faster way to use sets in MySQL - sql

I have a MySQL 5.1 InnoDB table (customers) with the following structure:
int record_id (PRIMARY KEY)
int user_id (ALLOW NULL)
varchar[11] postcode (ALLOW NULL)
varchar[30] region (ALLOW NULL)
There are roughly 7 million rows in the table. Currently, the table is being queried like this:
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE user_id IN (32343, 45676, 12345, 98765, 66010, ...
in the actual query, currently over 560 user_ids are in the IN clause. With several million records in the table, this query is slow!
There are secondary indexes on table, the first of which being on user_id itself, which I thought would help.
I know that SELECT(*) is A Bad Thing and this will be expanded to the full list of fields required. However, the fields not listed above are more ints and doubles. There are another 50 of those being returned, but they are needed for the report.
I imagine there's a much better way to access the data for the user_ids, but I can't think how to do it. My initial reaction is to remove the ALLOW NULL on the user_id field, as I understand NULL handling slows down queries?
I'd be very grateful if you could point me in a more efficient direction than using the IN ( ) method.
Ran EXPLAIN, which said:
select_type = SIMPLE
table = customers
type = range
possible_keys = userid_idx
key = userid_idx
key_len = 5
ref = (NULL)
rows = 637640
Extra = Using where
does that help?

First, check if there is an index on USER_ID and make sure it's used.
You can do it with running EXPLAIN.
Second, create a temporary table and use it in a JOIN:
CREATE TABLE temptable (user_id INT NOT NULL)
FROM temptable t
JOIN customers c
ON c.user_id = t.user_id
Third, how may rows does your query return?
If it returns almost all rows, then it just will be slow, since it will have to pump all these millions over the connection channel, to begin with.
NULL will not slow your query down, since the IN condition only satisfies non-NULL values which are indexed.
The index is used, the plan is fine except that it returns more than half a million rows.
Do you really need to put all these 638,000 rows into the report?
Hope its not printed: bad for rainforests, global warming and stuff.
Speaking seriously, you seem to need either aggregation or pagination on your query.

"Select *" is not as bad as some people think; row-based databases will fetch the entire row if they fetch any of it, so in situations where you're not using a covering index, "SELECT *" is essentially no slower than "SELECT a,b,c" (NB: There is sometimes an exception when you have large BLOBs, but that is an edge-case).
First things first - does your database fit in RAM? If not, get more RAM. No, seriously. Now, suppose your database is too huge to reasonably fit into ram (Say, > 32Gb) , you should try to reduce the number of random I/Os as they are probably what's holding things up.
I'll assuming from here on that you're running proper server grade hardware with a RAID controller in RAID1 (or RAID10 etc) and at least two spindles. If you're not, go away and get that.
You could definitely consider using a clustered index. In MySQL InnoDB you can only cluster the primary key, which means that if something else is currently the primary key, you'll have to change it. Composite primary keys are ok, and if you're doing a lot of queries on one criterion (say user_id) it is a definite benefit to make it the first part of the primary key (you'll need to add something else to make it unique).
Alternatively, you might be able to make your query use a covering index, in which case you don't need user_id to be the primary key (in fact, it must not be). This will only happen if all of the columns you need are in an index which begins with user_id.
As far as query efficiency is concerned, WHERE user_id IN (big list of IDs) is almost certainly the most efficient way of doing it from SQL.
BUT my biggest tips are:
Have a goal in mind, work out what it is, and when you reach it, stop.
Don't take anybody's word for it - try it and see
Ensure that your performance test system is the same hardware spec as production
Ensure that your performance test system has the same data size and kind as production (same schema is not good enough!).
Use synthetic data if it is not possible to use production data (Copying production data may be logistically difficult (Remember your database is >32Gb) ; it may also violate security policies).
If your query is optimal (as it probably already is), try tuning the schema, then the database itself.

Is this your most important query? Is this a transactional table?
If so, try creating a clustered index on user_id. Your query might be slow because it still must make random disk reads to retrieve the columns (key lookups), even after finding the records that match (index seek on the user_Id index).
If you cannot change the clustered index, then you might want to consider an ETL process (simplest is a trigger that inserts into another table with the best indexing). This should yield faster results.
Also note that such large queries may take some time to parse, so help it out by putting the queried ids into a temp table if possibl

Are they the same ~560 id's every time? Or is it a different ~500 ids on different runs of the queries?
You could just insert your 560 UserIDs into a separate table (or even a temp table), stick an index on the that table and inner join it to you original table.

You can try to insert the ids you need to query on in a temp table and inner join both tables. I don't know if that would help.


SQL performance analysis

I have a table 1 lac row with 50 columns. I know I have to select exactly one row and one column based on primary key. So what query I have to use either
So any one tell me please which approach is better and why. from performance point of view. suppose this query is running frequently in an scalable application. Please specify the cause.
The ideal approach would be
SELECT yourcolumn FROM yourtable WHERE yourcondition
It will generate less network traffic, and is a more precise statement of your requirements.
Additionally, if your table has columns of certain types, it avoids expensive querying of them, thus giving you improved performance
It all depends on your indexes, however, in most cases that I can think of, the narrow select (SELECT COL_NAME) will perform better, as it gives SQL more 'options' on how to get to the data.
In general, for any given query, the best case scenario is to have an index which allows an index seek on your WHERE condition, but also includes the columns you need in your SELECT. This way, the RDBMS only needs to use the index to obtain the result of your query - it doesn't need the underlying table at all.
In MS SQL Server, a covering index will allow you to do exactly this.
It is unlikely that
will be optimal in many cases, since unless you have an index for IND_COL_NAME which includes all columns in the table (which would be wasteful storage wise, unless <IND_COL_NAME> is your clustered index). Otherwise, it means that the query would need to seek on an index for <IND_COL_NAME> and then join back into the physical table to retrieve the rest of the column data.
So for your narrow query
the optimal index would be on <IND_COL_NAME>, which includes COL_NAME. Since you say that <IND_COL_NAME> is your primary key, it will be highly selective.
Don't use * to specify the fields, always specify exactly the fields that you want.
When fetching a single row the data size difference is small, but you should generally get only what you need to reduce the bandwidth usage. Another aspect is that using * adds a dependency on the table design. If you later on add more fields to the table, the query would also fetch those fields, and that could mean that you get more data than fits in the buffer, and you get an exception.
When you get a single field (or a few fields) from the table there is a specific performance advantage. If you have an index for the key with the wanted field(s) as included columns, then the query can be run from the index only, not even touching the table itself.

Why can't I simply add an index that includes all columns?

I have a table in SQL Server database which I want to be able to search and retrieve data from as fast as possible. I don't care about how long time it takes to insert into the table, I am only interested in the speed at which I can get data.
The problem is the table is accessed with 20 or more different types of queries. This makes it a tedious task to add an index specially designed for each query. I'm considering instead simply adding an index that includes ALL columns of the table. It's not something you would normally do in "good" database design, so I'm assuming there is some good reason why I shouldn't do it.
Can anyone tell me why I shouldn't do this?
UPDATE: I forgot to mention, I also don't care about the size of my database. It's OK that it means my database size will grow larger than it needed to
First of all, an index in SQL Server can only have at most 900 bytes in its index entry. That alone makes it impossible to have an index with all columns.
Most of all: such an index makes no sense at all. What are you trying to achieve??
Consider this: if you have an index on (LastName, FirstName, Street, City), that index will not be able to be used to speed up queries on
FirstName alone
That index would be useful for searches on
(LastName), or
(LastName, FirstName), or
(LastName, FirstName, Street), or
(LastName, FirstName, Street, City)
but really nothing else - certainly not if you search for just Street or just City!
The order of the columns in your index makes quite a difference, and the query optimizer can't just use any column somewhere in the middle of an index for lookups.
Consider your phone book: it's order probably by LastName, FirstName, maybe Street. So does that indexing help you find all "Joe's" in your city? All people living on "Main Street" ?? No - you can lookup by LastName first - then you get more specific inside that set of data. Just having an index over everything doesn't help speed up searching for all columns at all.
If you want to be able to search by Street - you need to add a separate index on (Street) (and possibly another column or two that make sense).
If you want to be able to search by Occupation or whatever else - you need another specific index for that.
Just because your column exists in an index doesn't mean that'll speed up all searches for that column!
The main rule is: use as few indices as possible - too many indices can be even worse for a system than having no indices at all.... build your system, monitor its performance, and find those queries that cost the most - then optimize these, e.g. by adding indices.
Don't just blindly index every column just because you can - this is a guarantee for lousy system performance - any index also requires maintenance and upkeep, so the more indices you have, the more your INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations will suffer (get slower) since all those indices need to be updated.
You are having a fundamental misunderstanding how indexes work.
Read this explanation "how multi-column indexes work".
The next question you might have is why not creating one index per column--but that's also a dead-end if you try to reach top select performance.
You might feel that it is a tedious task, but I would say it's a required task to index carefully. Sloppy indexing strikes back, as in this example.
Note: I am strongly convinced that proper indexing pays off and I know that many people are having the very same questions you have. That's why I'm writing a the a free book about it. The links above refer the pages that might help you to answer your question. However, you might also want to read it from the beginning.
...if you add an index that contains all columns, and a query was actually able to use that index, it would scan it in the order of the primary key. Which means hitting nearly every record. Average search time would be O(n/2).. the same as hitting the actual database.
You need to read a bit lot about indexes.
It might help if you consider an index on a table to be a bit like a Dictionary in C#.
var nameIndex = new Dictionary<String, List<int>>();
That means that the name column is indexed, and will return a list of primary keys.
var nameOccupationIndex = new Dictionary<String, List<Dictionary<String, List<int>>>>();
That means that the name column + occupation columns are indexed. Now imagine the index contained 10 different columns, nested so far deep it contains every single row in your table.
This isn't exactly how it works mind you. But it should give you an idea of how indexes could work if implemented in C#. What you need to do is create indexes based on one or two keys that are queried on extensively, so that the index is more useful than scanning the entire table.
If this is a data warehouse type operation where queries are highly optimized for READ queries, and if you have 20 ways of dissecting the data, e.g.
WHERE clause involves..
Q1: status, type, customer
Q2: price, customer, band
Q3: sale_month, band, type, status
Q4: customer
And you absolutely have plenty of fast storage space to burn, then by all means create an index for EVERY single column, separately. So a 20-column table will have 20 indexes, one for each individual column. I could probably say to ignore bit columns or low cardinality columns, but since we're going so far, why bother (with that admonition). They will just sit there and churn the WRITE time, but if you don't care about that part of the picture, then we're all good.
Analyze your 20 queries, and if you have hot queries (the hottest ones) that still won't go any faster, plan it using SSMS (press Ctrl-L) with one query in the query window. It will tell you what index can help that queries - just create it; create them all, fully remembering that this adds again to the write cost, backup file size, db maintenance time etc.
I think the questioner is asking
'why can't I make an index like':
create index index_name
on table_name
The problems with that have been addressed.
But given it sounds like they are using MS sql server.
It's useful to understand that you can include nonkey columns in an index so they the values of those columns are available for retrieval from the index, but not to be used as selection criteria :
create index index_name
on table_name
include (a,b,c,d) -- every column except foreign key
I created two tables with a million identical rows
I indexed table A like this
create nonclustered index index_name_A
on A
foreign_key -- this is a guid
and table B like this
create nonclustered index index_name_B
on B
foreign_key -- this is a guid
include (id,a,b,c,d) -- ( every key except foreign key)
no surprise, table A was slightly faster to insert to.
but when I and ran these this queries
select * from A where foreign_key = #guid
select * from B where foreign_key = #guid
On table A, sql server didn't even use the index, it did a table scan, and complained about a missing index including id,a,b,c,d
On table B, the query was over 50 times faster with much less io
forcing the query on A to use the index didn't make it any faster
select * from A where foreign_key = #guid
select * from A with (index(index_name_A)) where foreign_key = #guid
I'm considering instead simply adding an index that includes ALL columns of the table.
This is always a bad idea. Indexes in database is not some sort of pixie dust that works magically. You have to analyze your queries and according to what and how is being queried - append indexes.
It is not as simple as "add everything to index and have a nap"
I see only long and complicated answers here so I thought I should give the simplest answer possible.
You cannot add an entire table, or all its columns, to an index because that just duplicates the table.
In simple terms, an index is just another table with selected data ordered in the order you normally expect to query it in, and a pointer to the row on disk where the rest of the data lives.
So, a level of indirection exists. You have a partial copy of a table in an preordered manner (both on disk and in RAM, assuming the index is not fragmented), which is faster to query for the columns defined in the index only, while the rest of the columns can be fetched without having to scan the disk for them, because the index contains a reference to the correct position on disk where the rest of the data is for each row.
1) size, an index essentially builds a copy of the data in that column some easily searchable structure, like a binary tree (I don't know SQL Server specifcs).
2) You mentioned speed, index structures are slower to add to.
That index would just be identical to your table (possibly sorted in another order).
It won't speed up your queries.

effect of number of projections on query performance

I am looking to improve the performance of a query which selects several columns from a table. was wondering if limiting the number of columns would have any effect on performance of the query.
Reducing the number of columns would, I think, have only very limited effect on the speed of the query but would have a potentially larger effect on the transfer speed of the data. The less data you select, the less data that would need to be transferred over the wire to your application.
I might be misunderstanding the question, but here goes anyway:
The absolute number of columns you select doesn't make a huge difference. However, which columns you select can make a significant difference depending on how the table is indexed.
If you are selecting only columns that are covered by the index, then the DB engine can use just the index for the query without ever fetching table data. If you use even one column that's not covered, though, it has to fetch the entire row (key lookup) and this will degrade performance significantly. Sometimes it will kill performance so much that the DB engine opts to do a full scan instead of even bothering with the index; it depends on the number of rows being selected.
So, if by removing columns you are able to turn this into a covering query, then yes, it can improve performance. Otherwise, probably not. Not noticeably anyway.
Quick example for SQL Server 2005+ - let's say this is your table:
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Status tinyint NOT NULL
If we create this index:
ON MyTable (Name)
Then this query will be fast:
FROM MyTable
WHERE Name = 'Aaron'
But this query will be slow(er):
SELECT ID, Name, Status
FROM MyTable
WHERE Name = 'Aaron'
If we change the index to a covering index, i.e.
ON MyTable (Name)
INCLUDE (Status)
Then the second query becomes fast again because the DB engine never needs to read the row.
Limiting the number of columns has no measurable effect on the query. Almost universally, an entire row is fetched to cache. The projection happens last in the SQL pipeline.
The projection part of the processing must happen last (after GROUP BY, for instance) because it may involve creating aggregates. Also, many columns may be required for JOIN, WHERE and ORDER BY processing. More columns than are finally returned in the result set. It's hardly worth adding a step to the query plan to do projections to somehow save a little I/O.
Check your query plan documentation. There's no "project" node in the query plan. It's a small part of formulating the result set.
To get away from "whole row fetch", you have to go for a columnar ("Inverted") database.
It can depend on the server you're dealing with (and, in the case of MySQL, the storage engine). Just for example, there's at least one MySQL storage engine that does column-wise storage instead of row-wise storage, and in this case more columns really can take more time.
The other major possibility would be if you had segmented your table so some columns were stored on one server, and other columns on another (aka vertical partitioning). In this case, retrieving more columns might involve retrieving data from different servers, and it's always possible that the load is imbalanced so different servers have different response times. Of course, you usually try to keep the load reasonably balanced so that should be fairly unusual, but it's still possible (especially if, for example, if one of the servers handles some other data whose usage might vary independently from the rest).
yes, if your query can be covered by a non clustered index it will be faster since all the data is already in the index and the base table (if you have a heap) or clustered index does not need to be touched by the optimizer
To demonstrate what tvanfosson has already written, that there is a "transfer" cost I ran the following two statements on a MSSQL 2000 DB from query analyzer.
SELECT datalength(text) FROM syscomments
SELECT text FROM syscomments
Both results returned 947 rows but the first one took 5 ms and the second 973 ms.
Also because the fields are the same I would not expect indexing to factor here.

is there something faster than "having count" for large tables?

Here is my query:
select word_id, count(sentence_id)
from sentence_word
group by word_id
having count(sentence_id) > 100;
The table sentenceword contains 3 fields, wordid, sentenceid and a primary key id.
It has 350k+ rows.
This query takes a whopping 85 seconds and I'm wondering (hoping, praying?) there is a faster way to find all the wordids that have more than 100 sentenceids.
I've tried taking out the select count part, and just doing 'having count(1)' but neither speeds it up.
I'd appreciate any help you can lend. Thanks!
If you don't already have one, create a composite index on sentence_id, word_id.
having count(sentence_id) > 100;
There's a problem with this... Either the table has duplicate word/sentence pairs, or it doesn't.
If it does have duplicate word/sentence pairs, you should be using this code to get the correct answer:
If the table does not have duplicate word/sentence pairs... then you shouldn't count sentence_ids, you should just count rows.
In which case, you can create an index on word_id only, for optimum performance.
If that query is often performed, and the table rarely updated, you could keep an auxiliary table with word ids and corresponding sentence counts -- hard to think of any further optimization beyond that!
Your query is fine, but it needs a bit of help (indexes) to get faster results.
I don't have my resources at hand (or access to SQL), but I'll try to help you from memory.
Conceptually, the only way to answer that query is to count all the records that share the same word_id. That means that the query engine needs a fast way to find those records. Without an index on word_id, the only thing the database can do is go through the table one record at a time and keep running totals of every single distinct word_id it finds. That would usually require a temporary table and no results can be dispatched until the whole table is scanned. Not good.
With an index on word_id, it still has to go through the table, so you would think it wouldn't help much. However, the SQL engine can now compute the count for each word_id without waiting until the end of the table: it can dispatch the row and the count for that value of word_id (if it passes your where clause), or discard the row (if it doesn't); that will result in lower memory load on the server, possibly partial responses, and the temporary table is no longer needed. A second aspect is parallelism; with an index on word_id, SQL can split the job in chunks and use separate processor cores to run the query in parallel (depending on hardware capabilities and existing workload).
That might be enough to help your query; but you will have to try to see:
CREATE INDEX someindexname ON sentence_word (word_id)
(T-SQL syntax; you didn't specify which SQL product you are using)
If that's not enough (or doesn't help at all), there are two other solutions.
First, SQL allows you to precompute the COUNT(*) by using indexed views and other mechanisms. I don't have the details at hand (and I don't do this often). If your data doesn't change often, that would give you faster results but with a cost in complexity and a bit of storage.
Also, you might want to consider storing the results of the query in a separate table. That is practical only if the data never changes, or changes on a precise schedule (say, during a data refresh at 2 in the morning), or if it changes very little and you can live with non perfect results for a few hours (you would have to schedule a periodic data refresh); that's the moral equivalent of a poor-man's data warehouse.
The best way to find out for sure what works for you is to run the query and look at the query plan with and without some candidate indexes like the one above.
There is, surprisingly, an even faster way to accomplish that on large data sets:
SELECT totals.word_id, totals.num
FROM (SELECT word_id, COUNT(*) AS num FROM sentence_word GROUP BY word_id) AS totals
WHERE num > 1000;

SELECT * FROM table WHERE x IN (...a few hundred ints...)

Table has about 8 million rows. There is a non-unique index for X.
Showing indexes, it shows that in the table there is a non-unique index on key name X with "seq_in_index" of 1, collation A, cardinality 7850780, sub_part NULL, packed NULL, index_type BTREE.
Still, this query can take 5 seconds to run. The list of ints comes from another system, and I am not allowed to store them in a table, because they represent friendships on a social network.
Is there a faster way than a massive IN statement?
You can convert your list of IDs into a temp-table (or table-var if MySql supports them) and join with it.
The table would only live as long as the query so you're not actually storing anything in a table.
You could try storing them in a temporary table. This table wouldn't be stored in the database permanently and I think the resulting join (assuming that you index the temporary table as well) would be faster since it would be able to process the indices in parallel and not have to do an index lookup for each int the IN clause. Of course, MySQL may optimize the IN clause and do the same thing if it knows that it will be using an index so it may not actually gain you anything. I would give a try though and see if it is faster.
As suggested by others, a temporary table is the most appropriate solution.
Be aware though, that depending on cardinality and the number of rows in your temporary table/in() condition the optimizer may still resort to using a sequential scan because of the fact that sequential reads can be a lot faster than lots of random seeks in the index.
At this point it may be appropriate to consider redesigning the relations.