MYSQL: Create Table If Not Exists - sql

If I do a Create Table If Not Exists, and a table with the same name exists with fewer rows (or columns), what would happen?

The table will not be created if a table with the same name already exists regardless of table layout.

Nothing. If the "IF Not Exists" clause fails, the rest of the create is skipped.


SQL-Creating Table

I am stuck with this question. I know table can be created with the select statement.
CREATE TABLE new_orders (ordr_id,order_date DEFAULT SYSDATE,cus_id)
Select order_id.order_date,customer_id FROM Orders;
Which statement would be true regarding the above question ?
The NEW_ORDERS table would not get created beacuse the default value cannot be specified in the column definition.
The NEW_ORDERS table would get created and only the NOT NULL constraint define on the specified columnns would be passed to the new table.
The NEW_ORDERS table would not get created because the column names in the CREATE TABLE command and the SELECT clause do not match.
The NEW_ORDERS table would get created and all the constraints defined on the specified columns in the orders table would be passed to new Table.
I think correct answer should be 3, but it's wrong. The correct answer according to my book is 2. I don't get it how?
The answer should not be 3. Because in the select statement, you are taking values from Orders table. So you will use the column names of that table. Selecting value from there, you are inserting it into new_orders. So, the column names don't have to be same because they are different tables.

How to copy table by spark-sql

Actually, I want to move one table to another database.
But spark don't permit this.
Then, how to copy table by spark-sql?
I already tried this.
INTO table1 IN new_database
FROM old_database.table1
But it was not working.
maybe try:
CREATE TABLE new_db.new_table AS
FROM old_db.old_table;
To preserve partitioning and storage format do the following-
Get the complete schema of the existing table by running-
show create table db.old_table
The above query will output the table schema which you can just execute after changing the path name and table name.
Then insert all the rows into the new blank table using-
insert into db.new_table select * from db.old_table
The following snippet will create a new table while preserving the definition of the "old" table.
CREATE TABLE db.new_table LIKE db.old_table;
For more info, check the doc's CREATE TABLE.

Add column with data from another stdinfo5table into viewtable in sql query

select name into viewtable from stdinfo5
My error is:
There is already an object named 'viewtable' in the database.
Can someone explain: I want column with data (adding) into viewtable from the stdinfo5 table.
select ... into SomeTarget from SomeSource will create a physical table with the name SomeTarget!
You can use DROP TABLE SomeTarget to delete this table (carefull with real data!!!) or, what might be better, use select ... into #SomeTarget ....
The # before the name will create this table as temp table which is deleted automatically when it gets out of scope.
In your case it seems, that you do not want to delete the table, but you just want to add one more column. In this case you'd need something like ALTER TABLE viewtable ADD TheColumnName TheColumnType; and then use an UPDATE statement to fill this column. If possible, it was easier to delete the table and re-create it with the missing column...

What is the meaning of 1=2 when copying database structure?

I've come across
create table new_table as select * from old_table where 1=2;
What is the meaning of the where 1=2 condition and what function does it perform?
1=2 always evaluates as false. This is a common trick to utilize the create as select to copy a table's structure without copying any of its rows (as none of them will pass the test of 1=2).
Just it will copy the structure of a table not data present in a table. 1=0 or 1=2 will always returns false in where clause so select query doesn't return any rows from table it's just a trick for create a table as like another table in your schema .
1=2 essentially results in none of the current records in the old table being selected when you create the new table and thus that you only use the structure of the old table to make the new table.
WHERE 1=2 means a false condition WHERE no rows will be taken from the table and the target table will be similar to the source table except data

Push deleted items into temporary table after MERGE

A simple query on the INTO clause. When i try the below statement, the items get pushed into CustomersBackup2013 whether the table exists or not.
INTO CustomersBackup2013
FROM Customers;
However, when i try using the into clause in a MERGE like
MERGE TargetTable tt
USING SyncTable st on <condition>
OUTPUT deleted.* INTO #Sometemptable;
I get an error saying invalid object name '#Sometemptable'
Isnt it supposed to create the table if it does not exist? Is there something I am doing wrong.
Is there any way i can modify the clause to push items into #Sometemptable?
No, the table has to exists for the output clause to work.
First create the #temp table and then you can output deleted values in it. Columns in the temp table must match columns from output by ordinal and type.
select into table creates a table if required. it is much like oracle's create table as select. see here select into table
merge only inserts, updates or deletes