Apache: Multiple log files? - apache

What are the access.log.* files?

Apache, I believe, does log rotation. So these would be the older log files with the access.log file being the current one.

Apache / apache2 itself doesn't do its own log rotation. On *nix systems, logs (including logs by Apache) are usually rotated via logrotate, a command which looks like a service but is actually only a script triggered by cron in defined intervals. (#nobody already pointed that out in comments). One default logrotate configuration appends ".1" to an older, rotated log, so a file like access.log.1 would end up in your logs directory. This is what you are probably seeing.
Is it possible to have apache log to multiple log files?
The question's title can be ambiguous. For anyone coming here to learn if it is possible to make Apache write to multiple log files simultaneously, the answer is: Yes.
The TransferLog or CustomLog directives are used to define logfiles. These directives can be repeated to make Apache write to more than one log file. This also works for VHOSTS / Virtual Host entris. Only ancient Apache releases were limited to only one logfile per server configuration.


How to clear apache piped rotate logs under /wslogs on http server instances

We have the following in our httpd.conf files:-
ErrorLog "| /usr/HTTPServer/bin/rotatelogs /wslogs/instance_name/hostname_%m%d%Y_error.log 86400"
CustomLog "| /usr/HTTPServer/bin/rotatelogs /wslogs/instance_name/hostname_%m%d%Y_access.log 86400" combined
This writes the piped logs to /wslogs/instance_name using the format described above.
We see that in no time these log files tend to occupy whole lot space under /wslogs and we are unaware of that.
And then when we do our deployments that also has a step to restart server, the server fails to restart with an error:-
httpd (no pid file) not running
Error writing to the file /wslogs/instance_name/server_name_12022016_error.log
Then we have to manually clean the wslogs folder.
Is there a way to automatically handle this and make sure these logs are there only for last 10 days, or in other words a way to delete logs older than 10 days.
Any suggestions/solutions here would be greatly appreciated.
You cannot manage the historical files with the http server itself. You need to use something external like logrotate or your own cron scripts.

How do I find my httpd.conf file?

*Edit: Anyone who's using MAMP PRO on a Mac running Mac OS X Lion may find it helpful to know that I finally tracked down my httpd.conf file in my personal library at Application Support > appsolute > MAMP PRO > httpd.conf. The reason I couldn't find it with a normal search is that it's a hidden directory. To access it, open Finder, Choose Go > Go To Folder, then type in ~/Library After tracking it down, you may then discover that it's almost impossible to edit your httpd.conf file. ); *
This is a weird one. I'm using MAMP on a Mac and want to modify my httpd.conf file so it defaults my URL's to lower case. So I navigated to Applications > MAMP > conf > apache > httpd.conf and added this line of code:
RewriteMap tolower int:tolower
I then modified one of my .htaccess files accordingly, but nothing happened. (Yes, I restarted my servers.)
I then reopened my httpd.conf file and added this code, which I understand is supposed to display "verbose" messages in my log file:
LogLevel trace8
I then opened my log file # Application > MAMP > logs > apache_error.log. There's code associated with the web pages I most recently visited, but they're just generic messages - not "verbose" messages.
Someone who understands Apache far better than me told me this indicates that the httpd.conf file I modified isn't being used by my server or sites. In other words, there must be another httpd.conf file out there somewhere.
Sure enough, I typed httpd.conf into Apple's finder and found half a dozens files with that name. I don't know where they came from; I recently tried to install Drupal and Aqquia, so that might be where some of them originated.
Anyway, I added the code (including LogLevel trace8) to EVERY httpd.conf file, restarted my servers, and I STILL don't see any changes on my websites, and I still just see generic code in my log file.
I'm completely snowed. It looks like the httpd.conf file in my MAMP folder is out of the loop, yet the Apache log file in the same folder is being used...or can errors be written to more than one Apache log file at the same time?
If I rename the httpd.conf file in my MAMP folder and restart my servers, my sites display fine, further suggesting that this httpd.conf is outside the flow. Yet if I rename a file that sits beside it named mime.types, my web pages don't display.
Anyway, does anyone have any idea how I can figure out what's going on?
If not, then can you advise me on Plan B? If I can't find my httpd.conf file, then I'll have to abandon ship and just do it online. I've found the path to my online httpd.conf file. I don't know how to open online files, but I assume I can copy it to my computer with an ftp program, open it and modify it, then publish it online.
So here are my questions: Am I correct in understanding that I can safely add the code RewriteMap tolower int:tolower to my online httpd.conf file without affecting any of my websites UNTIL I also modify a .htaccess file(s)? And if I modify my online config file, do i have to restart the server, just as I do on my computer?
First, use the ps command to find the full path to the running Apache process:
$ ps ax | grep httpd
28 ?? Ss 3:01.99 /usr/sbin/httpd -D FOREGROUND
On this system, Apache is /usr/sbin/httpd.
Second, run that binary with the -V option to show its configuration. This should include the path to the config file.
$ /usr/sbin/httpd -V
Server compiled with....
-D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="/private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf"
On this system, the running copy of Apache reads its config from /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf.

My httpd.conf is empty

I recently installed apache2 on ubuntu but I have a problem, my httpd.conf is empty. Can someone give me a clean copy of httpd.conf for apache2 on ubuntu?
Edit: I saw your answers but on wampserver httpd.conf is not empty and as you mentioned it is for user options. SO what should I do?
Edit2 : That's what I got on my apache2.conf, how I add modules, enable gzip and all of that?
[Deleted the contents, as they render the question unreadable and are useless, because that were the default Apache2 configuration under Ubuntu.]
The /etc/apache2/httpd.conf is empty in Ubuntu, because the Apache configuration resides in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf!
“httpd.conf is for user options.” No it isn't, it's there for historic reasons.
Using Apache server, all user options should go into a new *.conf-file inside /etc/apache2/conf.d/. This method should be "update-safe", as httpd.conf or apache2.conf may get overwritten on the next server update.
Inside /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, you will find the following line, which includes those files:
# Include generic snippets of statements
Include conf.d/
As of Apache 2.4+ the user configuration directory is /etc/apache2/conf-available/. Use a2enconf FILENAME_WITHOUT_SUFFIX to enable the new configuration file or manually create a symlink in /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/. Be aware that as of Apache 2.4 the configuration files must have the suffix .conf (e.g. conf-available/my-settings.conf);
It's empty by default. You'll find a bunch of settings in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.
In there it does this:
# Include all the user configurations:
Include httpd.conf
OK - what you're missing is that its designed to be more industrial and serve many sites, so the config you want is probably:
which on my system is linked to from /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
if you want to have different sites with different options, copy the file and then change those...
It seems to me, that it is by design that this file is empty.
A similar question has been asked here:
So, you should have a look for /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Apache 2.2 on XP: How configuration files are managed? Where should they be located?

New to Apache, and suffering...
Seems to be true:
the default configuration is in Apache directory Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf
Unsure of that:
it can be elsewhere
to create some separation between test/production, it seems that the best option is
to store all test files, including configuration and logs, in the same directory, with subdirectories conf, log, htdocs, and all production files in another directory using a similar structure.
if my upper directory is d:mywww, then the server needs to be started with the associated configuration file, e.g. httpd -f "d:mywww/conf/httpd.conf"
What will happen to the default configuration file if the -f option is used. Will it be ignored?
If instead of the -f option, you use httpd -d "d:mywww/htdocs" to indicate the directory to serve, but not any configuration file, will the default config file be used and the one under d:mywww/conf ignored?
Can someone confirm or deny?
Is there a well known site with a good introduction on setting up Apache, if possible on Windows. I found the Apache documentation a little bit difficult, and Apache Definitive Guide not clear about this kind of questions.
I was new to Apache 2 months ago, and still suffering. Since you got no replies from pros yet, I'll chip in my 2 cents: (all for Ubuntu 10.10)
httpd.conf is used for your personal configurations, so I'd say that it is not the default configuration file as you specify. The default would be, in my case at least, in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
you can have a bunch of other conf files. In my case, I can place any file with an extension .conf inside /etc/apache2/conf.d/ and it will be picked up by Apache on restart.
Don't know about the rest. Hope it helps you

Difference between ServerRoot, DocumentRoot, and Directory

While playing with Apache, I messed up the paths without making a backup httpd.config file.
The file is located at C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.config
I want to keep my web project on the D: drive as a virtual folder. This is the current non-working state. How can I fix this or revert to the xampp defaults?
ServerRoot "C:\xampp\apache"
DocumentRoot "D:\workspace"
<Directory "D:\workspace\AutionWebSite">
ServerRoot = path to the webserver executable/dir
DocumentRoot = path to your files that are delivered by the server
The <Directory> directive is used to configure settings for a specific directory. However, the <Directory> command in your question is not complete.
The default values for DocumentRoot and Directory for XAMPP is "C:\xampp\htdocs"
I would say that the most easiest way for you would be to check your xampp version, make a back up of your document root, which is probably "www" or "htdocs", your configuration files and eventually dump your database. Now install the same version of xammp again and there it is.
And at least the first rule is by playing with "config files", make backups before. The second rule is, make a backup of the whole configuration directory anyway, just for the case. And the last one is, if you are a xammp user, means you are a windows user, so you probably don't have unixoid server administration knowledges, so there is a long way for you to starting to "play" with the apache server.
The only think that you should know is, that you need to set the direction "AllowOverride All", which is necessary, if you use some content management system or other systems, which brings there own .htaccess file. So long you work on windows with xammp and not on a linux or other unixoid operating systems, you cannot understand the complete world of web servers like apache or database servers like postgresql and the sensibility of configuration files.
I understand the necessity of it for understanding of whole web applications respect. to be an full stack web programmer, but before that, i wouldn't change in the future the default server configurations, just check the row "AllowOverride All". Hope this will help your.
Server Root "/Local"
-specifies the default directory hierarchy for the Apache installation.
Document Root"/Local/WWW/apache22/data"
- the directory out of which you will serve your documents.