using apache location directive to list folders from trac - apache

I have the following directory structure:
and i was wondering if theres a way to specify in httpd.conf to list the directories when i go to Currently i wrote:
<Location /trac>
Options Indexes
But i dont know how to specify the document root to /var/trac.
I tried to do
PythonOption TracEnvParentDir "/var/trac"
PythonOption TracUriRoot "/trac
but i get error 500, and i believe that is because the folders in /var/trac are not trac environments.

I think you're right. You need to find a way to let Apache handle requests to "/" without the help of Python and trac.
It's a bit hard to give you advice because I don't know what your httpd.conf looks right now, but my trac-setup used a <LocationMatch> directive to catch everything that should not be handled by trac so Apache can take care of it.
So you could do something like this:
<LocationMatch "^/trac/.+">
# Your trac directives here
PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
Alias /trac "/var/trac"
<Directory "/var/trac">
Options Indexes
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


Apache: <Directory> directive with no path specified

I have a local server environment running on my OS X machine using MAMP, and I am currently setting up a few virtual hosts. I found that, in order for one of my virtual hosts to recognize my site's .htaccess file, I needed to add a <Directory> directive within the <VirtualHost> directive.
Here is an example of what I am using to configure one of my virtual hosts:
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot "/path/to/mysite"
ServerName mysite.local
<Directory "/path/to/mysite">
AllowOverride All
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Now, I would like to avoid redundancy by removing the path from that <Directory> directive. I tried doing so and it seems to work, although I am not familiar with Apache enough to know the potential consequences of doing this. Furthermore, I could not find an explanation of this case in the Apache Documentation.
This is what I would like to do:
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot "/path/to/mysite"
ServerName mysite.local
AllowOverride All
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Therefore, my question is this: what happens when I omit the path from the <Directory> directive (in this case)?
Directory is a directive targeting a file system directory, and should always have a path (waildcards allowed).
Using some instructions targetd to no directory may be discarded silently, or maybe with an error (you could test it), but is would certainly be useless.
Why would you write some configuration instructions targeted to no directory at all?
But there's maybe more things in your question.
Ususally a Virtualhost should contains at least one Directory instruction, the DocumentRoot directory, and usually we also add one targeting the root of the filesystem, this way:
<Directory />
(instructions to deny access and avoid .htaccess reads)
<Directory /my/document/root/>
(instructions to allow access and still avoid .htaccess reads or to allow them if you are lazy and feel over confident that .htaccess are useful in any way and you do not need speed)
And you could add more, especially to avoid usage of .htaccess files as such file stored in /path/to/somewhere is the same thing as a <Directory /path/to/somewhere> section, but slower.
Now you do not like to repeat yourself in your VH configuration, so you coud maybe use .htaccess files or global level instructions for things that are usually set there. And you could also use another magical keyword, which is Location.
You can use a lot of Apache instruction in a <Location /foo> directive. Locations works on url, not on filesystem paths.
So <Location /> is your documentRoot, and <Location /foo> is maybe the subdirectory 'foo' under you DocumentRoot. This could help you write things in your VH without reusing the documentroot prefix everywhere. But be careful, urls are not file-system paths. Any protection applied on the url level may be weaker or stronger compared to a protection applied on a directory level. It depends on your alias, the way you use urls, etc.
If you use the new Apache 2.4 version you can now use mod_macro or even easier, built-in variables support:
Define docroot "/path/to/mysite"
DocumentRoot ${docroot}
<Directory ${docroot}>

How to Set AllowOverride all

I want to set the AllowOverride all But I don't know how to do it. I have found the following code by searching the google and pasted it in .htaccess:
AllowOverride All
But after pasting it I started receiving "Internal Server Error"
Can anyone guide me where to put this code or how to do it?
In case you are on Ubuntu, edit the file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (here we have an example of /var/www):
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
and change it to;
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
sudo service apache2 restart
You may need to also do sudo a2enmod rewrite to enable module rewrite.
The main goal of AllowOverride is for the manager of main configuration files of apache (the one found in /etc/apache2/ mainly) to decide which part of the configuration may be dynamically altered on a per-path basis by applications.
If you are not the administrator of the server, you depend on the AllowOverride Level that theses admins allows for you. So that they can prevent you to alter some important security settings;
If you are the master apache configuration manager you should always use AllowOverride None and transfer all google_based example you find, based on .htaccess files to Directory sections on the main configuration files. As a .htaccess content for a .htaccess file in /my/path/to/a/directory is the same as a <Directory /my/path/to/a/directory> instruction, except that the .htaccess dynamic per-HTTP-request configuration alteration is something slowing down your web server. Always prefer a static configuration without .htaccess checks (and you will also avoid security attacks by .htaccess alterations).
By the way in your example you use <Directory> and this will always be wrong, Directory instructions are always containing a path, like <Directory /> or <Directory C:> or <Directory /my/path/to/a/directory>. And of course this cannot be put in a .htaccess as a .htaccess is like a Directory instruction but in a file present in this directory. Of course you cannot alter AllowOverride in a .htaccess as this instruction is managing the security level of .htaccess files.
Goto your_severpath/apache_ver/conf/
Open the file httpd.conf in Notepad.
Find this line:
#LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/
Remove the hash symbol:
LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/
Then goto <Directory />
and change to:
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Then restart your local server.
On Linux, in order to relax access to the document root, you should edit the following file:
And depending on what directory level you want to relax access to, you have to change the directive
AllowOverride None
AllowOverride All
So, assuming you want to allow access to files on the /var/www/html directory, you should change the following lines from:
<Directory "/var/www/html">
AllowOverride None
<Directory "/var/www/html">
AllowOverride All
If you are using Linux you may edit the code in the directory of
now, here find the code line kinda like
# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
# Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
AllowOverride None
# Controls who can get stuff from this server.
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Change the AllowOveride None to AllowOveride All
Now now you can set any kind of rule in your .httacess file inside your directories
if any other operating system just try to find the file of httpd.conf and edit it.
As other users explained here about the usage of allowoveride directive, which is used to give permission to .htaccess usage. one thing I want to point out that never use allowoverride all if other users have access to write .htaccess instead use allowoveride as to permit certain modules.
Such as AllowOverride AuthConfig mod_rewrite Instead of
AllowOverride All
Because module like mod_mime can render your server side files as plain text.
enter code hereif you are using linux you have to edit the
under the Documentroot . add the following code
`<Directory /var/www/>
AllowOverride all
Require all granted
then ,
`sudo service apache2 restart`
and you have to enable the apache mod rewrite
`sudo a2enmod rewrite`
I think you want to set it in your httpd.conf file instead of the .htaccess file.
I am not sure what OS you use, but this link for Ubuntu might give you some pointers on what to do.
I also meet this problem, and I found the solution as 2 step below:
1. In sites-enabled folder of apache2, you edit in Directory element by set "AllowOverride all" (should be "all" not "none")
2. In kohana project in www folder, rename "example.htaccess" to ".htaccess"
I did it on ubuntu. Hope that it will help you.
There are several answers but there a number of things wrong with this question and I would like to address these:
If you get an error (e.g. 500), look in the log files (if you have access to them). e.g. /var/log/apache2/ssl_error.log
cat /var/log/apache2/ssl_error.log
[Tue Jun 01 19:05:34 2021] [alert] [pid 31154] config.c(2119):
[client *******] /var/www/mysite/public/tmp/.htaccess:
<Directory not allowed here [lid YLZo3quRlv2EKOAABVoFLwAAAIM]
Putting AllowOverrides in a .htaccess makes no sense and is not allowed. See Context. See also my explanation below. It should be defined in the Apache configuration (e.g. /etc/apache2)
Allowing everything is usually not the best idea. Be as restrictive as possible!
the Directory directive is missing a directory, should be e.g. <Directory /var/www/html/etc>
the Directory directive does not make sense in an .htaccess. The location of the .htaccess in a directory already has the effect of making the statements within apply to a specific directory
do not mix and match snippets that are intended to be put in the Apache configuration (e.g. in /etc/apache2/...) with statements that are intended to be put in .htaccess - though most of the time, they will be identical, there are some subtle differences
If you have the possibility to modify the Apache configuration directly, do not use .htaccess and deactivate it. (for performance reasons, among others. Also you can have all configuration in one place, put it in version control or manage it via a software configuration management tool, e.g. Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack)
Unless you really cannot access and modify the Apache configuration directly, you do not need .htaccess. This is a common misconception.
That you saw a 500 error proves my point. If you change configuration in the Apache configuration directly (and not in .htaccess), you will usually get an error message with an explanation and information about the error and the line number (e.g. when you do service apache2 reload or apachectl configtest) - which gives you the possibility to fix the error before applying this in production(!).
Also, look in the documentation. It is really quite good. For most directives, you can find where they apply (see "Context").
For example, for IfModule, you can see:
Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
For, AllowOverrides it is:
Context: directory
Note the missing .htaccess in the Context!
Instead of googling for information which repeat the same mistakes over and over, look in the documentation!
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server
Make sure you are editing the right file
The main Apache server configuration file. Avoid changing this file. It primarily contains include statements and global settings. Overwrite global settings in the pertinent configuration files listed here. Change host-specific settings (such as document root) in your virtual host configuration.
In such case vhosts.d/*.conf must be edited
Plus those upvoted correct answers sometimes same error could be seen because of mismatched and different settings on SSL part of webserver configurations. (Obviously when not using .htaccess file).

Change path chiliproject

I want to use a subdirectory for a chiliproject instance. Using apache passenger, I was thinking of using rewrites + alias, but then it gives me a 404. Adding a RailsBaseURI i get connection reset.
Is it routes.rb I should adapt or am I looking at the wrong place? It is working right now on but I'd like to have it on
You can use passenger directly without having to use an alias or redirection. However, Passenger requires some special configuration for that. Please see one of our guides for a complete installation example.
Generally you need to configure similar to this (cited from the linked guide):
At first, we assume you have installed ChiliProject to /srv/www/chiliproject. This is not your DocumentRoot.
You need to hint Passenger a bit here so that it correctly finds your ChiliProject. So we create a symlink from the existing DocumentRoot directory to out ChiliProject installation.
ln -s /srv/www/chiliproject/public DOCUMENTROOT/chiliproject
Now add the following directives into your existing virtual host:
# TODO: Remember to replace DOCUMENTROOT with your actual path
Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
RailsBaseURI /chiliproject
# TODO: Remember to replace DOCUMENTROOT with your actual path
<Directory DOCUMENTROOT/chiliproject>
Options -MultiViews
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

Apache: client denied by server configuration

I am getting
[Tue Apr 24 12:12:55 2012] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /labs/Projects/Nebula/bin/
My directory structure looks like (I am using Symfony 2, should be similar structure for other web frameworks)
I have vhosts setup like:
<VirtualHost nebula:80>
DocumentRoot "/labs/Projects/Nebula/web/"
ServerName nebula
ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/nebula-errors.log"
<Directory "/labs/Projects/Nebula/">
Options All
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from 127.0.0 192.168.1 ::1 localhost
I wonder whats the problem and how do I fix it?
Apache 2.4.3 (or maybe slightly earlier) added a new security feature that often results in this error. You would also see a log message of the form "client denied by server configuration". The feature is requiring an authorized user identity to access a directory. It is turned on by DEFAULT in the httpd.conf that ships with Apache. You can see the enabling of the feature with the directive
Require all denied
This basically says to deny access to all users. To fix this problem, either remove the denied directive (or much better) add the following directive to the directories you want to grant access to:
Require all granted
as in
<Directory "your directory here">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
# New directive needed in Apache 2.4.3:
Require all granted
OK I am using the wrong syntax, I should be using
Allow from
Allow from ::1
In Apache 2.4 the old access authorisation syntax has been deprecated and replaced by a new system using Require.
What you want then is something like the following:
<Directory "/labs/Projects/Nebula/">
Options All
AllowOverride All
Require local
Require ip 192.168.1
This will allow connections that originate either from the local host or from ip addresses that start with "192.168.1".
There is also a new module available that makes Apache 2.4 recognise the old syntax if you don't want to update your configuration right away:
sudo a2enmod access_compat
I had this issue using Vesta CP and for me, the trick was remove .htaccess and try to access to any file again.
That resulted on regeneration of .htaccess file and then I was able to access to my files.
Can you try changing "Allow from 127.0.0 192.168.1 ::1 localhost" to "Allow from all".
If that fixes your problem, you need to be less restrict about where content can be requested from
Here's my symfony 1.4 virtual host file on debian, which works fine.
<Directory /var/www/sf_project/web/>
Options All Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
If you wan't to restrict access to a specific ip range, e.g. localhost use this:
Allow from
The mod_authz_host is responsible for filtering ip ranges. You can look up detailed things in there.
But maybe the problem could be related to some kind of misconfiguration in your "apache2.conf".
On what OS is the apache running?
if you are having the
Allow from All
in httpd.conf then make sure us have
like in the below line in httpd.conf
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
In my case the key was:
AllowOverride All
in vhost definition.
I hope it helps someone.
This code worked for me..
<Location />
Allow from all
Order Deny,Allow
Hope this helps others

Apache Location directive for dynamic content fails if nested path

I'm using Apache 2.2x. Most of the content is generated via mod_perl. So, it's dynamic content that has no filesystem mapping. Perfect use of < Location >.
Apache config:
<Location /finance_module1>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler Finance::Module1
<Location /finance/module2>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler Finance::Module2
Module1 works, and is shown here to show that my setup otherwise works.
Module2 does not work. Apache says "File does not exist: /home/joe/www/htdocs/finance". The only difference between the module configurations is that Module2 location contains multiple slashes (what I'm calling a nested path).
About the "File does not exist" error: Of course it doesn't exist -- it's a Location, not a File or Directory. So why does this happen?
I would like to be able to use paths with multiple slashes because I've got a lot of mod_perl modules, and it would be nice to categorize for purposes of control. For one trivial instance, robots.txt could simply say:
Disallow: /finance/
The Apache docs specifically state that < Location > directives need not map to the filesystem, and are well-suited for dynamically generated content.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a workaround? (Besides the obvious "just don't do that").
Answering my own question, for the benefit of anyone else wondering the same thing.
Short answer, use LocationMatch.
In the example above, say the urls are /finance/module1 and /finance/module2. Having the "finance/" path allows all the finance handlers to be configured as a group, in situations where that's desirable.
For example:
<LocationMatch /finance/.*>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlAccessHandler foo
<Location /finance/module1>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler Finance::Module1
<Location /finance/module2>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler Finance::Module2
Slight typo perhaps?
<Location /finance_module1>
<Location /finance/module2>
Not sure if that is the issue.
Perhaps this (add to httpd.conf)
Alias /finance "path-to-files"
<Directory "path-to-files">
Options +Indexes
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Then try the script. You could also make an empty folder there perhaps?