Lazy loading/caching of SQL query results with a model - sql

I'm developing a system (with Rails 2.3.2, Ruby 1.8.7-p72) that has a sizable reporting component. In order to improve performance, I've created a Report model to archive old reports. The idea is that if a matching report already exists for an arbitrary set of conditions then use it, otherwise generate the report and save the results.
Moreover, I'd like to design the Report model in such a way that only the requested attributes have their corresponding SQL queries run. This all stems from the fact that each attribute takes a long time to compute and I'd rather not generate results that won't be used. I.e. I would like to do something like:
def foo
#foo ||= read_attribute(:foo)
if #foo.nil?
#foo = write_attribute(:foo, (expensive SQL query result))
The problem I'm experiencing, however, is that results aren't being properly written out to my database and, as a result, the code is constantly reevaluating the SQL query.
Can anyone tell me why write_attribute isn't working? Furthermore, is there a better approach?

Turns out that what I was doing was fine. The real problem was that the object's "id" lookup was being trumped by a piece of code I had elsewhere. I.e. the actual write was occurring to the database, but with the wrong primary key.

Don't you need to call "save" after doing write_attribute?


t-sql append data to an existing dataset

I have a report writer that will allow me to query my db directly, however the query has to select from a SQL view. I have to develop a lot tracking solution but because of the logic involved, the only way I have been able to accomplish this so far is to hijack the SQL statement before it leaves the report writer and point it towards a function (instead of the view).
I need to develop a more user friendly way to accomplish this. My first though was to populate the view that the report writer sees with an item and lot number from one of my tables, call my function with the item and lot number and then somehow append the original view with usage and consumption transactions for that item/lot. Because of how the report writer is designed, the original view that returns just the item/lot must be the same object as the view that is eventually populated with the transactions.
Is there a way to use an alter view statement as part of a query? Is there a better way to accomplish this goal? I am a bit lost here.
Well not having the reputation to comment, and seeing that this is SQL Server could you do the following?:
, dbo.ufn_usage_and_consumption(st.item_number, st.lot_number)
from some_table st
Basically, you are calling both the view and FOR EACH ROW of the view, calling the SQL Server Function.
Please note that this is NOT OPTIMAL. You are essentially doing RBAR processing (Row by Agonizing Row) and calling the function for every row.
Really, I would see about creating a stored procedure, if your report writer supports that and pass parameters to call the query and pass results back.
I'm making the following assumption:
1) the data coming back from the function is a scalar (one value only), if it's not you can return it as a comma delimitted string
Don't know if that helps or not but good luck with your query!

how to update field names automatically after updating SQL

I am changing the command text for a data set inside the .rdl ffile:
I would like to know how can I update the resulting fields that are returned by the select statement:
I know that these fields must be automatically generated, so I was wondering if it's possible to update them right after editing the SQL code inline??
Usually when someone wants to have a look at the data in command text they are wanting it for reference to an end user(from what I have seen). You may want to amend it but ultimately with reporting your first goal should be: "What am I doing this for?" If your goal is dynamic creation at runtime then I would avoid this and offer a few other suggestions:
Procertize it. Making a stored procedure if you have the know how in SQL Server is a convenient and fast way to get what you want and you can optimize it if you know what you are doing with your SQL FU to get good results. The downside would be if you work with multiple environments you have to deploy your code for the TSQL as well as the RDL file.
Use an expression to build the dataset at runtime. In cases where I have been told that the query itself was not properly optimized by other developers they have mentioned doing this. I myself do not always see the advantage of doing this versus just having your predicate construction work well with good indexing on the source engine. Regardless you can build your dataset at runtime. It would be similar to hitting 'fx' next to the text and then putting in something like this(assuming you have a variable named #Start):
="Select thing
from table
Where >= " & Parameters!Start.Value
Again I have not really seen if this is really that much faster than:
Select thing
from table
Where >= #Start
But it is there if you just want to build it dynamically.
You can try to build your expression dynamically from parameters being PART of the select statement. SSRS is all about the 'expressions' and what you can do with them. Once you jump in and learn how they apply to everything you can go nuts so to speak on using them. A general rule though is the more of them you use and rely on the slower your reports will become.
I hope some of this may help, I would ask first is something dynamic due to a need to be event driven or is performance related.

Groovy SQL Error - This ResultSet is closed

I am using Groovy's Sql object to perform queries on a postgres db. The queries are being executed as follows:
List<Map> results = sql.rows("select * from my_table")
List<Map> result2= sql.rows("select * from my_second_table")
I have a groovy method that performs two queries and then does some processing to loop through the data to make a different dataset, however, on some occasions I recieve a postgres exception "This ResultSet is closed" error.
having searched, I originally thought it might be to do with the issue here: SQLException: This ResultSet is closed (running multiple queries and trying to access the data from the resultsets after the fact) - however, we only seem to get the exception on quite high load - which suggests that it isnt as simple as the first dataset is closed on executing the second query as if this was the case I would expect it to happen consistently.
Can anyone shed any light on how Groovy's Sql object handles these situations or suggest what might be going wrong?
Groovy SQL is kind of a weird cat. Easy to use for simple stuff. If you have more complex scenarios you probably are better off using something else. IMHO
I first suggest doing one query, storing the results into a collection, do the second query and store the results in a collection and then do your operations between two collections rather than result sets. If you data is too large for that, find some way to store the data locally before you start doing your aggregation or whatever.
If you don't like that, you might need to checkout the GDK source code to get a better idea what is done with the Sql.getInstance() related to result sets etc. Then you can sidestep whatever land mine you are inadvertently stepping on.
List<Map> results = sql.rows("select * from my_table")
List<Map> result2= sql.rows("select * from my_second_table")
will not work even in plain Java (as already said in the answer you provided when second call is made on statement all resources dedicated during the previous call have to be released). As mentioned by #Todd W Crone Groovy can optimize resources, e.g. release them dynamically or don't release them depending on certain run.
Actually I've tried with only one query. E.g. I've tried to get ResultSet and then iterate through it, like this (don't mind the names of table and field, query is rather simple; and result is one row that contains one column due to LIMIT 1 clause):
def resultSet = sql.executeQuery("SELECT age FROM person WHERE id = 12345 LIMIT 1")
and got This ResultSet is closed error. Seems that Groovy optimizes resources and closes ResultSet immediately. I didn't look into the source code of Groovy SDK. I found that eachRow and other methods with closure-style handlers work fine and don't throw This ResultSet is closed error.
Perhaps, methods with closure-style handlers can help you. For example, look at except from the article where rows() method with closure is used:
String query = 'select id as identifier, name as langName from languages'
def rows = db.rows(query, { meta ->
assert meta.tableName == 'languages'
assert meta.columnCount == 2
// ...

Fill your tables with junk data?

I am lazy, sometimes excruciatingly lazy but hey (ironically) this is how we get stuff done right?
Had a simple idea that may or not be out there. If it is I would like to know and if not perhaps I will make it.
When working with my MSSQL database sometimes I want to test the performance of various transactions over tables and view and procedures etc... Does anyone know if there is a way to fill a table up with x rows of junk data mearly to experiment with.
One could simple enough..
Or do some kind of...
DECLARE count int
SET count = 0
WHILE count <= `x`
(...column list...)
(...VALUES (could include the count here as a primary key))
SET count = count + 1
But it seems like there is or should already be something out there. Any ideas??
I use redgate
SQL Data generator
Use a Data Generation Plan (a feature of Visual Studio database projects).
WinSQL seems to have a data generator (which I did not test) and has a free version. But the Test data generation wizard seems to be reserved to the Pro version.
My personal favorite would be to generate a CSV file (using a 4.5 lines script) and load it into your SQL DB using BULK INSERT. This will also allow better customization of the data as sometimes is needed (e.g. when writing tests).

Move SELECT to SQL Server side

I have an SQLCLR trigger. It contains a large and messy SELECT inside, with parts like:
THEN '1' ELSE '0' END) AS IsUpdated -- Is selected row just added?
as well as JOINs etc. I like to have the result as a single table with all included.
Question 1. Can I move this SELECT to SQL Server side? If yes, how to do this?
Saying "move", I mean to create a stored procedure or something else that can be executed before reading dataset in while cycle.
The 2 following questions make sense only if answer is "yes".
Why do I want to move SELECT? First off, I don't like mixing SQL with C# code. At second, I suppose that server-side queries run faster, since the server have more chances to cache them.
Question 2. Am I right? Is it some sort of optimizing?
Also, the SELECT contains constant strings, but they are localizable. For instance,
WHERE R.Status = "Enabled"
"Enabled" should be changed for French, German etc. So, I want to write 2 static methods -- OnCreate and OnDestroy -- then mark them as stored procedures. When registering/unregistering my assembly on server side, just call them respectively. In OnCreate format the SELECT string, replacing {0}, {1}... with required values from the assembly resources. Then I can localize resources only, not every script.
Question 3. Is it good idea? Is there an existing attribute to mark methods to be executed by SQL Server automatically after (un)registartion an assembly?
Well, the SQL-CLR trigger will also execute on the server, inside the server process - so that's server-side as well, no benefit there.
But I agree - triggers ought to be written in T-SQL whenever possible - no real big benefit in having triggers in C#.... can you show the the whole trigger code?? Unless it contains really odd balls stuff, it should be pretty easy to convert to T-SQL.
I don't see how you could "move" the SELECT to the SQL side and keep the rest of the code in C# - either your trigger is in T-SQL (my preference), or then it is in C#/SQL-CLR - I don't think there's any way to "mix and match".
To start with, you probably do not need to do that type of subquery inside of whatever query you are doing. The INSERTED table only has rows that have been updated (or inserted but we can assume this is an UPDATE Trigger based on the comment in your code). So you can either INNER JOIN and you will only match rows in the Table with the alias of "R" or you can LEFT JOIN and you can tell which rows in R have been updated as the ones showing NULL for all columns were not updated.
Question 1) As marc_s said below, the Trigger executes in the context of the database. But it goes beyond that. ALL database related code, including SQLCLR executes in the database. There is no client-side here. This is the issue that most people have with SQLCLR: it runs inside of the SQL Server context. And regarding wanting to call a Stored Proc from the Trigger: it can be done BUT the INSERTED and DELETED tables only exist within the context of the Trigger itself.
Question 2) It appears that this question should have started with the words "Also, the SELECT". There are two things to consider here. First, when testing for "Status" values (or any Lookup values) since this is not displayed to the user you should be using numeric values. A "status" of "Enabled" should be something like "1" so that the language is not relevant. A side benefit is that not only will storing Status values as numbers take up a lot less space, but they also compare much faster. Second is that any text that is to be displayed to the user that needs to be sensitive to language differences should be in a table so that you can pass in a LanguageId or LocaleId to get the appropriate French, German, etc. strings to display. You can set the LocaleId of the user or system in general in another table.
Question 3) If by "registration" you mean that the Assembly is either CREATED or DROPPED, then you can trap those events via DDL Triggers. You can look here for some basics:
But CREATE ASSEMBLY and DROP ASSEMBLY are events that are trappable.
If you are speaking of when Assemblies are loaded and unloaded from memory, then I do not know of a way to trap that.
Question 1.
Question 3.
It looks like there are no appropriate attributes, at least in Microsoft.SqlServer.Server Namespace.