Script to change Action Sequence records in an MSI - scripting

To solve a problem listed here I've got to change the InstallExecuteSequence .RemoveExistingProducts record in an MSI.
I want to do this as part of the build process rather than mucking around with Orca

Modifying the MSI_SetProperty.js script gives
// MSI_SetActionSequence.js <msi-file> <table> <action> <sequence>
// Performs a post-build fixup of an msi to set the specified table/action/sequence
// Constant values from Windows Installer SDK
var msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1;
var msiViewModifyInsert = 1;
var msiViewModifyUpdate = 2;
var msiViewModifyAssign = 3;
var msiViewModifyReplace = 4;
var msiViewModifyDelete = 6;
if (WScript.Arguments.Length != 4)
WScript.StdErr.WriteLine("Usage: " + WScript.ScriptName + " file table action sequence");
var filespec = WScript.Arguments(0);
var table = WScript.Arguments(1);
var action = WScript.Arguments(2);
var sequence = parseInt(WScript.Arguments(3));
var installer = WScript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer");
var database = installer.OpenDatabase(filespec, msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact);
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine("Looking for action:" + action);
var sql = "SELECT Action, Sequence FROM " + table + " WHERE Action = '" + action + "'";
var view = database.OpenView(sql);
var record = view.Fetch();
if (record)
while (record)
WScript.StdOut.Write("Found: " + record.StringData(0) + ", " + record.StringData(1) + ", " + record.StringData(2));
if (record.IntegerData(2) != sequence)
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(" - changing to " + sequence);
record.IntegerData(2) = sequence;
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(" - OK");
record = view.Fetch();
throw("Warning - Could not find " + table + "." + action);
To call this script to perform the change to the action sequence mentioned above you would put the following in a batch file and call that from the post build event e.g. PostBuildEvent = $(ProjectDir)PostBuild.bat
cscript.exe MSI_SetActionSequence.js YOURINSTALLER.MSI InstallExecuteSequence RemoveExistingProducts 1525

Some notes to others out there. I had the "Error 1001. The specified service already exists" problem, and tried the above and it didn't seem to work. Here's what I ran into:
* Make sure the RemovePreviousVersions property on your installer project is set to True. This seems obvious--obvious, that is, if you know about it. By default it is set to False. If False, the above procedure will not solve your problem. *
I have some assemblies installed in the GAC. It appears that when I moved the RemoveExistingProducts sequence that these files were removed from the GAC, but not reinstalled. To solve this I installed all assemblies in the Application Folder. FYI, I'm using VS2010.
Also, another nit-pick. If a user selects "Repair" when attempting to reinstall the same version of a product, they will still get "The specified service already exists" error. If I get time I'll try to fix this. If someone else out there knows how to fix it, could you post?
All that said, thanks for posting this!

The solution provided by Ryan addresses part of the issue I am facing. It does perform full uninstall, followed by install.
However, I have another issue, in my case some of the programs are running in the background. Before the installer can run, the installer complains that some of the files are in use. And gives standard dialog box asking for either to close the application, or restart to complete updating.
Is there a way, eg. a custom action or a setting, to kill the processes running in the background so that the installer goes smoothly?


Where and how do I make another folder to put text files so they work when I export?

I have a folder with my text files that can read and write and work in eclipse. But, when I export to jar, it fails because the files are not found, meaning they are not exported and I don't know how to make eclipse do that. I'm sure the solution is out there, but I don't know exactly what I'm searching for. Do I make a relative directory and how? Or another source folder? What exactly do I need to do?
This shows I have a folder called conf where my files are stored but it is not there on export.
Scanner in = new Scanner(new FileReader("conf/Admins.txt"));
FileWriter out = new FileWriter("conf/CurrentUser.txt");
int id = 0;
String name = "";
String pass = "";
boolean found = false;
while(in.hasNext()) {
id = in.nextInt();
name =;
pass =;
if(id == userID) {
out.write(id + " " + name + " " + pass + "\n");
found = true;
All I had to do was once exported, put my conf file in the same place as the exported jar file. I don't know if, theres a better way but this is a win for me.

noflo 0.5.13 spreadsheet example broken?

I am new to noflo and looking at examples in order to explore it. The spreadsheet example looked interesting but I couldn't make it run. First, it takes some time and manual debugging to identify missing components, not a big deal and I believe will be improved in the future, for now the error message I get is
return process.component.outPorts[port].attach(socket);
TypeError: undefined is not a function
Apparently, before this isAddressable() was also undefined. Checked with this SO issue but I don't have any noflo 0.4 as a dependency anywhere. Spent some time to debug it but seemingly stuck at it, decided to post to SO.
The question is, what are the correct steps to run the spreadsheet example?
For reproduction, here is what I have done:
0) install the following components
i) edit spreadsheet/parse.fbp, because first error was
throw new Error("No outport '" + port + "' defined in process " + proc
Error: No outport 'error' defined in process Read (Read() ERROR -> IN Display())
apparently couchdb ReadDocument component does not provide Error outport. therefore replaced ReadDocument with ReadFile.
< 'tika-app-0.9.jar' -> TIKA Read(ReadDocument)
> 'tika-app-0.9.jar' -> TIKA Read(ReadFile)
ii) at this point, received the following:
if (process.component.outPorts[port].isAddressable()) {
TypeError: undefined is not a function
and improvised a stunt by checking if isAddressable is defined at this location of code:
## -259,9 +261,11 ##
throw new Error("No outport '" + port + "' defined in process " + + " (" + (socket.getId()) + ")");
- if (process.component.outPorts[port].isAddressable()) {
+ if (process.component.outPorts[port].isAddressable && process.component.outPorts[port].isAddressable()) {
return process.component.outPorts[port].attach(socket, index);
return process.component.outPorts[port].attach(socket);
and either way fails. Again, the question is What are the correct steps to run the spreadsheet example?
Thanks in advance.

Selecting multiple files in a dart based chrome app

I was playing around with Google Dart and chrome apps. I tried to select a single file: No problem here!
The code looks like this and prints the filename.
Future<ChooseEntryResult> res = chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry(new ChooseEntryOptions());
res.then((ChooseEntryResult entry) {
print("entries: " +;
But selecting multiple files does not work. In a native chrome app I can do:
chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({"acceptsMultiple":true}, function(entries) {
Even this code fails (I only added acceptsMultiple: false)
Future<ChooseEntryResult> res = chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry(new ChooseEntryOptions(acceptsMultiple: false));
res.then((ChooseEntryResult entry) {
print("entries: " +;
I would expect this to work:
Future<ChooseEntryResult> res = chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry(new ChooseEntryOptions(acceptsMultiple: true));
res.then((ChooseEntryResult entry) {
print("entries: " + entry.entries);
But whenever I select multiple files the "entry" and "entries" fields of ChooseEntryResult gives me null. Has anyone managed to get this working?

is there any more standard way to resume function from jQuery ajax call?

I am trying to write a big project which involves of a lot of code. That's why I want to separate functionalities from different files.
the first file, dataJS, I make an AJAX call to get data from a JSON file.
the second file, showJS I want to display the data obtained from the dataJS file.
When it comes to implementation, I realise that AJAX call takes longer time and even though I include dataJS and showJS in order, showJS will still get a null data
therefore I made a function called continueFromDataJS() in showJS file
and call continueFromDataJS() at the end of the AJAX success function.
I think it's a rather makedo solution. Is there any standard way to do it?
In addition, all intellisense in my Visual Studio is gone. Despite separate files, is there any way to make visual studio get intellisense from the dataJS?
Thank you
sorry, I don't know how to add a follow up question
this is the code
for simplicity I rename some of the files and only take some part out of it. Hope that helps
code in html
code in dataJS.js
var planets = [];
var jsonData = null;
$(function () {
$.getJSON("Scripts/planetData.js", function (data) {
//planets[0] = new planet("uranus", "career", 45, 700, 400, 0.1, 5, 3);
jsonData = data;
for (var i = 0; i < data.planets.length; i++) {
var curPlanet = data.planets[i];
planets[i] = new planet(curPlanet.graphic, i, curPlanet.field, curPlanet.planetInitialAngle, curPlanet.distanceFromStar, curPlanet.planetRadius, curPlanet.planetRevolvingSpeed, curPlanet.planetRotationSpeed, curPlanet.contents.length);
$("#result").append("<p>" + curPlanet.graphic + " " + curPlanet.field + " " + curPlanet.planetInitialAngle + " " + curPlanet.distanceFromStar + " " + curPlanet.planetRadius + " " + curPlanet.planetRevolvingSpeed + " " + curPlanet.planetRotationSpeed + " " + curPlanet.contents.length + "</p>");
callDisplayScript(); //**continue from showJS.js file is that the way to do this?**
// more functions below in dataJS.js
function callDisplayScript() { **// this is the ugly part. What's the proper way to do it?**
$("#display #close").click(function () {
$article = $("#display article");
var data = jsonData.planets[pID].contents; // **this line won't get jsonData if it's out this curly brace.**
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
don't forget to answer my intellisense question. I want in datajs.js automatically hint planets and jsonData declared in datajs.js
is it possible?

How do I show Error Message using Managed Custom Actions with Windows Installer

I am writing a managed custom action. I am using the DTF Framework from Windows Installer Xml to wrap the managed dll into a usable CA dll. The CA does what it is supposed to, but I am still having trouble with error handling:
Dim record As New Record(1)
' Field 0 intentionally left blank
' Field 1 contains error number
record(1) = 27533
session.Message(InstallMessage.Error, record)
The above code produces the following text shown in the MSI log:
MSI (c) (C4 ! C6) [13:15:08:749]: Product: TestMSI -- Error 27533. The case-sensitive passwords do not match.
The error number refers to the code contained in the Error table within the MSI. The Message shown above is correct.
My problem is: Why does Windows Installer NOT create a dialog notifying the user about the error?
MSI can do this, but you need to OR in some extra values for the messageType argument.
Record record = new Record();
record.FormatString = string.Format("Something has gone wrong!");
InstallMessage.Error | (InstallMessage) ( MessageBoxIcon.Error ) |
(InstallMessage) MessageBoxButtons.OK,
record );
See this thread from the wix-users mailing list for more details.
I have run into the same problem, according to Wix: A Developer's Guide to Windows Installer XML by Nick Ramirez, the log and message methods don't work when a custom action is called from a UI control.
If you want a dialog to show up that contains the message, you must do it yourself.
Here's some code I use to do error handling in managed custom actions that run SQL.
It shows a messagebox if the installation is operating with a full UI.
It's in c# but hopefully you'll get the idea.
private void _handleSqlException(SqlException ex)
StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
errorMessage.Append("A SQL error has occurred.");
for (int i = 0; i < ex.Errors.Count; i++)
errorMessage.Append("Index #" + i + "\n" +
"Message: " + ex.Errors[i].Message + "\n" +
"LineNumber: " + ex.Errors[i].LineNumber + "\n" +
"Source: " + ex.Errors[i].Source + "\n" +
"Procedure: " + ex.Errors[i].Procedure + "\n");
if (session["UILevel"] == "5")