Configuring synergy for multiple computers, each with a single screen, is fairly easy. But it is not so obvious how to configure multiple X11 screens. For example, sys1, a minimac is on the right. sys1 is the server and has a single monitor (screen). To the left of sys1 is a Fedora 9 system, sys2, with two X11 displays: sys2:0.0 and sys2:0.1 I'm guessing that one invents names and uses aliases with ports specified (5900 and 5901 in my case), which is the avenue I will investigate. But surely someone has crossed this bridge before.
I found the basic answer here. Here is the config file for this example:
section: screens
section: links
left = sys21
left = sys2
right = sys1
right = sys21
is basically all you need. Then, start the synergy programs as follows:
On the server (sys1):
$ synergys -f --config synergy.conf --name sys1
On the client, display :0.0
$ synergyc -f -n sys2 sys1
On the client, display :0.1
$ synergyc -f -n sys21 sys1
And away you go ...
I am using versions:
ESXI 6.5.0 Update 3 (Build 14990892)
Power CLI VMware PowerCLI 11.0.0 build 10380590.
I have a VM that I am importing (ISO) into an ESXI and trying to set Autostart on the VM to "enabled" programmatically via some scripts, but it is not working. I am using the powercli command:
Set-VMHostStartPolicy (Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostStartPolicy) -Enabled:$true
I've also tried some variants of this command but none seem to work. I see the "event" get logged as "Reconfigure Autostart" under the "Recent Tasks" menu on the ESXI Web GUI as soon as I input the command, so its definitely configurating something, but when I double-check the state of the VM to see if Autostart is enabled, it still lists "Enable" as an option, implying Autostart is NOT enabled. Here's a screenshot:
Can anyone help me please? I just want to have this VM start automatically incase there is a power outage or server crash; But only in these cases, I want it to import powered OFF for the first time (as you can see in screen shot the EPS VM is imported but in a powered down state, which is what I want)
I think what you're doing is setting the host's default policy... You would think that would work. I'm using this code on ESXi 7.0 Update 1 to set the guest's policy:
$vmstartpolicy = Get-VM "$vm_name" | Get-VMStartPolicy
Set-VMStartPolicy -StartPolicy $vmstartpolicy -StartAction PowerOn
It has the same issue that it doesn't show in the web UI, (which somebody will complain about, and I'll have to fix) but it does auto-start the VM after a reboot, so at least it's a start (pun not intended).
Edit: After playing around a bit, I managed to find a solution that updates the UI.
plink -batch -ssh $user#$IP -l "$user" -pw "$password" vim-cmd hostsvc/autostartmanager/update_autostartentry "`$(vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep `"$vm_name`" | awk '{print `$1}')" "PowerOn" 0 1 "systemDefault" "systemDefault" "systemDefault"
Using plink to ssh into the host and run this vim-cmd, it updates the UI properly. Take note of the back-ticks (`) to escape the dollar signs (except the one with the $vm_name variable) and quotes in the sub command, so that powershell doesn't try to interpret them before sending them through the ssh tunnel. All the sub command does is get the all the VMs, use grep to filter down to the output line with the vm_name you specify, and use awk to print only the 1st column (the vm id required for the outer vim-cmd).
I've been tinkering around with Windows Terminal lately, and I love how it consolidates all of the various terminal applications into one place. However, compared to the regular WSL Bash program, there's one thing I haven't been able to make it do yet - launch and automatically run a command.
This would be really useful to me because I need to run several services in the background while I develop - Redis, Chromedriver, and Postgresql. I can currently do this by having three separate tasks in Windows Task Scheduler, it would just be nice if I could run them all in a single Terminal window, not three.
I was reading through the documentation for Windows Terminal to see if this was possible, but came up empty. Has anyone been able to come up with a solution to the above?
You can run them all in a single tab but you will need to use split panes or tmux. You can use the split panes solution I provided in this Stackoverflow post.
Basically you create a profile for each command you want to run via Powershells -NoExit flag to keep the window(s) open. You can then launch those commands all as split panes in a single tab through Windows Terminal (wt.exe). Then just alias that command or put it in a shortcut to reuse it. Given that you setup all the proper profiles in settings.json the final command would look something like this (run it from cmd):
wt -p "redis" ; split-pane -p "chromedriver" ; split-pane -H -p "postgresql"
Or you could create a profile in settings.json to open your split pane commands from the WT dropdown menu, which would look something like this:
"guid": "{b7041a85-5613-43c0-be35-92d19002404f}"
"name": "bg_procs",
"colorScheme": "One Half Dark",
"commandline": "wt -p \"redis\" ; split-pane -p \"chromedriver\" ; split-pane -H -p \"postgresql\""
I am trying to figure out a way to make the weblogic WLST terminal run in silent mode.
When i start the terminal with the java weblogic.WLST command, it prints the lines:
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
Is there a command line flag or some unknown witchcraft to make the interpreter not write these lines?
I wishfully tried -s for silent, to no avail.
And all my googling lead me to an -i flag that does something completely different.
To clarify my purpose:
I need the interpreter to run a python script, and i do need the output from that. The welcome message is useless clutter however, that i would like to be rid of.
Limited to:
The only problem i have is the first lines written by the interpreter itself. Once inside the python script i have no problem handling what send to the output. My only problem is the welcome lines written above. These are written by the interpreter itself, and not the python code.
To solve the problem, I did something little differente..
I put a grep -v in the output .. like this:
java weblogic.WLST $ARGS | grep -v "Initializing WebLogic
Scripting Tool (WLST) ..." | grep -v "Welcome to WebLogic Server
Administration Scripting Shell" | grep -v "Type help() for help on
available commands" | grep -v "Successfully connected to Admin Server
\"AdminServer\" that belongs to domain \"domain\"." | grep -v
"Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the server." |
grep -v "To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or Admin port
should be used instead." | grep -v "Location changed to domainRuntime
tree. This is a read-only tree" | grep -v "with DomainMBean as the
root MBean." | grep -v "For more help, use help('domainRuntime')" |
grep -v "Successfully connected to Admin Server" | grep -v "Connecting
to t3://"
Try this:
Like you said "it's a hack", but it's a fairly elegant hack.
Create the file
. ${WLS_HOME}/server/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1
java weblogic.WLST ${FILENAME} "$#" | sed -e "1,7 d"
WLS_HOME needs to be set, or use the absolute path to
Then create your WLST scripts as "shell" scripts like so (I like to use the ".wlsh" extension for my scripts):
#!/bin/bash /
# your WLST Python code starts here
import ...
This obviously the sed script used in only works if the "Initializing" banner is 7 lines long, which could change with new releases or patches of WLS.
The benefit of this solution is that now you can just run your WLST scripts from the command line like so:
$ createManagedServer.wlsh domain servername
Or use WLST scripts is other shell scipts like so:
PORT=`./getPortForManagedServer.wlsh domain server`
echo ${PORT}
you get the picture
I wanted for it to only show me lines that I print inside the script, so I did it simple - prepended special char sequence to all lines I wanted to see in logs (it was print('--> ...') in my case) and launched it like that: "$#" | grep -- "-->"
Sample output:
Executing WLST script for domain SampleDomain
--> Executing credential change for SampleDomain
--> Changing DB password for DSTYPE1
--> Changing password for DataSource SampleDS1
--> Successfully changed DB credentials!
--> Changing password for DataSource SampleDS2
--> No JDBC resource with name SampleDS2 found, skipping...
--> Changing password for DataSource SampleDS3
--> No JDBC resource with name SampleDS3 found, skipping...
--> Changing password for DataSource SampleDS4
--> Successfully changed DB credentials!
Completed execution for domain SampleDomain
Bit of a long shot but you could also silence the entire JVM output by capturing stdout and stderr into a different stream and then print values captured from the weblogic mbeans to the console streams. I had to do something similar a while back after writing an ansible module which required me to return pure JSON to stdout without any message banners or other stuff printed to the terminal.
A possible solution for your needs would involve writing a python script that first changes the OutputStreams as in this example and then starts a WSLT session. Just remember to keep a "copy" of the console out streams and use these to write your results to.
I know 'port select' works with gcc and python --> is there a way to get a full list of all the ports that are switchable by 'port select'?
(I want to make a generic 'select' util that delegates to rvm, port select, etc. and quickly let's me switch entire toolset chains)
There is no way to ask the port select tool itself for a list, but just check the directory /opt/local/etc/select. Each selectable group has a directory there.
Raim's answer works with ports that have been previously installed. For a more comprehensive list, try:
port echo '*_select' | cut -d_ -f1
I would like to have a VM to look at how applications appear and to develop OS-specific applications, however, I want to keep all my code on my Windows machine so if I decide to nuke a VM or anything like that, it's all still there.
If it matters, I'm using VirtualBox.
This is usually handled with network shares. Share your code folder from your host machine and access it from the VMs.
Aside from network shares, another tool to use for this is a version-control system.
You should always be able make a normal network connection between the VM and the hosting OS, as though it were another computer on the same network. Which, in some sense, it is.
I do this all the time.
I have a directory in a Windows drive that I mount in my host ubuntu 12.04.
I run virtualbox ubuntu 13.04 as a guest.
I want the guest to mount the Windows directory with full non-root permissions.
I do almost all my work from a bash shell, so this method is natural for me.
When searching for methods to automatically mount virtualbox shared folders,
reliable and correct methods are hard to distinguish from those that fail.
Failures include getting and setting permissions, as well as other problems.
Methods that fail include:
modifying /etc/fstab
modifying /etc/rc.local
I am fairly certain that rc.local can be used,
but no methods I have tried worked.
I welcome improvements on these guidelines.
On virtualbox 4.2.14 running nautilus (bash terminal) on an ubuntu 13.04 guest,
Below is a working method to mount Common (sharename)
on /home/$USER/Desktop/Common (mountpoint) with full permissions.
(Note the β\β command continuation character in the find command.)
First time only: create your mountpoint, modify your .bashrc file, and run it.
Respond with password when requested.
These are the four command-lines needed:
mkdir $HOME/Desktop/Common
sudo echo β$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALLβ >> /etc/sudoers
find $HOME/Desktop/Common -maxdepth 0 -type d -empty -exec sudo \
mount -t vboxsf -o \
uid=`id -u $USER`,gid=`id -g $USER` Common $HOME/Desktop/Common \;
source ~/.bashrc # Needed if you want to mount Common in this bash.
All other times: simply launch a bash shell.
The find command mounts the shared directory if the mountpoint directory is empty.
If the mountpoint directory is not empty, it does not run the mount command.
I hope this is error-free and sufficiently general.
Please let me know of corrections and improvements.