printing floating point numbers in D - printf

It's been quite a while since I last used D Programming Language, and now I'm using it for some project that involves scientific calculations.
I have a bunch of floating point data, but when I print them using writefln, I get results like: 4.62593E-172 which is a zero! How do I use string formatting % stuff to print such things as 0?
Right now I'm using a hack:
if( abs(a) < 0.0000001 )
it does the job, but I want to do it using the formatting operations, if possible.
someone suggested writefln("%.3f", a) but the problem with it is that it prints needless extra zeros, i.e. 0 becomes 0.000 and 1.2 becomes 1.200
Can I make it also remove the trailing zeros?

Short answer: This can't be done with printf format specifiers.
Since D uses the same formatting as C99's vsprintf(), you find your answer in this thread: Avoid trailing zeroes in printf()

Try something like
writefln("%.3f", a);

Federico's answer should work, for more information check the format specifiers section.

I see you are currently using Phobos, however what you are trying to do is supported in Tango.
Stdout.formatln("{:f2}", 1.2);
will print "1.20"


Formatting in Raku

I have written a function that outputs a double, upto 25 decimal
places. I am trying to print it as a formatted output from Raku.
However, the output is incorrect and truncated.
See MWE:
my $var = 0.8144262510988963255087469;
say sprintf("The variable value is: %.25f", $var)
The above code gives The variable value is: 0.8144262510988963000000000 which is not what is expected.
Also, this seems weird:
my $var = 0.8144262510988963255087469;
say $var.Str.chars; # 29 wrong, expected 27
I tested the same in C:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
double var = 0.8144262510988963255087469;
printf("The variable value is: %.25lf \n", var);
return 0;
However, it works fine. Given the identical nature of sprintf and printf, I expected this C example to work in Raku too. Seems like %lf is not supported.
So is there a workaround to fix this?
I think this is actually a bug in how Rat literals are created. Or at least as WAT :-).
I actually sort of expect 0.8144262510988963255087469 to either give a compile time warning, or create a Num, as it exceeds the standard precision of a Rat:
raku -e 'say 0.8144262510988963255087469'
Note that these are not the same.
There is fortunately an easy workaround, by creating a FatRat
$ raku -e 'say 0.8144262510988963255087469.FatRat'
FWIW, I think this is worthy of creating an issue
From your question:
I have written a function that outputs a double, upto 25 decimal places.
From google:
Double precision numbers are accurate up to sixteen decimal places
From the raku docs :
When constructing a Rat (i.e. when it is not a result of some mathematical expression), however, a larger denominator can be used
so if you go
my $v = 0.8144262510988963255087469;
say $v.raku;
it works.
However, do a mathematical expression such as
my $b = $a/10000000000000000000000000;
and you get the Rat => Num degradation applied unless you explicitly declare FatRats. I visualise this as the math operation placing the result in a Num register in the CPU.
The docs also mention that .say and .put may be less faithful than .raku, presumably because they use math operations (or coercion) internally.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but 10**25 > 2 **64, but what you report as an issue is correct & (fairly) well documented behaviour given the constraints of double precision IEEE P754.

Preceding Zeros on Numbers (With Letters on Some)

an awful post title I know, struggled with that one!
Basically I have a list of numbers ranging from 1 - 230(ish)
I'm using sprintf( '%03d', $num) to output the numbers so that they have preceding zeros if necessary.
However something has buggered it all up, as I see some of the numbers also have letters in them (e.g. 134a, 134b etc).
So those numbers all currently output as '134'
I tried setting sprintf to %04d but that didn't work either, it just displayed them as '0134'
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Sounds like hexadecimal numbers. Use "%04x".

How to split lines in Haskell?

I have made a program which takes a 1000 digit number as input.
It is fixed, so I put this input into the code file itself.
I would obviously be storing it as Integer type, but how do I do it?
I have tried the program by having 1000 digits in the same line. I know this is the worst possible code format! But it works.
How can assign the variable this number, and split its lines. I read somewhere something about eos? Ruby, end of what?
I was thinking that something similar to comments could be used here.
Help will be appreciated.
the basic idea is to make this work:
instead of something like this:
Haskell doesn't have a way to split (non-String) literals across multiple lines. Since Strings are an exception, we can shoehorn in other literals by parsing a multiline String:
v = read
\23545" :: Integer
Alternately, you can use list syntax if you think it's prettier:
v = read . concat $
] :: Integer
The price you pay for this is that some work will be done (once) at runtime, namely, the parsing (e.g. read).

How does %NNN$hhn work in a format string?

I am trying out a classic format string vulnerability. I want to know how exactly the following format string works:
"%NNN$hhn" where 'N' is any number.
E.g: printf("%144$hhn",....);
How does it work and how do I use this to overwrite any address I want with arbitrary value?
Thanks and Regards,
Hrishikesh Murali
It's a POSIX extension (not found in C99) which will simply allow you to select which argument from the argument list to use for the source of the data.
With regular printf, each % format specifier grabs the current argument from the list and advances the "pointer" to the next one. That means if you want to print a single value in two different ways, you need something like:
printf ("%c %d\n", chVal, chVal);
By using positional specifiers, you can do this as:
printf ("%1$c %1$d\n", chVal);
because both format strings will use the first argument as their source.
Another example on the wikipedia page is:
printf ("%2$d %2$#x; %1$d %1$#x",16,17);
which will give you the output:
17 0x11; 16 0x10
It basically allows you to disconnect the order of the format specifiers from the provided values, letting you bounce around the argument list in any way you want, using the values over and over again, in any arbitrary order.
Now whether you can use this as an user attack vector, I'm doubtful, since it only adds a means for the programmer to change the source of the data, not where the data is sent to.
It's no less secure than the regular style printf and I can see no real vulnerabilities unless you have the power to change the format string somehow. But, if you could do that, the regular printf would also be wide open to abuse.

Variable evaluation in LateX

I have the following piece of latex code:
I expected \d to have the value 1.5. But it did not. However, adding parenthesis to the definition of \c like
Doesn't work either, because if I use \c somewhere, it complains about the parenthesis. Is there a way to evaluate \c before dividing it by 2 in the definition of \d? Like:
(I made that \eval up to show what I mean)
You could use the calc package for arithmetic operations. The package fp works with real numbers.
For discussing LaTeX problems you're kindly invited to visit
You need to remember that \def is about creating replacement text. It will always give you back what you put in, quite apart from not knowing anything about maths. If we assume you are using e-TeX (likely), then for integer expressions you might do
\edef\c{\number\intexpr \a + \b \relax}
\edef\d{\number\intexpr \c / 2 \relax}
This uses the e-TeX primitive \intexpr, which does integer mathematics. For real numbers, Stefan is right that the fp package is the best approach.