Crystal Report in -

Im creating a report using crystal report in
The report contained a crosstab which I have 3 data:
1. Dealer - row field
2. Month - column
3. Quantity Sales - summarize field
How can I arrange this by ascending order based on the
Quantity Sales - summarize field?

Depending on how you're working with it, you can adjust the input to order the data ascending.
SELECT customer, sum(amountdue) AS total FROM invoices
GROUP BY customer
If you're doing in a way that you can't change that information, could you provide a little more insight?

Note that other Business Objects products order on the total of a summary field when sorting a cross tab by it's values. I forget how CR does it exactly.


Ms ACCESS and queries: dates in graph not in order

I use queries in Ms ACCESS to create graphs (shown in forms) to represent monthly spend data on a supplier. I want the x axis to be the months in chronological order, and this is where I'm having issues.
The picture above shows that the x axis starts with april 2016, although the earliest date is august 2015.
The query code that creates the graph is the following:
SELECT (Format([DateStamp],"mmm"" '""yy")) AS Expr1, Sum([Item Master].SpendPerMaterial) AS Expr2
FROM [Item Master]
WHERE ((([Item Master].SupplierName)=[Forms]![Supplier History]![List0]))
GROUP BY (Format([DateStamp],"mmm"" '""yy")), (Year([DateStamp])*12+Month([DateStamp])-1);
[Item Master] is the table were all data is retrieved from. DateStamp refers to the column with months, SpendPerMaterial is the spend of a certain material in that month (which is aggregated since we look at the supplier level, not the material level), and List0 is a list where users can select a supplier from a list of suppliers.
You should never rely on the ordering of results from a query unless you include an explicit order by. In your case, the results are ordered by the columns alphabetically (because of the group by).
You can fix this by adding:
order by max([DateStamp])
to the query.
I would add the following to your query, after your GROUP BY clause:
ORDER BY [datestamp] ASC;
I tried the other suggesions on an aggregate totals by month report and no luck. the only way i could get the actual month labels was by putting labels directly beneath the chart, which means altering it every month!

Crystal Report formula to reset a count?

I want to get the total qty of items sold by year by each part number. So far I have the following formula:
if {INVOICE_DATE} >= DateTime(2012, 01, 01) and
{INVOICE_DATE} <= DateTime(2012, 12, 31)
Now, that formula just sums all the parts sold in that year. What I need is for it to reset the sum as it count through each invoice and by each part. How can I do this?
Your formula is not doing what you think it is. For each row in your report (I'll assume that this is by an Invoice_ID or something along those lines) this will simply display the grand total sum of {INVOICE.QTY} for all invoices in the report and will not change from row to row.
To get something that is like your image, you need to create a Cross-Tab object and configure it such that its rows are based on the Product_ID, the columns are based on Invoice_Date and set to be printed "for each year", and set the "Summarized Fields" to be the sum of {INVOICE.QTY}.
I guess you are not grouoing the report hence you are getting the grand total using that formula. What you can do is:
First create a group by Year and then by Part.
In details place your fields that need to be summed and supress the detail part.
Take sum in group footer 2 (For parts summary) and Group footer 1 (For year summary).

SQL Pivot Table with Dates

I have a table with inventory quantities
I need to create a pivot table which I can pull into either Excel or Crystal which includes data for the previous 25 working days.
The column headings need to be a formula so when I bring them into Crystal or Excel, I can have conditional formatting on them.
For example
Stock Code
QtyonHand -25 days
Does anyone have any ideas?
Use a cross-tab and save yourself some effort.
stock code in rows summary section
date in column summary section (group by day; DESC)
qtyonhand in summarized field section
Change record-selection formula to be:
{} >= (DataDate - 25)

How to group the formula field results in crystal reports

I want Number of cartons and Pieces currently available in the stock that are about to expire in next 30 days and this is calculated based on expiry date...I have used formula field on crystal report to calculate current stock like "stock.crtns_added - stock.crtns_removed" and "stock.pieces_added - stock.pieces_removed"....Now I want to group by item name, category and expirydate because based on these three columns there can be more than 1 entries in the database....I want that when there are more than one entries the formula should sum up all the cartons and pieces for same item of a category with same expiry date and on report it should display just 1 line showing available cartons and pieces that are about to expire
How can i do this?? How can I apply group clause on the formula field in crystal report to get sum of cartons or pieces for each item based on expiry date??
You can Insert Group for each group you want. You can nest the groups and put the formula inside the inner-most grouping and it should give you sums grouped how you want. You'll end up with something similar to this:
Report Header
Page Header
Group Header 1 (category)
Group Header 2 (item name)
Group Header 3 (expiry date)
Group Footer 3 - summation formulas possibly go here
Group Footer 2
Group Footer 1
Page Footer
Report Footer

Is there a way to distinct more than 1 field

I need a report that has office, date and order count. I need the total count of orders per month, but only 1 order count per day.
West 1/1/2009 1 order
West 1/1/2009 1 order
West 1/2/2009 1 order
on my report I would see
West 1/1/2009 1 order
West 1/2/2009 1 order
and my total orders would be 2.
This would be really easy with SQL, I know, but I do not have access.
Are you just looking for this?
SELECT DISTINCT Office, Date, OrderCount FROM YourTable
This would duplicate your results, but the data set is too small to know for sure if this is what you're trying to accomplish. Using the DISTINCT clause would return only unique combinations of Office, Date, and OrderCount - in this case, one line per day/office.
UPDATE: Ah - I didn't read the part where you don't have SQL access. You still have two choices:
In Crystal Reports Designer, in the "Database" menu, check the "Select Distinct Records" option at the bottom of the menu.
Edit the SQL query directly - Database menu -> Database Expert -> Under "Current Connections", click "Add new command" and type your SQL command. Modify the one I provided above to meet your needs, and it should do the trick.
You can create three groups, one for office, one for date, and one for order. Then put the fields in the day group footer and suppress the other sections. This will cause the report to show a new section for each day, but only show one row for each order. Then you can add your running total to the section. Set the running total up to sum the field you want, evaluate on change of day group and then reset on change of month (you'll need to set a formula up for this one to evaluate the month).
This should group and order the report like you are looking for and will have a running total that will run along side which will reset per month. Hope this helps.