smalltalk singleton pattern: how do I initialize the instance variables? - singleton

I'm having trouble in getting the singleton pattern to initialize a instance variable in smalltalk. (here is a link to another implementation for clarification)
this is what I have:
^UniqueInstance ifNil: [UniqueInstance := self basicNew.
UniqueInstance: instanceVar := Object new. ].
that last line (UniqueInstance: instanceVar := Object new.) doesn't work, but that's basically what I need to do: instantiate instanceVar as an Object before returning UniqueInstance back to the caller.
Notice that this 'new' method is used as a classinstantiation, and that libraries is a instance variable of UniqueIsntance (the isntance of the wanted class).
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Try simpler:
YourClass class>>singleton
UniqueInstance ifNil: [UniqueInstance := self basicNew initialize].
then on instance side of your class implement an appropriate #initialize method, for example:
someInstvar := someInitalValue.
Update:: Name of the class method accessing the singleton varies, it can be #default, #current, or #singleton. I mostly use later.


Using public and private methods inside their class in Perl 6

If I have a public method, I can call it inside its class using both $.name and
class TEST {
has Int $.a;
method b($x) {
return $!a * $x;
method c($y) {
return self.b($y) * 3; # or $.b($y)
my $m = => 10);
say $m.c(2); # 60
But if I make b a private method, I only can call it with self!b, not $!b, otherwise I get the following error message:
Attribute $!b not declared in class TEST
What's behind this rule? What are the rules of calling a method inside its own class?
An attribute can always be referred to as $!foo in a class. If you do that, than the code will be generated to directly access the attribute itself, and any classes subclassing your class will not be able to change this behaviour.
If you use has $.foo in the declaration of a class, it means that a public accessor (and if you add is rw it can also function as a mutator).
When you use $.foo in your code otherwise, it is exactly the same as $( ). This means that it will call the method foo on self, and itemize the return value (make it a single "thing" if it wasn't yet). This will go wrong if you defined your attribute with $!foo and you did not supply a method foo yourself.
This goes even further: $.bar really means you only need to have a method existing by the name bar, which may not be related to any attribute at all.
If you define a private method !baz, the ! just indicates the privacy of the method, which means you need to call it indeed as self!baz. There is no short syntax for it.
Personally I dislike the fact that you can say $.zippo even if zippo is not an attribute. But I'm afraid that ship has sailed. But this behaviour is now causing you confusion :-(
So what's behind the rule for not having a short syntax for calling a private method? Not sure, I guess really that $!foo was already taken to mean direct access to the attribute, and provide you with a compile time error if the attribute doesn't exist.
Hope this answers your question!

How to use TComInterface properly?

I would like to use TComInterface to replace raw pointer.
My current code is:
TComInterface<IStoreNamespace> pStore;
if (SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StoreNamespace, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IStoreNamespace, (LPVOID*)&pStore)))
if (SUCCEEDED(pStore->Initialize(Form1->Handle, 1)))
// Release()'d automatically?
If I understood correctly this overwrites the pStore pointer with new pointer so it doesn't call pStore->Release(); automatically from eventually previous instance using pStore.
Under what conditions is Release() called? I believe it may be when the variable goes out of scope even if I initialized it like this. And what is the proper way to initialize pStore in above example so it doesn't just overwrite pointer but also calls Release() first?
TComInterface calls Release() on its internal interface when TComInterface goes out of scope and gets destructed. You can also call the TComInterface::Unbind() method if you want to manually Release() the interface sooner. TComInterface also calls Release() on its current interface if you assign a new interface pointer (or other TComInterface instance) via the = assignment operator.
TComInterface overrides the & operator to return a pointer to its internal interface, so you have to make sure that TComInterface is not holding an active interface before you call CoCreateInstance() (or anything else that will copy a new interface into TComInterface) or else the preview interface will be leaked and not released. TComInterface's default constructor sets the internal interface to NULL, so you don't usually have to worry about that, unless you re-use the same TComInterface variable multiple times, such as when using interface enumerators in a loop.

Local variables in compile text stream (smalltalk)

I'm trying to overwrite the #new message in MyObject. The problem is that when the text gets compiled, the local variables, disp and oldNew are changed to t1 and t2 respectively (I'm using Squeak 4.3) and then it can't send oldNew to self.
I could change their names but I'm not sure that's a good idea.
Here's a basic outline of what I have:
MyObject class methodDict at: #new put:
(Object compilerClass new
compile: 'new
| disp oldNew |
oldNew := MyObject class methodDict at: #new.
disp := Dispatcher new.
^disp xxxViewedObject: self oldNew'
in: MyObject
notifying: nil
ifFail: []) generate
I'm not 100% sure if what I'm doing is the right way to do it so other ideas are welcome.
Edit: OK so I realise now it was looking for oldNew as a message in MyObject, but then how do I run the compiled method?
Apparently my problem was that MyObject was a subclass of ProtoObject and is now a subclass of Object.
Here's the code that seems to work after this change:
MyObject class methodDict at: #new put:
(Object compilerClass new
compile: 'new
| disp |
disp := Dispatcher new.
^disp xxxViewedObject: self basicNew initialize'
in: MyObject
notifying: nil
ifFail: []) generate
To evaluate your new generated compiled method you may use:
aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #()
That's a nice way, however if you're experimenting problems I wrote a "code generator" based in a cross-Smalltalk library called Grease and which can be useful for you. It manages auto-comments, RBParser and Parser, authoring, and basic templating. All can be extended by anyone of course.
Generated methods are no different than others. So you simply send the method's selector to invoke it:
var := MyObject new.

class variable scope issue with objc / cocoa?

Compiling in XCode 3.1.3 using GCC 4, under Leopard 10.5.8, with 10.5 as my target...
I have an interface, thus:
#interface testThing : NSObject { classContaininghooHa *ttv; }
And an implementation, thus:
#implementation: testThing
- (void) instanceMethodMine
[ttv hooHa]; // works perfectly, compiles, links, hooHa is invoked.
// void cFunctionMine()
// {
// [ttv hooHa]; // compiler: 'ttv' undeclared (first use in this function) "
// }
void stupidCFunctionMine((testThing *)whom) // whom is passed class 'self' when invoked
[whom instanceMethodMine]; // compiles, links, works. :/
Now, my understanding -- clearly flawed -- was that if you declared a variable, class ID or otherwise, it was private to the class, but within the class, is performed essentially as a global, stored in the allocated class instance for the duration of its existence.
That's how it acts for objc methods.
But in the c function above, also written within the class, the variable appears to be invisible. The doesn't make sense to me, but there it is.
Can someone explain to me what is going on?
While you're at it, how can I declare this as an instance variable so I can use the method within a c function declared within the class scope as shown above, as well as within methods?
Insight much appreciated.
It doesn't make any difference where you are declaring/defining your "normal" c functions. They are not part of the class, they are just plain old c functions. No connection to the class whatsoever. Passing the instance they work on is a workaround if you really don't want to make this function a true objective-c method.
interface methods have full access to it's member variables. And the C function is not part of the class and so it cannot access any class variables unless it takes an class instance as the argument.
void cFunctionMine()
[ttv hooHa]; // compiler: 'ttv' undeclared (first use in this function)
Clearly cFunctionMine is not part of the interface. So it does not what ttv is to send the message hooHa.
While you're at it, how can I declare this as an instance variable so I can use the method within a c function declared within the class scope as shown above, as well as within methods?
void cFunctionMine()
// 1. Create an instance using alloc and init
testThing *ttv = [ [testThing alloc] init ] ;
[ttv hooHa] ;
// Now the above statement is valid. We have a valid instance to which
// message can be passed to.
// .....
[ ttv release ] ;
// release the resources once you are done to prevent memory leaks.

C++ Ref class not a member of System::IDisposable; trouble implementing IDisposable

I want to make a global vector of my own object class called "Person". However, the compiler says that
error C2039: '{dtor}' : is not a member of 'System::IDisposable'
1> c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.50727\mscorlib.dll : see declaration of 'System::IDisposable'
So I looked up how to implement IDisposable (which I now know is used primarily for unmanaged resources) but still can't seem to implement it with the following:
ref class Globals : System::IDisposable
static cliext::vector<Person^> person_data = gcnew cliext::vector<Person^>;
void Dispose()
delete person_data;
The 2 errors I get are:
error C2605: 'Dispose' : this method is reserved within a managed class
1> did you intend to define a destructor?
error C3766: 'Globals' must provide an implementation for the interface method 'void System::IDisposable::Dispose(void)'
1> c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.50727\mscorlib.dll : see declaration of 'System::IDisposable::Dispose'
You don't have to explicitly derive from IDisposable. Following the MSDN doco, use the following pattern:
ref class Globals
static cliext::vector<Person^> person_data = gcnew cliext::vector<Person^>;
!Globals() // finalizer
delete person_data;
~Globals() // destructor calls finalizer
Use a destructor. In C++/CLI ~ClassName() is Dispose() and !ClassName() is equivalent to C#'s ~ClassName(). In your case:
ref class Globals : System::IDisposable
static cliext::vector<Person^> person_data = gcnew cliext::vector<Person^>;
void ~Globals()
delete person_data;
use a finalizer as shown at
You don't need to implement Dispose() yourself, either directly or via a destructor. The implicitly-generated destructor already destroys all member objects. The IDisposable interface will be added automatically, don't mention it explicitly.
Next, you need to make up your mind whether person_data is a handle (which has to be set to an instance created with gcnew) or member object semantics (like stack semantics, the constructor is automatically called by the constructor of the parent object, the destructor called automatically when the lifetime of the parent object ends, and you use "." instead of "->" to access members).
Also, are you sure you want one copy of person_data shared between all instances of "Globals", but destroyed by the first instance to be disposed, leaving any other instances holding an invalid reference (reference to disposed object)? It looks like you're trying to use a Singleton anti-pattern here, is that correct?
From C++/CLI in Action The C++/CLI Dispose pattern has these rules (paraphrased):
If a class has a finalizer or a
destructor the compiler generates
Dispose(bool) that will call either
the finalizer or destructor based on
the bool value.
If it has just a d'tor (~type) then the compiler calls
Dispose(true) so the d'tor is called.
If it has just a finalizer (!type)
then the compiler calls
Dispose(false) so the finalizer is
Also for the second rule: The compiler will implement the IDisposable interface for you (by generating Dispose()). It then uses SuppressFinalize to make sure the finalizer isn't called.
I did this to your code and the only way I could get it to compile was to make person_data a instance member. The error i got when it was static was error C2039: '{dtor}' : is not a member of 'System::IDisposable' which doesn't make much sense.
Also, do you even need to delete the person_data vector since is a managed object? Maybe you do but I haven't used the cliext enough to say.
Edit Perhaps the first paragraph of this article has the answer (emphasis mine):
When you declare a member variable as
static and when the application
starts, the compiler creates a copy of
that member. This member would be
maintained by the compiler while the
program is running. If you declare an
instance of a class, like the above
vehicle variable, the static member is
not part of the object: the compiler
creates and maintains the static
member, whether you use it or not,
whether you declare a class variable
or not.