Simulating queries of large views for benchmarking purposes - sql-server-2005

A Windows Forms application of ours pulls records from a view on SQL Server through ADO.NET and a SOAP web service, displaying them in a data grid. We have had several cases with ~25,000 rows, which works relatively smoothly, but a potential customer needs to have many times that much in a single list.
To figure out how well we scale right now, and how (and how far) we can realistically improve, I'd like to implement a simulation: instead of displaying actual data, have the SQL Server send fictional, random data. The client and transport side would be mostly the same; the view (or at least the underlying table) would of course work differently. The user specifies the amount of fictional rows (e.g. 100,000).
For the time being, I just want to know how long it takes for the client to retrieve and process the data and is just about ready to display it.
What I'm trying to figure out is this: how do I make the SQL Server send such data?
Do I:
Create a stored procedure that has to be run beforehand to fill an actual table?
Create a function that I point the view to, thus having the server generate the data 'live'?
Somehow replicate and/or randomize existing data?
The first option sounds to me like it would yield the results closest to the real world. Because the data is actually 'physically there', the SELECT query would be quite similar performance-wise to one on real data. However, it taxes the server with an otherwise meaningless operation. The fake data would also be backed up, as it would live in one and the same database — unless, of course, I delete the data after each benchmark run.
The second and third option tax the server while running the actual simulation, thus potentially giving unrealistically slow results.
In addition, I'm unsure how to create those rows, short of using a loop or cursor. I can use SELECT top <n> random1(), random2(), […] FROM foo if foo actually happens to have <n> entries, but otherwise I'll (obviously) only get as many rows as foo happens to have. A GROUP BY newid() or similar doesn't appear to do the trick.

For data for testing CRM type tables, I highly recommend, you can get 40,000 fake names for free.

You didn't mention if you're using SQL Server 2008. If you use 2008 and you use Data Compression, be aware that random data will act very differently (slower) than real data. Random data is much harder to compress.
Quest Toad for SQL Server and Microsoft Visual Studio Data Dude both have test data generators that will put fake "real" data into records for you.

If you want results you can rely on you need to make the testing scenario as realistic as possible, which makes option 1 by far your best bet. As you point out if you get results that aren't good enough with the other options you won't be sure that it wasn't due to the different database behaviour.
How you generate the data will depend to a large degree on the problem domain. Can you take data sets from multiple customers and merge them into a single mega-dataset? If the data is time series then maybe it can be duplicated over a different range.

The data is typically CRM-like, i.e. contacts, projects, etc. It would be fine to simply duplicate the data (e.g., if I only have 20,000 rows, I'll copy them five times to get my desired 100,000 rows). Merging, on the other hand, would only work if we never deploy the benchmarking tool publicly, for obvious privacy reasons (unless, of course, I apply a function to each column that renders the original data unintelligible beyond repair? Similar to a hashing function, only without modifying the value's size too much).
To populate the rows, perhaps something like this would do:
WHILE (SELECT count(1) FROM benchmark) < 100000
INSERT INTO benchmark
SELECT TOP 100000 * FROM actualData


is it ok to loop a sql query in programing language

I have a doubt in mind when retrieving data from database.
There are two tables and master table id always inserted to other table.
I know that data can retrieve from two table by joining but want to know,
if i first retrieve all my desire data from master table and then in loop (in programing language) join to other table and retrieve data, then which is efficient and why.
As far as efficiency goes the rule is you want to minimize the number of round trips to the database, because each trip adds a lot of time. (This may not be as big a deal if the database is on the same box as the application calling it. In the world I live in the database is never on the same box as the application.) Having your application loop means you make a trip to the database for every row in the master table, so the time your operation takes grows linearly with the number of master table rows.
Be aware that in dev or test environments you may be able to get away with inefficient queries if there isn't very much test data. In production you may see a lot more data than you tested with.
It is more efficient to work in the database, in fewer larger queries, but unless the site or program is going to be very busy, I doubt that it'll make much difference that the loop is inside the database or outside the database. If it is a website application then looping large loops outside the database and waiting on results will take a more significant amount of time.
What you're describing is sometimes called the N+1 problem. The 1 is your first query against the master table, the N is the number of queries against your detail table.
This is almost always a big mistake for performance.*
The problem is typically associated with using an ORM. The ORM queries your database entities as though they are objects, the mistake is assume that instantiating data objects is no more costly than creating an object. But of course you can write code that does the same thing yourself, without using an ORM.
The hidden cost is that you now have code that automatically runs N queries, and N is determined by the number of matching rows in your master table. What happens when 10,000 rows match your master query? You won't get any warning before your database is expected to execute those queries at runtime.
And it may be unnecessary. What if the master query matches 10,000 rows, but you really only wanted the 27 rows for which there are detail rows (in other words an INNER JOIN).
Some people are concerned with the number of queries because of network overhead. I'm not as concerned about that. You should not have a slow network between your app and your database. If you do, then you have a bigger problem than the N+1 problem.
I'm more concerned about the overhead of running thousands of queries per second when you don't have to. The overhead is in memory and all the code needed to parse and create an SQL statement in the server process.
Just Google for "sql n+1 problem" and you'll lots of people discussing how bad this is, and how to detect it in your code, and how to solve it (spoiler: do a JOIN).
* Of course every rule has exceptions, so to answer this for your application, you'll have to do load-testing with some representative sample of data and traffic.

Is it possible to Cache the result set of a select query in the database?

I am trying to optimize the search query which is the most used in our system. So far I have added some missing indexes and that has helped slightly. But I want to further reduce the load on the db server. One option that I will use is caching the result set as a LIST in the Cache so that I don't have to hit the db often.
However, I was wondering if there is a way to Cache some portions of the select query at the db as well. e.g. for the search results we consider only users who have been active in the last 180 days and who have share-info set as true. So this is like a super set which the db processes everytime and then applies other conditions such as category specified, city etc. which are passed. Is it possible to somehow Cache the Super Set so that I can run queries against the super set rather than run the query against the whole table? Will creating a View help in this? I am a bit hesitant to create a view as I read managing views can be an overhead and takes away some flexibility to modfy the tables.
I am using Sql-Server 2005 so cannot create a filtered index on the table, which I think would have been helpful.
I agree with #Neville K. SQL Server is pretty smart at caching data in memory. You might see limited / no performance gains for your effort.
You could consider indexed views (Enterprise Edition only) for your sub-query.
It is, of course, possible to do this - but I'm not sure if it will help.
You can create a scheduled job - once a night, perhaps - which populates a table called "active_users_with_share_info" by truncating it, and then repopulating it based on a select query filtering out users active in the last 180 days with "share_info = true".
Then you can join your search query to this table.
However, I doubt this would do much good - SQL Server is pretty smart at caching. Unless you're dealing with huge volumes of data (100 of millions of records), or very limited hardware, I doubt you'd get any measurable performance improvements - but by all means try it!
Of course, the price for this would be more moving parts in your application, more interesting failure modes (what happens if the overnight batch fails silently?), and more training for any new developers you bring into the team.

Select query too slow > 5min

I have a tableMyTable with 29,000 rows.
MyTable structure {
StudentId bigint,
Number of columns > 10 columns. The database in the hosting server.
From SSMS i execute the query:
FROM MyTable
Is it normal that the execution lasts more than 5 min?
First of all, retrieving all the data from a remote database is never a good idea. You are using an important share of bandwidth. Hopefully, the query you are using is only used for debugging purpose and should never hit production.
You did not mention if it took 5 minutes before you started receiving something or if you are receiving your data over the course of that 5 minutes, at a constant rate.
In the first situation, not receiving rows at all might indicating a that a lock is effective on your table, due to another operation.
In the latter situation, you are constantly receiving rows, but at a slow rate. Bandwidth and server load play a big part in that. To get you a rough idea of the amount of data that you are downloading, run this stored procedure:
EXEC sp_spaceused 'YourTableName';
Consider that the server has to upload that data and that you have to download the data.
Binary and xml fields (also called BLOB field) usually take a lot of data and you may not be able to control the amount of data stored by the user in those field.
Try checking the size of your variable length fields (varchar, xml and varbinary) by running a DATALENGTH on your column:
You can also get an average:
A good idea concerning BLOB field is to retrieve them only when needer and not when you are loading a list of data.
For example, assume a XML field stored in a PurchaseOrder table. If you wish to display the list of PO to your user, you usually don't need to retrieve that field, unless the user open the PO.
Many recent ORM, like nHibernate, offers lazy loading for columns, along with paging so you can retrieve a small amount of row.
Ayende posted a rent about loading unbounded result set two weeks ago.
You're right - the select query shouldn't take that long. It's not the number of rows. Likely it's the type of data you've got on that table/view, and perhaps the storage configuration (slow disk, filegroups config, etc).
Some ideas to consider to remedy this performance problem:
be specific in the columns that you want to retrieve. For ad-hoc queries, SELECT * is fine, but recognize that the RDBMS will work slightly harder to determine which columns are on the table/view.
gathering the values any columns of datatype text, varbinary will take proportionally longer depending on the data within those fields.
consider the indexes (do you have any?) on the table/view?
is this a Prod database, where more/other activity might be hitting this table?
If you edit your question, perhaps include the full table definition so that we can get a real look at what's happening with the datatypes.
I would recommend that you consider OMG Ponies's recommendation - it could be due to the bandwidth between the box and your machine, so
try to remote the box and see how long the query takes on that machine.
If it takes almost same amount of time, then the problem lies either in the database design or underlying hardware, or other factors (table datatypes, wrong indexes, overall load on the machine, overall hits to this table, etc)
if it takes significantly less amount of time, then the problem is surely between your machine and the box - ideally this shouldn't be a big problem, because the web server will be closer to the db server, probably on same LAN (so it should be much faster in the real world). Also, I'm sure you wouldn't use a 'Select *' in the actual app to pick 29000 rows, so it shouldn't create a lot of problem.

Handling 100's of 1,000,000's of rows in T-SQL2005

I have a couple of databases containing simple data which needs to be imported into a new format schema. I've come up with a flexible schema, but it relies on the critical data of the to older DBs to be stored in one table. This table has only a primary key, a foreign key (both int's), a datetime and a decimal field, but adding the count of rows from the two older DBs indicates that the total row count for this new table would be about 200,000,000 rows.
How do I go about dealing with this amount of data? It is data stretching back about 10 years and does need to be available. Fortunately, we don't need to pull out even 1% of it when making queries in the future, but it does all need to be accessible.
I've got ideas based around having multiple tables for year, supplier (of the source data) etc - or even having one database for each year, with the most recent 2 years in one DB (which would also contain the stored procs for managing all this.)
Any and all help, ideas, suggestions very, deeply, much appreciated,
Most importantly. consider profiling your queries and measuring where your actual bottlenecks are (try identifying the missing indexes), you might see that you can store everything in a single table, or that buying a few extra hard disks will be enough to get sufficient performance.
Now, for suggestions, have you considered partitioning? You could create partitions per time range, or one partition with the 1% commonly accessed and another with the 99% of the data.
This is roughly equivalent to splitting the tables manually by year or supplier or whatnot, but internally handled by the server.
On the other hand, it might make more sense to actually splitting the tables in 'current' and 'historical'.
Another possible size improvement is using an int (like an epoch) instead of a datetime and provide functions to convert from datetime to int, thus having queries like
SELECT * FROM megaTable WHERE datetime > dateTimeToEpoch('2010-01-23')
This size savings will probably have a cost performance wise if you need to do complex datetime queries. Although on cubes there is the standard technique of storing, instead of an epoch, an int in YYYYMMDD format.
What's the problem with storing this data in a single table? An enterprise-level SQL server like Microsoft SQL 2005 can handle it without much pain.
By the way, do not do tables per year, tables per supplier or other things like this. If you have to store similar set of items, you need one and one only table. Setting multiple tables to store the same type of things will cause problems, like:
Queries would be extremely difficult to write, and performance will be decreased if you have to query from multiple tables.
The database design will be very difficult to understand (especially since it's not something natural to store the same type of items in different places).
You will not be able to easily modify your database (maybe it's not a problem in your case), because instead of changing one table, you would have to change every table.
It would require to automate a bunch of tasks. Let's see you have a table per year. If a new record is inserted on 2011-01-01 00:00:00.001, will a new table be created? Will you check at each insert if you must create a new table? How it would affect performance? Can you test it easily?
If there is a real, visible separation between "recent" and "old" data (for example you have to use daily the data saved the last month only, and you have to keep everything older, but you do not use it), you can build a system with two SQL servers (installed on different machines). The first, highly available server, will serve to handle recent data. The second, less available and optimized for writing, will store everything else. Then, on schedule, a program will move old data from the first one to the second.
With such a small tuple size (2 ints, 1 datetime, 1 decimal) I think you will be fine having a single table with all the results in it. SQL server 2005 does not limit the number of rows in a table.
If you go down this road and run in to performance problems, then it is time to look at alternatives. Until then, I would plow ahead.
EDIT: Assuming you are using DECIMAL(9) or smaller, your total tuple size is 21 bytes which means that you can store the entire table in less than 4 GB of memory. If you have a decent server(8+ GB of memory) and this is the primary memory user, then the table and a secondary index could be stored in memory. This should ensure super fast queries after a slower warm-up time before the cache is populated.

Performance benefit when SQL query is limited vs calling entire row?

How much of a performance benefit is there by selecting only required field in query instead of querying the entire row? For example, if I have a row of 10 fields but only need 5 fields in the display, is it worth querying only those 5? what is the performance benefit with this limitation vs the risk of having to go back and add fields in the sql query later if needed?
It's not just the extra data aspect that you need to consider. Selecting all columns will negate the usefulness of covering indexes, since a bookmark lookup into the clustered index (or table) will be required.
It depends on how many rows are selected, and how much memory do those extra fields consume. It can run much slower if several text/blobs fields are present for example, or many rows are selected.
How is adding fields later a risk? modifying queries to fit changing requirements is a natural part of the development process.
The only benefit I know of explicitly naming your columns in your select statement is that if a column your code is using gets renamed your select statement will fail before your code. Even better if your select statement is within a proc, your proc and the DB script would not compile. This is very handy if you are using tools like VS DB edition to compile/verify DB scripts.
Otherwise the performance difference would be negligible.
The number of fields retrieved is a second order effect on performance relative to the large overhead of the SQL request itself -- going out of process, across the network to another host, and possibly to disk on that host takes many more cycles than shoveling a few extra bytes of data.
Obviously if the extra fields include a megabyte blob the equation is skewed. But my experience is that the transaction overhead is of the same order, or larger, than the actual data retreived. I remember vaguely from many years ago than an "empty" NOP TNS request is about 100 bytes on the wire.
If the SQL server is not the same machine from which you're querying, then selecting the extra columns transfers more data over the network (which can be a bottleneck), not forgetting that it has to read more data from the disk, allocate more memory to hold the results.
There's not one thing that would cause a problem by itself, but add things up and they all together cause performance issues. Every little bit helps when you have lots of either queries or data.
The risk I guess would be that you have to add the fields to the query later which possibly means changing code, but then you generally have to add more code to handle extra fields anyway.