Writing the content of a local variable back to the resultset column? - sql

Is it possible, by using a stored procedure, to fetch an integer column value from resultset into a local variable, manipulate it there and then write it back to the resultset's column?
If so what would the syntax look like?

Something along the following lines should do the trick.
DECLARE #iSomeDataItem INT
SELECT #iSomeDataItem = TableColumName
FROM TableName
--Do some work on the variable
SET #iSomeDataItem = #iSomeDataItem + 21 * 2
UPDATE TableName
SET TableColumName = #iSomeDataItem
The downside to an implementation of this sort is that it only operates on a specific record however this may be what you are looking to achieve.

What you are looking for is probably more along the lines of a user-defined function that can be used in SQL just like any other built in function.
Not sure how this works in DB2, but for Oracle it would be something like this:
Create or replace Function Decrement (pIn Integer)
return Integer
return pIn - 1;
You could use this in a SQL, e.g.
Select Decrement (43)
From Dual;
should return the "ultimate answer" (42).
Hope this helps.

Thanks for the replies, i went another way and solved the problem without using a procedure. The core problem was to calculate a Date using various column values, the column values ahd to to converted to right format. Solved it by using large "case - when" statements in the select.
Thanks again... :-)

Why not just do the manipulation within the update statement? You don't need to load it into a variable, manipulate it, and then save it.
update TableName
SET TableColumnName=TableColumnName + 42 /* or what ever manipulation you want */
#iSomeDataItem + 21 * 2
is the same as:
#iSomeDataItem + 42
The function idea is an unnecessary extra step, unless most of the following are true:
1) you will need to use this calculation in many places
2) the calculation is complex
3) the calculation can change


Randomly insert 1 of 3 declared variables

I have three variables that are declared and have an integer value assigned to them.
I am trying to randomly assign the integer value to a field in an UPDATE statement, but get an error.
This is statement I am trying to execute:
FOR user_record IN (SELECT * FROM users_to_add) LOOP
primary_site_id = ({site_GRO, site_WHS, site_SHR}[])[ceil(random()*3)],
userid = (SELECT userID FROM customer.user
WHERE emailaddress=user_record.email_address);
I am getting:
SyntaxError: syntax error at or near "{"
This same format works if the value being randomly selected is a string but since these are variables, the inside curly brackets can't be enclosed in quotes.
Use an ARRAY constructor instead of the (invalid) array literal.
(ARRAY[site_GRO, site_WHS, site_SHR])[ceil(random()*3)]
However, a set-based solution is typically more efficient than looping:
UPDATE customer."user" u
SET primary_site_id = CASE trunc(random()*3)::int
WHEN 0 THEN site_gro -- your variables here
WHEN 1 THEN site_whs
WHEN 2 THEN site_shr
FROM users_to_add ua
WHERE u.userid = ua.email_address;
Should achieve the same. Works inside a PL/pgSQL block or as standalone SQL DML command (then you need to interpolate variable values yourself).
A single multi-row UPDATE is much cheaper than many updates in a loop.
trunc() is slightly more correct than ceil(), as random() returns a value in the domain [0,1) (1 excluded). It's also faster.
And a CASE construct is substantially faster than building an array just to extract a single element from it.
Avoid reserved words like user as identifiers. Always requires double-quoting, and can lead to confusing errors when forgotten.
Also avoid random capitalization in identifiers. This goes for SQL as well as for PL/pgSQL. See:
Are PostgreSQL column names case-sensitive?
Perhaps you can try splitting the index and array out into their own vars?
FOR user_record IN (SELECT * FROM users_to_add) LOOP
a := ARRAY[site_GRO, site_WHS, site_SHR];
i := ceil(random()*3);
primary_site_id = a[i]
userid = (SELECT userID FROM customer.user WHERE emailaddress=user_record.email_address);

Can I check if SQL REPLACE finds match in single query then update second field?

As title suggests if I were to run a replace query and it's successful, I then want to update a field in that same query if possible.
UPDATE users
SET solved = REPLACE(solved, ',testsolved123', '') AS match if match = true, SET found = found +1;
I realise this statement wouldn't work, I'm just trying to convey the logic I'm after, is there a case method?
From your description, you want to use a where clause:
UPDATE users
SET solved = REPLACE(solved, ',testsolved123', ''),
found = found + 1
WHERE solved like '%,testsolved123%';
I have no idea what the concat() is supposed to be doing.
It also seems like you are storing comma-delimited lists in a single string columns. That is a very, very bad idea.

SQL not finding results

This query currently is returning no results, and it should. Can you see anything wrong with this query
field title are NEED_2_TARGET, ID, and CARD
NEED_2_TARGET = integer
CARD = string
ID = integer
value of name is 'Ash Imp'
{this will check if a second target is needed}
function TFGame.checkIf2ndTargetIsNeeded(name: string):integer;
targetType : integer; //1 is TCard , 2 is TMana , 0 is no second target needed.
TargetType := 0;
Result := targetType;
with adoquery2 do
sql.Add('SELECT * FROM Spells WHERE CARD = '''+name+''' and NEED_2_TARGET = 1');
if adoquery2.RecordCount < 1 then
Result := 0
TargetType := adoquery2.FieldByName(FIELD_TARGET_TYPE).AsInteger;
result := TargetType;
sql db looks like below
27 Ash Imp 2 2 15 14 1 1
There are a number of things that could be going wrong.
First and most important in your trouble-shooting is to take your query and run it directly against your database. I.e. first confirm your query is correct by eliminating possibilities of other things going wrong. More things confirmed working, the less "noise" to distract you from solving the problem.
As others having pointed out if you're not clearing your SQL statement, you could be returning zero rows in your first result set.
Yes I know, you've since commented that you are clearing your previous query. The point is: if you're having trouble solving your problem, how can you be sure where the problem lies? So, don't leave out potentially relevant information!
Which bring us neatly to the second possibility. I can't see the rest of your code, so I have to ask: are you refreshing your data after changing your query? If you don't Close and Open your query, you may be looking at a previous execution's result set.
I'm unsure whether you're even allowed to change your query text while the component is Active, or even whether that depends on exactly which data access component you're using. The point is, it's worth checking.
Is your application connecting to the correct database? Since you're using Access, it's very easy to be connected to a different database file without realising it.
You can check this by changing your query to return all rows (i.e. delete the WHERE clause).
You my want to change the quotes used in your SQL query. Instead of: ...CARD = "'+name+'" ORDER... rather use ...CARD = '''+name+''' ORDER...
As far as I'm aware single quotes is the ANSI standard. Even if some databases permit double quotes, using them limits portability, and may produce unexpected results when passed through certain data access drivers.
Check the datatype of your CARD column. If it's a fixed length string, then the data values will be padded. E.g. if CARD is char(10), then you might actually need to look for 'Ash Imp '.
Similarly, the actual value may contain spaces before / after the words. Use select without WHERE and check the actual value of the column. You could also check whether SELECT * FROM Spells WHERE CARD LIKE '%Ash Imp%' works.
Finally, as others have suggested, you're better off using a parameterised query rather dynamically building the query up yourself.
Your code will be more readable and flexible.
You can make your code strongly typed; and so avoid converting things like numbers and dates into strings.
You won't need to worry about the peculiarities of date formatting.
You eliminate some security concerns.
#GordonLinoff all fields in db are all caps
If that is true then that is your problem. SQL usually performs case sensitive comparisons of character/string values unless you tell it not to do so, such as with STRCMP() (MySQL 4+), LOWER() or UPPER() (SQLServer, Firebird), etc. I would also go as far as wrapping the conditions in parenthesis as well:
sql.Text := 'SELECT * FROM Spells WHERE (NEED_2_TARGET = 1) AND (STRCMP(CARD, "'+name+'") = 0) ORDER by ID';
sql.Text := 'SELECT * FROM Spells WHERE (NEED_2_TARGET = 1) AND (LOWER(CARD) = "'+LowerCase(name)+'") ORDER by ID';
sql.Text := 'SELECT * FROM Spells WHERE (NEED_2_TARGET = 1) AND (UPPER(CARD) = "'+UpperCase(name)+'") ORDER by ID';
This is or was an issue with the
With Adoquery2 do
when using name in the sql, it was really getting adoquery2.name not the var name. I fixed this by changing name to Cname had no more issues after that.

SQL SERVER loop through and remove space from value

Conceptually, this is easy. But I'm rather new to T-SQL and am having trouble finding the correct syntax.
I uploaded a .csv file into a SQL Server table which contains two columns: CODE | COUNTRY
Unfortunately, the CODE column values have 2 char and a trailing space. I need to remove the space from each code value.
e.g., 'AD ' should be 'AD' and so on ...
Here's the pseudocode:
variable X = select all from Country table
foreach (row in X)
var c = rtrim(row.code);
update code = c;
Right now, I don't have an id column. Do I need to make an id column in my table to make this work?
I know that I can do this by using c# and linq. But that seems like overkill. Is there a straightforward way to do this using a t-sql query?
Tips/help appreciated ... thanks!
You can just run this update and you will update code for all lines.
UPDATE Country set code = RTRIM(code)
Pretty simple for an update statement.
UPDATE Country SET Code = RTRIM(Code)

Statement for Searching for a variable and changing it

I hope I could possibly get some help with the problem I am having. Now before I continue I must say I don't have a lot knowledge about SQL or programming in general. I am just getting into it and I might not provide all the necessary information.
Anyways, I am trying to create a statement in SQL that will allow me to add a decimal point to the following number "775" to "77.5".
So I tried a number of variations and at first I thought it would be a simple.
IF ? = "775" SELECT "77.5"
SELECT REPLACE ( ?, "775", "77.5")
and a number of frustration other instances.
I believe that I need to declare that the data I am pulling is an integer, however I am not sure how. I have looked at tutorials and tried some of them and still not luck. If anyone could give me any advice to get on the track to achieving this. That would be great.
Thank you.
hm.. you indicate SQL so:
this would be an UPDATE statement - you want to change some data in the database.
it goes something like this:
UPDATE mytable SET myvalue = 77.5 WHERE myvalue = 775;
or a bit more general for more updates all at once:
UPDATE mytable SET myvalue = myvalue/10 WHERE myvalue > 100;
UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = 77.5
WHERE column1 = 775;
Have a look at the UPDATE statement:
SET #int = 775