What are Covering Indexes and Covered Queries in SQL Server? - sql

Can you explain the concepts of, and relationship between, Covering Indexes and Covered Queries in Microsoft's SQL Server?

A covering index is one which can satisfy all requested columns in a query without performing a further lookup into the clustered index.
There is no such thing as a covering query.
Have a look at this Simple-Talk article: Using Covering Indexes to Improve Query Performance.

If all the columns requested in the select list of query, are available in the index, then the query engine doesn't have to lookup the table again which can significantly increase the performance of the query. Since all the requested columns are available with in the index, the index is covering the query. So, the query is called a covering query and the index is a covering index.
A clustered index can always cover a query, if the columns in the select list are from the same table.
The following links can be helpful, if you are new to index concepts:
Excellent video on advantages and disadvantages of index and covering
queries and indexes.
Indexes in SQL Server

A Covering Index is a Non-Clustered index. Both Clustered and Non-Clustered indexes use B-Tree data structure to improve the search for data, the difference is that in the leaves of a Clustered Index a whole record (i.e. row) is stored physically right there!, but this is not the case for Non-Clustered indexes. The following examples illustrate it:
Example: I have a table with three columns: ID, Fname and Lname.
However, for a Non-Clustered index, there are two possibilities: either the table already has a Clustered index or it doesn't:
As the two diagrams show, such Non-Clustered indexes do not provide a good performance, because they cannot find the favorite value (i.e. Lname) solely from the B-Tree. Instead they have to do an extra Look Up step (either Key or RID look up) to find the value of Lname. And, this is where covered index comes to the screen. Here, the Non-Clustered index on ID coveres the value of Lname right next to it in the leaves of the B-Tree and there is no need for any type of look up anymore.

A covered query is a query where all the columns in the query's result set are pulled from non-clustered indexes.
A query is made into a covered query by the judicious arrangement of indexes.
A covered query is often more performant than a non-covered query in part because non-clustered indexes have more rows per page than clustered indexes or heap indexes, so fewer pages need to be brought into memory in order to satisfy the query. They have more rows per page because only part of the table row is part of the index row.
A covering index is an index which is used in a covered query. There is no such thing as an index which, in and of itself, is a covering index. An index may be a covering index with respect to query A, while at the same time not being a covering index with respect to query B.

Here's an article in devx.com that says:
Creating a non-clustered index that contains all the columns used in a SQL query, a technique called index covering
I can only suppose that a covered query is a query that has an index that covers all the columns in its returned recordset. One caveat - the index and query would have to be built as to allow the SQL server to actually infer from the query that the index is useful.
For example, a join of a table on itself might not benefit from such an index (depending on the intelligence of the SQL query execution planner):
PersonID ParentID Name
1 NULL Abe
2 NULL Bob
3 1 Carl
4 2 Dave
Let's assume there's an index on PersonID,ParentID,Name - this would be a covering index for a query like:
SELECT PersonID, ParentID, Name FROM MyTable
But a query like this:
SELECT PersonID, Name FROM MyTable LEFT JOIN MyTable T ON T.PersonID=MyTable.ParentID
Probably wouldn't benifit so much, even though all of the columns are in the index. Why? Because you're not really telling it that you want to use the triple index of PersonID,ParentID,Name.
Instead, you're building a condition based on two columns - PersonID and ParentID (which leaves out Name) and then you're asking for all the records, with the columns PersonID, Name. Actually, depending on implementation, the index might help the latter part. But for the first part, you're better off having other indexes.

A covering query is on where all the predicates can be matched using the indices on the underlying tables.
This is the first step towards improving the performance of the sql under consideration.

a covering index is the one which gives every required column and in which SQL server don't have hop back to the clustered index to find any column. This is achieved using non-clustered index and using INCLUDE option to cover columns.
Non-key columns can be included only in non-clustered indexes. Columns can’t be defined in both the key column and the INCLUDE list. Column names can’t be repeated in the INCLUDE list. Non-key columns can be dropped from a table only after the non-key index is dropped first. Please see details here

When I simply recalled that a Clustered Index consists of a key-ordered non-heap list of ALL the columns in the defined table, the lights went on for me. The word "cluster", then, refers to the fact that there is a "cluster" of all the columns, like a cluster of fish in that "hot spot". If there is no index covering the column containing the sought value (the right side of the equation), then the execution plan uses a Clustered Index Seek into the Clustered Index's representation of the requested column because it does not find the requested column in any other "covering" index. The missing will cause a Clustered Index Seek operator in the proposed Execution Plan, where the sought value is within a column inside the ordered list represented by the Clustered Index.
So, one solution is to create a non-clustered index that has the column containing the requested value inside the index. In this way, there is no need to reference the Clustered Index, and the Optimizer should be able to hook that index in the Execution Plan with no hint. If, however, there is a Predicate naming the single column clustering key and an argument to a scalar value on the clustering key, the Clustered Index Seek Operator will still be used, even if there is already a covering index on a second column in the table without an index.

Page 178, High Performance MySQL, 3rd Edition
An index that contains (or "covers") all the data needed to satisfy a query is called a covering index.
When you issue a query that is covered by an index (an indexed-covered query), you'll see "Using Index" in the Extra column in EXPLAIN.


SQL Server Query execution plan

I am trying to learn about optimizing databases and queries. I have a test table Objednavka, that has a foreign key attribute ODIS. In this database, queries like
SELECT * FROM Objednavka WHERE ODIS = 123
are frequent, so I created an index like this
I then looked at the plan of the query I mentioned and this is what I see:
Can someone please explain why do I have the Index Seek and Key Lookup operations performed in parallel, then joined using Nested Loops? From what I learned, I thought that the Index Seek should be performed first, so that the engine finds the location of the row that contains (the indexed) ODIS attribute in the index, and then it should retrieve the whole data using Key Lookup, when it already knows the location, or am I wrong?
non clustered index has the PK columns added to it automatically by SQL Server. The index seek is to seek the index b-tree for the value(s) you provided for the indexed column(s) and the result is the PK values (or RIDs if your table is a heap). If all the columns you queried are part of the indexed columns, which is called a covering index, you query is done because SQL server can get all the information from the b-tree. If you need to return other columns not in the index, SQL server needs to find the data of the record using the PK, which is the key-lookup part.

SQL Server indexing includes questions

I've been trouble shooting some bad SQL calls in my works applications. I've been reading up on indexes, tweaking and benchmarking things. Here's some of the rules I've gathered (let me know if this sounds right):
For heavily used quires, boil down the query to only what is needed and rework the where statements to use the most common columns first. Then make a non clustered index on the columns used in the where statement and do INCLUDING on any remaining select columns (excluding large columns of course like nvarchar(max)).
If a query is going to return > 20% of the entries table contents, it's best to do a table scan and not use an index
Order in an index matters. You have to make sure to structure your where statement like the index is built.
Now one thing I'm having trouble finding info on is what if a query is selecting on columns that are not part of any index but is using a where statement that is? Is the index used and leaf node hits the table and looks at the associated row for it?
ex: table
Id col1 col2 col3
ON my_table (col1)
SELECT Id, col1, col2, col3
FROM my_table
WHERE col1 >= 3 AND col1 <= 6
Is my_index used here? If so, how does it resolve Id, col2, col3? Does it point back to table rows and pick up the values?
To answer your question, yes, my_index is used. And yes, your index will point back to the table rows and pick the id, col2 and col3 values there. That is what an index does.
Regarding your 'rules'
Rule 1 makes sense. Except for the fact that I usually do not 'include' other columns in my index. As explained above, the index will refer back to the table and quickly retrieve the row(s) that you need.
Rule 2, I don't really understand. You create the index and SQL Server will decide which indices to use or not use. You don't really have to worry about it.
Rule 3, the order does not really make a difference.
I hope this helps.
From dba.stackexchange.com:
There are a few concepts and terms that are important to understand
when dealing with indexes. Seeks, scans, and lookups are some of the
ways that indexes will be utilized through select statements.
Selectivity of key columns is integral to determining how effective an
index can be.
A seek happens when the SQL Server Query Optimizer determines that the
best way to find the data you have requested is by scanning a range
within an index. Seeks typically happen when a query is "covered" by
an index, which means the seek predicates are in the index key and the
displayed columns are either in the key or included. A scan happens
when the SQL Server Query Optimizer determines that the best way to
find the data is to scan the entire index and then filter the results.
A lookup typically occurs when an index does not include all requested
columns, either in the index key or in the included columns. The query
optimizer will then use either the clustered key (against a clustered
index) or the RID (against a heap) to "lookup" the other requested
Typically, seek operations are more efficient than scans, due to
physically querying a smaller data set. There are situations where
this is not the case, such as a very small initial data set, but that
goes beyond the scope of your question.
Now, you asked how to determine how effective an index is, and there
are a few things to keep in mind. A clustered index's key columns are
called a clustering key. This is how records are made unique in the
context of a clustered index. All nonclustered indexes will include
the clustered key by default, in order to perform lookups when
necessary. All indexes will be inserted to, updated to, or deleted
from for every respective DML statement. That having been said, it is
best to balance performance gains in select statements against
performance hits in insert, delete, and update statements.
In order to determine how effective an index is, you must determine
the selectivity of your index keys. Selectivity can be defined as a
percentage of distinct records to total records. If I have a [person]
table with 100 total records and the [first_name] column contains 90
distinct values, we can say that the [first_name] column is 90%
selective. The higher the selectivity, the more efficient the index
key. Keeping selectivity in mind, it is best to put your most
selective columns first in your index key. Using my previous [person]
example, what if we had a [last_name] column that was 95% selective?
We would want to create an index with [last_name], [first_name] as the
index key.
I know this was a bit long-winded answer, but there really are a lot
of things that go into determining how effective an index will be, and
a lot things you must weigh any performance gains against.

Is a clustered index faster than a non-clustered index with includes? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Better to use a Clustered index or a Non-Clustered index with included columns?
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a table with columns a,b,c,d,e,f,g that has roughly 500,000 rows.
There is a query that gets run very often that does a SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = #a AND b = #b AND c = #c.
Is it better to create a clustered index on a, b, and c, OR am I better off creating a non-clustered index on a, b, and c INCLUDE (d, e, f, g).
Not sure the include would help speed up the query since the select * was issued.
Any help would be appreciated!
A clustered index would be the fastest for that SELECT, but it may not necessarily be correct choice.
A clustered index determines the order in which records are physically stored (which is why you can only have one per table). So while it would be the fastest for THAT query, it may slow down other queries and could KILL updates and inserts if one of those columns was changing, which could mean that the record would need to be physically re-located.
An INCLUDE would also speed up that query at the expense of extra storage and extra index maintenance if any of those fields (including the included fields) were updated.
I would START with a non-clustered index on a, b, and c and see if that gets your performance to a reasonable level. Anything more could just be trading speed in one area for slowness in another.
The clustered index will be faster.
With SELECT *, both your clustered and non-clustered (with include-all) contain all the columns within each page. However, the non-clustered index ALSO contains a reference back to the clustered key - this is required in case you add more columns to the table, but really also because all indexes (except indexed views) are pointers to the data pages. The NCI will not feature the new columns (fixed include list) but the data pages will.
SQL Server may be smart enough to find out that SELECT * can be fulfilled by an INDEX SCAN on the NCI (+includes) without a bookmark lookup back to the data pages, but even then, that index scan will be one column wider than the equivalent clustered index scan.
It is normally not a good idea to have a 3-column clustering key. You may consider an alternative of using a simple single-column identity clustering key, and creating an indexed view clustered around the 3 columns.
The answer to the question as stated in your subject line in general is no. Because you generally would much prefer to have the narrowest covering (probably non-clustered) index.
But in your case you are selecting * so if the clustered index is good enough match to your seek criteria it's always going to be picked, since anything narrower will need to do a bookmark lookup.
So this raises a big question of why this query is the way it is, whether there is a better choice of clustered index in general for your app (narrow, static, increasing, unique), and whether you really need to be getting all the columns. Because neither of the two options you give is really that typical of a good design.
500000 rows is fairly small, but if performance is an issue, you want to see how many rows are fitting per page and whether you could improve that be being more selective in your query and having a covering non-clustered index.
Your Clustered index is the order the data is stored in the table, so you can only have one clustered index per table. If you create a new index (non-clustered by default) sure the columns are defined in the index in the same order they are used in the WHERE clause that will allow SQL do a direct index scan to find the record(s) you're looking for.

What is an index in SQL?

Also, when is it appropriate to use one?
An index is used to speed up searching in the database. MySQL has some good documentation on the subject (which is relevant for other SQL servers as well):
An index can be used to efficiently find all rows matching some column in your query and then walk through only that subset of the table to find exact matches. If you don't have indexes on any column in the WHERE clause, the SQL server has to walk through the whole table and check every row to see if it matches, which may be a slow operation on big tables.
The index can also be a UNIQUE index, which means that you cannot have duplicate values in that column, or a PRIMARY KEY which in some storage engines defines where in the database file the value is stored.
In MySQL you can use EXPLAIN in front of your SELECT statement to see if your query will make use of any index. This is a good start for troubleshooting performance problems. Read more here:
A clustered index is like the contents of a phone book. You can open the book at 'Hilditch, David' and find all the information for all of the 'Hilditch's right next to each other. Here the keys for the clustered index are (lastname, firstname).
This makes clustered indexes great for retrieving lots of data based on range based queries since all the data is located next to each other.
Since the clustered index is actually related to how the data is stored, there is only one of them possible per table (although you can cheat to simulate multiple clustered indexes).
A non-clustered index is different in that you can have many of them and they then point at the data in the clustered index. You could have e.g. a non-clustered index at the back of a phone book which is keyed on (town, address)
Imagine if you had to search through the phone book for all the people who live in 'London' - with only the clustered index you would have to search every single item in the phone book since the key on the clustered index is on (lastname, firstname) and as a result the people living in London are scattered randomly throughout the index.
If you have a non-clustered index on (town) then these queries can be performed much more quickly.
An index is used to speed up the performance of queries. It does this by reducing the number of database data pages that have to be visited/scanned.
In SQL Server, a clustered index determines the physical order of data in a table. There can be only one clustered index per table (the clustered index IS the table). All other indexes on a table are termed non-clustered.
SQL Server Index Basics
SQL Server Indexes: The Basics
SQL Server Indexes
Index Basics
Index (wiki)
Indexes are all about finding data quickly.
Indexes in a database are analogous to indexes that you find in a book. If a book has an index, and I ask you to find a chapter in that book, you can quickly find that with the help of the index. On the other hand, if the book does not have an index, you will have to spend more time looking for the chapter by looking at every page from the start to the end of the book.
In a similar fashion, indexes in a database can help queries find data quickly. If you are new to indexes, the following videos, can be very useful. In fact, I have learned a lot from them.
Index Basics
Clustered and Non-Clustered Indexes
Unique and Non-Unique Indexes
Advantages and disadvantages of indexes
Well in general index is a B-tree. There are two types of indexes: clustered and nonclustered.
Clustered index creates a physical order of rows (it can be only one and in most cases it is also a primary key - if you create primary key on table you create clustered index on this table also).
Nonclustered index is also a binary tree but it doesn't create a physical order of rows. So the leaf nodes of nonclustered index contain PK (if it exists) or row index.
Indexes are used to increase the speed of search. Because the complexity is of O(log N). Indexes is very large and interesting topic. I can say that creating indexes on large database is some kind of art sometimes.
INDEXES - to find data easily
UNIQUE INDEX - duplicate values are not allowed
Syntax for INDEX
First we need to understand how normal (without indexing) query runs. It basically traverse each rows one by one and when it finds the data it returns. Refer the following image. (This image has been taken from this video.)
So suppose query is to find 50 , it will have to read 49 records as a linear search.
Refer the following image. (This image has been taken from this video)
When we apply indexing, the query will quickly find out the data without reading each one of them just by eliminating half of the data in each traversal like a binary search. The mysql indexes are stored as B-tree where all the data are in leaf node.
INDEX is a performance optimization technique that speeds up the data retrieval process. It is a persistent data structure that is associated with a Table (or View) in order to increase performance during retrieving the data from that table (or View).
Index based search is applied more particularly when your queries include WHERE filter. Otherwise, i.e, a query without WHERE-filter selects whole data and process. Searching whole table without INDEX is called Table-scan.
You will find exact information for Sql-Indexes in clear and reliable way:
follow these links:
For cocnept-wise understanding:
For implementation-wise understanding:
If you're using SQL Server, one of the best resources is its own Books Online that comes with the install! It's the 1st place I would refer to for ANY SQL Server related topics.
If it's practical "how should I do this?" kind of questions, then StackOverflow would be a better place to ask.
Also, I haven't been back for a while but sqlservercentral.com used to be one of the top SQL Server related sites out there.
An index is used for several different reasons. The main reason is to speed up querying so that you can get rows or sort rows faster. Another reason is to define a primary-key or unique index which will guarantee that no other columns have the same values.
So, How indexing actually works?
Well, first off, the database table does not reorder itself when we put index on a column to optimize the query performance.
An index is a data structure, (most commonly its B-tree {Its balanced tree, not binary tree}) that stores the value for a specific column in a table.
The major advantage of B-tree is that the data in it is sortable. Along with it, B-Tree data structure is time efficient and operations such as searching, insertion, deletion can be done in logarithmic time.
So the index would look like this -
Here for each column, it would be mapped with a database internal identifier (pointer) which points to the exact location of the row. And, now if we run the same query.
Visual Representation of the Query execution
So, indexing just cuts down the time complexity from o(n) to o(log n).
A detailed info - https://pankajtanwar.in/blog/what-is-the-sorting-algorithm-behind-order-by-query-in-mysql
INDEX is not part of SQL. INDEX creates a Balanced Tree on physical level to accelerate CRUD.
SQL is a language which describe the Conceptual Level Schema and External Level Schema. SQL doesn't describe Physical Level Schema.
The statement which creates an INDEX is defined by DBMS, not by SQL standard.
An index is an on-disk structure associated with a table or view that speeds retrieval of rows from the table or view. An index contains keys built from one or more columns in the table or view. These keys are stored in a structure (B-tree) that enables SQL Server to find the row or rows associated with the key values quickly and efficiently.
Indexes are automatically created when PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints are defined on table columns. For example, when you create a table with a UNIQUE constraint, Database Engine automatically creates a nonclustered index.
If you configure a PRIMARY KEY, Database Engine automatically creates a clustered index, unless a clustered index already exists. When you try to enforce a PRIMARY KEY constraint on an existing table and a clustered index already exists on that table, SQL Server enforces the primary key using a nonclustered index.
Please refer to this for more information about indexes (clustered and non clustered):
Hope this helps!

What column should the clustered index be put on?

Lately, I have been doing some reading on indexes of all types and the main advice is to put the clustered index on the primary key of the table, but what if the primary key actually is not used in a query (via a select or join) and is just put for purely relational purposes, so in this case it is not queried against. Example, say I have a car_parts table and it contains 3 columns, car_part_id, car_part_no, and car_part_title. car_part_id is the unique primary key identity column. In this case car_part_no is unique as well and is most likely car_part_title. car_part_no is what is most queried against, so doesn't it make sense to put the clustered index on that column instead of car_part_id? The basics of the question is what column should actually have the clustered index since you are only allowed one of them?
An index, clustered or non clustred, can be used by the query optimizer if and only if the leftmost key in the index is filtered on. So if you define an index on columns (A, B, C), a WHERE condition on B=#b, on C=#c or on B=#b AND C=#c will not fully leverage the index (see note). This applies also to join conditions. Any WHERE filter that includes A will consider the index: A=#a or A=#a AND B=#b or A=#a AND C=#c or A=#a AND B=#b AND C=#c.
So in your example if you make the clustred index on part_no as the leftmost key, then a query looking for a specific part_id will not use the index and a separate non-clustered index must exist on part-id.
Now about the question which of the many indexes should be the clustered one. If you have several query patterns that are about the same importance and frequency and contradict each other on terms of the keys needed (eg. frequent queries by either part_no or part_id) then you take other factors into consideration:
width: the clustered index key is used as the lookup key by all other non-clustered indexes. So if you choose a wide key (say two uniquidentifier columns) then you are making all the other indexes wider, thus consuming more space, generating more IO and slowing down everything. So between equaly good keys from a read point of view, choose the narrowest one as clustered and make the wider ones non-clustered.
contention: if you have specific patterns of insert and delete try to separate them physically so they occur on different portions of the clustered index. Eg. if the table acts as a queue with all inserts at one logical end and all deletes at the other logical end, try to layout the clustered index so that the physical order matches this logical order (eg. enqueue order).
partitioning: if the table is very large and you plan to deploy partioning then the partitioning key must be the clustered index. Typical example is historical data that is archived using a sliding window partitioning scheme. Even thow the entities have a logical primary key like 'entity_id', the clustred index is done by a datetime column that is also used for the partitioning function.
stability: a key that changes often is a poor candidate for a clustered key as each update the clustered key value and force all non-clustered indexes to update the lookup key they store. As an update of a clustered key will also likely relocate the record into a different page it can cause fragmentation on the clustered index.
Note: not fully leverage as sometimes the engine will choose an non-clustered index to scan instead of the clustered index simply because is narrower and thus has fewer pages to scan. In my example if you have an index on (A, B, C) and a WHERE filter on B=#b and the query projects C, the index will be likely used but not as a seek, as a scan, because is still faster than a full clustered scan (fewer pages).
Kimberly Tripp is always one of the best sources on insights on indexing.
See her blog post "Ever-increasing clustering key - the Clustered Index Debate - again!" in which she quite clearly lists and explains the main requirements for a good clustering key - it needs to be:
and best of all, if you can manage:
Taking all this into account, an INT IDENTITY (or BIGINT IDENTITY if you really need more than 2 billion rows) works out to be the best choice in the vast majority of cases.
One thing a lot of people don't realize (and thus don't take into account when making their choice) is the fact that the clustering key (all the columns that make up the clustered index) will be added to each and every index entry for each and every non-clustered index on your table - thus the "narrow" requirement becomes extra important!
Also, since the clustering key is used for bookmark lookups (looking up the actual data row when a row is found in a non-clustered index), the "unique" requirement also becomes very important. So important in fact, that if you choose a (set of) column(s) that is/are not guaranteed to be unique, SQL Server will add a 4-byte uniquefier to each row --> thus making each and every of your clustered index keys extra wide ; definitely NOT a good thing.
Clustered indexes are good when you query ranges of data. For example
The clustered index arranges rows in the particular order on your computer disk. That's why rows with age = 10 will be next to each other, and after them there will be rows with age = 11, etc.
If you have exact select, like this:
SELECT * FROM theTable WHERE age = 20
the non-clustered index is also good. It doesn't rearrange data on your computer disk, but it builds special tree with a pointers to the rows you need.
So it strongly depends on the type of queries you perform.
Keep in mind the usage patterns; If you are almost always querying the DB on the car_part_no, then it would probably be beneficial for it to be clustered on that column.
However, don't forget about joins; If you are most often joining to the table and the join uses the car_part_id field, then you have a good reason to keep the cluster on car_part_id.
Something else to keep in mind (less so in this case, but generally when considering clustered indexes) is that the clustered index will appear implicitly in every other index on the table; So for example, if you were to index car_part_title, that index will also include the car_part_id implicitly. This can affect whether or not an index covers a query and also affects how much disk space the index will take (which affects memory usage, etc).
The clustered index should go on the column that will be the most queried. This includes joins, as a join must access the table just like a direct query, and find the rows indicated.
You can always rebuild your indexes later on if your application changes and you find you need to optimize a table with a different index structure.
Some additional guidelines for deciding on what to cluster your table on can be found on MSDN here: Clustered Index Design Guidelines.