, go away and get that.
You could definitely consider using a clustered index. In MySQL InnoDB you can only cluster the primary key, which means that if something else is currently the primary key, you'll have to change it. Composite primary keys are ok, and if you're doing a lot of queries on one criterion (say user_id) it is a definite benefit to make it the first part of the primary key (you'll need to add something else to make it unique).
Alternatively, you might be able to make your query use a covering index, in which case you don't need user_id to be the primary key (in fact, it must not be). This will only happen if all of the columns you need are in an index which begins with user_id.
As far as query efficiency is concerned, WHERE user_id IN (big list of IDs) is almost certainly the most efficient way of doing it from SQL.
BUT my biggest tips are:
Have a goal in mind, work out what it is, and when you reach it, stop.
Don't take anybody's word for it - try it and see
Ensure that your performance test system is the same hardware spec as production
Ensure that your performance test system has the same data size and kind as production (same schema is not good enough!).
Use synthetic data if it is not possible to use production data (Copying production data may be logistically difficult (Remember your database is >32Gb) ; it may also violate security policies).
If your query is optimal (as it probably already is), try tuning the schema, then the database itself.
Is this your most important query? Is this a transactional table?
If so, try creating a clustered index on user_id. Your query might be slow because it still must make random disk reads to retrieve the columns (key lookups), even after finding the records that match (index seek on the user_Id index).
If you cannot change the clustered index, then you might want to consider an ETL process (simplest is a trigger that inserts into another table with the best indexing). This should yield faster results.
Also note that such large queries may take some time to parse, so help it out by putting the queried ids into a temp table if possibl
Are they the same ~560 id's every time? Or is it a different ~500 ids on different runs of the queries?
You could just insert your 560 UserIDs into a separate table (or even a temp table), stick an index on the that table and inner join it to you original table.
You can try to insert the ids you need to query on in a temp table and inner join both tables. I don't know if that would help.