SQL Performance Question - sql

I have a question regarding the performance of SQL. I will illustrate my problem with pseudocode.
I am wondering which will preform better and by how much? Say for 10 items, on each page load. In .NET. Is is a lot faster? a little faster? A difference not noticable on SQL?
foreach(item in mylist) {
int[] ids; // array of ids
CallSQLStoredProc(ids) // stored procedure returns more than one row for each id

The second option will certainly be faster because it is a single network round trip, as well as a single SP call.

Definetly the second, varying from about 10x faster to a little faster.
If whatever you're doing with the id's can be done in a set operation, you'll get several times the performance gain than calling the SP individually.
I regularly have procs that look like:
create procedure proc ( #ids varchar(max) ) as
select * from users_tbl u
inner join spiltCSVs(#ids) c
on c.id = u.id
--so on and so forth
That's a set based operation; as opposed to the procedural method using a cursor in the proc, or using the for loop to iterate over calling the procedure with an individual id.

Since this wouldn't fit in a comment for ocdecio's answer...
Just to expand on it... in most systems that I've seen the network traffic is the limiting factor for performance (assuming a reasonably tuned database and front-end code that isn't absolutely horrible). Even if your web server and database server are on the same machine, the interprocess communication can be a limiting factor if you have frequent calls back and forth between the two.

On each page load, or the first time the page is loaded? I would not want to do that for every single postback in an ASP.NET page.
To answer your question more directly, if you're able to get multiple records by sending multiple IDs, do that. More efficient and more scalable should you ever need more than 10 items.

it all depends how the proc is coded, if you pass in 10 items in the 2nd proc and that proc then uses a cursor to get those rows then the first call might be faster

Iterating anything is going to always cause more overhead. There aren't many situations where iteration improves performance.
My advice has always been to avoid 2 things in programming:
if then else statments
You will always have situations where you will use both, but the less you use of them the more potential your application has to run faster and smoother.

How much faster the second will be really depends on too many things. The network overhead might be insignificant compared to the size of your result sets.
There is another alternative (which should be faster than either depending on the locking behavior), which is to call all of them asynchronously - then your page can effectively complete when the longest one completes. Obviously, this will require some additional coding.
In this example, there is only one SP overhead. We'll assume the SP returns either a single rowset which the client will split/process or multiple rowsets:
int[] ids; // array of ids
CallSQLStoredProc(ids) // stored procedure returns more than one row for each id
In this example, the SP call overheads are n times the single call. and the calls are serialized:
foreach(item in mylist) {
In the third alternative:
foreach(item in mylist) {
// Continue building the page until you reach a point where you absolutely have to have the data
This still has the n DB call overheads, but the performance improvement can depend on the capacity of the SQL Server and network in order to parallelize the workload. In addition you get the benefit of the ability to start the SQL Server working while the page is building.
The single SP solution can still win out, particularly if it can assemble a single result set with a UNION where the SQL Server can parallelize the task. However, if the result sets have separate schemas or the UNION cannot perform well, A multiple SP asynchronous solution can beat it out (and can also take advantage of the ability to do other work in the page).

IF you want scalability in your application, you will want to use caching as much as possible. You should be running any shared queries only once and storing the result in the cache.
As for your query, provided you aren't using cursors in the query for each ID, it should be faster provided that network latency has meaningful impact on what your doing. When in doubt, measure. I've been very surprised many times when I actually implemented timing on my functions to see how long different things took.
In .net System.Diagnostics.StopWatch is your friend :).


is it ok to loop a sql query in programing language

I have a doubt in mind when retrieving data from database.
There are two tables and master table id always inserted to other table.
I know that data can retrieve from two table by joining but want to know,
if i first retrieve all my desire data from master table and then in loop (in programing language) join to other table and retrieve data, then which is efficient and why.
As far as efficiency goes the rule is you want to minimize the number of round trips to the database, because each trip adds a lot of time. (This may not be as big a deal if the database is on the same box as the application calling it. In the world I live in the database is never on the same box as the application.) Having your application loop means you make a trip to the database for every row in the master table, so the time your operation takes grows linearly with the number of master table rows.
Be aware that in dev or test environments you may be able to get away with inefficient queries if there isn't very much test data. In production you may see a lot more data than you tested with.
It is more efficient to work in the database, in fewer larger queries, but unless the site or program is going to be very busy, I doubt that it'll make much difference that the loop is inside the database or outside the database. If it is a website application then looping large loops outside the database and waiting on results will take a more significant amount of time.
What you're describing is sometimes called the N+1 problem. The 1 is your first query against the master table, the N is the number of queries against your detail table.
This is almost always a big mistake for performance.*
The problem is typically associated with using an ORM. The ORM queries your database entities as though they are objects, the mistake is assume that instantiating data objects is no more costly than creating an object. But of course you can write code that does the same thing yourself, without using an ORM.
The hidden cost is that you now have code that automatically runs N queries, and N is determined by the number of matching rows in your master table. What happens when 10,000 rows match your master query? You won't get any warning before your database is expected to execute those queries at runtime.
And it may be unnecessary. What if the master query matches 10,000 rows, but you really only wanted the 27 rows for which there are detail rows (in other words an INNER JOIN).
Some people are concerned with the number of queries because of network overhead. I'm not as concerned about that. You should not have a slow network between your app and your database. If you do, then you have a bigger problem than the N+1 problem.
I'm more concerned about the overhead of running thousands of queries per second when you don't have to. The overhead is in memory and all the code needed to parse and create an SQL statement in the server process.
Just Google for "sql n+1 problem" and you'll lots of people discussing how bad this is, and how to detect it in your code, and how to solve it (spoiler: do a JOIN).
* Of course every rule has exceptions, so to answer this for your application, you'll have to do load-testing with some representative sample of data and traffic.

Performance for RBAR vs. set-based processing with varying transactional sizes

It is conventional wisdom that set based processing of tables should always be preferred over RBAR - especially when the tables grow larger and/or you need to update many rows.
But does that always hold? I have experienced quite a few situations - on different hardware - where set-based processing shows exponential growth in time consumption, while splitting the same workload into smaller chunks gives linear growth.
I think it would be interesting either to be proven totally wrong - if I'm missing something obvious - or, if not, it would be very good to know when splitting the workload is worth the effort. And subsequently identifying what indicators help make the decision of which approach to use. I'm personally expecting the following components to be interesting:
Size of workload
Size and growth of logfile
Amount of RAM
Speed of disksystem
Any other? Number of CPUs/CPU cores?
Example 1: I have a 12 million row table and I have to update one or two fields in each row with data from another table. If I do this in one simple UPDATE, this takes ~30 minutes on my test box. But I'll be done in ~24 minutes if I split this into twelve chunks - ie.:
WHERE <key> BETWEEN 0 AND 1000000
WHERE <key> BETWEEN 1000000 AND 2000000
Example 2: Is a 200+ million rows table that also need to have several calculations done to practically all rows. If a do the full set all in one, my box will run for three days and not even then be done. If I write a simple C# to execute the exact same SQL, but with WHERE-clauses appended to limit transaction size to 100k rows at a time, it'll be done in ~14 hours.
For the record: My results are from the same databases, resting on the same physical hardware, with statistics updated, no changes in indexes, Simple recovery model, etc.
And no, I haven't tried 'true' RBAR, although I probably should - even though it would only be to see how long that would really take.
No, there is no rule that set-based is always faster. We have cursors for a reason (and don't be fooled into believing that a while loop or some other type of looping is really all that different from a cursor). Itzik Ben-Gan has demonstrated a few cases where cursors are much better, particularly for running totals problems. There are also cases you describe where you're trying to update 12 million rows and due to memory constraints, log usage or other reasons it's just too much for SQL to handle as a single operation without having to spill to tempdb, or settle on a sub-optimal plan from early termination due to not getting a more optimal plan quick enough.
One of the reasons cursors get a bad rap is that people are lazy and just say:
When they almost always should be saying:
This is because those extra keywords make the cursor more efficient for various reasons. Based on the documentation you would expect some of those options to be redundant, but in my testing this is not the case. See this blog post of mine and this blog post from fellow SQL Server MVP Hugo Kornelis for more details.
That all said, in most cases your best bet is going to be set-based (or at least chunky set-based as you described above). But for one-off admin tasks (which I hope your 12-million row update is), it is sometimes easier / more efficient to just write a cursor than to spend a lot of effort constructing an optimal query that produces an adequate plan. For queries that will be run a lot as normal operations within the scope of the application, those are worth more effort to try to optimize as set-based (keeping in mind that you may still end up with a cursor).

Postgres: How to fire multiple queries in same time?

I have one procedure which updates record values, and i want to fire it up against all records in table (over 30k records), procedure execution time is from 2 up to 10 seconds, because it depends on network load.
Now i'm doing UPDATE table SET field = procedure_name(paramns); but with that amount of records it takes up to 40 min to process all table.
Now im using 4 different connections witch fork to background and fires query with WHERE clause set to iterate over modulo of row id's to speed this up, ( WHERE id_field % 4 = ) and this works well and cuts down table populate to ~10 mins.
But i want to avoid using cron, shell jobs and multiple connections for this, i know that it can be done with libpq, but is there a way to fire up a query (4 different non-blocking queries) and do not wait till it ends execution, within single connection?
Or if anyone can point me out to some clues on how to write that function, using postgres internals, or simply in C and bound it as a stored procedure?
Cheers Darius
I've got a sure answer for this question - IF you will share with us what your ab workout is!!! I'm getting fat by the minute and I need answers myself...
OK I'll answer anyway.
If you are updating one table, on one database server, in 40 minutes 'single threaded' and in 10 minutes with 4 threads, the bottleneck is not the database server; otherwise, it would get bogged down in I/O. If you are executing a bunch of UPDATES, one call per record, the network round-trip time is killing you.
I'm pretty sure this is the case and not that it's either an I/O bottleneck on the DB or the possibility that procedure_name(paramns); is taking a long time. (If that were the procedure taking 2-10 seconds it would take like 2500 min to do 30K records). The reason I am sure is that starting 4 concurrent processed cuts the time in 1/4. So especially it is not an i/o issue on the DB server.
This might be the one excuse for putting business logic in an SP on the server. Optimization unfortunately means breaking the rules. The consequence is difficult maintenance. but, duh!!
However, the best solution would be to get this set up to use 'bulk update' queries. That might mean you have to take several strange and unintuitive steps such as this:
This will require a lot of modfication if multiple users can run it concurrently.
refactor the system so procedure_name(paramns) can get all the data it needs to process all records via a select statement. May need to use creative joins. If it's an SP of course now you are moving the logic to the client.
Use that have the program create an XML or other importable flat file format with the PK of the record to update, and the new field value or values. Write all the updates to this file instead of executing them on the DB.
have a temp table on the database that matches the layout of this flat file
run an import on the database - clear the temp table and import the file
do an update of a join of the temp table and the table to be updated, e.g., UPDATE mytbl, mytemp WHERE myPK=mytempPK SET myval=mytempnewval (use the right join syntax of course).
You can try some of these things 'by hand' first before you bother coding, to see if it's worth the speed increase.
If possible, you can still put this all in an SP!
I'm not making any guarantees, especially as I look down at my ever-fattening belly, but, this has the potential to melt your update job down to under a minute.
It is possible to update multiple rows at once. Below an example in postgres:
column_name = temp.column_name
(<id1>, <value1>),
(<id2>, <value2>),
(<id3>, <value3>)
) AS temp("id", "column_name")
table_name.id = temp.id
PHP has some functions for asynchrone queries:
pg_ send_ execute()
pg_ send_ prepare()
pg_ send_ query_ params()
No idea about other programming languages, you have to dig into the manuals.
I think you can't. Single connection can handle single query at once. It's described in libpq documentation chapter "Asynchronous Command Processing":
"After successfully calling PQsendQuery, call PQgetResult one or more times to obtain the results. PQsendQuery cannot be called again (on the same connection) until PQgetResult has returned a null pointer, indicating that the command is done."

Long running Jobs Performance Tips

I have been working with SQL server for a while and have used lot of performance techniques to fine tune many queries. Most of these queries were to be executed within few seconds or may be minutes.
I am working with a job which loads around 100K of data and runs for around 10 hrs.
What are the things I need to consider while writing or tuning such query? (e.g. memory, log size, other things)
Make sure you have good indexes defined on the columns you are querying on.
Ultimately, the best thing to do is to actually measure and find the source of your bottlenecks. Figure out which queries in a stored procedure or what operations in your code take the longest, and focus on slimming those down, first.
I am actually working on a similar problem right now, on a job that performs complex business logic in Java for a large number of database records. I've found that the key is to process records in batches, and make as much of the logic as possible operate on a batch instead of operating on a single record. This minimizes roundtrips to the database, and causes certain queries to be much more efficient than when I run them for one record at a time. Limiting the batch size prevents the server from running out of memory when working on the Java side. Since I am using Hibernate, I also call session.clear() after every batch, to prevent the session from keeping copies of objects I no longer need from previous batches.
Also, an RDBMS is optimized for working with large sets of data; use normal SQL operations whenever possible. Avoid things like cursors, and a lot procedural programming; as other people have said, make sure you have your indexes set up correctly.
It's impossible to say without looking at the query. Just because you have indexes doesn't mean they are being used. You'll have to look at the execution plan and see if they are being used. They might show that they aren't useful to the execution plan.
You can start with looking at the estimated execution plan. If the job actually completes, you can wait for the actual execution plan. Look at parameter sniffing. Also, I had an extremely odd case on SQL Server 2005 where
would not complete, yet
worked fine - but only for particular tables. Problem was never resolved.
Make sure your statistics are up to date.
If possible post your query here so there is something to look at. I recall a query someone built with joins to 12 different tables dealing with around 4 or so million records that took around a day to run. I was able to tune that to run within 30 mins by eliminating the unnecessary joins. Where possible try to reduce the datasets you are joining before returning your results. Use plenty of temp tables, views etc if you need.
In cases of large datasets with conditions try to preapply your conditions through a view before your joins to reduce the number of records.
100k joining 100k is a lot bigger than 2k joining 3k

Simulating queries of large views for benchmarking purposes

A Windows Forms application of ours pulls records from a view on SQL Server through ADO.NET and a SOAP web service, displaying them in a data grid. We have had several cases with ~25,000 rows, which works relatively smoothly, but a potential customer needs to have many times that much in a single list.
To figure out how well we scale right now, and how (and how far) we can realistically improve, I'd like to implement a simulation: instead of displaying actual data, have the SQL Server send fictional, random data. The client and transport side would be mostly the same; the view (or at least the underlying table) would of course work differently. The user specifies the amount of fictional rows (e.g. 100,000).
For the time being, I just want to know how long it takes for the client to retrieve and process the data and is just about ready to display it.
What I'm trying to figure out is this: how do I make the SQL Server send such data?
Do I:
Create a stored procedure that has to be run beforehand to fill an actual table?
Create a function that I point the view to, thus having the server generate the data 'live'?
Somehow replicate and/or randomize existing data?
The first option sounds to me like it would yield the results closest to the real world. Because the data is actually 'physically there', the SELECT query would be quite similar performance-wise to one on real data. However, it taxes the server with an otherwise meaningless operation. The fake data would also be backed up, as it would live in one and the same database — unless, of course, I delete the data after each benchmark run.
The second and third option tax the server while running the actual simulation, thus potentially giving unrealistically slow results.
In addition, I'm unsure how to create those rows, short of using a loop or cursor. I can use SELECT top <n> random1(), random2(), […] FROM foo if foo actually happens to have <n> entries, but otherwise I'll (obviously) only get as many rows as foo happens to have. A GROUP BY newid() or similar doesn't appear to do the trick.
For data for testing CRM type tables, I highly recommend fakenamegenerator.com, you can get 40,000 fake names for free.
You didn't mention if you're using SQL Server 2008. If you use 2008 and you use Data Compression, be aware that random data will act very differently (slower) than real data. Random data is much harder to compress.
Quest Toad for SQL Server and Microsoft Visual Studio Data Dude both have test data generators that will put fake "real" data into records for you.
If you want results you can rely on you need to make the testing scenario as realistic as possible, which makes option 1 by far your best bet. As you point out if you get results that aren't good enough with the other options you won't be sure that it wasn't due to the different database behaviour.
How you generate the data will depend to a large degree on the problem domain. Can you take data sets from multiple customers and merge them into a single mega-dataset? If the data is time series then maybe it can be duplicated over a different range.
The data is typically CRM-like, i.e. contacts, projects, etc. It would be fine to simply duplicate the data (e.g., if I only have 20,000 rows, I'll copy them five times to get my desired 100,000 rows). Merging, on the other hand, would only work if we never deploy the benchmarking tool publicly, for obvious privacy reasons (unless, of course, I apply a function to each column that renders the original data unintelligible beyond repair? Similar to a hashing function, only without modifying the value's size too much).
To populate the rows, perhaps something like this would do:
WHILE (SELECT count(1) FROM benchmark) < 100000
INSERT INTO benchmark
SELECT TOP 100000 * FROM actualData