I have a site that's mostly made in flash. And the flash triggers shadowbox. But when shadowbox kicks in, the site isn't visible behind the box.
Any thoughts?
Maybe the rendering engine of the browser won't allow flash to be part of transparency? Or maybe the overlay isn't really transparent? Is it just that the area around the overlay doesn't show, or is that you can't see through the overlay to the flash where it should be partially transparent?
It seems to me that if you have a non-transparent (a gif or jpeg) then even if you set the element to be transparent then it might not play nice with flash. Maybe try and make a .png image that is already transparent without any html/css styling?
Though a thought comes to mind, if you already have mostly flash, why not do the overlays in flash as well? Those would be possibly more featureful and have more customization.
search "r.style.visibility" and make sure it is set to "visible"
it is troubleElements option
you can also disable toggleTroubleElements() on K.onOpen();
I've noticed that when I add an HTML app in Rally/Agile Central, the height doesn't fit/adjust within the browser windows. This means that a vertical scrollbar is always added.
I'm using Chrome and Firebox, but they both have this problem.
Is there a way to limit the height of the custom app?E.g., to (height - 25) so that the browser scroll bar is not necessary?
Can you share some of your code? It might help in diagnosing what's going on. A couple ideas though...
Are you using a layout for your app? This often can help with scrollbar issues.
This guide may be helpful for learning to work with layouts: https://docs.ca.com/ca-agile-central/saas/apps/2.1/doc/#!/guide/layouts
If you're just using auto layout (the default, if you didn't explicitly specify one) then you can also try adding autoScroll: false to your app's config. Note this may cause your content to be clipped if you do actually need a scrollbar though.
Here is an examle with the std list app - and it's the same whether there is anything to show or not.
I'm thinking that it is the HTML app that doesn't take into account that there is a page title, in this case "*test layout scroll bars" - and somehow uses the "full height" = the entire frame (I'm not an html/css expert)
I'm using a webview to display a PDF.
The webview displays the PDF at it's actual size which is a little smaller than the size of the webvieww itself, revealing the scroll view underneath it.
I've tried setting the Webview to opaque and setting it's background color to another color, which works fine and dandy in the simulator, but fails to change the color on the device. On the device it changes the color of the background of the view behind the scroll view, this can be seen when the PDF is pulled all the way down.
I've also tried setting all the UIView's backgrounds, by iterating through the subviews but to no avail.
I've updated a diagram to help illustrate which area I'd like to color.
Uploaded Diagram
You really shouldn't mess around with UIWebView's internals.
They can change anytime and your code might just crash on the next version of iOS.
If you need more control about pdf display, you might wanna take a look at other possibilities to show pdf, like using the CGPDFDrawPage* functions. Of course they are pretty low-level and it's a lot of work required until you can get fast page display, zooming, etc all right.
Right now I have a splitview that loads PDFS to a webview. When the application is in portrait mode, the formatting is correct and it does what it needs to do. However, when I switch it to landscape mode, the pdf is too large and goes off of the right side of the screen. How would I fix this? One solution I can think of is to resize the rootView table, by making it thinner it would open up more space for the PDF. Any ideas on how to do that? or if it is even possible?
Thanks in advance!
You can't with the default SplitViewController, luckily Matt has written a pretty good one that can do stuff like that!
You can find it at GitHub: https://github.com/mattgemmell/MGSplitViewController/
I am making an app that has an MKMapView. I have a translucent UIToolbar on top of the MKMapView. The problem is that the Google logo is beneath it. Is there a way to show the Google logo above (in Y direction, not Z) the UIToolbar instead of beneath it?
Yes, you can. And it can even get approved by apple too.
See here:
And here:
The only way would be changing size of MKMapView in the same time with MKCoordinateSpan that should compensate the amount of the map occupied by UIToolbar. If you goal is to be able to display some portion of the map beneath the toolbar, it is not feasible.
I had the same problem, worrying if it might violate terms of use. As #Black Frog recommended, you should move toolbar or resize the mapView to show Google logo. Though it makes translucent toolbar to be meaningless, it's better than making your app to be potentially rejected.
There is no Google API to move the logo. You will need to move your toolbar.
It's tricky, but it is possible. Enlarge the MKMapView.frame, so the Google logo is hidden. Apple would reject your App, so you need to add the logo again. This can be done with a png of the logo (pm me, I can send it to you). You can place this png wherever you want on the map, Apple accepts.
We are using a UITextView with a dark background. As such we have made the text white color in order to be easier to read. The problem is the magnify window that pops up when you hold down your finger to move the insertion point uses white for the text color as well. This makes it impossible to see exactly where the insertion point is.
Is it possible to independently control the text color used in the magnify window?
Here is a screen shot illustrating the problem.
I just did a quick test in here and it's working fine.
I tested with firmware 2.2.1, in the simulator and using a device.
This is what I did to test it:
1- Created a new View-Based project
2- edited the nib in the Interface Builder, added a UITextView, setting the text to white and the background to gray, leaving everything else default
Do you have something different?
Hmm, it works correctly in the Notes app. Not only is the background yellow, you also see the lines.
Maybe it depends on whether you set the background color directly on the UITextView or make it transparent and set the background color of its containing view?
I don't think you have any control over that. And I think you should file a bug report with Apple over that. It should be smarter than that.