Execute an SSIS Package created with VS2008 on SQL Server 2005 - sql-server-2005

Maybe a stupid question but... I created an SSIS package using VS2008 Professional. I want to deploy and execute it on a server running SQL Server 2005. When I try to run it I get an error stating the version of the Execute Package Utility on the server is different than the version of the package I'm trying to execute (makes sense, since I created the package with the newer version of VS).
To my knowledge Microsoft doesn't simply provide a download of the EPU to "upgrade" it, so how do I execute the package on a server that's running the previous version of SQL Server? Do I need to install a "throwaway" copy of SQL 2008 just to update the package, or what? On my workstation (which has VS2008) it runs fine against SQL 2005.

Unfortunately, you can't do this. It makes no sense since you can run SSIS against different databases (what if you were running a package on a server that didn't even use SQL Server?) but you'll get that version error if you created it in BIDS 2008.

You can try installed the Express edition of SQL Server 2008 and see if the included dtexec will work. Unfortunately, the configuration you are attempting to run is not supported and will likely incur errors.

As I'm about to embark on the same type of project, so the solution seems to be to use VS2005 to create the SSIS package, and and do the deployment. The package is still executable through our VS2008 code, but just can't create/deploy to 2005.
WHY?! OH WHY!? :(


Problem uninstalling SQL Server 2005

I have a problem with SQL Server 2005.
I have a Computer with Windows 7 x64 bits installed and I want to run SQL Server 2005 correctly. The first time I try it, i did the follow:
1) Install SQL Server 2005
2) Install SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 x64
And it works!
But now (for reasons that are irrellevant) I need to uninstall all and re-install again to check the steps.
So I went to Add/remove programs of Windows and uninstall all the SQL Server things that I found. After, I did the same steps that I said before, but... it didnt work! What's going on?
I saw that the uninstall of SQL Server 2005 seems that it didnt go well because i can find the instance of SQLExpress... and i read that Service Pack of SQL Server cant uninstall.
But... how can remove ALL SQL Server 2005 things, to start again the installation like i did the first time?
If you want to know how to remove the instance you can see here how to do it manually. Another resources is here and here.

sql server 2005 installation error

While installing sql server 2005 i got an error as
None of the selected features can be installed or upgraded. Setup cannot proceed since no effective change is being made to the machine. To continue, click Back and then select features to install. To exit SQL Server Setup, click Cancel.
I have uninstalled sql server 2005,sql native client ,sql support files.
but i got the same error.Am struggling lot with this error.help me out.
Maybe you could try:
check if you installed SQL Server Express first, then Uninstall SQL Server and Express, then re-install SQL Server.
run the setup.exe from the SQL installation source from your Run command with the parameter SKUUPGRADE=1 or UPGRADE=1.

SQL Server Management Studio

Is it possible to install Management Studio by itself, and if so, is there a separate download/install exe for it?
Yes, use custom install and chose not to install the database engine.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express
and 2008 added:
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express
I believe that there is one installation, but you can pick the management tools (and not install a server).
BTW - the 2008 installer takes forever and is way more complicated than the 2005 installer.
You can get Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM - Management Studio Express here.
I believe that if you install SQL Server Management Express, you can't manage all the objects you can in the version you get from installing from the media. For example, you can't manage integration services or analysis services with management express.
The only way I've ever been able to install it is from the media; but like a previous post mentions, you don't have to install the database engine.
It's confusing for new DBAs that's for sure. I spent a significant amount of time trying to find a "SSMS.msi" on microsoft's website before I figured out it was on the media, and could be installed without installing the database engine; though you have to go to "install SQL Server Stand-alone" to get to it.
Fortunately, I'm still having a hard time trying to keep the server version and all the developers that need SSMS on the same version. If anyone knows of a way to make an .MSI (or download) one that contains all the correct versions of A.S./S.S.I.S/Database Engine I would love to hear it.
+1 for RQDQ. For 2008 I think you need 3.5 .Net Framework also. And yes it takes forever doing all kinds of validations.
you can download management studio by itself, but when you install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, management studio is also installed

Replacing SQL Server 2005 Express Management Studio with the full version

I have been running SQL Server 2005 Express Management Studio ("SSMSE"), and I now have a need to install the full version of Management Studio ("SSMS"). This is a known hassle, but I've not found a comprehensive way to carry it out.
At first, I uninstalled SSMSE, and then ran SqlRun_Tools.msi to install the toolset. I got this error message:
A component that you have specified in the ADD_LOCAL property is already
installed. To upgrade the existing component, refer to the template.ini
and set the UPGRADE property to the name of the component.
I had no idea what template.ini was. So I looked around, and decided to uninstall the rest of the minimal installation of SQL Server 2005 Express on my computer by following Microsoft's advice in KB 909967, "How to uninstall an instance of SQL Server 2005 manually." That bit was very successful.
But when I attempted to run SqlRun_Tools.msi again, I faced this mess when the installer was "Preparing Installation Wizard":
The setup has encountered an unexpected error in datastore. The action
is SetDialogs. The error is : Source File Name:
**** Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
**** Function Name: DataStoreCacheXMLSchema::initScopeRecord*****Sour...
(but replace the asterisks with box chars, which were probably CR-LF's in the original message)
This is very frustrating. Does anybody have any advice for installing the full version of SSMS over top of SSMSE? Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!
I have also installed SQL Management Studio before just using the SqlRun_Tools.msi package without any problems but I think if you have previously had any other SQL Server 2005 components installed then you will need to install the Setup Support Files first as this is probably what sets up the component installation sequence. This can be done either by installing from the SQL Server installation media or by running the sqlsupport.msi file as described in the Microsoft KB article.
I resolve this problem
Go to Add\remove program
unstall SQL server browser
Install support files from CD
Install SQL_Tools.MSI
Well, I roughly found out what the problem was, based on a somewhat cryptic resolution mentioned across a few different forums. This solution suggested that I needed to install Setup Support Files. Maybe it was reinstall, since I removed something with the same name when uninstalling SQL2K5 Express. I'm not sure if they were the same files, between the full version and the Express Edition.
I had tried reinstalling SQLXML4, the Native Client, and MSXML6 just to see if I could get beyond the error involving datastorecachexmlschema.cpp, and each time, I got the same error again. But I tried the technique mentioned in the above link, and it worked perfectly.
Basically, you insert the CD and run just the first part of the installation process, which installs the installation tools, including Setup Support Files. Then you cancel the rest of the installation process, and run SqlRun_Tools.msi instead.
I got great results when upgrading 2008 express to 2008 developer by (running setup) first going to Maintenance->Upgrade Edition, and then (since Management Tools etc was still "express" and I mainly needed the Sql Profiler) I also did a complete "new" installation (Installation->"New installation or add features.."), selecting the existing instance and then selecting all features.
No uninstall or command line necessary.
Behaved the same afterwards, just with new features.

SQL Server 2005 and 2008 on same developer machine?

Has anyone tried installing SQL Server 2008 Developer on a machine that already has 2005 Developer installed?
I am unsure if I should do this, and I need to keep 2005 on this machine for the foreseeable future in order to test our application easily. Since I sometimes need to take backup files of databases and make available for other people in the company I cannot just replace 2005 with 2008 as I suspect (but do not know) that the databases aren't 100% backwards compatible.
What kind of issues would arise? Do I need to install the new version with an instance name, will that work? Can I use a different port number to distinguish them?
I found this entry on technet: http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=3496209&SiteID=17
It doesn't say more than just yes you can do this and I kinda suspected that this was doable anyway, but I need to know if there are anything I need to know before I start installing.
Yes this is possible. You will have to create a named instance not used by another version of SQL Server as per the previous answer and version 3.5 of .Net installed. Works great!!
Here the list of prerequisites:
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1
Windows Installer 4.5
Windows PowerShell 1.0
If you have Visual Studio 2008 installed you will get a validation error and you cannot install SQL server 2008 until you install Visual Studio 2008 SP1. If you don't have Visual Studio 2008 installed it should not be a problem. So if you do have Visual Studio 2008 wait till August 11th since that is the day that Visual Studio 2008 SP1 will ship
I believe that this is perfectly possible. I am currently running both SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 on my development server while I transfer applications over.
The only thing you will have to do is create a new instance which isn't already being used by SQL Server 2005.
As with anything new, there will probably be some bugs, however, it should generally "just work".
my experience is after having sql sever 2005 and 2008 on same machine SSIS 2005 does not work properly... specially with script task, data flow and sequence container
You could run just SQL 2008 as the single instance and then attach/create databases with compatability level of 2005? The problem with that is that its a theory. Im not 100% positive that if you create a database on 2008 , with a compatability level of 2005, and then detach it, that a SQL 2005 instance is capable of attaching it.
I think its a good enough chance to try though. But I agree with the previous answers, the multiple instance options will work fine.
Unfortunately, it seems SQL Server 2008 Client Tools requires Visual Studio 2008 SP1, and I'm loath to install a beta of this on my main development machine.
I'll wait until SP1 is RTM before I move on.
Edit: Yes, I do have Visual Studio 2008 on this machine, but I'd like to avoid beta installations of debugger applications. They tend to dig themselves too deep in for my taste.
I have try it with negativ result. The 2k8 installation breaks with a mysterious error-message. The installation-protocol looks fine, but it will not work. After this the 2k5 installation was buggy too.
The 2k8 installation was half-ready, so it´s already in controlpane / software, but uninstallation is not possible.
So my result - don´t do it on a productive server / workstation. If you need both versions, use a virtual machine instead.