What is the API call to get information about the packages in a workflow based on the package_id of the workflow?
what info are you specifically trying to retrieve. The workflow info is stored across many different objects and can be hard to track down. please post what your specifically trying to find and i might be able to help more. as a start, these objects include:
but there are others too.
I'm trying to automate a workflow using Google Data Studio. Requirements are simple - I need to be able to programatically copy a templated report (from a Python/Java application) and import/set a data source (Google Sheets doc) for that report. Nothing more fancy (no visualisation creation, formatting, or anything graphical, etc.).
Sources here, here and here (last two require Google Cloud Console account) suggest an API does exist (and detail a setup process to access it). However, after going through this setup process, I can find no details or documentation of any functionality, and consequently have been unable to progress.
Can anyone authoritatively state whether:
1. There does exist any API functionality for GDS? and
2. If not, are there plans to develop such? (since the Google links above suggest there is, I'm wondering if this means it's in the pipeline for near future).
The only directly related SO posts I can find are here and here. The first suggests there isn't, but doesn't account for the Google links I've provided above which suggest there is; the second doesn't really cover the same use case, so doesn't provide answers applicable here.
FYI - I've posted a Google Community forum post here asking essentially the same question.
If anyone is able to help out, that would be greatly appreciated :) Many thanks in advance for your time and help! :)
Fresh as of 2022-05-23
There does exist any API functionality for GDS?
Not in the way you are expecting. The three links you posted all refer to the current Data Studio API. The only things you can do with that API is view your Data Studio assets and update permissions. That's it. This API won't let you create/copy/modify reports or data sources.
If not, are there plans to develop such?
Not in the near future. You can make/vote for this feature request in the official tracker. More popular feature requests are usually prioritized in roadmaps.
That being said, a lot of the API use cases can be resolved using combinations of Community Connectors, config parameters, direct linking, viewer's credentials, Linking/Integration API etc.
I need to purge my users on an OpenStack project easily, through an API call.
Just like this CLI command :
neutron purge PROJECT_ID
Which is available in the Neutron project docs, but with an API call.
I couldn't find the API, so actually my question is :
1. Isn't there such an API?
if there is not,
Is there a specific reason for?
I checked out the source-code of the clients and neutron-server, but unfortunately there is no dedicated endpoint in the REST-API for this functionality.
This feature is only supported by the neutron-client, but not by the openstack-client. When you run neutron purge PROJECT_ID all what the neutron-client does inside the python-code of the client, is to list all resources which are related to the given project and then iterate over this list and send a delete to the neutron REST-API for each single resource. So its only a simple automatism in the python-code of the client and not a specific endpoint on server-side.
See the specific function inside the code here: https://github.com/openstack/python-neutronclient/blob/master/neutronclient/neutron/v2_0/purge.py#L63
Based on my experience with openstack and its community, I think it was done like this, because it was easier to add new code only into the neutron-client. When this should have become a new endpoint, this feature had to be implemented in neutron, openstack-client and openstacksdk as well. Each repository has its own team. This purge-feature is so small, that it was not worth to persuade all 4 teams. The more components you try to update for one simple feature, the harder it is, because the one who wants to bring the feature upstream, is responsible to bring the teams of all required components together and when only one within the core-teams have a problem with your implementation, you have to start nearly at the beginning. So it can easily take over a year or two to bring a cross-component feature like a new endpoint upstream, when you are not part of the core-team by yourself. So to bring the feature only into the neutron-client is quite easy compared to a cross-project contribution.
This is at least the reason, why I would implement this feature only in neutron-client too, or only in the openstack-client if possible, instead of adding a new endpoint, when I would bring this feature upstream.
I have written a piece of Google Apps Script code that searches for all Action Items -- AIs in a doc, and creates Asana tasks from them. This is awesome, except for one annoying problem -- it takes a pretty long time 5-10 seconds to assign all tasks, since I am making separate requests for each.
I am trying to see if there is a way to add multiple tasks in a batch request. I've tried looking in the API docs, and it has nothing on this topic, but maybe there is some undocumented way of using the API to do this?
Or if not, please consider this as a feature request, Asana team!
We have some ideas for batch-adding tasks, but you're right, it's not currently available. And no, no secret undocumented endpoint either ... yet.
Does the Asana API provide some method of getting user activity logs? I am interested in activity logs and login history logs.Logs could look e.g like "user created a task xyz", "user created a project".
I went through the documentation and could not find any such API/REST Endpoint. Does Asana keep such logs
in their system? If yes then is there a way to get them? If not then is it planned in a future release of the API?
(Asana dev here.)
This isn't something we currently provide. We're working on a system for getting semi-realtime updates to "subscriptions", but we were primarily thinking about subscribing to tasks, projects, workspaces, and so on. Subscribing to a user's activity would be an interesting use case, but one we haven't considered up until now, and one that might be a bit trickier.
Thanks for the feedback!
Currently we have many applications, where each application has its own error notification and reporting mechanism, so we clearly have many problems:
Lack of consistent error monitoring across different systems/applications: different GUIs, interfaces, different messages, etc.
Different approaches for error notification per application (many applications use email notifications, other applications publish messages to queue, etc.).
Separated configuration settings for reporting and monitoring per application: notification frequency, message recipients, etc.
You could add many other issues to the list, but the point is clear. Currently there is a plan to develop a custom application or service to provide a consistent and common solution for this situation.
Anyway, I am not sure if it is a good idea to create a custom application for this, I am sure that there should be a framework, platform or an existing solution or product (preferentially open source) that already solves this problem, so my question is: do you know what project or product to check before deciding to create our custom application?
Have a look at AlertGrid, it works as a centralized event handler, and notification dispatcher. It can collect events from different sources and you can easily manage event handling by creating rules in a visual editor. So, you can filter events, and raise notifications (email, sms, phone - works worldwide) whenever your custom condition is met. You can react not only to events that ocurred but also the ones that did not occur (detect missing 'heartbeats'). All you need is to feed AlertGrid with events (Signals), by a very simple API.
I'm not quite sure if this is what you're looking for. I'm in the AlertGrid dev team, if you had any questions - feel free to ask. We constantly develop this tool and appreciate any feedback.
Depending on how much information is written to application logs, you could consider using Hyperic. It's open source and has a lot of the features you are looking for.
Bugsnag is an awesome option if you are looking to do cross platform error monitoring. It supports some 50 platforms in one interface. https://blog.bugsnag.com/react-native-plus-code-push/